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Chapter 27 Confrontation

 Wiping the rainwater from his mask, Sumo pretended to shake his head and looked again inadvertently.

This time, I saw it for real!

These are human footprints!

These are not my footprints!

Two thoughts popped up quickly. Su Mo frowned and his face darkened.

There is someone near the shelter!

In the past two days, Sumo also dreamed that there were people near the shelter, and that everyone worked together to create a harmonious home.

However, when traces of real humans appear near the shelter.

In Sumo's heart, there was only -


He didn't know where this man was hiding or what his purpose was.

The end of the world! Human beings are the natural enemies of mankind!

If you don’t store grain but don’t store guns, your house will be a granary. If you don’t store guns but don’t store grain, everything will be a granary!

In such an extreme disaster, it is completely normal for someone to go crazy for resources.

At this moment, Soma no longer lingered, opened the door of the shelter and got into it.

The rain curtain fell on the plain again and began to destroy all the traces left by Soma.

Standing in the corner of the shelter, Sumo opened his hands and waited for the raincoat to dry naturally before gradually taking it off.

The heavy rain blocked the smell, which is why Oreo didn't warn.

After being careless for days, he suddenly discovered traces of human beings. Thinking back carefully, Somo couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"I just saw that they said there are wilderness wanderers attacking ordinary civilians everywhere, but I didn't expect that they actually found my head."

"No wonder, my drainage channels are so obvious in this wilderness. I wonder if this person saw me upgrading the drainage facilities yesterday..."

"No, we can't sit still and wait for death."

Sitting on the stool, Sumo took a deep breath to suppress his uneasiness and looked hard.

"Oreo, come here"

He called Oreo, who was sleeping soundly in the corner, to come over and rubbed Oreo's soft dog head.

"Turning on your sixth sense and sensing if there is any danger nearby."

Oreo understood the command, lay on the ground, pricked up his ears, and began to listen slowly.

A full minute or two passed.

Oreo, who was still smiling at first, changed his expression and began to lie on the ground and sniff around, and finally barked lowly at the southwest corner of the base.

"You mean there's danger in this direction?"

Seeing Oreo nodding his head, Sumo quickly began to recall the scene he just saw in the southwest.

That is the direction of the drainage channel of the base, and there is a small lake behind it.

Going far away...

It is a shrub forest, the color of the forest is very green...

The more he recalled, the more Somo looked at what he had just seen from a third party perspective.


A touch of black!

Suddenly, Sumo thought of the black color in the woods, which was different from the color of the trees. If there was no warning, he would definitely not take it to heart.

At this time, I was alert and immediately discovered the clues.

The dark shadow just now was probably about a hundred meters away from me. I didn't see him, but he must have seen me.


As soon as he slapped his thigh, Sumo subconsciously wanted to put on his equipment and go for a "friendly exchange".

This man must have discovered the fact that he was alone.

It is possible to build a stable underground shelter and have such a huge drainage facility.

"I'm afraid I'm already a little fat sheep in the eyes of others, waiting to be slaughtered!"

Taking out the crossbow placed in the inventory, Somo laughed to himself.

The surface of the pitch-black crossbow seemed to be filled with murderous intent, and with the refraction of light, a black light was revealed.

"I didn't expect that the first creature my crossbow would face would be someone of my own kind."

"If you don't offend me, I'll let you go. If you dare to come..."

Standing up and rubbing his eyebrows, Somo walked towards the bed and placed the crossbow on the bedside table.

The left side of the bed is about one meter away from the stone wall.

Summons the crafting page.

[Iron pickaxe (ordinary): 2/2 iron block, 1/1 wood]

Materials are sufficient.

Select the iron pickaxe.

Confirm build!

[Record]: Iron block -2, wood -2

[Record]: Iron pickaxe (ordinary) was successfully crafted.

In Somo's hand was an ordinary but extremely practical iron pickaxe.

After waving a wave, Somo began to hammer hard at the stone wall near the bed.

It is difficult to go from the outside in, but it is easy to go from the inside to the outside.

After a while, the originally smooth stone surface was cut open, and as time went by, it gradually turned into a large hole half a man's height.

Thinking about the survival system silently in his mind, Somo looked intently at the big hole.


Description: An access channel that has not yet been fully opened.

Upgrade direction: safe channel

Branches: Expand (5), Open (60), Material (40), Strength (200), Passage door (40)

Introducing: Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit!

"If you want to ambush me, you have to pay the price with blood."

Seeing the properties of the passage, Sumo couldn't help but smile.

Having been exposed at this time, leaving through the main entrance rashly is undoubtedly equivalent to giving away food.

If there is an ambush, I am afraid that the moment I open the door, I will be stabbed like a hedgehog.

Thanks to his wild imagination, Sumo came up with a stupid way to open up a second road to the underground base.

Relax your sight and the upgrade option disappears.

At this moment, we have not yet reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted and the picture is exhausted.

For the same kind of people, Sumo always maintains the final bottom line.

If others do not offend me, I will not offend others.

At the same time, he also has hope that everyone can meet each other without using weapons, encourage each other, and overcome the difficulties of the end of the world.

I watched Oreo walking around the base anxiously, raising his ears to listen from time to time, and lying on the ground to sniff.

Sumo felt distressed and pitiful.

"Be good, wake me up if anything goes wrong, I'll take a nap first!"

He bought two pieces of mutated animal meat from the market, put them in Oreo's bowl, and added some psionic water to the mix. Somo went back to bed and slept in his clothes.

During the day, it's not scary.

Night is the time to sound the bloody horn.

He had to stay in top condition and keep vigil at night to be on guard against sneak attacks at night.

The heavy rain is still pouring down, trying to submerge the entire world and destroy the world.

In the entire sky and earth, covered by the sound of rain, there was no other sound.


Half asleep and half awake, Sumo dreamed that today was just a false alarm. No one came to covet the shelter, and no one wanted to take advantage of him.


The sky outside began to darken, the sun began to set, and darkness began to creep in from the horizon.

Under the cover of night.

somebody is coming.

Five black shadows sneaked up from the south of the shelter, that is, from the direction of the drainage channel.

Stepping on the stone ditch, the five of them cursed in a low voice:

"What a fool, this grandson is really lucky. I don't know where he got such a blueprint, and then he slept in a shelter. Why don't I have such good luck?"

"Keep your voice down, Liu Scar, don't expose me to me."

"Afraid of a ball, a young man is just lucky. If he dares to come out, I will be the first to cut him."

The man who was replaced by Liu Scar not only failed to restrain himself, but also became more ferocious.

"If he doesn't come out, there's nothing we can do!"

Sitting on the far left, the little man with his hair combed and rattled was able to see clearly and pointed out the difficulties that several people were currently encountering.

Soma's shelter is too stable!

It was so solid that the five of them were shocked when they first met!

The stone gate is engraved with simple patterns, which look natural and embedded in the soil.

The drainage channels scattered across the hills from top to bottom were made of stone, which shocked the five people.

"Boss Huang, don't you think it's a bit unethical for us to do this? If we don't knock on the door and ask him to give us the supplies, we can just continue wandering."

The bespectacled man who was left at the back of the team walked and looked around. His face was quiet, but the words coming out of his mouth were quite cruel.

"Four-eyed boy, I told you that when you were cutting people before, you didn't move your hands. Now you are starting to panic? Are you scared?"

"Liu Scar has made it clear through his investigation today. There is only one weakling in this shelter who lives here due to good luck. As long as we can get him to open the door, this place will be ours!"

The leader, Mr. Huang, smiled contemptuously, and with a spiked mace half as tall as a man in his hand, he could stop the child from crying at night.

"How much supplies can we get in one day just by trying so hard to kill mutant beasts? Have you forgotten how many supplies we got from people in the past two days? Use your brain to calculate this account!"

"Can this person be harder to kill than a mutated beast?"


In the shelter, Somo had also been awakened from his sleep by Oreo.

Within a few breaths, Somo woke up and got out of bed.

He picked up the psionic water placed on the bedside and drank it in one gulp. He picked up the crossbow and entered a fighting state in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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