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Chapter 155 Recovering from wounds and harvesting carp

 The overall distribution of iron ore is in an irregular star shape, which is as the saying goes: "a piece here, a piece there."

In China on Earth, there are also many such star-shaped mineral veins, and most of them have been discovered and marked.

There is no other reason. It is precisely because it is difficult to develop such mineral veins, and even more difficult to mine them. Investment and recovery are not proportional at all.

But now, looking at the resource styling modification card in front of me, I can see a mysterious connection connecting these originally unrelated things.

"It seems that the things released in the game are not all useless. As long as we can find the direction of its use, maybe..."

"Miraculous changes can occur"

Exit the Dihu a hundred meters away, open the resource interface, and gently crush the transformation card. A new way of using resources appears.

Everything went dark, and when Somo opened his eyes, he seemed to be in a void and dark space.

The entire space was empty, with only a table, a small group of black matter and a large piece of gray matter placed on the table.

I reached out and kneaded it, and the two substances felt a bit like plasticine.

At the same time, the two gray-white substances exactly correspond to the distribution of iron ore under the surface.

The gray ones are stones and the black ones are iron ore.

"If you want to mine, it must be all on the ground, so it should be distributed directly on the ground?"

After trying the operation for a while, he found that the game did not allow all the ores to be scattered on the ground, so Sumo could only create a mountain of iron and stone according to his previous idea.

For the plasticine that I loved to play with in childhood, it took no effort at all to shape a small mountain. Within a few minutes, I could easily shape the basic shape of a mine.

Next, Somo began to refine the mine.

Along the mine, use your fingernails to cut out a curve that goes upwards around the mine, all the way to the top of the platform-shaped mountain.

In this way, you can dig directly from top to bottom, and you can also build a base here. If there is a disaster such as a flood, you can go directly to the mountain, killing two birds with one stone, which is extremely convenient.

"It's a pity...it can't be repaired anymore, otherwise I would still be planning to build a triangular mountain..."

Seeing that the plan failed, the plasticine in front of him blurred for a while, and after the terrain was automatically generated, Sumo had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​shaping it.

Digging out all the broken minerals and merging them together to create a passage going up the mountain is already the limit of the first-level resource card.

After repeatedly confirming that the game panel would automatically re-process the terrain, Sumo clicked OK.

My vision went dark again, and I returned to the Tihu car.

Before Sumo could wonder why the transformation hadn't started yet, the mine had been quietly formed.

"Wow... this technology is really awesome!"

After getting out of the car and looking at the forty-meter-high mine, Somo sighed repeatedly.

Although the total mass of the mine is as high as three million tons, it is still not worth mentioning in front of such a huge thing as the mountain.

A 100-meter hill, even if it is made of stone, weighs tens of millions of tons.

Being able to create a forty-meter-high mountain, Sumo was extremely satisfied with the height.

Stepping onto the mountain path you created, stepping on the hard stones under your feet, you will feel naturally different.

This feeling is even worse when you go up and the view becomes wider and wider!

Keep walking around until you reach the top platform of the hill. Looking down from here, you can already feel the charm of the entire depression.

The thick fog in the distance has not dissipated yet, and under the scattering of sunlight, it looks extremely mysterious.

As for the hills of the underground shelter, they look much more friendly from this height.

"The barren depression now finally has a hill, all it needs is water..."

"Hey, it seems like a lake has been opened!"

Sumo was so surprised to suddenly obtain iron ore that he didn't have time to check the information about lakes and carps.

At this time, standing on the high platform, he clicked on the resource panel and began to look at it carefully.

[Water resources (lakes)-Level 1]

[Resource status]: Complete, not yet mined, in full bloom.

[Mining Value]: One Star (Peak: One Star)

[Mining Difficulty]: None

[Remaining reserves]: 40 acres


[Food resources (carp)-Level 1]

[Resource status]: Complete, not yet mined, in full bloom.

[Mining value]: one and a half stars (peak: one and a half stars)

[Mining Difficulty]: Low

[Remaining reserves]: 500 (in adult stage, half male and half female)

"500 carp, not bad, even if the carp doesn't taste good and has many thorns, it is still a living creature after all!"

Calculated based on one fish weighing one and a half kilograms, that means there are a full 750 kilograms of carp in the lake waiting for Somo to catch.

Before leaving, the area around the shelter was still barren.

In just a short time, mines rose from the ground, black soil spread flat on the ground, and even lakes and carps emerged.

After walking down the mine, driving the Dihu, Somo headed straight for the lake.

This lake is not close to the refuge. We drove a full twelve kilometers before we reached the lake.

In the large lake covering an area of ​​40 acres, the visibility is extremely high. You can even see a few carp swimming leisurely through the water sheet.

And the lake generated by the game panel is not simple like this.

During the generation process, corresponding environments and microorganisms were simultaneously produced in the lake, and large groups of algae floated on the water, creating a corresponding living environment for carp.

"What a pity. It would be great if this lake was near the underground shelter. Then it would be close to mountains and rivers!"

While he started to complain, Somo's eyes and attention were completely focused on the three carps at the water's edge.

The breeding period of carp is in spring. According to the current situation, it is definitely not suitable for carp to breed.

Therefore, in Sumo's plan, at least two hundred to three hundred carps must be caught and sold directly in exchange for more abundant resources.

As for the remaining carp, they can only rely on their own luck to survive this winter and survive the next disaster.

If you can't get through it, you will have to find a way to buy fry and try to breed them when the weather gets better.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have fishing tools, hehe!"

With a loud laugh and regardless of the pain radiating from his body, Somo jumped directly into the water and grabbed two large carps before they had time to react.

The newly released carp was extremely energetic. Even if its tail was grabbed by Somo's huge force, it was still twisting and turning crazily, trying to escape.

Facing the ground, Somo shook it hard, put his hands on the ground at the same time, and climbed out.

"The fate of the two carps has been decided, stewed carp soup + braised carp!"

Thinking of the wonderful taste of the fish soup, Somo almost salivated. He punched the restless heads one by one and threw them on the front passenger seat of the Dihu.

At this moment, the road back to the shelter is extremely long.

Even though I had just finished eating instant noodles along the way, the glutton in my stomach was still aroused and I kept protesting.

After parking the cutter, he took two carps and quickly returned to the second floor. He threw one into the freezer and kept it. He took the other to the kitchen and Sumo started to deal with it directly.

Having just been injured, this carp soup is naturally a great tonic, but unlike crucian carp soup, cooking carp soup requires a lot of effort.

After the routine slaughtering and evisceration is completed, pour out a little vegetable oil and fry the fish until both sides are golden and set aside.

When I came to the breeding room, I picked out two garlic sprouts with pain, poured a basin of Nether Energy water into the pot, and when the water warmed up, I threw in the fish segments.

Fish soup is all about freshness and tenderness!

It has the fragrance of Nether Energy Water. Except for adding some garlic sprouts to enhance the aroma, no other condiments such as soma are added.

As time passed by, the delicious flavor gradually began to spread along the edge of the pot, instantly attracting the Oreos and Big Sparkles.

"Good guys, your nose is a bit sharp! But fish, you can't eat too many Oreos!"

Ignoring the pitiful expression on Oreo's face, he looked at the milky white fish soup, added a little salt to taste, and quickly took it out.

This smell makes people faint immediately after just one inhalation.

The milk was rich and sweet, and after adding three small portions, Somo simply sat by the pot and ate the rest of the fish.

The inside of the deep-fried, browned and delicious fish meat is extremely tender. After being soaked with the mellow and sweet taste of the Nether Energy Water, it melts in your mouth and is so fragrant that you can bite your tongue.

The most important thing is that under the catalysis of the nether energy water, in addition to the big thorns in the middle, some small thorns inside the fish meat have become one with the fish meat, becoming extremely soft, and you can eat the fish in a big mouth.

Halfway through eating, when he felt that the temperature of the soup had dropped, Somo simply picked up the pot and started inhaling it toward the edge of the pot.

Gulu gulu.

The strengthened body and stomach were like bottomless pits. No condiments were added to enhance the flavor, which showed the mellow taste of the fish soup. In one breath, Soma drank up all the remaining fish soup.

"Huh... Such a satisfying fish soup, it's so refreshing!"

Regardless of the image, he sat on the ground and looked at the satisfied expressions of Big Sparkle and Oreo, and a feeling of sleepiness gradually came over him.

I went out for a life-and-death struggle at two or three in the middle of the night, and my nerves were tense the whole time. At this time, after suddenly eating and drinking enough, I felt the protest pain coming from my body.

Sumo simply left the pot and stove that he had not tidied up and went back to the small bed to lie down.

After breaking his muscles and bones for a hundred days, despite the effect of the psionic water, the pain from the severe tearing of human tendons and muscle tissue still made Somo sleep extremely uneasy.

I fell asleep in a daze until my whole body felt comfortable. When I opened my eyes, it was already seven o'clock in the middle of the night.

This sleep lasted close to twelve hours. It was also the first time Soma had rested for such a long time during the day since he came to the wasteland.

Shaking his somewhat sleepy head, Somo sat up and drank a large gulp of psionic water to refresh himself. Feeling that his body was still more painful than during the day, he could only lean on the bedside to rest helplessly.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we will open the trading secret realm and release airdrops. There are still 730 people in the regional channel. We must seize this opportunity and make a good trade!"

"Before, the only thing with trading value in the shelter was food. Now it seems that we can make some more tools to sell!"

This chapter has been completed!
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