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Chapter 1401: Taking advantage of the corner, the impact of changes in time and space!



"I agree..."

"When a task is assigned to someone, it must be processed immediately!"

The round cards representing power and responsibility drew neat arcs in the air, were quickly lifted up, and then quickly put down again, like gears in a precision instrument, meshing tightly and running smoothly.

The voices of agreement that came and went were as firm as iron, gathering into an unstoppable force. No one hesitated, no one hesitated, and every voice was a firm commitment to the common goal.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these councils composed of top geniuses are often regarded as a huge and cumbersome machine, and every decision they make seems to require a long and cumbersome procedure.

However, the real situation is completely opposite to this stereotype.

When everyone's opinions converge like stars into a galaxy and reach that rare consensus, this seemingly cumbersome machine will show unprecedented operating efficiency.

The responsibility lies with people.

Tasks are given to people.

Every component begins to operate at an astonishing speed, and the decision-making process becomes smooth and efficient.

In just a few hours, the basic charter proposed by Sumo had been expanded to ten times its size.

The scariest thing is that these decisions are not made on paper.

When the morning sun just fell on the wasteland, one reform after another was already being sown with the morning wind.

Great changes have begun!


It was just after six o'clock.

Driven by his biological clock, Lao Zhang climbed out of bed habitually.

After scolding Fang Qiu the night before yesterday, he could clearly feel that his status on the ship had been improved.

Not only did Sumo look at him with more appreciation, but even Boss Luo stopped arranging some chores for him.

Of course, Lao Zhang himself is very confident and knows his own weight.

So I got up quickly early in the morning, first collected the fishing nets dragged behind the boat, picked up the big fish for breakfast, and released all the small fish back into the water.

After the fish was stewed in the pot, he quickly took the mop and prepared to clean the cabin and deck.

However, I didn't expect that as soon as I walked into the cockpit, I saw Sumo sitting in the captain's seat "giggling" into the air.

"Hey, Lord Ji, I've never seen you smiling so happily."

Lao Zhang paused at the door until Sumo closed the game panel and turned his head, then he quickly said with a smile.

"It's true that I haven't been so happy for a long time. I solved a big thing."

"Is it related to this disaster?"

Lao Zhang asked tentatively.

He had wanted to ask after the disaster announcement last night, but the strange thing was that Boss Luo, a curious baby, didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​asking, so he could only suppress all his questions.


Sumo touched his chin and nodded slightly: "This is indeed a good entry point."


"Get ready, we will arrive around the grid territory around noon."

Sumo stood up and flicked his finger on the map in the cockpit to show the straight-line distance.

It is less than 200 kilometers and can be reached in three hours at most.

Daoud Meyer's accident is a good reminder.

Instead of looking for talents with surly personalities and flamboyant acting styles, it is better to secure low-key talents like Luo You and his son.

Otherwise, if we delay again and again, who knows if there will be other accidents later.

"Okay, okay, I'll get ready now!"

Lao Zhang left immediately after hearing this. He was absolutely top-notch in self-management. He never asked about things he shouldn't know, and he was never unnecessarily curious about things he shouldn't know.

It was around ten o'clock, and we were still about fifty kilometers away from the Gezi territory.

The sampan was put down, and except for Luo You who stayed on the ship because of his inconvenience, everyone else took the sampan to the Gezi territory to find someone.

This time the target was a Chinese named "Guobulu Landa".

Before the three gods of the future ruins appeared, no one had heard of this name.

But after the three gods appeared, the name spread throughout the New World in just a few days.

Father of the gods.

This is what the survivors called Guobro Landa.

Like Luo You, Guo Bulo also demonstrated a completely different but equally extraordinary talent for cultural research.

However, Luo You is more interested in researching the culture of existing alien races, while Guo Bulo is an archaeologist who travels through the long river of time. His eyes penetrate the fog of time and focus on those once glorious,

But the previous generation players had no choice but to fail.

Except for a divine relic independently excavated in the north.

Almost all the other relics of gods in the New World that were hidden in deep mountains, deep valleys or places rarely visited by humans were finally brought to light thanks to Guobro Landa's careful planning and unremitting efforts.

It can be said that seven percent of the credit for the birth of the Three Gods should be attributed to Guobro Landa.

But for now, Guobro Landa should still be struggling to survive in the Gezi territory.

Only when he arrives at the Golden Eagle territory by chance at the end of the next three years will his true potential be unleashed.

"With Guo Bulo's cautious character, he should not be the same as Daoud Meyer..."

Following Daoud Meyer's lesson, Somo deliberately did not select based on distance this time, but found the one with the most stable personality among everyone.

Moreover, Guo Bulo's unexpected death was due to his injury while exploring the ruins and he was not treated in time. It had nothing to do with the changes in the external environment.

If something unexpected happens again, Sumo will have to consider whether it's his luck.

Not long after, the sampan entered the sphere of influence of Gezi territory.

Affected by the disaster announcement, this small territory looked a little depressed. On the grid-like land, it took a long time to see a single figure flickering.

However, what was surprising was that Sumo randomly found a fisherman and inquired, and easily found out the news about Guo Bulo.

"Sir, you are late. Guobro Landa left here a long time ago and went to the territory of the Golden Eagle."

After receiving the six big fish from Lao Zhang, the white fisherman, whose skin was almost tanned, said everything.

"About two months ago, the Golden Eagle fleet visited us and took away many people in exchange for supplies. If I remember correctly, Guobro Landa was the third person selected.

He was also one of the only three people selected in the first batch.”

"Took away by the golden eagle two months ago?"

When Su Mo heard this, he couldn't help but frowned.

It seems that under the influence of changes in time and space, the difference between the real wasteland and the ruins of the future is getting bigger and bigger.

Without the impact of the war, the Golden Eagle began to develop from the sea, and it has been nearly a year so far.

This also allowed them to start external exploration in advance and consciously recruit talents.

"Yes, since two months ago, the fleet of golden giant eagles will pass by us every once in a while, and their ships will carry a lot of urgent supplies."

The fisherman answered honestly and took off his raincoat to show his underwear.

It's quite new. It looks like the material is made of chemical fiber.

For today's small and impoverished territory, these clothes are indeed in short supply.

"Furthermore, Golden Giant Eagle also left us several test questions. As long as someone can answer three questions correctly, he will be eligible to receive a free ticket to Golden Eagle Life when the fleet arrives next time. For each additional correct answer

For one question, you can get an extra month of material subsidy."

At the end, the fisherman did not forget to add: "Guobulu Landa answered four questions correctly."

"Is this true?"

my God.

Lao Zhang showed a shocked expression and replied in broken English: "No wonder I often see people asking math and physics questions on the World Channel recently. I thought these people were idiots who had their brains broken?


"Haha, how is that possible? You need points to speak on the World Channel. Who would waste points asking a meaningless math question, but...it is also a waste of points to ask, and there is no paid private chat function. Even if you know the answer,

Are you going to give a thankless answer?"

The white fisherman smiled and took out the waterproof bag from the cabin for fear that the others would not believe it.

Inside the waterproof bag is a piece of white paper, on which a series of mathematical and physics test questions are densely recorded.

"These marked × questions have already been solved by others, and the remaining questions have no answers yet."

"Let me see."

Lao Zhang took it easily and felt dizzy after just one glance.

It is clear that the words and letters are understandable when separated, but when connected together, they become a twisted heavenly book.

Luo Xiang and Luo Jiao also came up to them, and after one glance, they became extremely honest.

Only Sumo looked thoughtful after reading a few questions.

"Does this gentleman know the answer? If he can figure it out, I am willing to buy the answer with materials." Noticing Somo's strangeness, the white fisherman showed an excited look.

In the Gezi territory, everyone is very secretive about these topics. No one tells each other which topic they are studying. Only some people who don't understand it at all are willing to communicate with each other.

In addition, there are many lunatics and liars who run around the territory every now and then telling each other that they have researched the answer and are willing to bear the pain and give up.

So over time, everyone's hopes can only be pinned on "pure" outsiders.

"That's not right. If these questions are used to screen talents, wouldn't it violate the original intention of the person who asked the questions if you buy the answers?" Lao Zhang asked doubtfully.

This is equivalent to cheating. With the ability of the golden giant eagle, wouldn't it be possible to tell who is cheating?

"No, no, no, sir, you have misunderstood. These questions are not screening talents, but looking for answers."

"you mean..."

"For example, this question is asking about the principle of perpetual motion machines. As long as you can give a correct answer that can be verified, does it matter whether you answer it?"

It’s a perpetual motion machine again!

For a moment, Lao Zhang looked at the white fishermen with something wrong. Is this thing also popular abroad?

"Ahem, you Chinese people prefer to study this. Let me give you an example!"

"Can you sell this paper to us?"

At this moment, Sumo suddenly spoke up.

The white fisherman was surprised for a moment, glanced into the fish hold of the sampan, and stretched out his hand: "Ten fish, I can give you this piece of paper."

"make a deal!"

Instructing Lao Zhang to count the unused fish from the trawl to the white fishermen, Sumo took the white paper with scrawled writing.

If you go to the grid territory, it should not be difficult to find out these problems, but the time wasted cannot be solved by ten fishes.

"Sir, if you know the answer, I can guarantee that I will help you get a suitable price."

Before leaving, the white fishermen were still a little reluctant to leave.

Although ten fish had made him a huge profit, it was far from the same level as the answer.

"I also want to research and see where I can find the answer so quickly."

"Well...that's right too."

In the Gezi territory, even a genius like Guobro Landa took most of a day to solve a problem.

And there were still easy questions at that time, but now the rest are basically more difficult questions.

If someone could figure out the answer after just a few glances, how could such a person wander around in the New World?

Soon, the white fishermen rowed away.

"Find a few more people to verify his statement, and then exchange the issues in their hands."


The question on the white paper is indeed very interesting. This has never happened in Future Ruins.

Sumo sat in the cabin, quietly reading and thinking.

Lao Zhang drove the sampan and found three fishermen one after another to inquire about Guobulo Landa's whereabouts and exchanged materials for the question papers in their hands.

After repeated verifications, Guobro Landa was indeed selected third by the Golden Eagle, and there was no problem.

But before him, there were two geniuses whose light was even more dazzling than Guo Bulao's.

One is European Gil Mateo, and the other is Chinese Lu Chuncheng.

It only took Gil Mateo seventeen hours to answer three questions.

And Lu Chuncheng was even more exaggerated, it only took fifteen hours.

The strength level of both of them far exceeded Guobro Landa's thirty-five hours.

As for the question paper, the one in the hands of the white fishermen indeed had many problems. After comparison, there were several clerical errors.

This discovery made the three people in the cabin admire Sumo's attentiveness.

But at this time, Sumo's attention was no longer on the question paper.

"In this small grid territory, three people I'm looking for can actually exist at the same time?"

Sumo was already a little confused when he heard the names Gil Mateo and Lu Chuncheng.

It's like walking through iron shoes and finding nowhere, and it takes no effort to get it.

The names of the three people are clearly listed in the manual, but at this time, Gil Mateo and Lu Chuncheng should be in other territories thousands of miles away, so how can they appear in the grid territory?

No, this was still two months ago. They had already arrived in Gezi territory two months ago?

It seems that not only the territory has changed under the influence of time and space changes, but also the whereabouts of these survivors have also changed.

"Lord Ji, are these two the people you are looking for too?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to find out the news here."

"Is that difficult?" Lao Zhang looked embarrassed and stretched out his hand to smooth his beard: "It would have been better if we had come two months earlier, but now they have all gone to the Golden Eagle?"

When you go to a small territory where survival is not guaranteed, it is very easy to find a handler. If not, you can just kidnap the person and leave.

But for those who can pass the exam and are selected by the Golden Eagle, it is not that simple to take advantage of them.

After all, for many survivors, joining the Yusanjia territory is their biggest dream.

Especially for these geniuses, what they lack may not only be materials, but also a stage on which they can perform.

Right now, they are using generous material benefits as an attraction, so the possibility of success may not be high!

"They all went to the Golden Eagle..."

Sumo also had a headache.

It is said that plans are not as good as changes, and these talents who should have been scattered around were actually picked up by the Golden Eagle first.

Moreover, two months ago the Golden Eagle was able to screen talents in the grid territory thousands of miles away.

Now that two months have passed, in addition to the three talents recorded in the notes, there should be others who have also been screened.

Is it really necessary to go to the golden giant eagle to pry the corner?

After looking at the four question papers at hand, Sumo made a mental evaluation and immediately made a decision.


This chapter has been completed!
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