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Chapter 376 The Age of Fertile Land! The Attacking Lord of Baisha Island!

 Time goes back to three days ago.

Standing in the glass cabinet, when Sumo clicked the button to break through the level, the second teleportation started immediately.

But it is different from the comfort that everyone was transported from the ship to this cabinet.

Before Somo could react, a lightning strike came from all around him, and at the last moment before disappearing, Somo was stunned!

When Somo opened his eyes again, he was in a pitch-black cell.

A rotten, smelly straw mat with bugs crawling on it.

A food bowl that smelled rotten and had been used by an unknown number of people.

And a piece of papyrus that is yellowed but has clear writing.

Apart from these three things, it is difficult to find other valuable objects with the naked eye.

Looking at the overall structure of the entire cell, it is not complicated.

It adopts a two-way structure. Each prisoner is alone in a room. Behind him is a wall made of green bricks, and in front is a fence made of hardwood.

If the storage space cannot be opened, it will take some effort to get out from here, but if there is no restriction on the use of the space, you can basically jailbreak with your hands.

"Are there any brothers from the wasteland? How come I was imprisoned at the beginning of the leadership war?"

"Damn it, brother, you came to the wasteland to participate in the promotion competition, right? We all started in prison, right?"

"The storage space can be used! Is there any brother who can help us? This ancient garbage prison can still trap us!"

"Look, that scrap of paper records our starting identity."

"Damn, why am I a flower-picking thief, and I even touched the commander's daughter? In twelve hours, I will be sent to the death squads. This is too fake."

"Fortunately, I am committing tax evasion. I only need to pay 50 pieces and send it to the Pioneer Army. My status is not bad. I am the big boss of the Seven Seas Chamber of Commerce. Can such a person be imprisoned here?"

Before Sumo had a chance to explore the cell, Sumo's thoughts were interrupted by comments coming from outside.

By the way, Sumo also picked up the papyrus recording his identity information from the ground.

Identity: Head of Tianya Escort Agency

Crime: Killing the boss of the Tianya Escort Bureau with cruel means, and covering up his subordinates who were involved in the incident, taking full responsibility for the crime

Criminal Responsibility: Expulsion into the Army (Into the Advance Death Squadron)

Execution time: 12 hours later

After reading it, the papyrus naturally turned into fly ash and disappeared into Soma's hands.

By the way, all the imprisoned people, including Somo, accepted their own "setting".

In terms of culpability, everyone is basically different, and their status is also different, but their criminal responsibilities are roughly the same, and they are sent to join the army in various branches of the military.

Of course, if it were up to Sumo to make the choice three days later, he would definitely stay in this cell at this time, waiting to join the advance suicide squad.

After joining the team, with his super physical fitness and combat ability, coupled with guns and explosive packs, Sumo can prove himself in just one battle.

But at this point in the level, without sufficient intelligence analysis, Sumo, like others, chose to escape from prison.

And this happens to be the point of the first level of test.

Accept your identity or rebel against your identity.

No one wants to enter the army as a sinner and slowly climb up the ranks after gaining merit.

For the humans in the wasteland who have been struggling in the wasteland for two months, everyone's choice is very conscientious when they can withdraw from the test at any time.

Following these people, Sumo also joined the team and fought his way out.

Then, everyone naturally received the reward of the first level, a new identity that looked very GTA5 and read catchy.

Deserter and wanted criminal: one star.

At the same time, the tasks from Level 2 were also sent simultaneously.

The content is very simple.


The further away the better!

As long as you can successfully escape capture and complete the tasks in Level 2, you will be rewarded, break away from your current prison escape status, get your own command order, and start a new career path.

And this time, there is also room for everyone to choose.

If you turn yourself in at this time, you can successfully return to the cell, and you will still have to go to your team to join the army 12 hours later.

And if during this process, you can catch a few accomplices who escaped from prison together, you will probably get a series of "upgrade" rewards.

But unfortunately, after coming out and seeing the peaceful scene outside, and catching several indigenous humans belonging to the checkpoint world for interrogation.

Su Mo was extremely shocked and had no intention of going back.

Human beings can rely on reading, they can rely on gods to hang curtains, they can rely on making achievements in a certain field, and they can even become gods by doing something helpful to the mainland.

When this strange rule emerged from the mouths of the indigenous humans, Sumo immediately had countless guesses in his mind, and determined his choice direction for level 2.

This is the fertile soil era, an era when war has not yet fully begun!

If you join the army or join the death squads, you will be on the front line of the war. Something may happen in a short period of time, and you will miss a good opportunity to learn the truth!


Must escape!

Even if the title of the leader cannot be advanced this time, we still have to find a way to understand this continent and who are the enemies faced by all the gods!

With this thought in mind, Sumo immediately chose to part ways with the rest of the army.

After entering a tributary of the sea in the city, he fled the scene at an extremely terrifying swimming speed.

Moreover, after Somo successfully escaped to the sea, he also received the reward for level 2.

Command order!

With this token, you can choose two different career directions.

First, it is still a cliché to join the army. Although you can only join the same advance death squad as before with the command order, there is still a chance to turn back at this stage.

The second is the development route of free lords. They go all the way to the dark side and choose to form their own private armed forces, resist the laws of the ocean kingdom, and eventually become a dominating lord.

"I originally thought that by choosing a free lord, I would have a lot of time to understand the truth about the Fertile Soil Age disappearing in time, but now it seems"

"On the contrary, it got me in!"

After recalling the process of choosing to pass the level, to the three obscure choices given by the level, and then looking at the command order floating in front of his eyes, a helpless smile flashed across Sumo's face.

If you choose to become a free lord, you must find the territory and bind it within one day.

If you are still free after one day, you will be judged as a failure and will be kicked out of the level directly, losing the right to participate in this competition.

In a hurry, I didn't know the current terrain on the ocean, and I didn't have a good navigation vehicle.

Somo had no choice but to return to the port by force, looted a small ship trading fishman slaves, and obtained a map of the sea area along the way.

But this time, there were too many witnesses at the scene of the robbery, and Sumo acted so blatantly that the wanted number was raised from one to two stars in the blink of an eye.

Compared with one star, after reaching two stars, the Ocean Guards who had disappeared before finally appeared.

And because these people were chasing him like mad dogs, Sumo's overall plan was disrupted.

Kill these people. If the number of stars changes from two to three, you will inevitably encounter greater resistance. You will embark on a road of no return where you will kill one after another, and the difficulty will become more and more terrifying.

But don't kill these people, they are just like madmen, their eyes are filled with anger that you can't run away from.

In desperation, Somo could only release the cages that imprisoned all the fish-men slaves. Relying on his noble status as a mermaid, he temporarily subdued these fish-men and became his subordinates to serve as sailors.

People on both sides, one is chasing and the other is escaping.

The small wooden ship used for trading slaves was a sailing ship with a crew of 25 people. It was not like the Hope, which had terrifyingly strong mechanical power and impressive speed.

Although the ships of the Ocean Guard responsible for the pursuit were not luxurious, it was not easy for Somo to escape calmly when the speed of the two parties could not be separated.

From day to night, from east wind to west wind.

As the distance got closer and closer, and the faces of the Sea Guards became more and more ferocious, Sumo simply risked his life and acted as a commando by jumping into the water and drilling through the ships of the Sea Guards before he could escape.

And because of the delay in the pursuit, there was not much time left for Somo to finally bind the territory.

After scanning the map and confirming the location, Sumo immediately fell in love with the white sand island he was currently sitting on among the islands he could choose.

Although the island is surrounded by sea and has no natural defenses, the location of the island is on the caravan route, so there is no need to worry about being surrounded by isolated islands.

Although there are no sustainable crops on the island, there is food for fish people and a freshwater river that can provide water.

In addition, the production of beet palm is pretty good, and the excellent honeypot grapes are included.

Although the evaluation of this island given by the command order was very low, in Sumo's eyes, it has full potential for development.

"These ocean guards are just like the AI ​​in the game"

"If the ship sinks, you have to swim to chase it. This level of energy is really outrageous. If everyone in the fertile soil era had this idea and fighting power, it would be outrageous to lose this battle!"

After completing the task of level 3, I realized that I had no second choice and could only walk to the dark side. Soma was not happy at all.

However, the forty pursuers were completely dealt with, and the number of wanted stars did not increase, which made Sumo feel a little more relaxed.

"Command order, extract the rewards within the third level!"

With a thought, he chose to complete the task of level three. After receiving the reward, a card with a white shimmer appeared in Somo's hand.

And as Somo turned his gaze over, a short paragraph of attribute introduction appeared naturally.

[Elementary Territory Transformation Card (Normal)]

[Description]: This is a card that contains a little bit of divine power. It is a reward for choosing the free lord route and completing the first test by binding the territory. If you can use it properly in the right position, it will help

Your road to freedom becomes smoother

[Function description]: The lord can use the card to make the following four transformation choices (note: only one can be selected for transformation, and the card will disappear immediately after selection)

[Function 1: Area]: After selecting this function, the territory area will be proportionally expanded by one square kilometer.

[Function 2: Transformation]: After selecting this function, the lord can fine-tune the current terrain of the territory. The adjustment range is determined by the adjustment range.

[Function 3: Resources]: After selecting this function, three ordinary level resource options will be provided for the lord to choose. After selection, they will be attached to the territory in real time.

[Function 4: Special Ability]: After selecting this function, the territory will be attached with a normal level special ability.

[Restrictions]: Cannot be traded, cannot be taken out

"Oh? This card is quite practical. It would be great if you could take it out and use it back in the depression!"

After looking at the attributes of the modification card for a few times, Sumo became more interested after seeing the special ability of function four.

Judging from the four functions, the first two are somewhat similar to the mountain and sea scroll cards, which can make certain changes to the terrain.

The third function is similar to the resource card, which can add a new resource to the territory.

As for the fourth function, whether it is wasteland or ruins, this is really the first time Sumo has seen it.

"I definitely don't choose. At present, I only have nine fishmen, and I can't use up these two square kilometers."

"Thirdly, the uncertainty is too great, and even if I add a resource to Baisha Island, it will be difficult to trade it out in exchange for the corresponding items when I am wanted."

"How about choosing function four and taking a gamble?"

After some deliberation in his heart, he did not rush to make a choice. After putting the card into the storage space, Somo raised his eyes and looked at the command order.

There is an hour's interval after completion of the level tasks in this title advancement test.

According to the time currently displayed on the panel, Sumo will be able to take on the fourth level mission in 42 minutes and lead the rankings.

But if calculated according to the current points rules, the points obtained for killing an Ocean Guard should be 10 points, and the extra 3 points are the rewards for the previous ship grabbing.

Judging from the current situation, it is still optimistic. 403 points are enough to secure the first place, but if the war begins, the points of the Centurions and Centurions on these rankings will increase rapidly.

By then, if you can't find a good source of points, you will have no choice but to be eliminated.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Sumo, who was always optimistic, was not impatient and waited patiently while thinking about the development of the territory.

As more than forty minutes passed, a white light flashed on the command order, and the mission of level 4 finally arrived as promised.

[Level 4: As the lord of White Sand Island, your reputation should be spread word of mouth by the voyagers]

[Level content: Robbery a passing merchant ship and loot all the supplies on the merchant ship (unfinished)]

This chapter has been completed!
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