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Chapter 466 Blood and soil, the 'soil' for the growth of nuclear fusion!




Listening to the sound in his ears drowsily, Somo rubbed his eyes and gradually regained consciousness.

The slightly bluish slanting light of the rising sun passed through the gap at the top of the curtain.

It hit the book on the bed next to Sumo.

The wall clock hanging on the wall of the bedroom is still performing its task well, ticking.

It shows that the time has reached 7:15 in the morning.

Last night, after returning to the wasteland, he did not stay in the return capsule to rest. Instead, he went to the Sun Chaser to study and didn't sleep until midnight.

Not to mention anything else, but this spirit is enough to instantly kill 99% of ordinary people in the wasteland.

Sit up straight, take the book back to the storage space and put it away.

As a cup of psionic water poured down his throat, Somo became energetic.

"Gonggong, how long does it take to reach the location of the Hope!"

[Captain Sumo, the current positioning and navigation distance is still 662 kilometers, and the estimated arrival time is three o'clock in the afternoon]

"Huh? You can go back at three o'clock!"

"Very good, keep this speed and don't stop!"

Today, it is March 14th in wasteland time.

The third day after Sumo left the Hope.

When he heard that he could go home immediately, Sumo became interested. He immediately put on his shoes and opened the door.


It is different from the previous thick clouds that stayed forever and heavy rain could fall at any time.

Today's weather in the wasteland is rare and cloudless.

Under the sunlight, the entire sea surface is like a moving sapphire, exuding an intoxicating light.

A hint of salty sea breeze also blew past my face, taking away the coolness of the night.

This kind of weather is good weather for sailing.

Of course, it’s also a great day to go home!

Following the loud noise and passing through several small doors, Somo stepped to the stern of the Sun Chaser.

This place looked empty before.

But now, there are three strong steel cables running through the stern of the ship and connecting to the return capsule at the rear.

At a speed of nearly 70 kilometers per hour, the loud noise was exactly the sound made by the return capsule slapping on the water.

Through the glass, I watched the robot wave excitedly.

Sumo also raised his arm with some interest and returned to the front hall with a smile.


Prepare breakfast.

Although Lu Kuan and others with robot bodies do not need direct energy replenishment.

But when placed in a brain box and parasitized by the brains of many people, the slime needs enough biomass to produce enough splitting material for the brain to survive.

After thinking about it, I tried it.

Somo did not skimp on the slime's breakfast and added 50ml of psionic water in a controlled amount.

He greeted Gonggong to stop the Chaser, took everyone with breakfast, opened the door of the rear landing cabin, and Somo jumped in vigorously.

The intuitive changes caused by using the Poseidon Envoy Experience Card were not just the enhancement of physical fitness at that time.

The recruitment of strength at the neurological level and the degree of control over the body have not completely diminished with the end of the experience card.

At present, although only about 3% to 5% level is retained.

But compared with before, Sumo's body control and power output are still more than twice as strong!

"Hi, morning!"

"Morning, morning, morning, Sumo, come here quickly, you've made a big discovery!"

As soon as he entered the door and took over the breakfast from Su Mo, Lu Kuan, who was controlling the robot, said excitedly.

Behind him, there was a small machine about half a man's height, which contained the seabed blood and soil that Somo had brought back from the planet.

From the moment Somo left yesterday until now, Lu Kuan has been lying in front of the machine tinkering.

At this time, his appearance clearly showed that he had made a major discovery!

"The radioactive wasteland and red seawater you brought back yesterday are not much different from those in the dead land. Except that the radiation dose is higher and the microbial matter in it is full of activity, other elements can also be found in the soil of the dead land.

It’s not worth continuing our research.”

"But the blood and soil under the sea and the energy emitted by the flames are good things!"

Go to the front hall from the back.

As Lu Kuan lowered his body and fiddled with it for a while, the entire machine began to shine, releasing energy through a not-so-thick transmission line.

"Just 500g of blood and soil, through this combination method, can release the energy inside and give us nearly a hundred degrees of electricity!"

"And this energy quality is even more outrageous. Just 200g can bring about an ultra-high efficiency conversion of 75 kilowatt hours of electricity!"

on the screen.

With the conversion of blood, soil and energy, the equipment inside the entire cabin has begun to charge, not only at a slow speed but also extremely stable.

And considering that this thing has no noise, its usability is directly better than that of a generator!

Su Mo was shocked, but his face was not much touched, and then he sighed slowly:

"This thing is very good, but it's a pity that we don't have much stock."

"Even in the Poseidon Kingdom we went to before, there weren't many of them. Don't forget that I brought one kilogram each. In fact, it's very troublesome to collect these!"

One pound of blood and soil can be converted into one hundred kilowatt hours of electricity.

One kilogram of energy value can convert 190 kilowatt hours of electricity.

But the energy-laden blood and soil at the bottom of the entire ocean does not add up to more than a hundred kilograms. It is scattered widely and is extremely difficult to collect.

And this energy quality is even rarer. The quantity of each eruption is impressive, and the number of eruptions will decrease as more is collected.

According to the efficiency at that time, even if you stayed in Poseidon Kingdom to collect it for a day, it would not exceed ten kilograms, and the electricity generated would only be more than a thousand kilowatt hours.

It is not cost-effective to collect oil to generate electricity at all.

"No, no, no, you don't understand what I mean. Come and take a look at the reaction formula we detected here and the internal changes when converting energy!"

Lu Kuan shook his head violently, the face of Lu Kuan's robot was still that enthusiastic.

Taking Somo with them, they took a detour and came to the back of the machine.

At the top, Sumo saw a line of large characters:

Microscale active high-strength reactor.

This is the only scientific research equipment left behind among all the instruments, and it is the only seedling in the entire return capsule.

At the bottom, there is an approximately 12-inch LCD panel.

Along with the reaction of the blood and earth outside, various complex formulas and specific morphological expressions were displayed one after another.

Lu Kuan lowered his head and said nothing, and Sumo didn't ask any questions.

The two of them just looked at each other quietly.

Half a moment.

As the reaction of blood and earth comes to an end, it is about to burn out.

The formulas and data on the display screen on the back of the machine are gradually becoming more complete!

"Damn it, no way!"

"Is this okay?"

From calmness at the beginning, to speculation in the middle, to shock at the end.

After waiting for a few minutes, the expression on Su Mo's face began to change like that of Lu Kuan.

"It's true, it's true this time, we have made a major discovery!"

"This is simply..."

"This is simply a discovery that promotes our human technology!!! A direct leap forward!"

As the blood and soil in front were completely burned, Lu Kuan once again looked at the formula given by the detection device based on the reaction, and Lu Kuan couldn't even say anything excited!

In the entire wasteland, there are few people who understand better than Lu Kuan the significance of the development of this thing.

No one knows better than him how huge the potential this thing represents.

Standing behind Lu Kuan, Su Mo's mind was also buzzing at this time, as if he had been struck by lightning, and his thinking had stagnated for a while.

The formula on the screen was familiar to him.

Even many junior high school and high school students on earth are familiar with it.


Very simple.

Very simple!

The left-hand side of the reaction is unremarkable.

On the right side of the reaction, there doesn't seem to be any novel elements.

But behind this huge energy reaction, what it represents is

Completely controllable nuclear fusion!

Humanity will always have super technology that can be put into use in fifty years!

"It's so amazing that the atoms with smaller masses in the blood and soil actually polymerized their nuclei without any external force of ultra-high temperature and ultra-pressure, just by burning and combining with this mysterious element, and produced

So much energy!”

"Nuclear fusion, we have been studying it for many generations but still cannot shrink the device or reduce the conditions. Nuclear fusion can actually be produced with such a simple reaction!"

"As long as we can extract this stable catalytic element from the blood and soil and figure out how to prepare it, we will never lack any energy in this land!"

Staring at the screen feverishly, even though it is a robot body, there is still uncontrollable joy pouring out of it.

Nuclear fusion releases much more energy than nuclear fission.

And its fuel supply only requires the simplest deuterium and tritium.

Deuterium exists in large amounts in seawater. There is about one deuterium atom for every 6,500 hydrogen atoms in seawater.

Each liter of seawater contains 30 milligrams of deuterium, and the energy produced by the fusion of 30 milligrams of deuterium is equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline.

Tritium can be made from lithium, which is even simpler!

"How much blood and soil do we still have to study!"

"And the last 513g!"

"Don't run out. Wait for a while and leave some for me!"


Lu Kuan didn't understand why Somo left part of the blood and soil behind.

But he could understand that the flames in Somo's eyes were almost erupting.

This is longing!

Undisguised desire!

"By the way, this experiment must be kept secret. Don't tell anyone except me."

Lu Kuan nodded carefully: "I understand this!"

"Okay, the specific experiments can wait until we go to the New World. Then I will reproduce the instrument as soon as possible and give you the best experimental conditions."

Blood soil is the best growing soil for controllable nuclear fusion.

Even Su Mo didn't expect that his unintentional move could bring such terrifying benefits.

As long as the elements can be extracted, a real controllable nuclear fusion laboratory can be established.

The disaster caused by that game will become a complete joke.

With nearly unlimited energy, humans will let the game re-recognize what technology is and is the primary productive force!

As for whether this element can be extracted, and how to prepare it can be studied.

I took a look at the panel that had been accumulated for three days and saw that there was still just over 3,000 points left.

Sumo nodded imperceptibly, feeling reassured!

This chapter has been completed!
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