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Chapter 474 Awarding, the real version of cruelty

 April 1st, 8:40 in the morning.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Please come in!"

There was a squeak.

The door to the captain's cabin of the Hope opened from the outside in.

It revealed Somo sitting at the desk with a bookish look.

At this time, he was flipping through the book and browsing the knowledge on it.

As Soma continued to browse, more and more wisdom came out of him.

Even his casual glance can reveal endless clarity.

But unlike ordinary scientific researchers, Sumo turned over books significantly faster.

Even a page with dense text could hardly last more than a few dozen seconds in his hands.

Judging from this talent.

Soma is indeed a unique genius, a great man who will remain in the history of mankind as long as he steps on the right path.

But standing at the door and looking around, Su Deben shook his head in confusion, filled with emotions in his heart.




"Huh? Uncle Su, are we all here?"

Turning around, Somo put down the book. After a flash of wisdom flashed in his eyes, he returned to normal again.

At least from the outside, it's just a little clearer than ordinary people.

"Ah, oh!"

"Suma, everyone has basically gathered and is forming a queue. Shall we go out now?"


He stood up, pushed the book containing top-level biological knowledge to the innermost side of the desk, and took a piece of white paper filled with writing inside into his arms.

After getting on the stool, Sumo nodded, followed the robot who had turned around, and strode out.

After a while, one person and one machine arrived at the front of the entire deck.

Here, you don't have to stand at a high place to have an overview of the more than a thousand people gathered behind you, and you can completely see the expressions on everyone's face.

Different from seven days ago, the villagers' mental outlook has changed drastically.

Sumo smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"Take a break, stand at attention, look to the right, look forward, take a break!"

"Report to the Chief Instructor, Hope Village has assembled. 1,405 people should be present, but 1,405 people are actually present. Please give instructions!"

After training, Chen Shen also became a warrior in these seven days.

Hearing his sonorous and powerful voice, Sudeben, who was controlling the robot, slowly stepped forward, increased the volume in his throat, and rumbled:

"I announce that the seven-day training plan of Hope Village is now! It has been successfully concluded!"

"The effect of this training plan greatly exceeded our prediction by 50%, reaching an unprecedented 320%."

"Every villager has achieved transformational results in these seven days. Every independent individual has cultivated the seeds of iron will in these seven days."

"As your chief instructor, I am very pleased to see such changes."

Like thunder.

With the body of a robot, Sudben does not need a microphone at all to speak, but his voice can be firmly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Listening to these compliments, all the villagers had a smile on their faces.

Some growth requires the affirmation of others in order to be felt.

But for some growth, you only need to experience and suffer, and you can clearly feel the terrifying gains after the tear is healed.

These seven days.

Starting from climbing the snow mountain on the first day.

Passing by:

The second day of going through the fire.

The third day of cross-country travel.

The fourth day of the ring battle.

The fifth day of building a house.

Breaking into the enemy camp on the sixth day.

Small encounters until the last day.

Converted according to time ratio, all villagers have received a total of 260 hours of training there.

And under such a time, everyone has been baptized from beginning to end, both physically and mentally.

In the past, they might have been just survivors who had experienced the baptism of the end of the world, gained self-awareness, and struggled to survive.

But now, they have turned into warriors who have been trained and have a strong will.

All the people are soldiers!

This configuration that only existed in imagination turned out to be like this!

"Reporting to the director, the first phase of survival training in Hope Village has been successfully completed. Please review!"

In the wasteland.

Keep everything simple.

Even in the summary of this episode, Su Deben continued his minimalist style and only spoke for less than two minutes before handing over the right to speak.

Facing the eyes of the robot and the thousands of people below, Sumo gently picked up the microphone next to him.

"Very well, everyone, thank you for your hard work!"


Even after being praised by Su Deben for two minutes, the villagers below did not react at all. They actually started a commotion because of such words.

However, most people's expressions are very consistent.

Well deserved!

Being recognized by a strong person is a very proud thing.

Especially for someone like Soma, who is the strongest among human beings, he must be able to blossom even more happily.

But considering Sumo's "monster" performance in the past few days.

No one could laugh, and there was an extremely obvious feeling of awkwardness.

On the first day, Sumo climbed the 10,000-meter snow-capped mountain and achieved a best result of 4,689 meters.

On the second day, Somo passed the ten-kilometer road of fire, with the best time of 5.15 kilometers.

On the third day, Sumo walked for thirty-six hours without rest and completed an astonishing result of 515 kilometers. The best result of the crowd was 268 kilometers.

On the fourth day, Sumo stood there alone and relied on his skills and tactics to complete a super round battle of 1v65. Li Hu, the strongest among them all, only managed 1v13.

On the fifth day, Sumo built a complete house by himself in only eighteen hours, and also equipped it with several facilities that could resist foreign enemies. The defense was astonishing.

The first among the villagers, the person who built the house first took 25 hours, but its defense was only one-third of Somo's house.

On the sixth day, Sumo single-handedly broke into the enemy camp with 300 people. After several back and forth, he killed the enemy without leaving any trace behind.

On the seventh day, what was originally an encounter with the enemy's attack was suddenly turned into an attack by our side by Somo.

During these seven days, the number of Soma's resurrections was zero.

Every time he broke through a level, he successfully passed through it with only one life, which was so smooth that the villagers watching could not believe it.

But watching the replay, these villagers could only "kneel" on the ground to watch.

Wisdom, strength, courage, courage, skill.

If it wasn't seen with the naked eye, no one would dare to believe that someone could fuse it together perfectly.

But it turns out that Sumo's success as the world's first person was not due to luck.

Su Deben only knew that in these seven days, the villagers had transformed very quickly.

But he didn't know that these seven days were also a process for Somo to break out of his cocoon and become a butterfly.

"Don't belittle yourself. The objects of comparison should be other survivors, not me."

"The object of your transcendence should be your yesterday's self. As long as you can see your own progress, then this day's effort and this day's pain will be worth it."

"Think about the hardships you endured between life and death until you were trembling with pain, and the pain was so painful that your souls were separated from you. Think about the hardships you faced in constantly surpassing yourself and perfecting yourself in the face of impossibility."

"Being able to stand here represents only one thing."

"You have to tell yourself that I succeeded!"

Sumo knew clearly what the villagers below were thinking.

He understood that if he didn't wake up these people, he would be a nightmare in everyone's heart and a mountain that they would be afraid of.

To be clear, these people will still be somewhat depressed in a short period of time.

But as long as they react after a while, they will naturally return to normal.

However, this is just an assumption.

Just like now, when Sumo finished speaking, he was surprised to find that more than 80% of the people actually smiled.

Using his hearing, he even caught the key words in the whispers of a few people in the front row.

The director is strong, and the bottom is strong!

The director is great, I feel comfortable for one night.

Some people are chasing, some are...

Director, always awesome!


"Cough cough cough!"

It was hard to hear what these people were talking about, but after catching the last sentence, Somo coughed lightly.

Suddenly, silence returned below.

"There are still eight hours left until we land in the New World. Here, I will announce the first batch of S-level talent quotas."

"The people who won the quota are: Chen Shen, Peng Wenshan, Xia Nianzhen, Jiang Hou, Li Peng, Li Hu and Chen Kai!"

Each time a person's name is called.

You can hear exclamations and envious applause coming from below.

The person who was called raised his head and chest, with endless red light coming out of his face.

As for the ownership of this S-level quota, after the fourth day, there is no suspense anymore.

Their performance is extremely outstanding among everyone.

No matter in terms of willpower, physical strength, or intelligence, he has outstanding performance.

For these people, others don't have much jealousy, but only endless admiration.

"Obtaining an S-level quota does not mean that you can sit back and relax, and the people below do not mean that you have no chance of advancement."

"Although this S-class selection is over, the next phase will be reopened in the next three months."

"I'm looking forward to your new performance by then!"

Putting down the phone, Sumo did not continue chatting, but took the lead in applauding.

Suddenly, the sea was filled with thunderous applause.

Wait for a moment until the applause subsides.

Giving the task of announcing ABC-level talents to Chen Shen, Sumo chose to be the hands-off shopkeeper and temporarily left the venue.

Return to the captain's cabin and close the curtains in front of the portholes.

Once again, Somo carefully took out the white paper that had been placed on his chest, pulled the book over, clamped it inside and started reading.

All the villagers only need to think about what to eat today, what to train for tomorrow, and how to move forward the day after tomorrow.

But as a leader, Sumo has many things to consider.

Now, the piece of paper placed in front of him records all the changes that have occurred since the game was updated to the real version.

"On March 27, the game will be updated and the real version of survival content will be officially announced."

"As previously announced, chatting, manufacturing, and trading have all been banned and become permanently blocked. I don't know when they will be opened again."

"Other functions, such as identification, vehicles, and detection, also have a wide variety of restrictions."

"But the most serious weakening is the storage space charges."

"Although the current storage space still retains its previous convenience, every time it is opened, 10 disaster points will be consumed. This means that if you still maintain the habit of opening it dozens of times a day, you will only spend a day in this area.

It will cost you hundreds of disaster points!"

"In other respects, among all the items produced in the game, no usage fee will be charged for items below the quality level, but for items above the quality level."

"Exquisite level, every time you use it for three hours, you will be charged 500 disaster points."

"Rare level, each use, one hour, charges 2,000 disaster points"

"Epic level, each use, 30 minutes, charges 50,000 disaster points"

"As for everyone's version update reward, it's not generous, it's just an iron treasure chest."

I repeatedly browsed through the summarized details, tapping my knuckles on the table.

Somo's eyes were dark and thoughts were constantly surging in his mind.

Currently, there are only three hours left before the Hope is promoted to Legend. Once twelve o'clock passes, the entire ship will be directly promoted to Legend level.

There are only nine hours left before everyone votes for disaster.

After the vote is successful, the next disaster will start on time fifteen days later!

This chapter has been completed!
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