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Chapter 486 Urgent March! Heaven and Hell!

 When Somo announced his decision to disembark and head to the territory.

None of the villagers on the deck cheered, but began the final round of equipment inspection in a very orderly manner.

This is the intuitive result brought about by seven days of training.

After the wartime regulations are opened, everyone is no longer an independent individual.

As the organizer of the group, the only task is:

Follow orders!

At 11:55, the passage door on the second floor of the deck slowly opened.

The narrow passage that could only accommodate one person was now expanded to accommodate three or four people traveling together.

It only took less than three minutes. When the last person walked into the passage, Sumo, who had been standing behind and watching, also walked into it.


With a sharp pull, in an instant, the closed door between the second floor and the passage was officially closed.

Hearing this sound, everyone climbed up the escalator in an orderly manner without stopping, and reached the sea surface with brisk hands and feet.

As the last person, when Soma stepped out of the passage.

On the New World beach in the distance, most of the villagers had organized their teams, stood neatly, and began to "be in a daze".

Obviously, the rewards for landing in the New World have been sent.

Smiling calmly, he closed the passage door, followed the escalator, jumped vigorously, and stepped on the prepared lifeboat.

And as he rowed along, he arrived at the beach of the New World.

The next second.

The game prompt sounded loudly.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo, you have successfully arrived at the "New World" that represents rebirth.

[Record]: Here, you will enjoy a game atmosphere that is completely different from the wasteland, feel the strong new culture, and participate in an unprecedented struggle for hegemony among all races. Be bold, and maybe you can realize your dream here.

Toward a new peak in life

[Record]: It has been detected that your territory has been successfully transferred to the New World. The current coordinates are 358.252, and the straight-line distance from the current player position: 1629 kilometers.

[Record]: A total of 1,405 players under your control have been detected. All players have been automatically modified to be under your command and enjoy the same territory attribute bonuses.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo. Since your territory has been successfully established, on the way to the territory, you will receive the bonus of invincibility within the range (following the route established by the game, you will gain +500% movement speed and stamina recovery.

Speed ​​+100%, other creatures are invisible), but please note that if you exceed this range for thirty seconds, all bonuses will be lost and will not be regained subsequently.

[Record]: Congratulations to player Sumo. It has been detected that you are the 138952271st human to land in the New World. You will automatically receive a billion-level ranking reward.

[Record]: Your ranking reward: dry food (1kg)*1, drinking water (5L), random item card (normal)*1; it has been successfully distributed to the storage space, please check it carefully.

[Record]: After detecting that you have successfully arrived in the New World, the game will issue the platinum-level disaster privilege reward "Pioneer" by default.

[Record]: The privileges have been distributed, please enter the game panel to check

[Record]: I wish you a happy game!

Ten records.

Sounded one after another.

Different from what he expected, among all the records, Sumo first noticed the invincibility bonus provided by the game, and then noticed his own ranking.

One hundred and thirty million.

“I didn’t expect there to be so many gamblers among humans.”

"But that's right. We've already reached the end of the world. If we don't fight hard, how can we know our upper limit?"

Fork out the previous records one by one, and check the privileges in the open game panel.

Sumo's eyes were faint, as if he had penetrated space and saw all the living beings in the new continent.

In terms of time, now is just the beginning of mankind's arrival in the New World.

Before setting foot on land, everyone had guessed this number while eating.

Someone guessed three million.

Someone guessed five million.

Even the most courageous Chen Kai only guessed 10 million.

At that time, Sumo did not give his guess, but in his heart, he silently guessed 30 million.

But now, even these 30 million can only be said to be a fraction in the face of this number!

According to the data model, I am afraid that the number of humans arriving in the New World will exceed

Three hundred million!

Even 500 million!

A quarter of the human race still will not stay in the deep sea and live an ignoble existence. They still have ambitions in their hearts and want to make a comeback.

There was a flash of blue light.

The game panel automatically jumps to the privilege panel, revealing all attributes of the pioneer.

[Privilege]: Pioneer

[Description]: This privilege only belongs to the brave. Any human who lands in the New World will enjoy the bonus for 210 days, but the privilege will disappear directly 24 hours after exiting the New World.

【special power】:

The first stage (1-3 days): rapid march

All humans who land in the New World will have the ability to advance rapidly within 1-3 days, with movement speed +500% and physical recovery speed +200%. However, when attacked by creatures, the privilege bonus will temporarily expire until exiting the state.

Phase 2 (4-30 days): Lockdown

Phase Three (30-180 days): Lockdown

Phase Four (180-210 days): Lockdown

When negotiating rewards with Yugi, Sumo only asked for the privilege of reproduction.

Regarding this pioneer, he also had a dark eye.

At this time, after seeing the description of the rapid march, Sumo's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

When you go to the territory for the first time, follow the route planned by the game and you will have a 500% movement speed bonus.

With the addition of rapid march, you will have ten times the movement speed.

Calculated based on a person's foot strength of 150 kilometers per day, if these ten times are added up, even if he rests for half a day, it is enough to cover thousands of kilometers.

In this way, the purpose of the game is clear:

He wants everyone to get to the territory quickly.

"The so-called route is probably a route that is planned in advance and avoids all creatures and resources."

“This time the game was indeed well prepared and captured everyone’s thoughts.”

On the way forward.

Sumo had the idea to beat the autumn wind before.

But now, consider the 1,600 kilometers between it and the territory.

There’s no need to consider this choice!

"Director, everyone has been assembled, shall we set off now?"

One thousand four hundred people.

If we put this into a school, assuming there are fifty students in one class, there are 28 classes.

At this time, everyone gathered here, and under the bright moonlight and torches, it looked dark.


Nodding and looking at the expectant eyes of all the villagers below, Sumo turned and walked towards the beach with a smile on his face.

The next second, under everyone's gaze.

The giant Hope, which was already forty meters high, suddenly began to shrink.

While everyone was stunned, in less than 20 seconds, the Hope, which was still standing in the distant sea, suddenly turned into the size of a fishing boat.

Then, under the guidance of a mysterious yellow light.

When it flew up from the sky and floated all the way to Somo's hand, it suddenly turned into

The size of a slap!

"Damn it, isn't this the sea-fixing needle? Can it become bigger or smaller?"

"Damn, my eyes are lame. When will our Hope change like this!"

"This can't be. It can't be a magic weapon refined by an immortal, right? Could it be that our specialty is cultivators!"

"What cultivator, our director must be the immortal descending to earth, this treasure"

Uproar broke out from the team.

Looking at the empty sea, I looked at the glowing Hope in Soma's hand.

Everyone rubbed their eyes hard and confirmed the facts again.

Hope is getting smaller!

"Director, is this really our hope?"

Back in front of the team, after putting the Hope into the bag at the back in front of everyone, Somo nodded lightly.

"Let's go. Although the Hope has many restrictions when it enters the New World, under certain circumstances, it is much easier to use."

When Chen Shen heard the word "restriction", he was heartbroken.

Being smart, he did not continue to ask questions, but immediately turned his head and began to issue orders.


As the team flag was raised, instructions were distributed one after another, and the entire team began to move forward in an orderly manner.

There are no restrictions on baggage. With each step, everyone can cross more than ten meters, and the speed is simply scary.

As a lord.

Although Sumo didn't intend to be special, he still got into the big car pulled by the alien race at the request of everyone.

"Brother, come in and sleep quickly. If anything happens, we can just call you!"

Inside the big car.

Not only was Su Chan there, Oreo was also lying lazily in the corner, combing his hair leisurely with his tongue.

Seeing Somo coming in, she wagged her tail and barked softly, indicating that there was no danger in this trip, so don't worry.

Under several layers of protection.

After sitting in the front of the car and watching for a while, Sumo felt relieved, lay down on the soft mattress of the cart, and fell asleep.

After spending all his energy, he slept very contentedly.

No interruptions and no burdens.

He slept until nine o'clock in the morning, and then Sumo slowly opened his eyes.

After nine hours of rapid march, everyone still did not stop.

With the physical recovery speed bonus, everyone's physical strength still remains above 70%.

While traveling, after communicating with Chen Shen.

Sumo was shocked to find that it seemed that Yugi wanted to send this god of plague to his territory quickly.

In the middle of the journey, let alone any aliens, there was no steep terrain.

During the whole journey, everyone ran on the broad plains. It only took nine hours to cover a full journey.

A thousand kilometers!

Calculating based on speed, you can actually walk 110 yards per hour with your feet!

"Director, wait until twelve o'clock, we will repair for an hour."

"It only takes four o'clock in the afternoon for us to successfully reach the territory!"

Calculate the distance and return between.

Chen Shen and Zhang Long both looked happy, but there was no trace of exhaustion from staying up all night and traveling.

But I don't know why.

Sitting in the car, Sumo suddenly felt something was wrong.

It went so well!

Even if the game wants to send everyone to the territory quickly.

This route is also too preferential.


"At twelve o'clock, we will rest for ten minutes. We must get to the territory as soon as possible."

"I have a feeling we are going to be in big trouble!"

Give an order.

Seeing Somo's seriousness, Chen Shen also realized that things were not as simple as everyone thought.

Then, the two people quickly retreated and delivered the order.

2:48 pm.

1,405 people from Hope Village successfully crossed 1,600 kilometers in one day and reached the territory.

But it was just this moment.

Standing on the edge of territory.

Everyone, including Somo, took a breath of cold air at the same time.

It was different from the green, vibrant, paradise-like environment I saw when I was marching all the way.

A depression that has been soaked in sea water for a whole month.

It’s as desolate as hell!

This chapter has been completed!
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