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Chapter 1301 Talk about cooperation, technology recycling, and a bumper harvest!

The shore is not a good place to talk about cooperation. More and more people have come to watch the excitement.

After briefly introducing their identities, Savage warmly invited the two of them to board the ship for discussion, and then took the anti-gravity aircraft to the largest ship among the five ships.

But what surprised him was that Yehu, a Blue Star man, was very curious about the anti-gravity aircraft. He looked around and touched it here, and it seemed like it was the first time he had seen such high technology.

However, the aboriginal Somo remained indifferent throughout the whole process, his eyes always fixed on several ships.

"What? Mr. Sumo has seen an anti-gravity aircraft before?"

"Oh, I have obtained several airships from the academy before, and the principle of this one should be similar."

Sumo's "honest" answer was not afraid of exposing the college's Great Rift Valley Base.

An enterprise is an enterprise, and a college is a college.

If there is a problem with the branch base established by each professor, the college will not necessarily help, let alone the enterprise.

"Academy?" Savage was a little surprised again, "Have you already been in contact with the academy?"

Sumo smiled and nodded, "Haha, a caravan from the Foundation just left my territory a few days ago."


Not only did Savage take a deep breath, Captain Ojija, who was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai on the ship, also frowned.

How come the college and the foundation are so fast and have reached out to the gathering areas of the indigenous people?

What's going on? Didn't they look down on cooperation and transactions with small forces before?

"That's it. No wonder Mr. Sumo is not surprised to see our company coming. It seems that he has been prepared for it."

"That's right, we have heard about the company's strength for a long time, and we are also thinking about whether we can cooperate."

"Cooperation is easy. Our company likes to cooperate with potential gathering places like you. But you have already contacted the college and foundation in advance. Whether you can get investment depends on it. What I mean is that if you cooperate with the college or foundation,

The foundation has finalized an exclusive cooperation agreement, and our cooperation may be subject to some restrictions."

"No, we have not finalized an exclusive cooperation agreement with any force for the time being."

Sumo smiled and nodded.

Visible to the naked eye, Savage breathed a sigh of relief and quickly directed the anti-gravity aircraft to land.

From the outside, the company's ship looks like a carefully carved work of art, with smooth lines and interlaced light and shadow, which is amazing.

However, when you actually step into the interior of this ship, the shocking feeling brought by the top-notch mechanical craftsmanship is doubled.

The aircraft door opened, and Sumo stepped out from the right side. He was instantly shocked by the sight in front of him.

Although the length of this large ship is only about 60 meters, the deck is extremely wide and neat, and is painted with soft yet textured silver paint, giving people the feeling of being on a silver ocean.

Looking from both sides, there is not a single steel plate seam in the hull. It seems to be made of a whole die-cast. Every corner is full of modernity and technology, as if you are on a future vehicle.

Looking back on both sides of the aisle, there are spacious and bright cabins, and each cabin door is exquisitely and elegantly designed.

Through the half-open hatch, you can get a glimpse of the exquisite interior decoration and various electrical machinery, revealing a noble yet technological atmosphere.

“It is indeed a company.”

"This industrial technology is at least several centuries ahead of the Earth."

Looking back and forth at every detail of the ship, I saw that even some of the corners had been specially designed. The rounded curves not only conformed to the golden ratio, but also added practical storage compartments.

Both of them felt that their eyes were not full, and they saw the company's details for the first time.

Especially for Yehu, I have only heard that the industrial capabilities of enterprises are not weaker than those of colleges and foundations.

Now it seems that it is even stronger than the previous two!

"It's rare for outsiders to come to our freedom ship. Please come inside and I'll show you around first!"

It wasn't until the two of them looked at each other for a while that Savage stepped forward and said with satisfaction.

I thought that this gathering place had already contacted colleges and foundations, and it would be very difficult for them to reach cooperation.

Now it seems that the enterprise's one-city-one-policy advantage is still huge.

At least in terms of industrial recovery, it is much faster than the other two superpowers.

"These five ships are all built on the basis of the enterprise's second-level ships with additional configurations that meet our needs."

"Please, I'll take you to the power room first."

Savage did not hide his secrets, and generously took the two of them to visit all the public areas of the ship, and also called two technicians to explain the configuration, the technology involved, etc.

Not only Su Mo listened with great interest, but Xie Hu, who had been obsessed with studying machinery in recent times, also nodded frequently, no longer the layman he used to be.

After the general tour, Savage took the two of them to the reception room in the center of the ship and ordered the crew to pour two glasses of the company's specialty drinks.

"You two, wait a moment. I'll call the captain over right now."

In fact, captain Ojija had already led people to wait in the cabin next to the reception room.

After Savage went out for a while, a few people came in pretending to be talking and laughing.

"Hello, you two, I am Ojija, the captain of the Wind-drawing expedition team!"

While he was talking, a burly man with a resolute face came from the hatch.

In terms of physique alone, he is no less than the vice-captain Savage, and only slightly smaller than the Tiger Hunter.

What's more confusing is that the language in which Ojija greets people is not Blue Star language, but the unfamiliar Chinese language.


"Hello, Mr. Ojija."

"Don't be nervous, sit down quickly. Companies, colleges, and foundations are different. We always respect potential partners!"

Ojija seemed to be in a good mood, and he actually lowered his body on his own initiative, without any arrogance that a superpower should have.

The two exchanged a few polite words back and forth, then sat down across from each other around a reception table.

"Mr. Sumo, before we start our next cooperation, I must express my apology to you. Since it is our first time to set foot in this area, we are full of curiosity and desire to explore this mysterious and beautiful place. Therefore.

, without your explicit permission, we rashly dispatched a drone to conduct a preliminary survey of the nearby terrain."

Ojija's brows wrinkled slightly, and there was some regret in his tone. "I know that such behavior may be a bit presumptuous and may even make you unhappy. But please believe that we have no malicious intentions and are just motivated by the instinct of adventure and enterprise."

The basic responsibility lies.”

"I am deeply sorry if my behavior has caused you any inconvenience or trouble. At the same time, I also hope to gain your understanding. For this reason, we are willing to give Tianyuan Territory an F-level technology for free."

Ojija's attitude is sincere and humble, coupled with his infectious body language, people can't help but feel the full sincerity.

However, when it fell into the hunting tiger's ears, it made Da Guang's head buzz and his hands under the table trembled.

Damn it?

We haven't even started talking about cooperation yet, but we're giving away F-level technology?

And when did the company's D-class expedition team become so kind?

Sumo, who was sitting next to Yehu, was also excited. He didn't expect the company's expedition team to

How could he be so generous?

"Captain Ojija, you are so polite, but we can choose this F-level technology, right?"

"Of course, I will open the database to you later. As long as it is F-level technology, you can choose whatever you want."

Seeing Somo's uneasy expression, Ojija picked up the tea cup and took a sip, feeling extremely satisfied.

As a common method used by corporate expedition teams to discuss cooperation with local forces.

An F-level technology may be very valuable in the eyes of small forces, and it is enough to help break through technical bottlenecks. .??.

But in the company's database, there are 9,704 types of F-level technologies!

Not to mention sending out one item, according to the current situation, sending out three items, five items are all within the scope of the authority of the D-level expedition team.

"What do you need?"

After pondering for a while, since the other party showed enough sincerity, Sumo decided to go straight to the point.

Hearing this, Ojija immediately cast an appreciative look and said, "Refreshing, no wonder your territory is developing so fast!"

"Since Mr. Sumo asked this, we won't be secretive anymore."

"Mr. Yehu knows the three ways of cooperation between enterprises. I guess you also know it, right?"

Sumo nodded and then said.

"To be honest, I am really interested in borrowing a construction fund, but the current situation of the company should not have any extra power to help us carry out large-scale construction, right?"

"Yes, it seems that you should be familiar with the conditions in this wasteland."

Ogija said frankly

"We don't know what happened specifically. We were suddenly teleported from Blue Star to this strange wasteland. For more than half a year, we have been trying to explore, but there are really not many large cities that we can contact. There are only three

Just a seat."

He paused, seemed to be organizing his words, and then continued, "These three cities are our Hulai City, Nuanquan City in the north, and Xinghua City in the west. Each city is currently facing different challenges.

Challenges and difficulties, although we in Hu Lai City have retained certain resources and strength, it is really beyond our capabilities to help with construction from such a long distance."

"Of course we don't intend to give up. Although this wasteland looks desolate, it actually contains endless opportunities. We hope that through cooperation with other forces, we can jointly explore this unknown world and find new ways of survival and development.


Sumo nodded suddenly.

It only hit three cities, and it also encountered the effects of the metal aging disaster.

It’s no wonder that with such a strong industrial power, the company has not expanded outwards within this half-year period.

"If you want to choose the first cooperation method, according to the current potential we have evaluated in Tianyuan Territory, you can get an E-level investment. You can choose five F-level technologies, or two E-level technologies, or

An e-class technology!”

"Of course, if you are willing to provide some valuable pledges, or can show us better potential, we can raise the investment to D level at the highest level. The premise is that we can only choose technology, and materials are not available for the time being."

"Isn't it okay to buy supplies?"

Ojija was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, "Materials are not the problem, transportation is the problem. If you can send people to our city of Hulai, I can guarantee that the investment will be exchanged for some substantial resources."

"Or if you are willing to wait for a while, maybe when we pass by here again, we will bring you what you want."

Calculated before the area of ​​the New World expanded, the straight-line distance between Tianyuan Territory and Hu Lai City was about three thousand kilometers.

Now it has been enlarged five times. Although it is not enlarged to the same proportion, it is at least nearly 10,000 kilometers.

Take the water route, at least

It takes two months to arrive, and it takes four months to come back!

The day lilies are cold.

"That's too far away. Our current technology is not enough to span nearly 10,000 kilometers like yours."

"What about the second way of cooperation?"

"The second one has a slight change, and any force can sign this type of cooperation with us."

Ojija showed a helpless look, "Considering that the current situation is very serious, we really need a lot of materials and resources, whether they are existing mineral resources or local special resources in this wasteland world, they are all on our acquisition list.


This is a list of existing acquisitions, you can take a look."

Ogija waved his hand, and Savage, who had been silent for a long time, stepped forward and handed over a palm-sized tablet.

"I gave it to you. You can keep it. You can use this next time to contact the nearby corporate expedition team."

"The premise is that it is within 1,500 kilometers. Damn it, there is a special layer of gas in the air that has been blocking our ultra-long-distance communication."

Fifteen hundred kilometers?

Sumo was a little shocked. This was five times farther than the 300 kilometers currently developed by Tianyuan Territory.

And the farther the distance, the difficulty of communication will increase exponentially.

If you really want to calculate it, the communication technology of the enterprise is at least dozens of times ahead of the territory!

If he could obtain this kind of technology, it would be enough for him to contact the Red Flower Gang from the dungeon.

"Is this communication technology for sale?"

Immediately, Sumo asked with some hot eyes.

Ogija nodded.

"Except for weapons technology, any company's technology in other fields will be sold to outsiders unconditionally. This is our consistent aim.

You can use this tablet to check, and there is a corresponding price tag on it. Well, considering that we want to give it away to others, we have made some simplifications. You should be able to see it by entering the communication technology in the goods column."

According to what Ojija said, Somo quickly got started with the tablet and entered the category of communication technology.

Page jump, there are a total of twelve related technologies, five of which are related to long-distance communication. The prices are classified according to the communication distance.

300 kilometers, F level.

500 kilometers, e-class.

800 kilometers, e-class

1200 kilometers, e+ level.

1500 kilometers, D level.

"You can actually buy 1,500 kilometers for only D-level?"

Sumo thought about it and suddenly felt a little itchy.

Even though the other party had just issued an E-class investment loan, it was only enough to buy 800 kilometers.

But according to the technical difficulty listed, if you can come up with complete technology related to energy stones, you can at least be around E+.

Bargain the price with Ojija, and you're guaranteed to get this communication technology.

One thousand five hundred kilometers!

This is so delicious, it will directly ensure that the next dwarf battle will proceed without pressure.

It can also ensure that in the subsequent external development of the territory, the safe distance will be pushed to thousands of kilometers in one fell swoop!

"What's more, what about the third kind of cooperation?"

"Hey, friend, this is exactly what I want to say." Ojija nodded happily.

"We have observed that your territory seems to have developed a new energy utilization technology, which is not in our database. For this reason, we are willing to pay a premium for technology recycling.

The current recycling price offered is E-level, but if you are willing to provide complete technical information, I can guarantee that it will be upgraded to at least one level, that is, recycling will be carried out at an E+-level price!"

This chapter has been completed!
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