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Chapter 433 Sweeping through the night, wild harvest!

 In the long years of the wasteland, hundreds of generations, and tens of thousands of years of struggle, the aliens thought they had figured out the way for mankind.

According to the rules, even if their own clan is not the final winner, humans have never truly won.

They are confident that the human race is like grasshoppers after autumn, they can only survive for a few days before giving up.

But this time, their inertia caused them to stumble hard.

Although it does not damage the real foundation, to a certain extent, it is equivalent to giving their faces a few severe slaps!

Therefore, after the false god clones of the five major royal families were destroyed, the clans and gods behind countless alien races did not choose to stop.

They are plotting and discussing how to regain their position and how to take advantage of this period of great change to become the new royal family.

They are waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that allows them to ignore the danger!

But one obvious fact is that these remaining alien races in the wasteland cannot wait any longer!

To be clear, from a macro perspective, they have become.

Abandoned son!

3:40 p.m.

The tundra fleet, which had been stationed here for two days, finally packed up everything in a hurry and "set off" again.

Those who collect the anchor collect the anchor, and those who get the supplies get the supplies.

Scouts, ship repairmen, combat personnel, logistics personnel and commanders have also been in place one after another.

The purpose of this operation was not concealed. With everyone excited and excited, as the Hope took the lead in moving, the entire huge ship also had a backbone!

"Deflect course, north 29, raise the sails, pay attention to the safe distance of the raft fleet behind, and avoid a collision."

"All raft ferry controllers, please pay attention to the instructions and respond at any time. If you see the message, please reply."



Sitting in the renovated command room of the Tundra, Lu Yongyi scolded Fang Qiu and controlled all the ships below.

Even without the help of the captain of the big ship, he was able to handle such a simple task of dispatching troops and generals.

As soon as four o'clock passed, when all the formations were finally deployed, under the leadership of Sumo, the entire fleet plunged back into the deep sea like an arrow!



The wind roared like thunder!

When a ship is moving, it should be silent.

But with dozens of ships and a huge fleet of rafts, the formation was a bit scary.

Normally, everyone could only drift slowly for three or four quarters, which would be fine.

But now, with the 60% attribute bonus of the No. 1 Hope, the raft has actually been launched for the first time.

Section 27!

What is this concept?

Think about it, the speed of destroyers that are still in service on Earth, including aircraft carriers, is only within this range.

Even speedboats in tourist areas cannot reach this terrifying speed.

Moreover, this speed does not require burning oil!

Just like the bug, it is clear that the people on the raft are just gently paddling the oars, but the raft ferry is drifting forward quickly as if there is no gravity.

And those ships with sails are even more awesome.

They don't even need to row a boat. They only need to control the force on the sail to control their speed easily and freely. It can be described as a magical power!

Of course, after the live broadcast connection is disconnected, only the tundra fleet in the entire wasteland ocean maintains such a connection and can enjoy this terrifying bonus.

[Captain Sumo, currently heading north 33rd, signs of alien activities have been detected, the distance is 199 kilometers]

[According to the reaction intensity detection of activity signs, the number of aliens in the area is 1.36W-1.69W]

[The current ship speed is 30 knots, and the estimated time of arrival at the target location is 8:14 p.m.]

At a terrifying speed, only half an hour had passed before Gonggong noticed the reaction of this alien race that had passed by. Sumo couldn't help but smile.

If the tsunami is still raging now, the 200 kilometers will only be a distance that the Nozomi can reach in just over an hour.

As of now, although it takes four hours, compared with the results, it is still a huge profit!

After a long and boring voyage, after observing for a while and confirming that there were no problems, Somo took the time to go up to the captain's cabin and take a leisurely rest.

With the sleep-aiding effect of the psionic water and the excitement of getting a complete flying carpet, Soma had a very solid sleep this time.

He didn't wake up from nothingness until the worker issued a reminder at seven o'clock.

Outside, the sun has set again.

The sky is round, and the deeper you go into the sea, the earlier the night will come.

When I got up and looked through the porthole, I could see that some lights on the raft were already lighting up during the voyage.

During high-speed sailing, like the Hope, these ships will also have an invisible protective film to protect the people inside from being hit by the airflow.

"Okay, let's rest for half an hour, everyone cooks in the pot, and we'll start again when we're full!"

Pressing the earphone, as the boss of the fleet, Sumo gave the order without hesitation.

And as his instructions were sent to Zhang Long, when the Hope slowed down, the ships in the following fleet also slowly stopped in unison.

A half-day sailing brings endless excitement!

Ordinary survivors who had never "soared" on the sea like this before, it was during this afternoon that they witnessed magical things beyond the boundaries of human cognition.

With longing for the future, although most people did not feel hungry due to excitement, when they thought of the possible battle at night, stoves were set up everywhere.

The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first.

With the convenience of storage space, this most troublesome food problem is not a big problem for the time being.

As the pancakes that had been steamed before were put into the pan and stir-fried in this oil, the white porridge cooked on the side was stirred over high heat, and there were a few mouthfuls of pickles picked from seabed plants.

All the survivors were extremely satisfied!

On the Hope, due to the joining of the chef, Sumo officially got rid of the dilemma of cooking by himself and lived a happy life just like in Hope Village.

"Brother, why don't you just ask Moore to fire off the cannon later? It's just a blind act. If they come up behind, they will probably suffer a lot of casualties."

Sitting at the dinner table, eating steamed buns with fried pork with chili peppers, Su Chan mumbled something while chewing.

There are many people sitting here in the entire small canteen, more than a dozen captains, plus Shen Ke, Moore, etc.

But only Su Chan can say this.

Only she has this right!

"Don't think about it. I never intended for them to go up and fight. At best, just clean up the battlefield!"

"Besides, human life is definitely more precious than cannonballs. I don't want this pursuit to turn into an encounter!"

After pausing his chopsticks, Su Mo grinned. Although he was staring at the fragrant white porridge in front of him, his eyes spread to the faces of the people next to him.

It was obvious that after he said these words, everyone, including Shen Ke, breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, this person’s heart can be used!

After observing this conclusion, the smile on Somo's face became a little brighter, and the food on his lips seemed to be a little sweeter.

He does not want his subordinates to be executioners who are only interested in profit and have no regard for humanity.

People need to have a conscience and a bottom line in order to maintain their original intention of persisting in the wasteland.

Without these, it would be difficult to control and easy to explode!

At 8:39 pm, the tundra fleet officially arrived in the alien waters.

As the Hope's six shells fell from the sky from 20 kilometers away, the two kilometers covered within it completely turned into a purgatory on earth.

Even from a distance, all the survivors could think of the misery of the aliens from the steaming flames on the horizon.

Facing the supreme weapon of mankind, they were really too weak. They were so weak that they didn't even see anyone, and their souls flew back to the clan first.

A small boat with about 200 people and a raft with 2,000 people was detached to clean the battlefield.

Taking the remaining people with them, the fleet headed straight to another place sixty kilometers away where foreigners gathered.

At 9:17 in the evening, two artillery shells were fired, and all 3,300 aliens without any resistance were wiped out in an instant.

Again, it was done in accordance with the law, and manpower was allocated to clean the battlefield.

The fleet was busy rushing to the next battlefield again!

At 11:01 p.m., with ten shells, 32,000 aliens were wiped out.

At 1:09 in the morning, four artillery shells were fired, and another 8,000 aliens died on the spot.

Three point fifteen, six thousand.

Four twenty, seven thousand five.

Half past six, fourteen thousand.

Like a heartless prodigal, the Hope never stayed in one battlefield for more than a second.

Almost as soon as the cannon was fired, and after Gonggong confirmed that there were no survivors, the fleet dispersed again.

The fleet, which numbered hundreds of thousands, gradually grew to 80,000, 50,000, or 30,000 after a night of hunting.

Until now, there are fifteen thousand people!

After a night of "busy work", no one in the fleet complained of suffering or tiredness.

Of course, they had been sitting on the boat and resting, and just watching the harvest notification on the regional channel was so happy that they almost went crazy.

They expect that they will be the next team to collect the loot, but they also expect to follow the Hope to the next place and do another ruthless job!

"Lu Suo, let me ask, can the people below still persist?"

"I caught a big fish. If it doesn't work, let's rest for a while before going over. They can't escape anyway!"

"How big!"

"About seventy thousand!"


As the culprit of global warming, after hearing this number, Lu Yongyi immediately took a breath and made a decision on the spot to help the remaining survivors decide the "future"!

At 8:19 in the morning, without any denial, the familiar twenty-nine rounds of artillery shells fell from the sky.

This grand attack can be considered officially announced:

The hunting operation is successfully concluded!

From four o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock in the morning, sixteen hours of high-intensity navigation and stress-free operations had basically squeezed out all the "potential" of the nearby sea area.

The remaining alien races, even if there were any, were only a few hundred people gathered together. Somo was too lazy to go, and he was too lazy to waste anti-aircraft guns on mosquitoes.

The record of killing 160,000 aliens in one night has become an astronomical figure that makes all the survivors in the wasteland dizzy just hearing about it.

And if we take into account the terrifying battle-loss ratio at zero cost to mankind, we can know what kind of power technological weapons have in this war!

With all the remaining survivors, the Hope took the lead and sailed towards the sea of ​​​​fire.

Along the way, as we got closer to the center of the battlefield, the bloody smell of gunpowder smoke became stronger.

At the same time, the black and gray blood floating on the sea is like a horror movie. Just looking at it and smelling it will give people goosebumps.

Despite the natural nausea caused by the smell, after allowing all the crew members to adapt for a few minutes, the Hope crashed straight into it, carving a "bloody" path!

Along this road, the crew members who were still on rafts and boats of different sizes, although disgusted, rushed down without any flinching and began to gather the loot.

In addition to treasure chests, the flesh of certain alien races is also a good material. Not only can it be used to make tools and weapons, but some can also be stored in the deep sea to be fermented into fertilizer for planting.

What’s more, it can also be used to recover points, which can be said to be a multi-purpose achievement!

"Brother, I'll go down and clean it up too. This is my favorite job of picking up treasure boxes!"

Seeing Su Chan riding Moore, one person and one bear said hello and rushed down the boat excitedly.

After opening his mouth, Sumo finally shook his head and laughed dumbly.

These stimulations that could no longer touch his nerves, for ordinary survivors, felt like they were in paradise.

Without control, the entire Hope, from the management down to the crew.

They almost rushed down the channel together, swimming in the ocean to collect the loot.

Every time they picked up a treasure box, they screamed with excitement.

Every time they find a powerful alien that looks ugly but is now a corpse, they beat their chests repeatedly, seemingly venting endless resentment.

Through the Hope's picture analysis system, Sumo could clearly see the performance of these people, and he was fascinated by it.

He didn't react until Oreo slowly walked in from the door obediently and lay quietly at his feet.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Don't worry, I'm not addicted to killing. They are just stepping stones on my way forward!"

Knowing the worries in Oreo's heart, Sumo seemed to be talking to Oreo, but in fact his eyes were looking up at the sky uncertainly.

What the game wants is balance, and the Hope's illegal abilities are not within the balance.

Sumo had a hunch that if he led everyone to kill for one or two rounds, the game would definitely intervene!

At that time, the "honeymoon relationship" between the two people will directly break down!

Although Sumo was not afraid of this outcome, he did not intend to do it.

Yugi doesn't know, but he knows in his heart:

That's what I don't lack the most.

Just accept it when you see it!

This chapter has been completed!
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