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Chapter 1357 The balance is broken, the influence of the iron boat!

Lu Guangyin remained silent, seeing that Lao Xu was planning to fight to the death.

Conservatives only represent their daily behavior style, but it does not mean that these people dare not go all out.

In fact, whenever the opportunity comes, these people will be even crazier than the radicals.

"Lao Xu, please calm down. Without this iron boat, we still have it."

"I'm very calm." Old Xu continued to smile after hearing this: "You can continue to escape with the big guy, but if we can't seize this opportunity, we really don't know what's the use of following you."

"Okay, okay, okay, calm down, I'll just lead someone to charge."

Realizing that there was no room for relaxation in what happened next, Lu Guangyin also became furious.

There were originally 22 people in their team, but 3 of them were killed just now, and 4 more were injured during the previous gunfight. Currently, there are still 15 people.

This loss made Lu Guangyin's heart ache, but he also knew that now was not the time to wallow in grief.

Lao Xu had cut off all their escape routes, which made everyone's eyes red with determination and fighting spirit.

Bang bang bang bang!

Gunshots rang through the night sky, and Lu Guangyin led Ma Zai to fire a circle around the group of people who had just been shot to the ground, ensuring that everyone who might compete for the tin boat was eliminated.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Lu Guangyin took advantage of the murderous aura that surged up, and under Lao Xu's staring eyes, he took the lead and rushed towards the iron boat tied to the dock.

At this moment, he had a lot on his mind.

There was a scene where several shooting ports suddenly protruded from the ship, covering it with crackling bullets.

There are also scenes where the opponent shows his head, sneers a few times, and calmly annihilates them all.

Countless thoughts were swirling around him, and he was suddenly startled when his hands touched the cold iron sheet.

"Wait a minute, this isn't Ironhide!"

Lu Guangyin's eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

From the naked eye's perspective, the surface of this iron boat is very bumpy, with knock marks everywhere.

But it wasn't until he touched it that Lu Guangyin discovered that the potholes were actually painted.

tmd, there are still people playing battle-damaged version of the paint in the wasteland?

The silky feel is comparable to that of CNC, as if it has been oiled, and your palms can hardly feel any excess resistance on the surface.

The workmanship of the ship's watch case is actually ten times better than the earthen guns in their hands!

When the surrounding horses saw that there was no counterattack on the ship, they also rushed forward.

But just like Lu Guangyin's reaction, everyone was stunned after touching the material of the hull shell.

"Damn it, why are you standing still? Climb up!"

After about ten seconds, Lu Guangyin came back to his senses.

Although there are not many points on the smooth hull that can be used to climb up, it is not difficult for these people to climb more than three meters.

A young man quickly took out a claw from his backpack and threw it upwards. The claw body was firmly stuck in the gap of the railing.

With the help of rope, climbing up is much easier.

Having arrived here before being attacked, Lu Guangyin also took the risk and was the first to pull the rope and rush upward.

After seven or eight steps, we arrived on the deck of the frigate.

"Damn, no one?!"

As a combat-oriented ship, the frigate has only eight cabins, and most of them are located on the deck.

Lu Guangyin glanced over and saw that the brightly lit rest cabin was empty. The guards who were on duty during the day had already disappeared to nowhere.

Are they fighting over an empty ship for so long down there?

For a time, Lu Guangyin's mood became more and more complicated, and he didn't know what to say.

But the horse boys who climbed up one after another were overjoyed, and they were all so excited that they seemed crazy.

When other survivors were still using wooden boats and sampans, they were almost invincible if they had such a boat.

As long as you focus on your tactics and don't provoke those super territories, ordinary places are enough for them to walk sideways!

"Lao Lu, let's sail away quickly before they finish fighting!"

Old Xu also climbed up along the hook and lock, and his eyes narrowed with joy when he saw the empty cabin.

Fortunately, he forced everyone, otherwise this group of people would probably still be arguing about who should be the first to go.

"Yes, hurry up and start the boat!" Lu Guangyin reacted after being reminded and quickly took the lead and ran towards the cabin.

A group of people followed closely behind, their steps were extremely hurried, as if they were racing against time.

Thanks to the fact that the people who built this ship were also Chinese, the instructions on the ship quickly led a group of people to the cockpit.

However, the cockpit door was closed tightly, and a large lock as thick as a forearm lay in front of everyone.

With no extra time to find the key, Lu Guangyin made a quick decision and ordered Ma Zai to violently break the lock with explosives.

As a low muffled sound came, the big lock was blown into two pieces.

Lu Guangyin took the lead and pushed the door open. In an instant, the internal light was activated, and spotlights were automatically turned on in the cabin. The bright yellow lights were so bright that it was hard to open one's eyes.

Lu Guangyin squinted his eyes, raised his hand to block the situation in front of him, and forcibly looked at the internal situation.

I saw light shining softly on various precision instruments, shining with a cold metallic luster.

The first thing that catches the eye is the large console in the center. As the "brain" of the entire warship, it is covered with various instrument panels, displays and buttons.

Some instrument panels display key navigation information such as speed, heading and depth, and the pointers jump accurately on complicated dials. Some display screens update radar scanning images, sea area meteorological data and tactical maps in real time, providing commanders with comprehensive information.

Battlefield awareness of orientation.

However, in the eyes of a group of people who don't know anything about it, it is like a book from heaven.

Lu Guangyin could only move his head to the console next to him. There were rows of neat switches and adjustment knobs that controlled various systems on the warship, such as weapon systems, communication systems, power systems, etc.

Fortunately, many of these switches and buttons are labeled with labels and instructions.

Lu Guangyin glanced at it and saw the power button and the most important weapon button!

A group of people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and a few of them couldn't help but complain.

"Damn, it's all because I didn't study hard before, and now I can't even drive other people's boats."

"Fortunately, there are several signs, otherwise I would have to try it slowly by myself."

"Damn it, can't this ship be set up like a game, with the F key to enter, up, down, left, and right to control the direction and throttle and brake?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You have to wait until we leave here to play. The battle on the pier seems to be about to decide the winner. Hurry up and sail away before the people on Shuima Island find out."

"Don't rush me, I'm studying how to use this thing."

The other party did not fortify the ship and only left an empty shell to them.

But this turned out to be the biggest problem.

After studying a circle of labeled buttons, Lu Guangyin only found four that seemed to be usable at the moment.

They are: automatic power, automatic fire control, madman weapons, emergency escape

Among them, the madman's weapon is not only marked with a bright red color, but also has a transparent protective shell on the button, probably to prevent the driver from accidentally touching the weapon module.

When I tried to press the automatic power button, a rapid beep sound suddenly sounded along with the prompt tone.

'The system is currently locked, please verify your identity manually.'

"Do you still need to verify your identity?"

Lu Guangyin was dumbfounded. He never thought that there would be so much trouble waiting for him after grabbing the boat.

Even the anxious Lao Xu next to him was a little at a loss at this time.

If there were one or two guards on the ship, they could coerce them into asking for the password.

But now facing a bunch of cold instruments

"How about we take advantage of the chaos and leave?"

Lu Guangyin had the intention of retreating and couldn't help but suggest.

In fact, when he touched the outer shell material of the iron boat, he had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

This kind of craftsmanship quality is obviously not something that ordinary territories can match, at least it is the product of a super territory.

Entering the cabin, these sophisticated instruments confirmed the conjecture.

If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live.

Instead of guarding this immovable iron knot and waiting for the two sides to decide the winner and surround them, it is better to escape now.

However, at this moment, the vigilant Ma Zai outside ran in.

"Boss, it's bad, the people from Shuima Island have already won the battle and are surrounding us!"


The delay at the dock was not long, but it took nearly five minutes to blast open the cockpit door.

This also allowed Shuima Island, who was fighting at the landing point, to gain the upper hand by relying on their numerical advantage, and drove back the guards organized by Hu Shulin.

"How come it's so fast? Are the people on Tiantie Island fools?" Lu Guangyin hurriedly walked out and saw that hundreds of torches were already surrounding him from a distance in the night.

Such obvious behavior was definitely directed at their ship.

"Damn it, didn't these guys go to fight Sun Guangmin? Why did they come towards the boat?"

When I think that after all the hard work, I can only make wedding dresses for others.

"Where's the dynamite? Give me the dynamite. If you blow up this ship, you won't give it to them!" Lu Guangyin became furious. He walked back and lost his temper at Lao Xu.

No matter how hard it was, they wouldn't have been able to sail away without taking care of the ship.

"Don't be impulsive. We can't sail this ship. There must be weapons inside. Let's go find the weapons."

The situation has changed, and now it is Lao Xu who turns to persuade Lu Guangyin.

"You go and test the password. I'll have people guard it. If you can't guard it, we won't leave!"

Enter Baoshan and leave empty-handed.

Normal people cannot accept this outcome, let alone a group of desperadoes.

Seeing Lao Xu leaving quickly with a few men, he planned to pry open the deck and search the cabin.

Lu Guangyin had no choice but to sit back in the driver's seat and meditate hard on the prompts on the screen.

The number of characters in the password is only two.

For the first time, Lu Guangyin had to try shouting "Meng Yue" into the microphone.

This is a helpless attempt, and the answer is naturally wrong.

And the most uncomfortable thing is that the screen also prompts that there are only two attempts left.


Lu Guangyin kept pacing anxiously.

I asked the horsemen in the two cabins to check the surroundings, but could not find any prompt information.

However, good news soon came from Lao Xu. Ten Gentleman Type 1 rifles were found in the lounge on the first floor of the lower cabin that was pried open.

"Damn it, why am I so scared with a gun like this?"

"Quick, go up and give me a hard beating. I'll see who of them dares to come."

"Hahaha, there are also dead boxes of ammunition, it's cool, it's really cool."

"If there was such a good thing, we wouldn't have been crushed and beaten by those waves of people just now."

A group of horse boys were holding guns ecstatically, which looked much more advanced than their local guns.

The cold special steel gun body not only has the unique thickness and metallic feel of traditional metal gun bodies, but also takes into account the weight trade-off. The conventional wooden butt, grip, handguard and other parts are all made of high-plastic materials.


This choice not only provides stable support for the gentleman's rifle, but also makes the shape smoother.

Boom, boom boom!

You MaZai loaded the bullets and eagerly fired three shots. The rich voice suddenly shocked everyone in the group.

It's like thunder. The moment the bullet comes out of the barrel, you can clearly see the flash of fire that explodes due to friction in the air.

As for the impact point of the bullet, it was obvious that two unlucky guys rushed too far forward and were directly beaten to pieces of half of their bodies.

"Fuck, this range is at least three hundred meters!"

Ma Zai, who fired the gun, roared excitedly, and the blood all over his body began to boil.

When the remaining horses saw this, they no longer hesitated. They all picked up the shooting ports of their guns on the railings, and started shooting unscrupulously at the Shuima Island soldiers on the pier.

In the past, did you shoot one round less bullets?

Now four large boxes have been found on the first floor alone, each containing 3,000 rounds of ammunition.

The blazing metal storm swept across in an instant, not only stunned Wu Jiahao, but even Hu Shulin, who had just led people to escape, stopped in his tracks.

"Captain, look, the people on the tin boat are supporting us!"

"My God, their firepower is so fierce, much more powerful than ours."

"Hahaha, the people on Shuima Island don't know how to live or die, and they dare to surround them. Isn't this a loss of life?"

"It's a good opportunity for us to counterattack now!"

In just an instant, the first wave of shooting took away the lives of hundreds of people.

Seeing this, the remaining people lost their fighting spirit and fled back as fast as they could, completely ignoring Wu Jiahao's orders.

This is not a battle that can be won with just a ton of lives. The opponent's firepower is simply unbelievably fierce.


Wu Jiahao's eyes were splitting, and the huge loss almost made him lose all reason.

What made him even more heartbroken was that he saw clearly that the people on the boat were not the group of outsiders, but Lu Guangyin's people.

These, these should all be his.

"Brother Hao, something bad has happened. Yinsha Island and Qianshan Island have joined forces and stolen our home."

At this moment, the horseman who was standing guard at the rear came running in a panic, his face still stained with the blood of his companions.

Among the six islands, each family will either install or bribe a group of people within the other party. This is one of the reasons why internal disputes have not erupted for a long time.

Everyone is afraid that they are like a mantis stalking a cicada, with someone else stalking them.

Wu Jiahao originally thought that if he waited until early twelve o'clock tonight to give the order, the islands would not be able to respond.

However, the facts proved that he was still too young, or in other words, he underestimated the level of the old foxes around him.

The arrival of just one iron ship completely broke the balance of the entire Mine Island Alliance!

"Where's Jinyan Island? Where's Flint Island?"

"They are also coming. They want to eat us and Tiantie Island together!"

This chapter has been completed!
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