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Chapter 217 Crush the market and harvest the whole people!

 It was evening, and despite the interference of the "special effects" of the mountain and sea scroll cards, Mineko's large plant culture medium still arrived as scheduled at this time, and appeared in the trading market very punctually at this point in the evening.

Unfortunately, this time without Sumo's participation, other people's quotes were roughly the same as those in the real world, and there were no props that could alleviate his injuries.

After thinking about it, he took out the few psionic water left in the storage space, hung it up, and paired it with a liter of water. It was a half-sold, half-given solution that saved Brother Fengzi.

"There is no transaction from me this time, and I don't know if Feng Mengyue's rare glass has been sold."

After browsing the trading market for a while, Sumo immediately understood the current market conditions and the price trends of various items.

The travel time is too short, and even if there are tutorials, most people can't get much water to drink, and can only ensure that they are struggling on the edge of dying of thirst.

Among all the props and materials traded, 99% of the items players want to exchange are water resources!

Whether it is fresh water or muddy water, as long as they can drink it and survive the most difficult time of the next day, these people will accept it all.

Of course, there are also most people who have not been able to find rare items, so they can only hold on to the only supplies they have, begging for someone to take a fancy to the rags they have hung, and trade them for a sip of water to sustain their lives.

"Iron and wooden blocks are mostly ordinary objects!"

After looking around, most of the "rare" items in the minds of ordinary people were of excellent quality, and only a handful of them were excellent. Sumo had a thought in his mind and started a wave of things that only happened in fantasy.



Large transactions!

As for any item with attributes, no matter how many you hang, it doesn't matter whether it's three liters of water or two liters of water.

No matter how many such items there are, as long as they are above ordinary quality, all of them will be swept away by Somo mercilessly.

Suddenly, the spring filled with countless fresh water began to be absorbed by the game panel and spit out.

Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu

The deep pool in front of him could not be seen to the bottom at a glance. Looking at the dozens of tons of water appearing in the trading system in the game panel in one second, Somo smiled unscrupulously.

As the only water dealer in the wasteland, this deep spring water with no bottom at a glance is an unimaginable and terrifying wealth!

No one can refuse the temptation brought by Tamsui, and no one can remain calm under such a large acquisition.

This is also true.

When everyone was lying in their shelters at night, looking at the trading market and chat channels, without exception, no matter where in the wasteland, as long as there were people, there was an immediate sensation!

The regional channel and the world channel turned into a mess at this moment!

"Someone is scanning the goods. Damn it, this is too outrageous. I just saw several items with four or five liters of water that were instantly killed!"

"I just screened and found that there were 2,239 items of excellent quality or above. Now, there are only 340 items left. Damn it! There are already 300 items left!"

"It's over, everything has been bought. All items above the excellent level have been bought. No matter how many liters of water you hang, they will all be killed in an instant!"

"Whose handiwork is this? Could it be that there is a bug in the trading system? These items have been confiscated!"

"Suma, there is a player named Sumo who is going crazy shopping for goods, killing people like crazy, completely killing people like crazy!"

"We don't know, and we don't dare to ask. I believe in love again!"

Mountains of items began to appear in the open space near the spring. In the blink of an eye, the originally gray-black land was slowly covered with various items that had fallen down from the hill.

Under the starry sky at night in the wasteland, each of these items shines with its own unique color, and the entire sky is also dyed with a hint of color.

"It's just that much. It's true that we have overestimated the progress of the humans in the wasteland, but we can't do it any later. It will be difficult to complete the mission any later!"

After purchasing nearly 3,000 items of excellent quality and above, Somo kept smashing them without feeling satisfied.

Such a harvest, if it were in the real world, would definitely take off immediately. Unfortunately, in Relics of Time, it cannot be added to the combat effectiveness immediately.

"Next, the goods to be scanned are food, iron blocks, copper blocks, and various rare metal resources!"

Seeing the commotion on the system's chat interface, Sumo waved his hand and directly set an iron block to hold 200 ml of water, a copper block to hold 300 ml of water, and rare metal ore resources according to different types, ranging from 500ml to 5L.

Prices kick off a buying spree.

As for food, it is even more terrifying. Equivalent vegetarian food can be exchanged three times for water, and equivalent meat food can be exchanged five times, eight times, or ten times!

A 200g piece of beef can be exchanged for 1L of drinking water. At such an exchange price, even the Scoia'tael players who planned to hold the meat in their hands immediately opened the transaction panel, fearing that they would be slow to order Soma's water.

Sold out!

With a flash of light, the game panel began to extract fresh water resources again.

In the column for submitting trading items, fresh water began to rise crazily, ton by ton, and in the blink of an eye it rose to a full 5,000 tons!

The terrifying resource figures, on a human basis, are not many when shared among everyone.

Based on the price of 2,000 units of iron blocks per ton, these 5,000 tons of water alone can purchase 10 million units of iron blocks.

Blah, blah!

As soon as the transaction was put on the shelves, there was an unimaginable rush, and Sumo's ears were filled with reminders of successful transactions.

At this moment, no one cared about where this sudden appearance of Somo got so much fresh water.

All crazy humans, as long as there were mines around them, without exception, rushed out despite the darkness.

The mine that was originally tall and solid now looks like a treasure shining with golden light.

With one stroke of the ax, you may be able to exchange for half a day's supply, and in half an hour, you can exchange for a week's worth of water!

Everyone is afraid that the Tamsui deal is over and that Somo will stop the acquisition.

Therefore, driven by price and a sense of crisis, the speed is astonishingly fast.

Working hard, working crazily, the hoes in everyone's hands have become phantoms, and the thumping sounds in the mine have become even more continuous.

With such a price and such reserves, how could it not make people crazy!

"Our fresh water will not be traded away!"

Wave after wave of busy harvests, and the hanging operation was repeated. Unconsciously, Zhong Qingshu also came to the side.

Looking at Somo who was in pain and happy, although there was shock in Zhong Qingshu's eyes, after seeing the precedent of the methods of gods and demons in the afternoon, she was already aware of the nearby "treasure" place and the continuous falling iron blocks from the sky.

Great receptivity.

"Don't worry, even if everyone in the world depends on our supply, there will be enough for them to drink for hundreds of years!"

After hearing Su Mo's affirmative reply, Zhong Qingshu had a touch of surprise on her face.


"Really! Also, hurry up and help me move these things from the transaction and put them in our warehouse. You don't have to worry about the iron pieces. Go quickly."

After receiving the order, Zhong Qingshu, who looked happy and furious, left quickly. Sumo continued to purchase iron blocks to complete the plan he had made before.

The ten million units of iron blocks that were traded sounded exaggerated. After spending hundreds of survival points to merge into the three nearby mountains, Sumo was shocked to find that not even two of them had been filled.

"No, we have to urge these people to collect another wave quickly. At least all the four nearby mountains must be turned into iron mountains!"

The system's object replacement price is very cheap, which is why Somo dares to exchange basic materials like this.

After some adjustments, after adjusting the price of the iron block to 500ml and the copper block to 1L, the acquisition speed finally became faster this time due to the heavy profit.

Who dares to imagine that Sumo just moved his fingers, and hundreds of millions of humans around the world were like "mad dogs", lying on the mines and working hard.

Who would dare to imagine how exaggerated the effects would be if resources from hundreds of millions of people were used to support only one person.

In less than an hour of acquisition, all the people digging in the mine were shocked to find that they had collected enough fresh water for the next month.

Some large families with four to five people, or even six or seven people, even scraped together enough fresh water for three to five months.

Shock appeared on everyone's face, and it was only then that they discovered that the originally dark mine was actually illuminated by hundreds or thousands of human torches.

The mountains are shining, and the plains are no exception!

Seeing that four mountains had been poured with iron and copper blocks, Sumo clapped his hands with satisfaction, and then purchased new materials.


And there is a huge demand for trees.

It can't be a unit of wood, but a tree that must have roots, even if the roots are smaller!

Moreover, Somo gave an unprecedented one hundred liters of water for the price of the tree!

Replacing one hundred liters of water with one tree sounds crazy, but it becomes even crazier.

In less than ten minutes, more than 3,000 small trees that had been uprooted by humans appeared on the ground. Then, driven by the system, all the small trees fulfilled their mission and went to where they should go.

The Hope Plains, which was originally filled with only weeds, suddenly turned into another tropical rainforest-like scene.

"The valuable items have been purchased, and all the basic materials have been purchased, so what's next?"

"If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world. This sentence, I, Soma, have said, and now I am finally going to fulfill it!"

Taking a deep breath, expelling the turbid air from his lungs, and looking at the now empty trading panel, Sumo made the craziest move since traveling to the wasteland:

Send water!

There are no conditions, you don’t need to bring out anything, as long as you are Chinese, you can get the daily limited supply of three liters of water for free!

As long as you are human, no matter what race you are, you can also get the daily limited supply of 500 ml of water.

These supplies, according to the rules of the game board, are set by Soma to last for fifteen days!

Within fifteen days, after midnight every day, you can collect it!


The moment the transaction was put on the shelves, it seemed to start to vibrate, and in Sumo's ears, there seemed to be a faint and crazy cheer!

This chapter has been completed!
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