Chapter 321 Level 1 authority, reward selection!

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Seeing Connie's puzzled expression, Sumo smiled and said nothing. He did not explain clearly what to do, but quickly entered the password, pulled out the winch, and opened the door to the underground shelter.

In the garage on the first floor, there were only dim wall lamps hanging next to the stone door. The huge room looked extremely deep.

Looking at the lioness Connie, she was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking here and there silently, Sumo also became interested:

"Since my shelter was built, apart from Oreo and the others, you are the first one to go down to the second floor."

"I always thought this person would be a human being, but I didn't expect that he would be you now. It's really a coincidence of fate!"

I have learned a complete human language and can understand Chinese idioms.

Under Somo's deliberate display, Connie's eyes widened as she felt the breeze blowing around her and gradually formed a tornado, carrying all the dust in the garage to the outside world.

"It turns out that wind can still be used like this without using special spells. How on earth did you get the blessing from our lion tribe's sacrifice?"

"Oh, my God, I can still play like this, and I can also set up such a timed cycle of wind."

"What exactly is going on!"

Seeing Connie's surprised look, and feeling a sense of accomplishment, Somo pushed open the stone door and opened the path to the second floor.

In the past few days, in order to cope with this disaster.

Not only has the weapon development chain of the shelter slowed down, but the overall development speed of the shelter has also stopped for more than ten days.

But despite this, after walking through the deep stone corridor to the second floor, Connie still showed an expression of wonder.

"Oreo, Moore, come out to pick up the guests!"

Looking at the lights still on in the breeding room and the food basket on the ground that still showed no sign of being opened, Sumo touched his head and felt a little dazed.

Good guy.

Underground shelter(×)

A haven for top students (√)

Regarding going overseas and using their "light and heat", the enthusiasm for studying in No. 4 Primary School is simply frightening.

Fortunately, as the central light turned on and Oreo smelled the familiar smell, the happy learning time was finally over.

With curiosity, he looked at the lioness following Somo.

The fourth child came out.

Two chickens, a bear, a dog and a lion.

It is said that animals have inexplicable communication methods. After seeing that everyone had started to make eye contact and continuously transmit information, Sumo waved his hand, went down to the third floor, and handed over the home court to Connie.

If the Familia thing comes true, Connie will join the Sanctuary in a completely different way.

Now, it is the process of establishing authority and recognizing the big brother.

In terms of qualifications, Oreo is certainly the well-deserved boss, and Moore has become the second-in-command in the shelter due to his recent outstanding performance.

Sparks are not bad either. As the first wild animal to join the refuge, they have now become the third and fourth masters.

As the last one to join, perhaps Connie's status will improve a bit after new "players" join the shelter.

But now, listening to the sound of chickens and dogs jumping behind him, Sumo felt funny in his heart. He took out a bottle of iced Coke from the storage space and sat in front of the workbench while drinking.

The things he told Connie about the eye of the typhoon before were all nonsense he told.

It is absolutely a fool's errand to think of using a priest-level lion blessing to withstand horrific natural disasters.

Before you have enough power, even if you have technology and understand the principles, you can only build everything in theories and models.

And even if the power of the current lion priest's blessing were to return to the ancestors again, it would still be far from the power to form a waterfall that could compete with a waterfall hanging down thousands of meters.

Yes, from the very beginning, Somo's idea was not to let the Hope survive the disaster without any harm.



"In the first test, since the Hope only needs water to cover the bottom of the ship, it can automatically start the new progress bar accumulation."

"Then as long as I build a big enough bathtub now so that the Hope can stay in it comfortably, I will be able to save 30% of its durability before disaster strikes."

"On the other hand, as long as I can control the damage caused by the waterfall rainstorm to the Hope below this value, I can ensure another level of clearance without damage."

Sitting at the table, sipping a Coke with slightly bubbles popping in his mouth, feeling the happiness that sugar brings to his brain, Sumo no longer had any worries about whether he could sail the boat to the Grand Canyon in the second test.

In the case of unequal information flow, Sumo not only had a dimensionality reduction attack on ordinary people, but also suppressed disasters a little.

However, regarding the specific design, Sumo was still extremely focused while sitting at the table and began to compose the picture.

Strategically, despise the enemy, and tactically, attach importance to the enemy.

From the very beginning, I wanted to teach the aliens ambushing near the depression a lesson in front of everyone, and at the same time get the third airdrop, it would also dampen the morale of the aliens.

Now that Connie has joined, Somo's thoughts have already changed as he slowly thinks about the drawing.

Sumo wanted to stay with this alien team of 20,000, so he wanted to keep them all.

It's not for the treasure chests that these aliens can explode, nor is it for Connie's strength to increase and feed her back to the shelter.

but for


If you want to conquer more alien races, you can’t do it without a name!

As for whether this reputation is unrivaled in benevolence and righteousness, or whether it is ferocious and fierce, it actually doesn't matter.

The night was long, and as time passed, the noise on the second floor gradually stopped.

Leaving the agreement reached between the fourth child and Connie as a matter of suspense tomorrow, after feeling sleepy in the middle of the night, Sumo sat directly on the chair and slid from the work table to the small bed.

Within a few minutes, the fatigue of the brain caused Somo to quickly enter a sleep state.

This kind of work and rest habit is a "good" habit developed in the shelter for more than ten days.

Without anyone disturbing her, even though Chen Shen and others were busy working all night outside, Sumo still slept peacefully while lying on his bed.

It wasn't until after 7:50 in the morning that I slowly opened my eyes.

Getting up at this time every day can not only relieve cerebral hypoxia caused by sleep, but also wait until eight o'clock to check the system daily report and refresh yourself before getting out of bed.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and letting his mind wander until 7:59, Sumo sat up and opened the system panel in high spirits.

Yesterday, there was a sub-legendary-level Hope. Sumo was already full of expectations for the reward for such a milestone leap.

"I still have more than 28,000 points. As long as I can get one more than 10,000 points today, I may be able to save up to 50,000 points before going to sea!"

The big clock placed in the gym living room, every time the second hand strikes, is like a big drum, beating on Somo's heart.

Having been suppressing his emotions, Sumo couldn't help but take two deep breaths when he saw that there were only the last two seconds left on the clock, and turned his attention to the system panel.


Not too fast, not too slow, just as the clock rang at eight o'clock, a golden daily letter arrived on time.

Without any hesitation, seeing the color of the letter that was completely different from the usual ones, Sumo instantly gathered his thoughts and opened it with excitement.

[February 17th on the last calendar day]

[You participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of a subordinate village for the first time, completing the first time in your life (survival points +100)]

[You have insight into the movements of a foreign army near the base (survival points +200)]

[Your villagers have ignited hopes for the future, and they feel that they can live a happy life with you (survival points +1000)]

[The first large vehicle you built is finally completed. This is a moment worth celebrating. Remember, Captain Sumo is here! (Survival Points +2000)]

[You have successfully learned the details of the upcoming disaster and developed corresponding response methods. This change in mentality is worth celebrating (survival points +500)]

[You have completely conquered the first alien race that surrendered to you, Connie the Lion, and your team has become even larger (survival points +500)]

[Scanning the host’s living environment, survival points are being evaluated, and 832 survival points were obtained today.]


[Congratulations, host Sumo, it has been detected that you have successfully built the first sub-legendary level vehicle. Your strength has perfectly passed the first-level authority review of the system]

[Congratulations, host Sumo, you will have the right to make your own choices in the next rewards]

[Please note that this choice is not irreversible. During the selection process, the host Soma can choose to change it at any time without any restrictions]

[Option 1: Get 50,000 survival points]

[Option 2: Lottery opportunity for all categories of creations*1]

[Option 3: Match the sub-legendary vehicle Hope, create a lottery*1 (choose this option, after the lottery, you can spend 1000 points to re-match, the number of times is not limited)]

[Current distance selection countdown: 96H]

Final settlement: survival points +5132

Remaining survival points: 33362

"Level 1 authority review?"

"A full 50,000 survival point reward?"

Looking at the daily page that was completely different from before, and the selection panel below without any routine.

After experiencing the "confusion" of one million disaster points flying away, after seeing 50,000 survival points, Sumo subconsciously wanted to choose this option!

But when his eyes continued to scan down, Sumo was shocked when he saw the second and third rewards.

"Damn it! One chance to win the creation lottery?"

"Is there another lottery where you can use survival points to replay unlimitedly?"

Although he knew in his heart that the rewards for building a sub-legendary vehicle for the first time would be very generous, when he saw the three rewards in front of him, even if Somo didn't have difficulty choosing.

At this moment, I couldn't help but be stunned.

Good guy, the Creation Lottery can draw big trump cards!

If you choose this reward, if you can pull out another Dongfeng missile, let alone the aliens, even the gods behind the aliens will have nothing to fear!

And if we can draw other more awesome things in the creation interface, maybe Sanctuary will be able to get on the express train and become famous!

This kind of temptation made even Sumo, who never liked gambling on luck, feel tempted for a moment.

"If we say that 50,000 survival points represent stability among the options given by the system, it means that as long as you choose, you can steadily improve your strength."

"Then, the opportunity to create a lottery is to take a risk. Use your luck to bet on the possibilities in nothingness. If you bet right, you will make a fortune. If you bet wrong, nothing will happen."

"But what does the third item mean? A compromise?"

Trying to focus on the explanation of the third item, a new explanation emerged.

"Hey, there is such a good thing. Even if you don't have to choose, you can still take a look at the prizes and draw a lottery by the way."

"Compared to the krypton gold system made by Lao Ma, this is much more conscientious!"

This chapter has been completed!
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