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Chapter 1265: An opportunity for module export, a product that leads the times!

"Dear guests, please rest assured that it is just a minor earthquake and will not have any impact on our itinerary!"

The earthquake continued, and the driver turned his head and showed a reassuring smile.

However, in the eyes of Sean and others, this smile looked a bit devilish.

Hey guys, this is called a "mild" earthquake??!

The ground almost turned into a trampoline, and the ups and downs were so large that it far exceeded the five-degree standard.

If measured according to the earthquake grading standards, the magnitude of this earthquake may have reached level 7 or even higher!

"If you have any other concerns, you might as well observe the surrounding environment carefully."

Afraid that Sean and the others wouldn't believe it, the driver deliberately slowed down the car.

Sure enough, as he said, although the ups and downs of the ground are indeed exaggerated, it can be seen with the naked eye that the straight asphalt road is constantly twisting left and right, and some joints are still jumping, but after each twist, it can magically return to its original state.

condition, intact.

Could it be that the impact of earthquakes was taken into consideration when building this asphalt road, and special technologies and materials were used?

Of course it's impossible. The untreated wildness in the distance is also distorting at this time, but miraculously it has not been affected in any way.

Even the buildings built on the ground are about to stand up, but there are no signs of collapse.

"How is this possible?"

Sean felt a bit dumbfounded as his intelligence was insulted.

Fortunately, the earthquake did not last long and stopped after only about two minutes.

And when the earthquake was over and I looked around, it seemed like nothing had happened at all.

Roads, wilderness, and buildings were all not affected by the earthquake.

"If you want to live in this wasteland, you have to get used to this strange situation."

As if aware of the unsolvable doubts that Sean and others had, Somo's voice sounded from the car's horn.

With the prompts on the game panel, players have long been prepared for this punishing disaster.

But for the Blue Star natives who were completely kept in the dark, it was a sudden thunderbolt.

Therefore, in order to prevent the indigenous people from being directly wiped out by an earthquake, the game set up omens.

Starting from the earthquake just now, there will be a small earthquake every day for the next seven days.

The magnitude will become more and more terrifying as the date is pushed back, and the warning time will be extended accordingly.

And after the seven-day warning period has passed, the punishment disaster "Pihai Earthquake" will officially come!

"Get used to it. Can you get used to this?"

There was a trace of incredible confusion in Sean's voice, and his eyes flashed with deep thinking.

However, this time he did not ignore this advice as easily as before, but engraved it deeply in his heart.

After seeing the extraordinary layout and sights of Tianyuan Territory, his intuition told Sean that every word spoken by this lord seemed to contain some far-reaching foresight.

Choosing to believe may become the key to survival at a critical moment in the future!

The sudden earthquake was an insignificant episode during the visit to the territory.

As the Nengqi continued to penetrate deeper into the territory, Sean, Joseph, and Luke were still full of doubts in their hearts, but they were soon distracted by the tremendous changes in Tianyuan Territory in the past eight months.

Although the population growth figures in the data are staggering enough, the shock brought by seeing all this with one's own eyes cannot be described in words.

From 10,000 to 100,000 people, for Tianyuan Territory, this is not just a tenfold increase in population.

Corresponding to this huge population growth is the rapid development of territorial infrastructure and facilities without realizing it.

Look around.

Large blocks of farmland are like green chessboards built on the earth, lined up in a row, and each piece is carefully divided, like a green tapestry.

It was the beginning of spring, and the midday sun was shining on the fields. The earthquake just now did not affect the busyness of the fields.

Dozens or hundreds of agricultural machinery are rooted in the ground and are busy shuttling back and forth, making rumbling sounds.

First, the plow turns the soil in front to prepare it for sowing, and the seeder follows closely behind, spreading the seeds evenly into the fertile soil.

When the two are completed, the fertilizer spreader will follow closely after sowing, providing sufficient nutrients for new life.

Like a well-coordinated team, large machinery works together in the farmland to complete every job efficiently.

Compared with the scenario where manual sowing was required eight months ago, today's productivity has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although it has not yet been fully automated, the production efficiency has been increased by ten times, or even more than a hundred times.

In the plantations between the farmland, it is a different scene.

In the tall fence where red and green intersect, various fruit trees and vegetables are full of green and vitality.

There are dense figures of people busy there, pruning branches and leaves, watering and fertilizing, or picking fruits. Every task needs to be completed by hand.

Compared with semi-automated and mechanized farmland, plantations pay more attention to meticulous care and attention.

Every fruit and leaf embodies the hard work and sweat of the participants.

And unlike the neat and uniform farmland, there are no strict plans and boundaries in the plantations, and fruit trees and vegetables grow freely and in an orderly manner.

The seemingly chaotic layout reveals a natural wildness and vitality of life.

And this is exactly what the Super 99% gathering place and the Gopher Man cannot have.

Utilize industrially synthesized starch machines, protein machines, and vitamin machines

Nutritious machines, meal machines, and instant food machines that can supply finished products by inputting various materials.

A large number of machines omit the complete closed-loop process from zero to one, from one to two, and from start to end.

People no longer need to grow, pick, and cook food with their own hands. They can get everything they need by simply operating the machine.

Although this way of life made human beings' lives easier at the beginning, it also caused later people to gradually lose their connection with nature and their love and awe for life.

Especially with the increasing reliance on industrial synthesis machines and automated production lines, Blue Star humans have gradually fallen into a vicious cycle that they cannot get out of.

First, most humans no longer think about how to increase the upper limit of production capacity, but only think about finding more raw materials. In order to meet this growing demand, a large amount of land and resources have been over-exploited and utilized, and a large number of resource plundering wars have taken place.

It has never stopped, not only seriously damaging the ecological environment, but also leading to the reduction of biological diversity and rapid depletion of resources.

Second, human beings’ lifestyles and ways of thinking have become more and more monotonous and mechanized. Since they no longer experience the joy of creating and harvesting with their own hands, most forces are becoming more and more dependent on the three major forces, like Qinggang City.

In large cities, the vast number of shelters in the southern suburbs can actually be reduced to the point where the shelters cannot operate without the Foundation's merchant ships.

Third, and the most serious point, when humans rely too much on machines, the so-called spirit of innovation and exploration is actually slowly disappearing. More and more people are becoming satisfied with the status quo and just want to live day by day.

This negative attitude directly hinders the progress of science and technology and stagnates the development of society.

"I still remember this place. This place used to turn into a small pond when it rained. People passing by had to take a long detour before they could move on."

Luke pointed to a spot in the field with a look of emotion on his face: "But who would have thought that just so long ago, a plantation of such a huge scale would be developed here!"

"Building a plantation is not difficult, but it is difficult." Joseph shook his head slowly, looking at the large and small agricultural machinery in the field, his eyes showing thinking:

"Not surprisingly, these agricultural machinery should be produced by them themselves!"

Although in terms of difficulty, these missing agricultural machinery are not uncommon items.

But the key is that in eight months, they suddenly jumped from the manual era to the mechanical era.

Even those gopher shelters that have complete sets of information may not be able to do this!

However, the shock is far from over.

When Neng drove through the bustling Hope Town and finally arrived at Longteng Village, the three of them stood up almost at the same time.

"Is this their industrial area?"

Sean's voice was trembling, and an unspeakable color flashed in his eyes. His whole body seemed to have been hit hard with a heavy hammer, and he was completely stunned for a moment.

If we talk about the rapid changes in the outpost, the neatness of the farmland, and the vitality of the plantation.

Even Hope Town, which has doubled in size, is still within the scope of understanding of all these developments.

So the Longteng Village that has sprung up from scratch in just eight months is like a miracle, a miracle that can be called a cheat!

The tall chimney stands straight, with black smoke billowing out from it.

The rumbling sound of the machines running was deafening, as if a giant dragon was lying on the ground and roaring low.

Dozens or hundreds of small box-shaped energy vehicles are busily shuttled on the asphalt roads connecting major factories. Their back buckets are loaded with various finished products and raw materials, like flowing rivers, connecting various parts of Longteng Village.

The corners are closely connected.

“Welcome to Longteng Village”

Somo shrugged as he got off the car.

"Speaking of which, you should be the first batch of outsiders to visit Longteng Village."

"But when the Red Spider Caravan first arrived, everything here was already on the planning drawings. We just had to wait for the materials to be in place before we could build it."

"In the past eight months, we have moved all the industrial zones in Hope Town and created dozens of factories and enterprises that will help develop the territory."

"Look over there, there is the ordnance area. We have established a complete production line for weapons, parts and large machinery. As long as there are sufficient raw materials, we can assemble ten military combat vehicles with excellent performance within a day. In just one month

Within the period, the weapons and tanks we produce are enough to support a medium-sized local war!"

"Of course, we are not only developing in the military field. You see, there are also our commodity and industrial product production areas. From daily necessities to precision instruments, from simple tools to complex machinery, everything can be produced here.

Our products not only meet the needs within the territory, but are also sold to Qinggang City next door, bringing huge economic benefits to the territory."

Soma's words revealed an indescribable pride and satisfaction.

In the surrounding land, there is indeed nothing more popular than products bearing the Tianyuan logo!

The poor productivity of the gophers in the city is nothing to mention in the era of large-scale industrial production regardless of cost, pollution, or price.

Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, the only one with the ability to resist, focused all its attention on the reconstruction of the outer city.

Before they could react, the Tianyuan Alliance had already gained a huge advantage.

If you want to make a comeback now, you have to bomb the market with almost freebies.

But is this possible?

"In addition, we also have some secret research and development projects."

Sumo smiled and gave it up, and took the three of them to the module factory for a tour.

Wealth should not be revealed in vain.

For the former Tianyuan territory, rash disclosure of such black technology could easily lead to death.

But now the situation has already changed.

In terms of cutting-edge deterrence, the territory already has energy stone bombs that are no less than reactive nuclear weapons, which are enough to deter any enemy with evil intentions.

In terms of mid-range weapons, large-volume arms factories have grown to a large scale, and the weapons produced every day can start a small local war.

In terms of low-end manpower at a disadvantage in the past, the Tianyuan Alliance now has the ability to raise an army of 50,000 people at any time after its establishment.

If you continue to be timid, you will be unreasonably cautious.

"This is the module technology we developed, Mr. Sean, come and try it."

In full view of everyone, Sumo took out the still warm first-level storage module from the production workshop and handed it over.

Sean took it blankly, not understanding the function of this small square at first.

But after a few quick gropings, as expected, the screeching sound of a prairie dog rang out in the factory.

"Oh my God!" Sean's voice was full of disbelief, "What on earth is this? Why can it suck such a large cargo directly into it?"

"Try again and you can still get it out."

Pulling Sean back a few steps, Sumo smiled and signaled.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and quickly put his hands on the cube again to fiddle with it, and more exclamations began to come one after another.

"It's unbelievable that the things you sucked in can still be taken out! How is this possible?"

"Disappeared and then appeared again! This thing, how did this thing do it?"

"It's amazing, it's magic!" Sean's face turned red. He tried to use the module to collect a test iron block weighing at least fifty kilograms, and then ran quickly in the factory.

Sure enough, just like the previous cargo, it lost all weight.

"This is definitely a great invention that spans the ages, no, this is an invention that leads the times!"

Panting heavily and returning to the starting point, Sean finally understood why Sumo said that before.

Just like controllable nuclear fusion completely changed the way of life of humans on Blue Star.

The modules in front of me also have the same or even surpassing capabilities.

If the world hadn't changed, bringing this technology to any large power would directly give birth to a super power no less powerful than academies, foundations, and companies.

Can a mere fifth-level land caravan have the appetite to eat it?

The answer is.

"Lord Soma, Lord Soma, as long as you give it to me for sale, believe me, please believe me, the Red Spider Caravan will definitely spread Tianyuan's name throughout the entire continent!"

(End of chapter)

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