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Chapter 1353 Reach cooperation and unrest local forces!

The transaction progressed far more smoothly than expected.

If the materials proposed by the doomsday madman are other types, such as daily necessities, technical materials, things that improve the living standards of the residents in the gathering area, or even help to accelerate the development of the territory, then the two parties will inevitably have a dispute over the price.

After all, for Tiantie Island and other islands in the Mine Island Alliance at this stage, these things cannot solve the problems they are about to face.

In the crisis-ridden wasteland, as long as the natural disasters do not end and the alien races do not disappear, there will never be peace.

At present, the Mine Island Alliance has not been besieged and harassed by other gathering places. That is because they have not solved the biggest problem of food and supplies, nor have they built enough weapons and ships to equip an entire team.

But everyone knows that when the autumn harvest is over and the forces of all parties have calmed down, the Mine Island Alliance will definitely face huge challenges.

By then, without sufficient weapons and defense facilities, they may not be able to withstand the siege of external forces.

It is against this background that the arms deal proposed by the doomsday madman undoubtedly hit the vitality gate accurately!

But there is one thing to say, there is really no need for negotiation at all on this matter.

In peaceful times when wars occur occasionally, the arms business is undoubtedly a seller's market.

Even if the doomsday madman offers a sky-high price, they can only hold their noses and accept it.

As for whether what the other party said was deception, Sun Guangmin had no doubt from the beginning to the end.

First, before coming, he rushed to the pier to see the other party's iron boat up close.

There was indeed a huge difference between that large ship, which was more than ten meters tall, and the wooden boats of the survivors today.

Even if there are no weapons on it and it is purely a collision, it can still forcefully break a way out of the siege of wooden ships.

Second, the demands put forward by the other party further confirmed their strength. They urgently needed a large amount of processed ore, and were even willing to take over the entire Tiantie Island's ore output.

Such demand cannot be digested in the short term by large gathering places.

So, what are they doing with so many raw materials that cannot be eaten or drunk?

The answer is actually obvious.

The other party's gathering place must have achieved considerable industrial development, and may have mastered advanced smelting and production technology to transform these ores into various practical tools and machinery.

For them, the production of weapons may be just the simplest link among many industrial activities.

The third and most important point is.

In a two-party transaction, one hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods.

If he didn't have the courage to cooperate under such conditions, Iron Island would simply give it away that day.

"There are still 170 tons of inventory in the warehouse, with iron ore and copper ore accounting for up to 70%, and there are still a lot of aluminum, manganese, and tungsten ores left." Sun Guangmin ordered the restaurant to serve another table of dishes, and the group

Chatting while eating: "If you have other needs, such as gold and silver, I can also get a batch, but the price may be much more expensive than ordinary ores."

The price of ordinary ore is now pitifully low due to the extremely low demand.

But gold and silver mines, which are also in scarce demand, are still expensive because survivors inherently consider them precious metals.

Of course, this expensive is only relatively expensive.

From the perspective of Mala Tie Hammer, the value is basically on the same level as the copper mines in Tianyuan territory.

It can be said to be a free gift!

"Everything is needed. We want all kinds of ores that you can collect. Don't worry, in addition to arms, we can also provide some other materials that you urgently need, such as"

A hint of cunning flashed in Mala Tiechui's eyes. He put down his chopsticks and took out a list that he had prepared long ago from the backpack behind him. "For example, these are the supplies we can provide now."

Sun Guangmin took the list in confusion. Although he was mentally prepared, his eyes couldn't help but widen immediately when he saw the line after line of text on it.

The first one to bear the brunt turned out to be medicines!

The list is densely packed with various types of medicines, ranging from common cold medicines and anti-inflammatory medicines to scarce antibiotics, hemostatics, and even special medicines for some of the epidemics that have recently ravaged the wasteland.

In today's world, these medicines are simply life-saving treasures. Sun Guangmin couldn't help but stir up a storm in his heart. Under special circumstances, even a piece of special medicine worth hundreds of gold would be robbed of his head.

Once you can trade these things from the other party, even if you don't use them yourself, reselling them will be a terrifying income!

Then, his eyes fell on the medical equipment column under the medicines.

The list lists a variety of medical equipment ranging from simple bandages and disinfectants to complex surgical instruments, electrocardiographs and more.

For a moment, Sun Guangmin felt suffocated, and even thought he had gone blind.

What the hell?

If ordinary medical equipment is still within the scope of his understanding, then the large-scale medical equipment that can only be seen in various modern hospitals are somewhat beyond the current level of human development.

For a small gathering of more than 100,000 people, a few medical devices may be of little use, and even if they want to use them, they may not be able to find human hands to operate them.

But for those super territories with millions or tens of millions of people, the value of this thing is self-evident, and any one of them can cause a riot.

"What are you?" Sun Guangmin paused and swallowed hard.

Based on his knowledge and understanding, the two supplies on the list were indeed a bit excessive, and they were the kind of things that he had never even dreamed of.

But when he raised his head, he met the slightly encouraging eyes of Spicy Iron Hammer.

Well, the other party obviously knew that he would react this way.

Sun Guangmin had no choice but to lower his head and continue reading. After skipping medical-related supplies, the second major category was various agricultural seeds, which lasted several pages. It not only covered seeds of various food crops and cash crops, but also

There were even some strange wasteland plant seeds that he had never heard of.

"Can land flowers continuously improve the land fertility in the region?"

Seeing the description of one of the seeds, Sun Guangmin couldn't help but feel ecstatic. If the properties of this seed were not fake, then even on the island they would have land fertility that was no less than that of the land, and could grow food and crops on a large scale.


This is of extremely important significance to the long-term development of the Mineral Island Alliance. It means that in the future, food cannot be traded from the outside world, and a certain degree of self-sufficiency can be maintained internally.

"It's amazing how could so many things come from such a small and unknown territory?"

"No, this doesn't look like the work of a small territory at all. Could it be that they are the spokesperson of a large territory?"

"Possible, very possible"

For a moment, Sun Guangmin thought a lot, but his eyes stayed on the final column of finished equipment.

For many gathering places, this part of the food is more like a piece of cake that can be seen but not eaten.

For example, although this high-efficiency stone converter can provide a certain amount of energy every day, Tiantie Island does not have many electrical devices at all, and there is no way to build coverage facilities.

There is also a large water purifier, which is usable, but clean water is not a current necessity. We will have to wait until the gathering place becomes rich before there is a need to improve life.

In addition, there are many production tools listed on the list.

This part did attract Sun Guangmin's attention, but unfortunately the development of industrial machine tools was not among them.

"This is just part of it. When our cooperation becomes stable, we will provide more of what you want."

Spicy Iron Hammer smiled and said: "Including anything, we can even help you build an entire factory."

"Then I'll be relieved." Sun Guangmin expressed his understanding and did not ask any more questions.

It is unrealistic to expect that they can get everything they want in one transaction.

But having said that, it is indeed sincere that the other party is willing to give out so many trading items for the first time.

On the spot, the two parties concluded a simple cooperation agreement.

As a buyer, "Mengyue Territory" needs to take the initiative to come to Tiankuang Island within a month with enough supplies for transactions, of which the quantity of weapons and ammunition must not be less than 70%, and it must also have some after-sales business. As a proactive buyer,

On the one hand, Tiantie Island is willing to reduce the original price by another 10% as a way to share the freight transportation costs.

As a seller, Tiantie Island needs to prepare the determined quantity of goods in advance and cannot cut corners. Each finished product must be smelted and purified in strict accordance with the buyer's standards. Considering the increase in labor costs, the buyer Mengyue Territory

We are also willing to increase the original price by 10% as an incentive.

After reaching an agreement, Sun Guangmin remained calm, but others were a little too happy to find out what was going on.

Especially for Hu Shulin, when he thought that his guards would soon be equipped with standard weapons and no longer be in the same embarrassment as before, his whole body felt as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, and he drank a pot of tea in one go.

"For these distinguished guests, it's already getting late. Why don't you rest one night at our Tiantie Island before leaving tomorrow, and let me do my best to show my kindness to you as a landlord!"

"Okay, then we'll just stay here for one night and leave tomorrow."

Spicy Iron Hammer and Doomsday Madman looked at each other, and they actually had this intention.

Compared to the survivors of Mengyue Territory.

After all, the Mine Island Alliance still has continuous communication with the outside world, and you should be able to get a lot of information here.

Moreover, the current Southern Fire Territory does not look as mineral-poor as rumored.

If we can open up the trade routes here, we won't have to rely on supplies from the Northland for a long time.

After all, traveling to the north is nearly two months slower than the south. For the early stage, this is extremely valuable development time!

In the afternoon and evening of that day, Tiantie Island was almost measured by two people with their feet.

Sun Guangmin did not restrict their contact with ordinary residents. It seems that he is very confident in his reputation.

This is also true. Sun Guangmin's reputation in the Mine Island Alliance is indeed good.

Apart from Jinyan Island’s righteous and good brother ‘Encobat’, he is the most principled and disciplined.

Of course, there are nearly 300 rules, large and small, in the entire Tiantie Island.

"Most of these rules restrict those with power, how strange it is!" The apocalyptic madman specially asked for a complete copy of Tiantie's new rules, and couldn't help but sigh after reading them.

He wouldn't be surprised if this new rule appeared in the gathering place of Wasteland.

At that time, human beings still retained the hope of returning home, and the moral concepts and ideological education of the civilized era still remained in their hearts. The nostalgia for the past life and the longing for the future enabled many people to maintain a certain degree of order and order in the early stages of the disaster.

moral bottom line.

However, this is not the case in the current wasteland. In the past two years, the survivors have been completely released.

In this desolate land, more and more people are liberated from their nature, and they begin to abandon the shackles of the past and become wanton.

In this disordered world, the dark side of human nature is infinitely magnified, and bad behaviors such as greed, selfishness, and violence are common.

Because of this, managers like Sun Guangmin who can still stick to their true intentions are particularly rare and precious. He not only has to face external survival pressures, but also internal human challenges.

In such an environment, it undoubtedly requires great courage and perseverance to keep a clear head, adhere to the moral bottom line, and commit to the long-term and stable development of the gathering place.

"Of course, that's the main reason why we are willing to follow Lord Sun!"

Hu Shulin nodded confidently.

In fact, he didn't say anything. Only limited power can be called real power.

After all, if power is not restrained, it will overflow and easily destroy their fragile gathering place.

When the carrier is gone, he will still have a hammer.

However, there are also people who hold completely opposite opinions on this, believing that rights should not restrict themselves, but should be based on the premise of binding ordinary survivors.

Shuima Island, adjacent to Tiantie Island, is one of them.

Night falls.

Lu Guangyin took a few confidants to Shuima Island at night, and after paying a lot of materials as an introduction price, he finally got the qualification to meet in person.

The lord of Shuima Island has a surname of Wu and a given name of Jiahao. He is often called Brother Hao.

Because he was from a port city and believed in loyalty, he attracted many gangster brothers in the early days of the wasteland.

Later, I got lucky and more and more people followed me, so I formed a gang.

However, anyone who is willing to follow this brother Hao is not a good person. They are either thugs with human lives on their hands, or people who have no intention of living their lives properly.

A group of people traveled south and north, burning, killing and looting countless people, and did not stop until they came to the boundary of Mine Island.

"Brother Hao, I brought you here. He said he knew the whereabouts of those people who took the iron boat in the afternoon."

"Let him in."

Wu Jiahao is about in his early thirties, with a rosy complexion, thick eyebrows that are slightly raised rebelliously, and under the long and slightly curly eyelashes, there is a pair of narrow and fierce eyes like a wild wolf.

In addition, he is quite tall, just over 1.8 meters tall, and the massive muscles under his black jacket are even more menacing.

Most people would feel out of breath even if they stared at him for a few times, let alone looking at each other.

(End of chapter)

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