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Chapter 22 No one can sleep this night

 Crossbows on Earth are standard controlled knives and are basically out of reach of civilians.

That is to say, in his previous life, he was taken for entertainment by Party A's father. He occasionally went to the shooting range and was exposed to modern crossbows.

At this time, the crossbow made from the drawings was in three colors of yellow, silver and black, giving it a cold and mysterious feel.

Two small discs made of polished brass are hung on both sides of the crossbow, responsible for opening the nylon upper string.

The simple opener in the middle is responsible for lowering the crossbow arrows!

Somo tried it and could just put down five at a time.

Although the crossbow cannot fire continuously and needs to be re-strung after one shot, the ammunition storage compartment is also gratifying!

After cocking the crossbow, Somo began to use the stringer to string it.

The first crossbow arrow smoothly slid into the ready-to-launch chamber.

Holding back his excitement, Somo took out a unit of wood from the inventory, made it into a wooden board, and placed it in the corner of the shelter.

Aim at the board and pull the trigger.

call out!

The muzzle velocity was no less than that of a small police pistol, and it pierced the wood in an instant.

"Damn it, it was poured directly into shape. This power is a bit abnormal..."

Looking at the crossbow arrow that was still trembling slightly, Somo quickly approached the wooden board placed on the ground.

Turning over the wooden board, which was fully 6cm in diameter and thick, the strong crossbow arrows penetrated the barrier of the wooden board, leaving half on the front and half on the back.

Although this kind of power is not as powerful as the high-precision crossbows manufactured by major ordnance companies in the civilized era, it is definitely not bad.

Like the chameleon from before, if he was hit like this, he would probably die on the spot.

"try again..."

Su Mo was so excited that he suddenly obtained such a powerful weapon.

However, he also knew that although the crossbow was powerful, it was based on stable accuracy.

Just now, Somo aimed at the center of the one meter by one meter wooden board, but when it came time to launch, his hand shook and the crossbow bolt hit the upper right corner, almost missing the target.

A distance of only about ten meters can produce such a deviation.

Not to mention the accuracy of fifty meters or one hundred meters.

From accuracy, to power, ballistics, and shooting feel, to how to string it, Somo began to slowly try firing.

Crossbow arrows are not consumables. Basically, a crossbow arrow shoots a wooden board and can be recycled more than five times.

The crossbow arrow will not deform slightly until it is used many times.

Furthermore, five crossbow arrows only require two units of wood and one unit of iron, which can be fully consumed.

call out!

call out!


call out!

Shoot again and again, study and judge the angle of raising your hand and aiming accuracy again and again.

Soma's proficiency skyrocketed.

Such extravagant training in a shooting club on Earth would cost tens of thousands a day, but in the apocalypse, you can spend it unscrupulously.

Every time he shoots, Sumo strives not to be fast or ruthless, but only to achieve accuracy.

After pondering over it twenty or thirty times, Somo turned his attention to the strenuous task of winding.

Stringing the crossbow has always been a big problem.

Not to mention the composite quick-cocking crossbow in his hand.

Starting from the earliest crossbow, that is, the stirrup-type stringer, all crossbow enthusiasts have been on the road to research how to make it easier to string.

Later, hand-cranked gear type, pulley type, and special winding devices were introduced.

Winding efficiency is getting higher and higher!

After winding the string thirty or forty times in succession, Somo also felt the numbness and weakness in his arms, and at the same time measured his current speed limit.

The first three arrows can complete the designed aiming action within one minute.

Going back, each arrow needs a separate half minute to a minute to prepare.

After ten arrows, each arrow will take at least a minute and a half to complete this series of actions.

"It would be more comfortable if it could be modified to have electric winding..."

Thinking of the powerful upgrades in the doomsday survival system, Sumo felt excited.

Concentrate your attention, call your inner system, and look at the crossbow.

[Hunting Compound Crossbow (Ordinary)]

Description: A long-range combat tool with slow reloading speed, high muzzle velocity and considerable lethality. It is an essential tool for survival in the wilderness.

Fire speed:140m/s

Range: 80m (maximum damage), 165m (effective damage), 330m (farthest damage)

Upgrade direction one: Upgrade the crossbow material, increase the poundage of the crossbow, reduce the winding pressure, and require survival points (180)

Upgrade direction two: Upgrade crossbow materials, add electric winding device, change design mode, add automatic shooting burst mode, increase ammunition capacity, need survival points (400)

Introduction: Arts majors use Cupid’s arrows to shoot girls’ hearts, but only science majors can express their feelings with a powerful crossbow! Praise for machinery!


But without any culture, you can travel all over the world with just one word.

At this moment, looking at the second attribute in front of him, Sumo was slightly shocked and excited.

Before this, when upgrading the wooden spear, the option of electric device also popped up.

However, the electric device of the wooden spear and the crossbow in front of me can be described as a cloud and mud.

With the addition of an electric device, the crossbow has completely changed its shooting method. Not only can it fire continuously, but it can also be wound electrically.

As long as there are enough crossbow arrows, Somo can confidently shoot Gatling with just one crossbow.

And this upgrade only costs 400 points!

According to the current progress, as long as he can survive for about ten days, he can almost come up with this number.

At that time, the combat effectiveness will rise sharply.

"It's a pity that we still need electricity. If we can't develop electricity in one day, or find a device to convert electricity, this kind of thing is waste."

Let out a long sigh.

Somo once again truly felt the importance of restoring power.

The biggest reason why science and technology suddenly advanced in the civilized era was the invention of electricity.

Electricity has allowed every ordinary person to fully feel the charm of technology.

But at the same time, there is no power...

Seeing Somo meditating, Oreo ran over and shook his head, as if to say if you have any problems for me!

"Olio, I order you to generate electricity for me right now. This is the master's task!"

Sumo laughed, called Oreo over, held him in his arms and rubbed the dog's head wildly.

Poor Oreo didn't know what electricity was yet. He only heard that it was the master's task, and a gleam of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

From an angle that Somo couldn't see, Oreo seemed to be thinking about something.

When Somo turned the dog's head to look over, Oreo's slightly clear eyes became cloudy again.


[No mutant beasts have been detected within a kilometer radius of the player]

【Number of times today 0/3】

After using up his last chance today and detecting that there were no mutant beasts nearby, Somo lit a torch and walked out.

Tomorrow is the time when the acid rain disaster will arrive.

He needed to check the drainage facilities one last time to see if the waterways had been blocked by the sand from the plains.

“One hundred percent safety must be ensured!”

Calling Oreo to be alert, Somo took out three torches and stuck them on the ground.

The originally silver-white moonlight turned into a strange red light as the disaster approached.

The red light shines on the ground and blends with the firelight, creating an indescribable eerie and poignant beauty.

In just half a day, the plains had almost been covered with a thin layer of wind-sand.

Taking out the shovel, Somo began to clean the water channel.

After everything was done and cleared, we returned to the shelter.

Lying on the bed, under the firelight, I looked at the solid stone door and the extremely smooth polished stone walls and floors.

On the last night before the disaster, Somo covered himself with a quilt and his breathing gradually became calmer.

Sufficient confidence allowed Sumo to face the coming disaster with full confidence.

However, the temperature has started to cool down late at night.

There are countless people running around the land with torches, begging for the last moment to take measures to resist the disaster.

There are only a few people sitting in the shelter with complicated expressions, waiting for the disaster to come.

There was a strong sense of crisis, except for Somo this night.

No one can sleep...

This chapter has been completed!
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