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Chapter 398 Shocking counterattack, human methods finally explode!

 Human beings never fight unprepared battles, even in the wasteland, this is still the case!

Of course, the Dragon Flag Shelter can grow from scratch to its current size in two months, with four "Big Mac"-like ships.

It's not because of the terrible strength and luck of the members in the shelter.


Feeding nearly two million people!



Following a loud report, the line of sight shifted to the Dragon Flag, the largest ship in the Dragon Flag Sanctuary, which was located in front of a conference room on the second floor of the main deck.

As the word "enter" came out from inside, the middle-aged man standing at the door holding a stack of data opened the door of the conference room with his elbow.

There were not many people in the conference room, only seven people, and they could be seen at a glance.

Due to the restrictions on game placement, the person sitting in the seat is not very old, but because of the deep sadness between his eyebrows, he looks quite majestic.

"Long Suo, all our ships have been fixed, all supplies are being rapidly transferred, and data from other war zones have also been calculated!"

"Chi Yue, who is currently located in War Zone 3, Sword of Dawn, who is located in War Zone 7, and Gandalf, who is located in War Zone 11, are all in place. The remaining two war zones, Apocalypse, which is located in War Zone 12, are currently experiencing a wave of head-on encounters.

The battle is in good condition. The battle is expected to end within an hour and will not affect the execution of the plan. The polar bear located in the 5th theater is cleaning the trophies. The estimated time is half an hour."

"The current wind direction over the ocean is northwest, it is expected to turn to northerly in one hour and forty minutes, and it is expected to turn to southeasterly in three hours and eight minutes."

"There are still twenty-two minutes before the next tsunami. The current ocean surface temperature is 9.9 degrees, the ocean flow speed is 8.12 knots, and the temperature current difference within the ocean"

Putting down the data he was holding, the middle-aged man began to quickly pick up pieces of paper and make reports.

From the temperature in the sea water, to the weather conditions, from the speed of the sea water, to the changes in the wind direction.

Data one by one almost covers the general situation of the entire wasteland ocean.

Even if everyone now only stays in the most remote area 001, through these data, they can still see some of the current conditions in other sea areas.

After reading for five or six minutes, when the middle-aged man's hand was finally empty, the data on the paper was reported.

The seven people sitting in front of the table did not show any impatience on their faces. Instead, they all had thoughtful expressions on their faces, quietly thinking about the situation behind the data.

After a few more minutes, the middle-aged man hesitated whether he should leave.

Sitting in the center, a man about forty-five years old with a Chinese-character face slowly spoke:

"Is there any progress in the testing at the base today? Is there any detection?"

It seemed that the things behind were a bit taboo. After seeing the man's pointed eyes, the middle-aged man immediately understood and shook his head:

"Longsuo, don't worry about this. Although the instruments we have now are very crude, with the blessing of this mysterious level of ability, the credibility of the data is still very high!"

"Although we did the third phase of the experiment in a hurry, we have completed it. The data from other shelters are basically consistent with the data we got."

"Although we can't guarantee what this thing will look like in the future, for now, it will definitely not cause any harm to us."

"As for the future. This thing was originally extracted from the wasteland. We don't know what will happen to it!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, the middle-aged man said no more.

As a scientific researcher, the most taboo thing is to state your speculations as facts.

In such a large shelter, it is even more taboo to use your own guesses to influence the decisions of those above you.

"Okay, Yongqiang, go down."

"By the way, let's ask the kitchen to provide all the food for our soldiers tonight, so that everyone is fed. Don't wait until the battle starts to starve!"

Looking at the man named Xie Yongqiang, he looked embarrassed.

A middle-aged woman sitting at the bottom of the seven people waved her hand and temporarily helped him out.

As Xie Yongqiang left, a new round of noise immediately erupted in the conference room, which had been calm and restrained just now.

"Ryusuo, you are still hesitating whether we should use it or not! This fire is burning to your eyebrows!"

"If you hesitate for a second, nearly a hundred people will die in this sea. If you hesitate for a minute, tens of thousands of people will never see the sun tomorrow."

"Once the war between the three races begins, if our means cannot be in place to support these people in time, we will be eternal sinners in the history of the rise and fall of mankind!"

"It's already the third phase of the experiment. Even if there are consequences in the future, we can all bear the consequences together. Besides, according to our development speed at that time, will we still be unable to solve the consequences of this thing?"

"Longsuo, make your decision, all combat zones will be in place soon!"

"Yes, if we don't let them go, they will let them go. In the end, the result will be the same."

Wherever there are people, there will be circles, and wherever there is fighting, there will be radicals and conservatives.

This is true on the Tundra, and it is also true on the Dragon Banner!

There were seven people in the conference room at this time, and five of them were on the radical side.

Only the man they called Long Su and a man who looked younger than everyone else were silent.

"Everyone, be quiet and stop making noises. Long Suo didn't say anything to stop this."

"What you are thinking about is killing these alien races. What Long is thinking about is the future of mankind. If you are not on the same page, what is there to argue about?"

In the end, it was the young man who patted the table and shouted softly, making everyone stop.

It was during this pause that the conference room fell into a long silence again, leaving only the sound of everyone flipping through the materials in their hands.

After a while, there was another knock on the door and the door was pushed open.

Seven bowls of noodle soup were brought in.

Although there are only a few vegetable leaves floating on each person's bowl, this bowl of noodle soup is enough to warm people in this late night.

With the noodles in their hands, everyone continued to browse the information while sucking. The explosive atmosphere just now eased a lot under this bowl of noodle soup.

After finishing the noodles and drinking the soup in the bowl, Long Suo, who was sitting at the top, seemed to have figured it out. He tapped the rim of the bowl, attracted everyone's attention and spoke slowly.

"Okay, how should we fight this battle? When the time comes, we should cooperate with other war zones to complete the action!"

"What I said is right. If we wait for one more minute, tens of thousands more people will die. Instead of worrying about what will happen in the future, it is better to live well in the present and let everyone go to the New World and then think about it in the long term."

"Population is always our most precious resource. Once there are too many casualties, given the current environment, we may not be able to survive that day, and we will have to be exterminated!"

As soon as these words came out, the previously quiet conference room immediately became commotion.

The five radicals stood up excitedly on the spot, took the materials in their hands, and strode out of the conference room.

In less than a minute, the conference room that had been silent just now was empty, and only Long Suo and the young man were left, still looking at the bowl of noodles in front of them in a daze.

After a while, listening to the footsteps that gradually became more chaotic, the young man gradually raised his head and his eyes became resolute.

"Longsuo, at this point, we don't have any extra time to hesitate. Using biologically specific inhibitors is our best strategy for this war."

"Although the tsunami disaster broke out in advance, it only reduced our five rounds of experiments by two. Judging from the current experimental data, whether these restraints will gradually evolve into poisons that restrain humans as they spread, who knows?

There’s no telling, even if we complete five rounds of testing, there won’t be any definite data feedback.”

"But in terms of the current lethality, these restraints will obviously cause serious damage to the "casting" ability parts of the marine aliens and land aliens. Even if they are diluted 10 million times or 100 million times, there will be immediate effects. As long as

If they are exposed to the slightest bit, their abilities will be blocked directly, and there will also be a certain degree of backlash."

"Coupled with our base personnel who remain in place, we can ensure that all twelve areas are covered by rain and dew tonight with tonight's release. Even with the help of the tsunami, we will receive immediate results at noon tomorrow."

"When we finish this battle and head to the New World immediately, even if there are problems in the future, we will have buffer time!"

As the only scientific researcher among the seven people, the young man seemed to be comforting Long Institute and himself.

Biologically specific inhibitors are a new technology discovered after an official human refuge excavated underground ruins.

According to the description, the manufacturing process of this inhibitor is not complicated. It only requires a few simple instruments and some wasteland-specific flowers and plants to make it.

After it is produced, its only obvious ability is:

Restrain the aliens!

No matter what kind of alien you are, as long as your wound comes into direct contact with this substance (even if you drink it), it will have an immediate effect.

For example, the tauren's talent for great strength, although humans don't know where this talent comes from, can be achieved as long as their flesh and blood are exposed to this drug.

Depending on the concentration, it only takes a few minutes for the Minotaur's great strength to disappear on the spot, and due to the excessive demand on the body after the ability disappears, their strength will be lower than that of normal adult women.

At this time, even an ordinary earthling can hold a stick and beat the two-meter-old tauren into flight.

And for some aliens who have no abilities and only physical fitness, this potion is even more terrifying!

The drug molecules in the inhibitor are like the greediest devourers, they need enough energy!

The source of power in the alien race is the most delicious food, which can make them full at once!

But if you don't have the power, then sorry, your whole body will directly become a parasite, and gradually be drained of all "vital energy" by this drug, aging rapidly and leading to death.

And this kind of horrific consequences is what the people who invented this inhibitor are most worried about!

Once in the process of spreading, the specific inhibitor that can only be triggered by foreign races mutates, and humans are also recognized as being within the attack range.

So for humans without innate abilities, it is no less than drinking three kilograms of arsenic.

All infected people must watch their bodies gradually die and decay, and must personally bear the horrific consequences.

"Ruan Bo, this is not the first time you have said this to me in the past two days. How can I not understand the truth?"

"If you don't let humans go, you have to finish the game. If you let humans go, you have a chance of finishing the game. You don't need to do this multiple-choice question at all. I'm here."


Seeing the confusion and longing on Long Suo's face, Ruan Bo paused for a moment, and after making a guess, his face also showed a little bit of hope.

"You think I'm the only one waiting, but let me tell you, pretty, polar bears, geese, eagles and others are also waiting!"

"Everyone is aware of this thing, and no one wants to be a sinner among mankind. Otherwise, this thing wouldn't be released now. We would have used it when we made it twenty-eight days ago. How can we wait for it?"


After a few words, Long Suo smiled helplessly, stood up and patted Ruan Bo on the shoulder.

Then, he didn't sit down anymore. Instead, he put the folder on the desktop, which looked thick but actually only had one piece of paper, on the creaking place and walked out slowly.

For a moment, Ruan Bo was the only one left in the conference room, but looking at Long Suo's back, Ruan Bo showed a strange expression on his face.

Before this, everyone thought that the documents Long looked at every day were truly top-secret documents, which contained important information that affected the course of human history.

But only Ruan Bo himself knew that in his sudden glance, he saw two large words on the top of the white paper in Long's folder.

These two words are familiar to everyone in the wasteland, exactly.


This chapter has been completed!
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