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Chapter 1410 Weird changes, black rain is coming!

As usual, every time a disaster ends, the game will release some balance updates with minor impact.

Similar to the version changes of online games, some unreasonable areas are adjusted in a targeted manner.

Today, many things have been adjusted, and many places are different from when Soma first established the territory.

For example, in the one-year territory, in order to make the territory system implement more smoothly, the game will restrict the territory residents from leaving the territory at will. Once it exceeds twenty-four hours, the physical fitness will continue to decline until it drops to half.

As most humans moved from the deep sea to the New World, more and more territories were established and routes were launched, but it had long been silently abolished in an update.

For another example, the establishment of a territory requires at least 1,000 people, and the level of the main shelter needs to reach level three.

This requirement also disappeared from the restrictions with the update after the last plate split.

Now it is very easy to set up a territory.

First, the core of the shelter.

Second, pay 500 disaster points.

Third, it’s gone.

There are only two simple requirements, which can be met by basically every survivor who wants to establish a territory.

However, correspondingly, the overt demands are shrinking, while the secret demands are increasing.

It is now very simple to set up a territory, but the prices of various functions that come with the territory have doubled.

Even routes that were free of charge in the past are now available to prevent survivors from repeatedly rebuilding their territories and trying to open them. To open them, you need to have a territory of 1,000 people and pay 5,000 points before you can open them.

Therefore, when Lao Zhang set up a sampan to recruit survivors, everyone's first reaction was naturally to question him.

"No, buddy, have you made a mistake? You are here and want to build your own territory?"

"It's outrageous, family members. This guy dares to disturb Tai Sui. He must be impatient."

"The market is open, the market is open, does anyone want to bet on when his territory will rot?"

"Rotten? I suggest you take a bet on when it can be built more realistically."

"Hahaha, it's too bad. Look at this brother's face."


The voices of ridicule were endless, and everyone looked like they had seen a ghost.

But what surprised Lao Zhang was that there were actually people in the crowd who supported him.

"There are crazy people all the time. I really admire this brother's courage. If your territory can really be built, I will be idle and I will be free to help. Of course, the premise is that you have to provide me with food and accommodation."

"Well said, instead of queuing up and waiting here, it's better to be prepared in advance. Those of you who laugh are better than others, right?"

"Sir, do you need a worker? My route is construction apprenticeship, I can work for you!"

"Brother, can you tell me the location of your territory and I'll take note of it. We only have a few days left. If you still can't find me in two days, I might join you."


The ratio of mockers to supporters was about 82. This high ratio made Lao Zhang secretly happy.

And the most important thing is that out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of many supervisors who looked very similar to that day. These people were actually listening around and had no intention of interrupting.

This move undoubtedly boosted Lao Zhang's confidence, and incidentally also verified the Golden Eagle's attitude towards someone building a new territory in the surrounding area.

As long as these people have no objections, then all his subsequent actions will not be restricted.

As expected, the subsequent recruitment went extremely smoothly.

The plainclothes guards responsible for maintaining order even helped, driving away some people who deliberately caused trouble.

It only took less than half an hour for Lao Zhang to pick out fifty survivors who seemed to be hard-working and hard-working among the supporters, and they all crowded onto the large sampan and went down the river.

The treatment is very simple, with only one item including food and accommodation.

Moreover, Lao Zhang did not explain clearly what to eat and where to live, but for the current survivors, no one cares about this.

Even if what is served is an unknown 'tenacious creature', everyone will be able to crunch it one bite at a time without changing their expressions.

After leaving the main force, Lao Zhang turned his head habitually and looked into the eyes of the plainclothes guard again.

This time he found that the coldness in those people's eyes had disappeared, and was replaced by an inexplicable look.

It's like envy, but also like sighing.

"Boss, this group of people is really lucky. I even wonder if he has an informant within us!"

"Nonsense. The order to go up to the peak was only handed down this morning. How could he react so quickly?"

"The survivors are allowed to build their own territory in the surrounding areas and provide basic help. These people are so lucky. To be honest, I almost want to go out and build a territory."

"You, with your little possessions, can you live in poverty if you hire fifty people to do a day's work?"

"Haha, captain, I just said this, why do you still take it seriously?"

"Stop talking nonsense and continue to be vigilant. If this guy discovers us here and plans to take people away to cause trouble, we will be in trouble next time."

In the sky, layers of dark clouds moved quietly, and it was about to rain.

In this slightly depressing environment, the floating community inevitably becomes restless, like a lake gently stirred by the breeze, with ripples everywhere.

The shouts and curses among the survivors could be heard everywhere, and some of them were even cursing the Golden Eagle territory.

A group of plainclothes guards felt heavy in their hearts, as if they were enveloped by invisible pressure, and they quickly turned away from paying attention to Lao Zhang.

Stone Village.

Upon discovering that a group of foreign survivors were following the road that Lao Zhang Shun had discovered last night, the informant arranged by the Niu brothers changed their expressions and hurried back to inform everyone of the discovery.

The Niu brothers stood in the yard with a gloomy expression. After a while, they finally sighed.

"It seems that these people are serious about it. I didn't expect that no one would have the guts to build a territory even after we waited here for so long. It's unusual for these people to make up their minds after only one night of inspection."

"Maybe he's a fool?"

A man replied subconsciously, but after he finished speaking, he found himself being stared at coldly by others.

If Lao Zhang came to the village to look for someone in the morning, he might actually be a fool.

But in just a few hours, he was able to bring a group of survivors up the mountain from other places. If this method and courage can be regarded as stupid, I am afraid there will be few normal people in the wasteland.

"What about those guys in the village? What do they think?"

"They are all waiting for us, one by one."

"Okay, at least let's wait until today. I want to see what kind of medicine they sell in their gourds."

God is not good at it.

Lao Zhang and his men had just gone up the mountain to explore the territory and set up a position. The gloomy sky seemed to have been pierced, and heavy rain began to fall.

There were no raincoats and the road on the stone mountain was slippery, so everyone had to hide in a cave to take shelter from the rain.

But soon, someone noticed something unusual about the raindrops and couldn't help shouting.

"Come and look, the rain falling from the sky is black, like ink!"

"What, black rain, how is that possible?"

"Damn it, there are really black raindrops. What is going on?"

"Hide inside, the rain is weird, don't get caught in it."

The first disaster the players encountered when they first traveled to the wasteland taught everyone a lesson.

Don't touch anything you don't understand.

Especially for rainwater, you can tell it's abnormal just by looking at its color. Wouldn't it be courting death to touch it with your skin?

Lao Zhang quickly directed the people to go into the cave, and at the same time arranged for people to use cut weeds to raise the entrance of the cave to prevent rainwater from flowing back in.

But something strange is that when the black raindrops fall on the ground, whether they are mud or stones, they seem to be absorbed and disappear quickly.

What's going on?

"It's raining, it's raining, cousin, it's raining outside!"

After a busy night, Sumo was still catching up on his sleep, when Luo Xiang rushed in from outside with a roar.

Luo You subconsciously wanted to curse, but when his gaze passed through the door that was suddenly pushed open, it froze instantly, and the anger on his face was replaced by shock.

The sky was still blue in the morning, but now it seemed as if it was suddenly torn apart by an invisible force, opening a ferocious black wound.

The dark clouds are like the huge mouth of a giant beast, trying to swallow everything.

From this huge mouth, black raindrops filled the sky like devil's teardrops, densely packed and falling silently, intertwining into a huge black curtain in the sky, covering the entire world.

These raindrops are unusual. They are as black as ink and so deep that they seem to swallow up all light, with an indescribable weirdness and heaviness.

It seemed like some kind of deep wail from nature, and also like the manifestation of some kind of evil power.

Every drop of black rain seemed to carry some unknown curse. It hit the ground hard and made a dull sound. The air seemed to become heavier, making it difficult to breathe.

Luo You's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He had never seen such a strange sight, and an indescribable fear surged in his heart.

"Lord Ji Ji, something happened, something happened outside!"

There was obvious panic and urgency in Luo You's voice. Not caring about anything else, he quickly reached out and patted Somo on the shoulder, trying to wake him up from his deep sleep.

The current scene was completely beyond his understanding, and the only one he could rely on was the mysterious man beside him.

However, he had forgotten that with Somo's usual alertness, he would wake up as soon as Luo Xiang came in, so how could he still sleep soundly now?

Soon, the next discovery made Luo You feel cold all over his body, as if his blood was frozen.

However, Soma's body was as heavy as a mountain, as if tightly bound by some invisible force, and had no response to his shaking and shouting.

Luo You was shocked and put more strength on his hands, but Somo remained motionless, as if he had been frozen in the cold storage for many days, exuding a biting chill.

"What's going on?"

Luo You was shocked and quickly reached out tremblingly to touch the pulse of Somo's neck.

Fortunately, although it is very weak, at least it is still beating firmly.

Making a quick decision, Luo You looked at his son and daughter, not caring about the threat of the black rain outside.

"Luo Jiao, hurry up and get all the cardboard boxes and light them on the fire."

"Luo Xiang, come here and give your cousin a hand. He seems to be sick. We have to warm him up quickly!"

As time went by, the cold feeling not only did not lessen, but actually worsened.

Luo Xiang felt something wrong and knew something was wrong, so he and Luo You quickly moved Somo from the folding bed to the side.

It is hard to imagine that a living person could become as stiff as a popsicle in broad daylight.

If it were based on a normal person's constitution, this temperature would have been so cold that there would be no possibility of survival.

When the fire light rose, Somo's stiff body relaxed slightly, and his continuously falling body temperature was restrained and began to rise slightly.

But when Luo You subconsciously touched it and put his warm hand on Somo's forehead, he felt that what he was touching was not a human body, but a stone covered with ice and snow.

"What's going on? Why is the temperature of the head still dropping?" At this point, Luo You's voice began to tremble, almost crying.

This was the first time in his past life that he saw a living person turn into a popsicle in front of him.

If he hadn't firmly believed that anything could be possible in this strange world, but there couldn't be ghosts, otherwise he would definitely suspect that the house they lived in was unclean.


Continuing to touch Somo's forehead to the side, Luo You suddenly found that his skin seemed to be covered with a thin film.

Originally, the film was very close to the skin, but under the influence of continuous low temperature, the film also became hard and the edges were somewhat bulging.

Turns out it’s really a disguise?

Although Luo You had determined that Su Mo's ordinary middle-aged face was a disguise early on, but now that his suspicion had been verified, he was not at all excited.

"You two go to the door first and come in when I tell you to come in."

After thinking about it, Luo You decided to take off the mask, at least to rule out whether the mask was the cause of the cooling.

However, he kept an eye on it and instructed the two children to go out first.

According to Somo's normal character, if he took off the mask later and saw a scarred and sulfuric face underneath, he would definitely not want to directly expose it to the two children and ruin his cousin's glorious image.

"Hey, how long has it been? It's still unclear whether people can survive. What am I still thinking about?"

Luo You laughed at himself, squatted down, and as the door closed, he raised his right hand and gently peeled it off along the peeling corner of his forehead.

His movements were very slow, as if he were stroking a beloved object, fearing that it would be damaged in the slightest.


There was a muffled thunder, and flashing electric lights lit up in the dark clouds, illuminating the slightly dark room.


Suddenly, there was a crashing sound coming from inside the house. Luo Xiang and Luo Jiao outside the door subconsciously wanted to rush in. However, they remembered Luo You's instructions at the last moment and held back.

About ten seconds later, Luo You's loud shouts rang out in the room.

"Quick, come in!"

The door opened and Luo Xiang rushed in, only to see Luo You's face was extremely pale, as if he had seen something incredible.

His lips were still trembling, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably, but his movements did not change at all. He quickly tore off his upper body clothes, pressed Somo's forehead tightly against his chest, and tried to use his body temperature to

causing the temperature to rise.

This is a very shameful gesture, but now it makes people feel uncomfortable.

"No, the temperature is not enough, far from it. Go find the Niu brothers and buy firewood from them!"

“But it’s still raining outside.”

The black rain was still falling, and it seemed full of malice.

However, what surprised the two children was that Luo You was terrifyingly determined at this time.

"No more buts."

"If I don't save your cousin, everyone will die, so hurry up!"


(End of chapter)

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