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Chapter 169: The temperature rises and reaches the top

 Row after row of bullets were fixed in the collection bucket. He tried to take out one. Under the light, Sumo saw the number on the bullet. M-5.56-2058.

This is a mark automatically added by the machine tool when making bullets, and it is also a unique symbol of "automation strength".

Anyone who gets hold of this bullet will be able to tell by looking at the marks that it was not made out of a box, but made with a machine tool.

The neat bullets are engraved with steel patterns according to their numerical size.

Eject 40 bullets and take out the M-1 automatic rifle that has been manufactured but has no bullets from the storage space.

It was the first time to load an automatic rifle. With experience in loading pistols, Sumo quickly completed loading the magazine.


The magazine was pushed into the rifle, and the joint made a sound of steel hitting.

Putting the rifle on his shoulder, Sumo, filled with pride in his heart, stepped forward to the garage door on the first floor. After a brief inspection, he spotted the wild wolf staring at the big and small sparks in the distance.

This kind of wild wolf is clearly described in the Monster Manual. It mainly enhances its cold resistance and sense of smell. It is a natural enemy of herbivores and has a natural fear of medium and large enemies.

Looking at where the four wild wolves were hiding, Somo moved around and picked up the automatic rifle because his body was restrained by his cotton-padded jacket.

The most important thing for beginners to stand is to relax.

Everyone has the most suitable shooting posture for each person, and the shooting posture is different under different situations.

In actual combat, it is not like in movies and TV shows, where everyone holds a gun in the same posture. In real situations, except for strictly trained honor guards, all kinds of weird shooting postures will appear in actual combat.

For example, Somo now directly adopts a high-preparation posture, directly clamping the tail of the gun in his arm socket, and fixing it to ensure that it will not shake.

The next second, he saw the wild wolf in the distance reappearing. With his terrifying reflexes and increasingly strong physical fitness, Somo immediately picked up the gun and turned off the safety.

With the butt of the gun against his shoulder and his cheek close to the aiming line, he aimed it at the still confused wolf, and Sumo quickly pulled the trigger.

Toot toot!

It was the first time I used a rifle. Compared with the recoil of a pistol, the rifle was undoubtedly much more terrifying. A three-shot burst caused Somo not only pain in his shoulders, but also temporary tinnitus in his ears.

The roaring sound was like a heavy blow to the head. Before Sumo could get used to the feeling, he almost fell to the ground.

"Good guy, the TV series is indeed a lie. The recoil of the rifle is a bit scary."

While looking at the wild wolf lying on the ground at the end of the snow, Sumo rubbed his aching shoulders and walked over.

Directly using the shoulders to resist the recoil force without actively leaning back to relieve the force, resulting in extremely high accuracy.

The leading wolf among the four wild wolves had been penetrated by three bullets at this time. The 5.56 lead bullet exploded with maximum power as soon as it entered the wild wolf's body.

Dazzling blood spurted out from the wild wolf's body, and the splashed snow was stained extremely bloody.

Through the combat uniform, Sumo looked around, turned the wild wolf over, and carefully observed the place where the warhead entered.

Of the three bullets, only one accurately hit the wolf's abdomen.

But this bullet formed a large trumpet-shaped hole with a small entrance and a large exit.

"Hiss, what a terrifying damage. As long as the accuracy is guaranteed, one bullet can definitely take away the enemy!"

Looking at the wound, Sumo clicked his tongue in surprise.

During the period when bullets were developing the fastest, the military would deliberately enhance the bullet's deformation ability when developing bullets.

For example, use easily deformable lead as a bullet, and then add a thin layer of copper armor in front of the lead bullet. This layer of copper armor will ensure the flight path of the bullet. After hitting the human body, the copper armor and lead will deform instantly.

Just like a ball of mud stuck on a wall, the surface area increases instantly, and all the kinetic energy of the bullet is poured into the human body, increasing the killing effect.

This production method allows the bullet to cause instantaneous damage from the cavity after hitting it, which is fatal enough even if it hits an unimportant part.

With his previous experience, when the remaining three wild wolves were cleared, Sumo practiced his skills and fired all the remaining bullets, killing them all.

Among the three shooting modes, the single shot is the most stable and suitable for long-range shooting, the continuous fire has strong instantaneous fire suppression and is suitable for close combat, and the three-shot mode is suitable for dealing with faster-moving enemies.

"A single shot is too ink-stained. If you want to snipe or assassinate, you must use a crossbow. The automatic mode is the most enjoyable. It makes your blood boil. However, the bullets are still very expensive."

Smashing it, smashing it, he put the automatic rifle back into the space. Looking at the few wild wolves lying on the ground, Sumo had no intention of taking it back. He found a low-lying place and threw it down directly, fertilizing the land with flesh and blood.

As the advent time gets longer and longer, the explosion rate of treasure chests produced by killing such ordinary mutant creatures has become pitifully low. Four wild wolves were unable to explode even one chest.

"Kobold, after this winter, we can finally end the grudge between us!"

Returning to the base gate, he looked at Oreo, who was still unconscious in the den, and felt the storm that was gradually blowing because of the darkness. Somo looked leisurely in the direction of the kobold castle, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

With guns and ammunition, it's only a matter of time before the kobolds are dealt with.

There were thousands of kobolds in the castle, and considering the boxes that could explode, Somo temporarily resisted the idea of ​​attacking during the disaster.

After waiting for another two hours, feeling that the wind had reached Level 9, Sumo had no choice but to carry Oreo back to the garage and put him down.

Fortunately, the whole day's wait was not in vain. At least when I touched my head, Oreo showed signs of waking up.

After moving Oreo's nest to the first floor and placing it at the door, he opened the dog's mouth and drank some crushed flatbread and psionic water, then Sumo closed the stone door with confidence and returned to the second underground floor.

"It seems that Oreo's evolution will take another day to complete. Fortunately, I have nothing to do recently, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take care of it when I go out!"

It's been a cold day, and all my sparks are gone. I drank some psionic water, lay down on the sofa, and stopped moving!

Seeing the appearance of the two children, Sumo was not in a hurry and went directly to the energy room to turn up the power.

As the power increases, the roar becomes louder intuitively.

The three-story machine tool is still working continuously at this time. After importing the design drawings of the explosive pack and RPG, RPG has not found the raw materials for the time being and cannot make it. The simplest explosive pack can be produced in batches.

The high-quality explosive packs not only ensure the power, but also enhance the stability. They are much neater than hand-made ones.

It wasn't until all the picric acid made during the day were assembled and 30 neat explosive packets were generated that Somo stopped his busy schedule.

Returning to the living room, lying on the soft sofa, feeling that his body was getting cold after taking off his combat uniform, Sumo's eyes turned to the outdoor air conditioner and the electromagnetic cooker he purchased!

In the trading secret realm, I purchased two induction cookers alone, and they were all in good condition.

"Oh, these people are really impatient, is that all?"

At night, when the storm started blowing, the temperature in the shelter ranked No. 1 in the disaster relief live broadcast room had already reached 7 degrees.

The remaining live broadcast rooms maintain a temperature between 3-5 degrees, and the last live broadcast room only has a pitiful 1 degree.

If it weren't for the one-hour refresh time at the same temperature, these people might have been off the list just before they were warmed up.

Standing up, Sumo first used the abundant wood in the base to build a TV cabinet and placed it in the living room according to the furniture style given in the previous design drawing, and then moved the LCD TV over.

After thinking about it, Sumo made a complete set of dining table stools and placed them in the middle.

It took many days to make, plus there was no need for polishing and polishing, and the design was taken into consideration. The production speed was very fast. In just half an hour, the empty living room became full.

After carefully cleaning the induction cooker and confirming that there were no problems, Somo poured half a bucket of psionic water and set it aside.

The tomatoes in the culture medium are not yet ripe, but the Chinese cabbage is somewhat cooked.

Feeling distressed, Somo picked three Chinese cabbages and three heads of garlic, put them in the food box on his arm, and walked to the freezer again.

The beef, mutton, and fish that had been taken out of the treasure chest were now frozen in the freezer and were extremely fresh when taken out.

Putting the meat into the food box, Somo picked out a pound of mangoes and a pound of apples and put them in it.

Picking up the remaining noodles and three bottles of Wong Lo Kat, he walked away and placed the food frame in front of the dining table on the third floor. Somo came to the air conditioner.

In such terrible weather, Sumo was worried when he turned on the air conditioner for the first time, but when he thought about the properties of the outdoor unit, he decisively turned on the switch.


After adjusting the mode to heating, selecting the temperature to 24 degrees, and selecting the power of 2400W, the air conditioner began to tremble slowly and make a harsh whine.

The slender air conditioning duct was connected to the outdoor unit and started to work. A burst of fiery red light suddenly came down from the duct and was connected to the main unit.

[Record]: Your equipment has obtained new attributes (temporary gain), please check it in time

This red light is extremely strange. Even if there is no LED light on the surface of the machine, it continues to emit light.

After trying to touch the host, an illusory attribute box popped up.

[All-weather combat external aircraft (working)]

[Description]: Tianer air conditioner has an "aggressive" outdoor unit. The harsher the environment, the more it can stimulate the fighting spirit of the outdoor unit and produce special effects. Please feel the specific effects by yourself when using it.


Storm (temporary): The combat aircraft felt a life-threatening storm, which inspired some fighting spirit and achieved the effect of perseverance.

Low temperature (temporary): The combat aircraft feels the call of the host and obtains the effect of rapid heating.

【special power】:

Perseverance: will never be damaged by storms without external interference

Rapid heating: When the set temperature is no higher than 24 degrees, 300% of the power will be temporarily exploded, and the power consumption will increase by 300% accordingly.

"Good guy, is this an air conditioner? I'm afraid it's not a combat tool!"

According to the current energy consumption of air conditioners of 2400W, as long as the heating is turned on, the energy consumption will reach 7200W in an instant.

Such terrible power consumption, just used for air conditioning, is simply a waste of luxury.

After trying to adjust the power consumption to 1000, Somo turned on the heating function again, and the power consumption soared to 3000 in an instant, and at the same time a hot air blew out -




In just two or three minutes, the overall temperature in the shelter rose directly to 2 degrees, and it was still rising.

This feeling is even more obvious when you are on the third underground floor. The short hot wind makes people feel like they are back in summer.

I tried to open the disaster relief live broadcast page, and sure enough, a prompt appeared:

[Record]: "Congratulations to player Sumo, it has been detected that your shelter's disaster resistance attribute is currently ranked first in the world. Do you want to disclose the ranking data and simultaneously start the shelter's live broadcast of disaster resistance?"

[Record]: "Please note that starting the live broadcast will not broadcast the inside of the shelter, but will start a surround live broadcast above the shelter, which can only be used by other players to observe the ground buildings!"

[Record]: "If you have been on the list for more than 12 hours or the number of viewers reaches 500 million, and you successfully survive the disaster, you will receive a random survival airdrop*1"

[Record]: "Turn it on?"

This chapter has been completed!
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