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Chapter 1331 A complex dwarf with a split personality!

The atmosphere became extremely tense, and tensions instantly rose on the platform.

Tiepi's throat was pinched by the hunting tiger like a plucked rooster, and he could only make a gurgling sound from his mouth.

"Put down Master Ironhide, or we will take action!" A dwarf standing in the front row waved a short knife and shouted at Ji Wuming.

They couldn't understand what Yehu had just said, so they could only save people by putting pressure on Ji Wuming.

However, the way this dog stopped shouting and did not come forward showed what all the dwarfs were thinking.

"Relax, relax, we haven't reached the point of life and death yet." Ji Wuming stepped forward and patted Yehu's arm, and quickly looked at Xiao Yang asking for help.

The latter shrugged, looking helpless.

After about ten seconds, Yehu finally loosened his grip on his throat, allowing Tiepi a chance to breathe.

The dwarf struggled twice. Although the arrogance in his heart did not allow him to bow his head, the death threat that he almost met Tai Nai just now prevented him from resisting at all.

"Put me down and you can all go over."

"You, all of you, put down your weapons!"

The dwarfs behind reluctantly took back their weapons, and some of them glared at Hunter Tiger fiercely, as if complaining that he didn't take action to kill the iron sheet.

"Captain Ironhide, I forgot to remind you that my bodyguard has a bad temper." Ji Wuming breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to help the dwarf up.

Tiepi snorted coldly, "Don't be too happy. I'm easy to talk to here, but Tiesen's appetite is much bigger than mine."

"If you have a big appetite, why don't you change it to someone else?" Ji Wuming put away his smile and said coldly.

Scanned by his eyes, Tiepi suddenly stopped talking. When had he ever been so threatened by a human?

Although this fat job earns a lot, the status is not as high as imagined.

"Just kidding, I actually like making friends."

Seeing that Tiepi was frightened, Ji Wuming smiled a little: "When you come out to hang out, you have to talk about your background and your strength. The Lord of Crespo is my friend, who is your friend?"

Hearing this, Tiepi's face turned even colder.

He is a squad leader who was bribed to come here, so he has no friends.

What's more, even if the consul Nanni knew what happened today, he probably wouldn't help him pursue the case.

This loss is in vain.

"I'm a little unhappy today. I hope we can become friends in the future."

"I hope."

Tiepi's eyes flickered, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything.

After a while, the barrier blocking the way to the next section of culvert was moved away by the dwarf.

The door of the carriage was closed, and under the watch of Tiebai, the train began to chug forward again.

When the rear platform completely disappeared into the darkness, the occupants of the vehicle heaved a sigh of relief.

When Liehu picked up the iron sheet just now, everyone had only one thought in their minds: We're in trouble.

As a result, I never expected that under the momentum of the hunting tiger, the dwarf actually gave in.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. These dwarves are not as strong as you think. Their ridiculous pride and arrogance will only show up when they face lower creatures. When they actually encounter predators, they are actually more powerful than you think."

Every living thing must be humble."

Yehu acted indifferently, as if he had known about this a long time ago.

And this is also true.

To say which alien race in the future ruins has been studied most carefully by Tianyuan Territory, it must be the dwarves of all nations.

Somewhat different from the traditional image of dwarves in Western fantasy, the dwarves of all nations are actually full of divisions and complexity.

The craftsmanship of dwarves who focus on the technical field is enough to impress even humans.

This group of dwarves is basically immersed in the world of machinery and technology.

They continue to innovate and strive for excellence. No matter how harsh the environment or the treatment, they can maintain their love and investment in craftsmanship, and their sincere heart to try and pursue the limit.

However, those dwarves who focus on management, politics and military affairs have a completely different picture.

They are greedy and their pursuit of power is almost pathological.

They are crazy, worship the strong and despise the weak. It seems that only by bullying others can they satisfy their deep sense of superiority.

Especially those noble dwarves who hold high positions, the behavior of this group of people is even more shocking, as if they can only demonstrate their nobility and authority through constant oppression and exploitation.

This extreme situation caused the dwarves to take advantage of many advantages, but they were still unable to develop them.

At a critical moment, someone is bound to pull something out of their pants pocket.

In the information about the dwarves, Soma naturally included all these characteristics.

That's why Yehu dared to act so impulsively just now.

He was testing, but the answer was obviously right.

"Damn it, Captain Ironhide, are we going to die like this?"

"They are so arrogant, we must report them!"

"If you dare to resist our inspection now, will you have to replace us in the future?"

As the train went further and further away, it completely disappeared from sight.

The dwarfs who had been standing quietly on the platform seemed to be relieved of some kind of restraint, and suddenly they started to make an uproar and start shouting.

Some people complained about the injustice, some complained about the attitude of hunting tigers, and some speculated on their purpose.

Tiepi frowned and listened for a while, and couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart.

Not only was his position bought, but the garrison positions were also bought by the dwarfs present.

It's just that everyone's bids are different. If the bid is low, you can only become an ordinary guard first to gain experience.

Only when you have enough qualifications (meaning you have saved enough money for bribes) will you have the opportunity to continue to climb up.

Of course, there is an exception.

That was him, squad leader Tiepi, who died in an accident.

Then one of the dwarfs present can become the new squad leader at a slightly lower price.

Or someone found evidence of his corruption and bribery, and handed it over to the consul, and the consul planned to pursue it, so the person who reported it could become the new squad leader.

"There's a photo ball, give it to me." Tiepi walked out of the uproar and went to the guard room next to him.

The so-called photo ball is similar to surveillance and can record what happens within a certain range.

Taking it from the dwarf on duty, Ironhide touched it with his hand.

Scenes began to flash on the photo ball. First, the train appeared, and then the dwarfs boarded the train to inspect it. In the middle, there were also quarrels and bribes between him and Ji Wuming.

Of course, the aggrieved scene of him being held in mid-air by a hunting tiger is indispensable.

"God of the dwarves, I will take revenge one day!"

Calmly deleting the bribery scene, Tiepi put the photo ball into his pocket.

The scene about the hunting tiger threatening him, although embarrassing, is not without value.

If Ji Wuming loses power in the next cooperation, these pictures will become the best threat tool.

When the time comes, he will definitely repay the other party tenfold or a hundredfold for today's aggrievedness!

Another half hour passed.

The train arrived at the second checkpoint heading to Blackstone City, which is also the border of the dwarven territory.

The squad leader stationed here is named Tie Zhan, but his performance is completely different from Tie Pi's.

After accepting a bribe of five gold mines, Tie Zhan didn't even check, let alone ask where Kus went, and directly issued a release order.

"Mr. Ji, I ask for your support and care in the future."

Lifting the skin bag containing the gold mine, Tie Zhan's dark face was filled with joy.

He belongs to the city lord Crespo, and he knows much more information than this stupid guy like Ironhide.

If Ji Wuming reaches a deeper cooperation with Black Rock City in the future, the mineral resources transported through this line will be much more than before.

And as the captain of the team stationed at the checkpoint, the bribes he can receive naturally increase.

With such a good opportunity, it would be really stupid not to take the opportunity to establish a good relationship with Ji Wuming.

As for where Kusi went and what the identities of the people in the carriage were.

Is it important?

The railway station didn't think that just a few people entering their hinterland would cause any splash.

What's more, before him, Tiepi had already checked the carriage and found that there were no problems before letting him go.

If something unexpected happens then, just blame it on Tiepi and be done with it.

"This is a wise choice. It won't take long before you will be excited about your current choice." Ji Wuming looked at him with a smile.

The other party didn't make things difficult, and it saved him from having to deal with it.

Moreover, this place is already under the control of the dwarves. If there is a conflict, they will not be able to escape.

After passing the border checkpoint, the train is only about a hundred kilometers away from the final Black Rock City.

In terms of traffic efficiency alone, this underground railway may not be as fast as building a highway on the ground.

But one advantage is that there is no interference underground, and the probability of encountering enemy attacks is also small.

After an hour, wait until the train starts to slow down.

The culvert was finally no longer dark, but there were dots of firelight, like beacons for those who were lost, guiding the way forward in the darkness.

At the same time, the scale of the culvert is also enlarging, like a huge underground maze. One rail after another converges from different directions, like the veins of the earth intersecting and extending in this underground space.

"My God, the person who built this must be a genius!"

Xiao Yang poked his head out and took a few glances, and couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Although the dwarves' method of building underground railways is relatively ancient, it also has an irreplaceable advantage.

These winding underground culverts do not have to follow the straight-forward principle. They can lead wherever they want and turn wherever they want.

At this time, dozens of railway tracks criss-crossed the underground space. Some were close to the ground, as if extending under people's feet, while others were elevated in the air, hovering above people's heads like giant dragons.

From time to time, trains roar past these rails, or shuttle through the tunnels below, or speed on the elevated roads overhead, bringing with them gusts of strong wind.

As the most important means of transportation for the dwarves of all countries, Hunter Tiger was also a little shocked at this time.

But what he was thinking was a little different from others.

Others were sighing at the majesty of the underground kingdom-like railway, but he was wondering if it could be replicated in Qinggang City.

If such a railway could be built between Pingtan Shelter and Tianyuan Territory, it would be too simple to transport supplies between the two sides in the future.

Even if all the large and small gopher shelters in Qinggang City are connected by this underground railway, wouldn't it be possible to directly skip the ground and form an underground transportation network?

Of course, we can continue to think about the long term.

Building roads or railways on wasteland is not only unsafe, but maintenance is also a problem.

But if the transportation lines could be moved underground, wouldn't it be much easier to maintain?

Countless thoughts popped up in Yehu's mind, and the bald head's eyes became brighter and brighter.

At this moment, the train finally stopped on the platform.

Two teams of dwarfs wearing black and blue guard uniforms came up from the side to make a final inspection.

"Why is it just you, Kus?"

The dwarf captain in charge of the inspection, Ji Wuming, had never seen him before, so he could only tell the excuse he had told Tiepi before.

Unexpectedly, the other party was not surprised after hearing this and simply nodded.

This reaction made Ji Wuming prepare a lot of excuses before, but he couldn't come up with them all.

"Who are they?"

"My follower, this is my bodyguard. Our territory has not been very safe recently. You must know the reason." Ji Wuming said solemnly.

The dwarf captain showed an expression of deep approval and nodded quickly.

"Kus has sent all the battle reports back. Human Soma's fleet is indeed very powerful. I suggest you not to provoke him for the time being, otherwise we may have to change partners."

"It seems you know a lot."

Ji Wuming looked at the other party deeply, but the dwarf captain smiled and avoided his eyes.

The most important positions in Black Rock City are almost all owned by City Lord Crespo.

As dwarves airborne from the Royal Court, they know much more information than the natives of Blackstone City.

Moreover, they are much more skilled than the indigenous people in cooperating with humans.

"But they won't be able to stay around for long now. We are already preparing for a second counterattack. This time we will definitely let human Somo and his territory know how powerful they are." The dwarf captain sneered.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Ji Wuming's heart moved when he heard this, and Xiao Yang also raised his eyebrows.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not make any obvious reaction. Who knew whether what the other said was true or false.

If you are just testing them, it would be too obvious to show curiosity.

"There are three carriages in total. In addition to the gold mine we agreed on, I also collected some unknown types of metal from outside. You can take a look first and tell me what kind you need."

"no problem."

The dwarf captain nodded and simply sent someone in to take a look around. There was no problem.

Eight hundred kilograms of gold ore can be smelted and forged into tens of thousands of dwarf weapons.

The remaining rare metals are piled up in a very messy manner, but the overall value is still much higher than that of copper and iron ore.

Then the dwarf captain asked someone to bring out a few gold-eating lizards from the side.

Compared with the small lizards used at the first testing station, these green-skinned lizards are obviously two times larger.

"Routine inspection, please forgive me."

I saw several lizards approaching the hunting tiger, but I dared not come forward to sniff them.

The dwarf captain was stunned and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He then stepped forward and whipped him twice with the whip on his waist.

Now the gold-eating lizard didn't dare to linger any longer and quickly stepped forward to take a sniff.

"No problem, please come."

This chapter has been completed!
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