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Chapter 1321: Each has its own agenda, and the alien race is eager to kill someone.

"I'm very bad. It's obvious that your plan failed, but now you want me to deal with all the troubles that will follow." Ji Wuming glared condescendingly, somewhat dissatisfied that the other party was pretending to be him.

"Why, can I consider your current appearance as provoking me?"

"Haha, Lord Ji is joking." The figure walking up the stairs paused and suddenly laughed.

Then, everyone saw an incredible scene in the picture sent back by Pathfinder.

I didn't see what the 'Ji Wuming' who walked out did. He just twisted his body slightly. When he lowered his head and then raised his head, his face quickly turned into a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion.

If you include the time to lower your head, the entire transformation only took two seconds at most!

"Oh my god, old Hook, what kind of camouflage technique is this?"

"Damn it, it's like a magic trick. Not only does his face change, but his figure also changes."

"Damn, why can't we understand what they are saying? We must apply to Lord Yehu this time when we go back. We must get a translator."

"Record it, record the scene, and let the translator help us translate it later."

"They're in. Quick, Brother Chi, let the Pathfinder follow!"

The soldiers on the beach who were staring closely at the screen were excited.

Anyone who sees such superb camouflage technology will not be able to calm down.

Only Tuobachi remained calm and quickly switched to manual mode, controlling the Pathfinder to follow closely.

The first section of the dark staircase going down is exactly eighty steps, and the depth is about 24 meters.

If an ordinary detector reaches this depth, it will basically lose the signal and return.

Fortunately, the pathfinder signal source purchased from the foundation for a large sum of money is still stable and continues to steadily transmit real-time images to the terminal.

A Z-shaped corridor with only about fifty steps on the second set of stairs.

At the end is a black door, and I don't know where it leads to the underground.

"Don't make any noise, give me some room to operate!"

The quarrel between the beach soldiers made everyone have a headache. Tuoba Chi turned his head and roared in dissatisfaction, and then continued to carefully control the Pathfinder to follow.

In order to prevent any detection device at the door, he boldly asked the pathfinder to stick to the back of Ji Wuming's clothes, keeping a distance of more than ten centimeters.

But it turned out that his worries were overblown.

There was no detection device at the door, so everything was much simpler than he expected.

When the door was opened from the inside, a slightly dimly lit space was immediately revealed.

"What's going on here?"

The Pathfinder followed into the interior and came back with a strange picture that made people look at each other.

A huge underground cavity. The structure of the cavity is quite similar to the underground facilities in Qinggang City. The height is nearly fifteen meters, like an underground palace.

Slowly descending from the entrance steps, you will see a spacious concrete platform.

However, a gap suddenly opened in the center of the platform, and a rectangular gap extended from it, leading into the distance.

This gap is like a crack in the earth, dividing the platform into two. However, what is laid in the middle of the gap is not a pipe or cable, but a steel structure similar to a railroad track.

"Isn't it possible that they are building an underground railway?"

Tuoba Chi was a little dumbfounded, and immediately searched for the corresponding reference object from his memory.

This thing is so similar to the subway that Blue Star often laid underground before it developed new energy sources and opened air routes!

The Honghua Gang territory is actually capable of building such livelihood facilities?

No, Tuoba Chi quickly locked his eyes on the middle-aged man and realized the crux of the problem.

The level of civilization shown by the Honghua Gang alone is obviously not enough to carry out construction nearly fifty meters underground. Even the Tianyuan Territory does not have this ability.

Could it be that the subway was built by the monster they were going to deal with on this trip?

Isn’t this so fucking outrageous?!

In fact, the platform coming down from the stairs is just the starting point for the subway to reach the distance.

Ji Wuming followed the middle-aged man silently, his face gloomy and worried.

He didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he was worried, maybe angry, or maybe he was deeply helpless.

This complicated emotion lasted until the two of them boarded a miniature train that could accommodate more than ten people, and then he was released.

In the carriage, the middle-aged man smiled easily and said first, "Hey, let me tell you, since they found the gold mine, they must have known about the problem with the previous bomb and guessed that you arranged for it to be done."

There was a hint of ridicule in the middle-aged man's tone, as if he didn't care about all this, and he gave people the feeling that he was happy to see this scene happen.

Like a fuse, these words instantly ignited the anger in Ji Wuming's heart.

He raised his head suddenly and glared at the middle-aged man: "I have long said that using bombs will not work, but you insisted on letting me blow up the Tianyuan fleet. In the end, it was all right. The frogman you sent out was Chunchun.

A bunch of idiots who only know how to kill people!"

Being pointed at and scolded, the middle-aged man's smile gradually faded. He glanced at Ji Wuming and said lightly: "Then why don't you kill them after the plan fails?"

"If I fuck you, wouldn't I use these people if you hadn't been asking for gold? If I don't need these people, where can I find people to dig for you in the mountains?"

Ji Wuming became even more angry when he heard this. He clenched his fists as if he would swing them at the middle-aged man at any time.

However, in the end, I thought about the time when the cooperative relationship was not terminated, so I forcibly resisted the impulse, took a deep breath, and turned my head to look at the darkness outside the car window.

"It was you who prevented my people from entering the mine. You are also responsible for any problems."

The middle-aged man knew that he was in the wrong, so he suppressed his intention to continue mocking, and said seriously: "When that fleet was there some time ago, you were the one who insisted that we stop any attacks, and you must let them go."

"Otherwise?" Ji Wuming sniffed and snorted coldly: "It's fine if you don't understand our internal rules as humans, but you have to understand that anyone who offends the human God Su will definitely die."

"Besides, I have said it many times before we cooperate. I am only responsible for providing you with information, venues, and certain opportunities. Whether you can achieve your goals in the end has nothing to do with me."

"Huh, there's a certain chance."

The middle-aged man also lost his temper and said somewhat speechlessly: "Tell me, how can I help you now?"

"Singer, the manager of gathering place No. 4, is one of my people. He was killed by Liu Zhi in the afternoon. This guy wants to be a lord now. He is crazy. If we don't kill him, our subsequent contact with Tianyuan will not be carried out at all."

Having said this, Ji Wuming paused: "Of course, if you think he can become a new partner, then you can kill me now."

"Haha, Lord Ji, why are you still joking at this time?"

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly after Ji Wuming exposed what he was thinking in his mind.

"You also know the results of recent foreign contacts. Most people don't have the guts to cooperate with our alien race, let alone deal with the human Soma."

"Oh, then how do you know if Liu Zhi is someone like me?"

"If you say that, then I can't help it." The middle-aged man shrugged: "We want to use your identity to break into Tianyuan, and you also want to use our strength to climb up and enter Tianyuan. This is mutual benefit.

, Everyone has their own desires. But Liu Zhi is different from you. He wants to take root and develop here, and he wants to be the boss. We will not use a lot of resources to cultivate a human lord."

"It seems like it's good for you to know."

Ji Wuming was very satisfied with the middle-aged man's answer, and the depression in his heart was relieved a lot.

As the saying goes, everyone has their own needs.

Not long ago, the Red Flower Gang was assigned to the Central Holy Land. When he led people to explore the dwarf territory, the two parties came into contact accidentally.

This group of dwarves from all over the world actually offered to support him with a large amount of resources, including food, military exploits, weapons, intelligence, etc., in exchange for an opportunity for cooperation between the two parties.

Immediately, Ji Wuming was moved.

In fact, he doesn't want to betray humans, nor does he want to deal with human Su Shen.

But he wants to live a better life, go to the legendary Tianyuan, and no longer have to worry about disasters.

This goal can be achieved by simply providing some internal information about Tianyuan to the dwarf on a regular basis. What reason does he have to refuse?

And as far as he knew, there were quite a few human territories that had cooperated with these dwarves during this period.

There are too many lords who want to consolidate their positions and choose to cooperate to trade resources from the dwarves.

And once he shows any intention to develop the Red Flower Gang, these dwarves will never hesitate to change their partner.

"You help me kill Liu Zhi, and then I will bring my people over to kill you. This will not only solve the problem of being discovered, but also gain another wave of military exploits and lay a solid foundation for the next trip to Tianyuan."

The middle-aged man did not reject the proposal, but frowned and said: "The loss last time was too serious, and now the clan has a strong opinion of me. If you still can't achieve your goal this time, you may want my help in the future."

I'm afraid it's difficult."

"The one who died was a frogman, and the one who paid was a dwarf. What does it have to do with you Demon Soul Clan?"

"Of course it does matter. Do you think there is no cooperation agreement between us and the dwarves?" He was dissatisfied with Ji Wuming's attitude, but the middle-aged man could not explain anything more: "How many people are needed? Tell me."

"No, a thousand, at least a thousand and five!"

"What, are you crazy?" The middle-aged man's eyes widened: "The number of frogmen I can still use at the moment is only eight hundred at most. Where can I find you fifteen thousand?"

"Only eight hundred?" Ji Wuming tilted his head and thought for a moment, then doubted: "With such a small number of people, the situation won't happen again, right?"

"You don't think Liu Zhi can have the weapons of that fleet, do you?"

"It's hard to say, it only took them ten minutes to dig the mine. Do you know what ten minutes means?" Ji Wuming shook his head repeatedly and sneered:

"If you can't even defeat Liu Zhi, then I'm afraid there's no need to continue our cooperation."

We can't blame Ji Wuming for not living up to expectations. It was actually the frogmen who seriously misjudged the fleet's combat effectiveness last time.

After the contact, there was almost a one-sided massacre, which made everything he said now sound like nonsense.

Obviously frogmen are very strong, okay?

Otherwise, why would the dwarves spend a lot of money to hire such a group of mercenaries to work? They are not stupid.

"Leave it to me. I'll do it myself this time."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then quickly firmed up.

But neither of them noticed that while they were talking, there was an aircraft as big as a fist hovering in the air under the train seats.

Although the picture was not recorded, all the conversation sounds were recorded.

It wasn't until the aircraft was about to enter the lost contact range that it tipped back, gently swept out of the train, and returned along the same route it came from.

"What a pity. If I could follow up, I would definitely discover more secrets!"

After setting the automatic return to home, Tuobachi touched the back of his head with some regret.

Fortunately, the speed of this miniature train was not very fast, so a lot of conversations were recorded.

If it were an above-ground train, it would probably be beyond the Pathfinder's limit within a minute or two.

"Brother Chi, you have to think about the consequences if you lose this thing." Ping Chen reminded him.

Tuoba Chi was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble with his hands, and quickly wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

"That being said, it's pretty good now, pretty good."

If Yehu knew that in order to detect more information, he operated the device to the extreme to kill people.

Then he will probably suffer the same consequences when he goes back this time.

About half an hour later, the Pathfinder slowly flew back along the original path, with only 17% of the battery remaining.

Afterwards, a group of people lay there and waited for almost an hour.

It wasn't until the clock was about to turn and the blood light began to become more intense that there was another movement in the direction of the warehouse.

Ji Wuming, who had disappeared for a long time, reappeared and hurriedly led everyone away. Even the guard who had his thumb broken was taken away. He didn't know why he was gone.

"Why hasn't the boss come here yet? These people have already left."

Tuoba Chi was a little anxious, so he had to take out his communicator and try to contact Yehu.

However, what was surprising was that just as he was about to dial the communicator, another figure began to flash in the warehouse on the screen displayed on the terminal.

I saw ugly frogmen with broad and flat faces and big round eyes walking out.

"Damn it, where did this monster come from?"

Tuoba Chi's hand shook violently, and he almost bit his tongue when he exclaimed.

Unlike the monsters mutated by radiation on the Blue Star, the eyes of these frogmen sparkled with obvious wisdom.

Their actions are orderly and not like wild beasts.

The most incredible thing is that when these frogmen appeared on the ground, they did not scatter, but instead quickly gathered into neat rows like well-trained soldiers.

"Boss, it's bad, a group of monsters came out of the warehouse!"

Tuoba Chi didn't care about anything else at this time and quickly pressed the contact button.

But unfortunately, I don’t know if it’s because of the impending disaster, but the chaos in the geomagnetic field has reached an extremely terrifying level.

On the other side of the communicator, only a blind tone kept ringing. At this critical moment, the connection was lost!

"Fuck, this is really troublesome. If the boss rushes in without knowing what's going on inside, wouldn't he be entering a monster's nest?"

It was not clear which direction the hunting tiger and the men would come from, and Tuoba was sweating on his head in a hurry.

At this moment, Pingchen, who had been silent all this time, licked his lips and suddenly said excitedly: "Brother Chi, do you think we can kill these monsters?"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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