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Chapter 379 Disaster has arrived! The shocking conspiracy begins!

 War is cruel, but it is also the fastest way to promote technological productivity.

For example, in the deep-sea world in the Fertile Soil Age, due to the blessing of Poseidon, the navigation industry has obviously developed for thousands of years, but the progress of the technology tree chain is still extremely slow.

The people here live and work in peace and contentment, and even if there is a serious gap between the rich and the poor, the lack of information will not affect the stability of the overall environment.

The sea surface here is controlled by the divine power of the God of Sea Breeze, so it is almost impossible to see the monstrous winds and waves like those on the earth that choose and devour people.

Including the fiery pirate industry that was supposed to develop in this deep-sea world, it failed to make much waves despite the perverted arrest warrant.

Of course, from this moment on, looking at the White Sand Island gradually disappearing into small dots behind him, Sumo knew

The decadent downward curve of the pirate industry is about to turn around and become the master!

"Captain, our ship has been heavily camouflaged. Even the real ocean guard cannot detect it without contact."

“We are simply a true marine law enforcer!”

Wearing a perfectly fitting Marine Guard uniform and holding a sword as tall as a person, Yuyi looked majestic, but he still looked like a short slave from two days ago.

The boat everyone sat on was no longer a small sailing ship transporting slaves, but transformed into an official ship with complete tickets and the word "law enforcement" on it.

Although this official ship is still on par with the small sailing ship in terms of size and speed.

But as long as you wait for one day, Baisha Island will usher in a ship update, an official ship that can travel three times as fast!

"Yu Yi, tell me to go down and learn all the words I wrote for you, so that you don't let the enemy know the truth."

"Remember our identities, we are now a standard law enforcement team!"

He waved the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, watched the fish nod, and ran happily to the rear deck. Somo sat down with satisfaction.

Every day, thousands of points are credited to the account, a large ship with considerable speed and materials, and a fully loaded supply of supplies.

After choosing to upgrade Baisha Island to a lawless place, the title promotion competition did not change for others, but for Somo, the difficulty plummeted.

Moreover, after studying the hidden profits behind all this, a unique and crazy idea began to steam in Sumo's mind.

Slowly develop here, and what is the meaning of exploring the source of the war that year.

In this world where the Poseidon sleeps and knows no distinction between good and evil, within three months, he will try to drag everyone down.

In other words, overthrow the Poseidon regime!

Sumo wanted to see if, after liberating the shackles of theocratic thought, this fertile era that was destined to be destroyed in time would change!

The moment this idea came up, even Sumo himself was shocked.

But after calculating based on the abundance of the world's products and the loyalty of the slaves, Sumo was shocked to find that the whole plan was promising.

If the Poseidon had not fallen asleep, Soma's current practice of repeatedly getting stuck and spawning monsters would definitely cause the gods to take action and impose punishments.

But today, when Poseidon is gone, all it takes is a blitzkrieg to complete the original accumulation of capital at such a speed that no one can react.

The entire White Sand Island will instantly become a behemoth that no one can ignore within the rules!

And now, merchant ships loaded with food supplies?


White Sand Island will receive supplies from the Ocean Guard on time every day. As the number of slaves is less than 3,000, there is no need to worry about the supply of supplies.

In other words, Baisha Island now only lacks people and a large number of slaves!

Once the number of slaves reaches a certain level, Soma will let the people of the entire Poseidon world know what a real industrial revolution is!

Therefore, in the early stages of foreign operations, Sumo directly targeted the slave ships.

"In three days, I will increase the population of Baisha Island to more than 2,000!"

After setting this goal and looking at the ship with the human head symbol already appearing in his field of vision, Somo tightened the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand and showed an indescribable smile on his lips.

"Chen Shen, take a look. It's been a day and see if the director's status has changed. Why haven't I been able to find the director's name?"

"Yes, so many people have come out. I see that these people who have come out say they have never seen the director's talents!"

In Hope Village, which is far away in the depression, although all the villagers stay in the mountains.

But when the first wave of titles was available, everyone was not idle. With two lifeboats and homemade boats, all the villagers took turns going out to sea to raise their titles to level one.

But after reaching the first level, it will be difficult for Hope Village in the shallow sea area to upgrade.

At this time, looking at the anxious Pei Shao and Qi Qin in front of him, Chen Shen could only stand up, hold down their shoulders, and force them to sit on the stool.

"Come, come, have tea, drink tea! Don't be anxious!"

"Oops! My brother Pei, just take a rest. Didn't I tell you? The director must have gotten the fourth-level title and entered. My friends panel shows that the director is busy, so just let it go.

A hundred hearts, haven’t there been so many people who have quit now? You can quit this test at any time if you want!”

"Think about it, there is danger. For the director, if you can't defeat it, how can you still escape?"

For the 300,000 people inside, time passes very slowly in the test ruins.

Although as of now, a full fifty days have passed in the timeline in the group ruins.

But when compared to the outside world, it was just one day later, around 7 o'clock in the evening on March 2.

For all the refugees who did not enter, the New World has emerged, and this day is still an ordinary day for them to evacuate at sea.

"I'm not afraid that something will go wrong. Don't blame me. If you don't believe me, go out and have a look and see who among the people in our village is not worried!"

Qi Qin picked up the cold tea cup and drank it in one gulp. It seemed that he didn't taste the tea at all.

There was a frown between his brows, like the word "Chuan", which made people know that he was worried.

"Yes, I don't know when the trial live broadcast will be launched this time. You see what these people said, the trial world is in complete chaos now, there are pirates everywhere, and there is... Yes, that's it.

General Xing Daorong, the pirate leader, leads people everywhere to burn, kill and loot, it’s too dangerous here!”

As the intelligence captain, Pei Shao had completely shifted the focus of his work at this time, prioritizing information collection over information on the remains of the promotion group.

Over the course of more than a day, from the beginning some people dropped out sporadically, and now groups of people come out one after another.

The World Channel, including the Disaster Relief Channel, has become lively.

Except for official members, most of the people who can obtain the fourth-level title are also a little smart.

These people were not at all disappointed that they failed to advance to the fifth level title. Instead, they took advantage of their status to do things to gain popularity.

Clicking on the disaster relief live broadcast page, Garfield Bieber, the man who had obtained the first-level title for everyone in the church, was now among those broadcasting the situation of the ruins.

At this time when everyone was paying attention, he directly changed the name of his live broadcast room to:

"First-person perspective commentary on the entire network, boss disputes in group ruins and tips for title promotion"

Just with this name and the familiarity from his previous teaching, the popularity of his live broadcast room has reached a terrifying level.

2.5 billion!

At this point in the night when dawn is about to begin, a full 2.5 billion humans are waiting in his live broadcast room, waiting for first-hand news about the group's ruins and the most important tips for title advancement.

"Welcome xx to the live broadcast room, welcome Mr. XXX to watch the live broadcast, our teaching will begin soon"

"When the number of views reaches 3 billion, I will directly start the fourth-level title tutorial and provide you with a trick to reach 10 million in a few days!"

"Oh, I see that now everyone is paying close attention to the form in the group ruins. In this way, someone in our shelter happened to be eliminated from the ruins. Now we invite Han Bi to give everyone a first-person explanation."

For every 1 billion hits, the level of the live airdrop box will increase.

Seeing that the live broadcast room had dropped 100 million views because of his appetite, Garfield quickly shouted, signaling for the people behind him to come out quickly.

This time, because of Garfield's timely stop loss, the popularity stopped the downward trend. As Han Bi walked out and saw the unhappy look on his face, the curiosity of all the viewers was immediately aroused.

"If you want to hear my jokes and made-up stories, there's nothing to say. There are other live broadcast rooms on the World Channel that are already saying it."

"But if you want to know the real ruins of the Wasteland group, then please continue to listen patiently!"

Han Bi had a dark face and looked very depressed. As his vaccination was completed, all the audience became more curious.

At this time, under Garfield's signal, he did not whet his appetite and continued directly:

“Currently, there are a total of eight professions that players can choose from in the group ruins, which are:

The lowest level of difficulty: military households.

This profession is a profession that everyone can choose at the beginning. You only need to follow the progress to join it smoothly.

It's a little more difficult, but as long as you use your brain, you can join: businessmen, navigators, and scholars.

These three professions form the second column. The way to obtain points will be more difficult, and they are two-star difficulty professions.

But again, the rewards will be greater.

Three-star professions with considerable difficulty and generous rewards: politician, slave owner.

The difficulty is slightly abnormal, but the rewards are equally generous with the four-star profession: Restricted Lord.

And the five-star difficulty profession chosen by the perverted Xing Daorong in the group ruins currently, Free Lord."

"These eight professions form the basic base of our trialists. By the way, I don't know about the alien races. They should not be much different from us."

"During the first ten days of the trial, the entire deep-sea world was very peaceful, because this was just a trial, and everyone could quit at any time, so everyone was doing the tasks peacefully, and there was no friction."

"But ten days later, the world environment began to change."

Slapping the wooden board next to him, Han Bi gritted his teeth and seemed very angry that he was eliminated!

"Yes, it's the general Xing Daorong you see who already has eight million points!"

"It was the sudden appearance of tens of thousands of slaves under his command that broke the peace. They are the most ferocious pirates on the sea. They are locusts that scrape the bones and suck the marrow."

"And the most outrageous thing is that the ship they are driving is the most advanced warship in the navy."

"The devil knows where their warships came from, but before I was eliminated, Xing Daorong's ships had already begun to be updated for the second time, and the number of slaves under him had exceeded 200,000, and the conquest fleet had also formed 25 ships


Speaking of warships, Han Bi had a look of confusion on his face.

Everyone in the audience could see from his face that Han Bi didn't understand why someone could assemble such a huge fleet in such a short period of time.

"They have repeating muskets, a complete ammunition supply chain, and explosive bags."

"Furthermore, his slaves are just like Crazy Ivan. When your ship comes into contact, it will be directly sunk by his suicide attack, and you are not qualified to fight at all."

"If nothing else happens, by this time tomorrow, when the group remains for ninety days, this world will be conquered by Xing Daorong!"


The barrage, which was still noisy at first, seemed to be stuck after Han Bi said the last sentence, and the screen refresh speed was visibly slowed down by a few minutes.

Then, after seeing the popularity of the live broadcast room, which instantly exceeded 2.7 billion and went straight to 3 billion, Garfield grinned for a moment.

His brain has already begun to think wildly about how to maximize the value of the airdropped treasure chest.

Is the fifth-level title a big problem?

Anyway, we stick to the party and don't go to sea to fight. This title has no bonus on land, so it's useless.

But just as he was chuckling, the popularity of the live broadcast room seemed to have been cut in half. In an instant, it dropped by as much as half, directly to 1.4 billion.

Moreover, in just ten seconds, the heat was like riding a roller coaster, falling so low that it was difficult to maintain even 100 million.

Something happened in the wasteland?

Just when this thought flashed through his mind, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky and the earth.

Then, thunder sounded like divine punishment, as if it exploded in the ears, making people's scalp numb in an instant.

Such a premonition of the end of the world made it difficult for Garfield to maintain his composure. He hurriedly turned off the live broadcast, opened the wooden door and rushed out.

But then, a scene that he would never forget was imprinted in his mind.

One mountain!

A mountain made of black sea water!

Under such a "sea and mountain", even the Lamb Mountains, which protected them well, seemed difficult to compete with.

And on the game panel, a burning red warning light flashed at this time!

In the reminder, the tsunami disaster that was supposed to arrive 70 days later actually arrived earlier due to some reasons, and its power will directly increase...


"This is."

Feeling the constant warning messages from his brain to escape, Garfield took a step back in panic and fell directly to the ground.

But for some reason, at this moment of life and death, what appeared in his mind was not how to escape.

Instead, it was the manual that I got after capturing an alien ship three mornings ago.

That manual records how to obtain the title and how to advance to the title through clever tricks!

This chapter has been completed!
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