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Chapter 422 Platinum Treasure Chest! Terrifying Harvest!

 After a short delay, the current number of unread messages has reached thirty-six.

It was the same as the last disaster reward from the Tengu False God. Just after checking the information notification, Somo keenly captured several key messages.

"Very good, compared to the three rewards last time, this time there is one more reward!"

Emails marked in white are ordinary notification messages, which can be read or not.

The mail marked in blue represents the reward that needs to be selected, and it is also a reward that can be obtained by all players in the wasteland.

Now there are four!

The emails marked with green are unilaterally awarded to individuals by the game, which represents the player's sudden contribution in this disaster.

There are also four!

As for the last one, the new red email.

After glancing at the information marked on it, Sumo secretly thought something was wrong, but his skills did not slow down.

Thoughts move slightly.

Instead of choosing to read the red email immediately, Sumo tried to click on the blue reward email at the front.

[Record]: It was detected that the platinum-level disaster "Disaster of Alien Gods" was 100% completed, and the gold-level disaster first-level rewards began to be issued.

[Record]: This disaster reward is distributed to: all players

[Record]: Dear "Suma" players, please choose the items for this disaster welfare distribution!

[Record]: An error message was reported when abnormal information was detected when the reward was terminated.

[Record]: Dear player Sumo, hello, it is detected that you have chosen to enter the reward collection link, and the game is being processed.

[Record]: Player Sumo, we have detected some abnormalities in your game data. This game will specially mobilize the second provision of Article 35 of the Reward Regulations to drag you to the reward space to claim it as needed.

[Record]: During this process, your consciousness will be pulled, and the time ratio is 1:100. Please make sure that your environment is safe, and then silently receive the reward and enter

Exactly the same as last time, but completely different from last time!

Seeing that the idea of ​​"smuggling" came to nothing, Su Mo paused, his thoughts began to dissipate, and the game panel also disappeared.

The expected worst-case scenario has indeed come!

The last time Dongfeng missiles were deployed to bombard the Tengu pseudo-god, Sumo guessed that the game might detect data anomalies and issued an early warning.

But afterwards, I don’t know whether it was because of the power of the system items or because the Dongfeng missile disappeared after being used up, leaving no physical evidence.

The game at that time did not issue any warning prompts, and Sumo did not take it to heart.

Later, before the tsunami disaster struck, after the magical golden light's review still failed to find any loopholes, Sumo completely put the matter aside in his heart.

But now.

The game finally stops pretending to be deaf and dumb!

The vertical launcher that fired five missiles is now placed in the middle of the Hope and has not yet been closed below the deck.

Even the smoke in the sky has not cleared at all at this time!

The game detected the anomaly, but it did not detect it completely, so it could only send out a few data anomaly warning prompts and exchange the rewards for entering the space to receive them.

"Don't be anxious. Once I am fooled into the space, what awaits me may not be a reward, but an interrogation as golden as last time!"

"Now all the survival points in the system have been used up. If you enter recklessly, you will be in trouble if you encounter an interrogation and there are no points available."

"Wait until eight o'clock, wait for the new round of points to be restored, and try again!"

For ordinary survivors, game rewards are indeed their "life-saving straw" and a good medicine that can change their living situation.

But no one, including the game, knows!

The system is his trump card!

It is his ultimate weapon that can control this world in the future!

Right now, you are a game that even a false god has no way to deal with.

If you want to interrogate me, then you must first fight with a system that can easily kill gods!

I snorted in my heart, after going through so many hardships, I couldn't bear these dazzling warnings.

In just a few seconds, Sumo's mentality had completely adjusted.

Even when he saw Su Chan running towards him, a warm smile immediately appeared on his face.

"I want to get the reward, and I want to go to the New World!"

"After receiving my sister, there will no longer be any constraints on me in this world!"

"Just wait, one day I will have to interrogate you, a bastard who cares about human life!"

He picked up Su Chan and looked at the undisguised innocent smile on her face. Su Mo was already looking forward to the future life!

What kind of people do what kind of things.

Sumo is not a sensationalist. He always has clear goals and acts resolutely.

He never indulges in any emotion, whether it is love, friendship, or

Family affection.

This is not betrayal.

On the contrary, he is very loyal to all kinds of feelings, and he understands what he needs and what responsibilities he has to bear.

Family is a harbor, a resting place where you can rest when you are tired, and then set off again to fight for your destiny!

It's not a paradise. If you cross the line, you'll easily suffer backlash.

Therefore, after the initial excitement of brother and sister meeting, they became the same blend of blood and spiritual connection as on earth.

Everything returns to ordinary happiness.

"Brother, Lu Suo is looking for you again. Come on, hurry up and get busy. Once our parents come, our family will never be separated again!"

"Okay, wait until brother finishes handling this matter, and I will cook you a big meal myself!"


In the area where the Tundra Fleet was located, more than 200,000 aliens died in one day.

Even today's explosion rate is far from what it was when everyone first came to the wasteland.

It can't even be compared with when Somo killed 20,000 aliens by firing cannons.

But under such a base, the receipt of more than 200,000 aliens is still terrifying enough to make anyone who sees the data feel numb!

It's five forty-five in the wasteland.

The treasure chests floating on the sea have basically been collected and placed on the planned raft ferry.

No one stole it or coveted it. Except for many people who cast envious and respectful looks, no one had any dispute about the ownership of the treasure chest.

The law of the wasteland, whoever kills it belongs to him!

These treasure chests were all killed by Su Shen, so of course they should be his!

Zhang Long: "Shen Su, we have basically finished counting the gains from this battle, and are now doing the final finishing work. It's a pity that the explosion rate is getting lower and lower now, otherwise we should be able to increase the number of treasure chests by one or two."

More than twice as much”

Sitting in front of the table in the conference room of the Hope, Zhang Long quickly flipped through the small notebook in his hand, calculating the numbers again in his mind while reporting steadily.

Next to him, there were seven captains, all of whom were responsible for the liquidation of this harvest.

According to previous practice, the big housekeeper Shen Ke will also join in.

But considering that Ying Tianlong brought too much stimulation to her, after discussion, Lu Yongyi gave Shen Ke a holiday.


Time: three days!

Vacation location: The luxurious crew room of the Hope!

Su Mo could guess some of Lu Yongyi's little ideas, but after thinking about it, he didn't refuse.

The Hope has the bonus of comfort attributes and is indeed a good place to take a vacation.

Lu Yongyi wanted to deepen the connection with himself. For an honest person like him, it was really not easy to think of this method.

After a long while, as the time approached six o'clock, the calculation was finally over.

After clearing his throat, Zhang Long took the notebooks from all the captains, stood up from his seat, and began to report.

"March 8th - March 9th, summary of the battle situation!"

"This time we have killed a total of just over 210,000 aliens. Among them, we have killed more than 98,000 land aliens and more than 120,000 ocean aliens. Currently, the number of aliens with complete corpses is 35,800, and the number of aliens with incomplete corpses is 65,600."

"Among all the alien corpses, in line with the principle of humanitarianism, we will discard more than 19,600 humanoid corpses without using any materials."

"Among the remaining alien corpses, there are 13,000 pieces of materials that can be used to make weapons, 8,600 pieces of materials that can be used to make armor, and 27,000 pieces of materials that can be used to make tools. The points can be recycled

, a total of fifteen items”

"In the production of treasure chests, 210,000 aliens produced a total of 7,100 treasure chests."

"Platinum Treasure Chest: 1"

"Golden Treasure Chest: 89"

"Silver Treasure Chest: 675"

"Bronze treasure chest: 1784 pieces"

"Black Iron Treasure Chest: 1781"

"Rottenwood Treasure Chest: 2770"

The harvest ratio of close to 3.5% is indeed pitifully low compared to the past, but under the base number, it is not that unacceptable.

A wooden treasure chest worth nearly three thousand can produce many sundries needed by survivors to meet some survival needs.

Among the black iron and bronze in the early 3500s, relatively scarce survival supplies can be obtained, which will bring a lot of help to the next migration.

In the 600 silver treasure chests above, many special tools and weapons can be found in these chests, which will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the fleet.

There are nearly a hundred gold treasure chests left, and the only platinum treasure chest.

To a certain extent, the help they bring to survivors is actually not as exaggerated as imagined.

Many good things that come out of here require basic strength to be useful.

For example, the gringo who opened the blueprint of a rare-class destroyer in the box before. To him, this blueprint is just waste paper and has no use at all.

Even if he knew that a maritime disaster was coming, he would not be able to build the ship above according to the drawings.

On the contrary, the special tools and food supplies that Sumo provided him at that time helped him to regain a lot of blood and survive the most difficult period. Now he is developing very well in the regional channel.

Now, looking at Zhang Long, he opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't say anything.

Su Mo smiled: "Well, Zhang Long, you don't need to forget my share. The fact that so many enemies can be annihilated in this battle is not only due to me. You, including those who sacrificed their lives in the fleet,

They all contributed. If we really want to calculate them based on statistics, it would be unfair to the sacrificed humans."

Zhang Long nodded: "Su Shen, you don't need to tell me to know that Lu Suo has told me in advance, and my brothers have also said yes."

Su Mo interrupted: "Stop, what Lu Yongyi said is useless, and it's useless for you living people to say it. Just follow what I said later. I'll take all the platinum box and gold box. Do you have any objections?


Everyone shook their heads crazily at first, and then nodded in agreement crazily.

"Okay, among the remaining boxes, I will take two hundred for the silver chest, five hundred for the copper box, and I will not use the wooden and iron boxes. I will use the extra boxes in my share to make up for those who died in the battle, but there are still

For the survivors whose families are still alive, tell them to live well, just think of it as the little thing I can do for the fleet."

The captains were shocked: "Ah, Su Shen, these brothers..."

Sumo shook his head and interrupted again: "I have the final say here, so let's do it!"

He made the greatest contribution and received the greatest reward. Soma is not a greedy vampire.

The wooden and iron box had long been useless to him.

Even when we took the copper and silver boxes, we took into consideration that there were still a bunch of villagers on Tieshi Mountain waiting for food.

If you really want to calculate it, among these boxes, a platinum box is enough to be worth

Thousands of iron boxes!

This chapter has been completed!
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