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Chapter 498 Special buildings, unique development routes! (two-in-one


When the report was almost finished, Somo announced that the meeting was adjourned.

In an instant, the management team, which had grown to more than 20 people on the deck, dispersed, leaving only Su Deben who was controlling the robot.

As the wheel rolled, the robot walked up with a smile on its face: "Suma, you are truly the most special manager I have ever seen."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

After saying this word, Su Mo paused and looked at the undiminished smile on Su Deben's face, then burst into laughter.

In a sense, I am indeed "special".

Unlike normal lord managers, Sumo asked himself that he had no ambitions.

Why wake up and hold the power of the world, but lie drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman?

Everywhere you look is my country, and everyone must kneel at my feet with all their thoughts.

None at all.

on the contrary.

On a lightly raining day, I leaned against the railing of the deck, looking at the busy heads below, and smelling the faint smell of earth.

Somo enjoyed this kind of lonely happiness like an outsider.

"You are right, I am very special, but the world is forcing me to move forward."

"If I can have a day off, I really want to lie here, enjoy the cool breeze, sip a bottle of good wine, and sit and watch the storm."

"Don't let anything get in my way. It's so cool to be alone like this!"

"No! You are wrong!"

After reaching out his hand and catching a few scattered rain stars, Su Deben slowly shook his head: "Suma, the kind of life you mentioned is exactly the type of life you mentioned before!"

"In the memories I have had over the years and the people I have met, you are very special."

"I don't see any potential for success in you, but I see the belief in success in you."

Sumo grinned: "Faith? My inflated confidence?"

Su Deben blinked: "No, I don't think so. There are many potentials for success, the ambition to risk oneself regardless of everything, the prudence to act like a hair, and the courage to move forward without fear of anything. There are many,

So much that I could tell you all day long.”

"But in this wasteland, they all lost without exception!"

"They have no belief that they will win. Although they are rushing forward, fighting creatures, and competing with the world, in their hearts, they live in fear every night."

"You are different"

"I saw it in you"


Seeing the slight surprise on Su Mo's face, Su Deben slid to the railing:

"The desire to win will be passed on. Look at the villagers below. Can you see any despair about the future in them?"

"Look at the management. Even if they knew that there were hundreds of thousands of aliens lurking around the depression, would they even flinch at all?"

"We can build houses, we can build defensive facilities slowly, and we can take a step-by-step approach to external strategy."

"But faith is always the most precious thing!"

Su Deben was talking about scolding Fang Qiu.

Although Sumo wanted to say it, in the panel sent back by the system a few hours ago, the thoughts of all the villagers were still "pessimistic."

But in the end, I thought about Su Deben’s thoughts and the despair prompted by the system.

Sumo still held his tongue.

He understood what Su Deben wanted to say.

"Uncle Su, don't worry, I won't fall that easily. You are afraid that the pressure will fall on me and I will suddenly explode, and the territory will collapse instantly, right?"

"Don't worry about this. I don't take them seriously at all. They are just such a foreign race."

"Not our opponent!"

There are more than a thousand people, compared to tens of thousands of foreigners.

Seeing Su Mo's confident look, Su Deben smiled silently and nodded heavily.

"But having said that, although we grabbed two tons of coal this winter, the situation is still serious."

"We currently cannot provide basic building materials for more than a thousand people to build houses. If we need to make temporary wood, the weather will be bad and the demand will not be enough to dry it and put it into a house."

"Concrete would be fine, but we don't have enough steel bars and raw materials, so it's a bit troublesome."

On April 18th, the first disaster in the New World will strike.

There are still fifteen days left until it snows.

Not counting today, there are only two weeks to spend on infrastructure construction.

During this period of time, the villagers need to complete the construction of residences, camp walls, basic defense facilities, and basic work workshops.

Very tight schedule!

In addition, everyone is still living in tents, and housing is the first point that needs to be solved urgently.

"It will rain again tomorrow, so even if we cut the wood, it won't be dry enough."

Houses built with wet wood are prone to signs of insect infestation, curling, seams, and cracks.

Even if the resources dug out of the depression are of high quality, it will take at least half a month to process them before they can be initially used in housing construction.

"For concrete, it's easy to solve it with a machine. I have complete drawings here, so it can be easily modified."

"But the difficulty is the subsequent supply of materials. We currently don't have a stable source of aggregates. In addition, even if a concrete house is built, it will take many days to dry."

“Not suitable for the current rainy climate”

Su Deben was stunned: "So, our only choice is the mud house?"

"This thing is easy to build, and it is also very useful for cold protection. The key is that if you want to dismantle it later, it will be difficult to expand it again!"

Earth house.

It is an indispensable and important part of China's long architectural history.

In ancient times, technology was backward, reinforced concrete could not be made, productivity was low, and the price of bricks, tiles, and giant wood was high.

When people are poor, they rely on the mountains to live on.

There are fewer stones in the northwest plains, and the stones are difficult to process. In addition, the price of bricks is high.

However, the soil layer in the northwest is thick, there is a lot of good clay soil, and the soil is easy to process, so farmers can use molds to make soil embryos at low cost.

Therefore, soil embryos became the main material for poor people to build walls.

Until the 1980s, many people still used soil embryos to build walls when building houses in rural areas of northwest China.

Later, with the economic development, they gradually transitioned to brick houses and brick-concrete houses.

Unfortunately, the flaws of this thing are also obvious.

The soil embryo also needs to be dried for a long time, otherwise when it becomes wet, its strength will easily decrease and collapse will occur.

Considering the current weather, earth houses are also the first to be passed.

As a result, the only choice left is to rely on the shelter derived from the core of the game.

"Uncle Su, do you know about prefabricated houses?"

A familiar yet unfamiliar word.

Seeing Su Deben shaking his head, Sumo tried to make a gesture.

This time, Sudeben nodded as if he suddenly understood: "You are talking about mobile homes, the kind fixed by steel plates?"

"Yes, that's the kind"

"As for steel plates, we don't have any problems in manufacturing, and we can find ways to fill more insulation materials in the middle."

"The most important thing is that this kind of thing is very convenient. It doesn't take much trouble for us to disassemble and assemble it."

"In addition, I need to connect the boiler and provide collective heating. Using prefabricated houses can also prevent everyone from building houses with different specifications and increasing the difficulty of heating."

Su Deben only took ten seconds to digest the two major plans revealed by Su Mo.

During this period, his robot eyes continued to emit light, scanning the ground below and detecting data.

At the eleventh second, the robot exhaled an anthropomorphic breath.

"The plan is indeed feasible. Our foundation is very stable. We only need simple tidying up to create the conditions for building a board house."

"The difficulty lies in the steel plate and construction"

Sumo shook his head: "This is not a problem!"

"Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I will find a way to talk to the tree people. If they can send coolies to assist us, the construction of the board house does not require any mechanical power!"

There seems to be no plan.

In fact, everything is under Soma's control.

Even before arriving in the New World, he already had some ideas through guessing the situation on the map.

Today, the Tree Man is a surprise.

If we can really recruit cheap coolies to replace mechanical power, the development of the depression will skip the early difficulties and directly enter the civilizational leap mode.

At that time, the potential of this land and these villagers will explode.

Will make everyone's eyes widen.

The relocation work lasted until six o'clock in the evening.

After moving the brain box and a series of research instruments into the garage of the underground shelter.

After wiping the sweat mixed with the rain on his head, Somo held the umbrella again and walked out.

Just like the weather forecast given by the system, the current light rain still shows no sign of stopping, and it is getting heavier and heavier as time goes by.

The mountain roads of Tieshi Mountain are densely packed with villagers who are transporting food supplies.

Thanks to the previous preparations, the interior of the stone mountain was able to isolate moisture and temporarily became a good grain storage base.

On the distant land.

The moment everything was disembarked, the Hope quickly shrank and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although Sumo wanted to delay some time so that everyone could enter the cabin and have a good night's rest on this rainy night.

But the game can't wait.

Others just thought it was Somo who had put away the ship again. Only Somo himself knew that the thirty-day journey to all realms had begun.

This time, the Hope was confiscated very simply!

"Director, the ground is very wet tonight, and with the rain, the tent we originally planned can no longer accommodate people. Now we have to move to the mountain!"

"If we share the share between Guoshu Mountain and Tieshi Mountain, the two mountains can accommodate almost half of the villagers!"

In the distance, Chen Shenfeng, wearing a raincoat and holding a waterproof flashlight, rushed over in a hurry.

It rained all night long when the nest leaked.

Although there is potential for slow repair of the cracked saline-alkali land before the depression, loosening and return of moisture are still inevitable under such rainfall.

Even with a waterproof cloth, it was still terribly uncomfortable to stay on the ground, so the only option was to move to higher ground.

"Where's the rice? Hurry up and put the pot on the pot. Make sure everyone can eat hot rice, otherwise you'll get sick if you catch a cold!"

"It's being cooked, it's being cooked, we have caught the fish, all the cooks are on duty, it will be on the table in just over an hour!"

Pointing to the waterproof awning with steaming smoke from the fireworks in the distance, Chen Shen wiped a handful of water from his face.

Then, the two of them hurried towards Tieshi Mountain.

Along the way, I looked at the respectful and diligent villagers who were soaking wet.

Then think of the panel that was prompted by the system during the day and the desire of all the villagers for a "simple" future life.

Somo opened his mouth, but finally it turned into a long sigh.

The pressure of one person is completely different from that of a thousand people.

Of course, now he can return to the warm underground shelter, drink fish soup to ward off the cold, read books happily, and leave everything to the management.

But when I think about these villagers still dragging their tired bodies, running around in rainy days, and living in damp tents at night.

Where can I continue to sit and live?

"No wonder the system gives the option to change the weather. The morale loss caused by such rainy days is no less than fighting a tough battle!"

We walked all the way to the top of the mountain and stared at the rain falling from the sky in the distance.

Gritting his teeth, Sumo opened the game panel.

Thanks to the Hope, the game once gave three different special building options.

They are:

A weather station that can accommodate 20 people.

A farm tool making center that can accommodate 300 people.

And a training ground that can accommodate 450 people!

Among them, because of the system, the weather station was naturally passed out immediately.

Among the remaining two items, Sumo had hesitated before.

But now, because the training ground is completely open-air, there is only one choice left.

"In the game, I choose to generate a farm tool production center, and the location is... that!"

He pointed at a place not far from Tieshi Mountain and with slightly higher terrain.

As Sumo thought, a green building began to overlap with reality on the map displayed in the game.

Then, after five seconds of confirmation of selection, the game interface disappears.


A thunderous roar!

In an instant, all the villagers standing on the mountain road stopped and began to look curiously at the source of the sound.

But unfortunately, not everyone has such abnormal vision as Somo.

Under the faint light, they could only see the blurry buildings taking shape rapidly at the end of the ground!

"Director. Director. Us"

"I know, relax, wait until everyone has finished moving their things, and go there to gather. Except for the people on Iron Stone Mountain, everyone else will squeeze in and live there for the time being."

Seeing Zhang Long running up in a panic, Soma α chanted:

The two places are less than ten minutes' walk away in a straight line.

From a height, the courtyard looks average in size, but when you get closer, Somo can only sigh at the power brought by authority.

The entire center covers an area of ​​approximately 1,500 square meters.

It is marked that it can only accommodate 300 people, but if you really want to live in it, more than 1,000 people can squeeze in it.

There is a huge plaque at the main entrance of the courtyard, which reads: Farm Tool Manufacturing Center, six characters.

With eight steps and two solemn stone lions, it feels like an ancient government office.

Once inside, it's much more ordinary. Except for the brick roof above to keep out the rain, it's just an empty courtyard for the time being.

When the wind blows, it even feels like entering a ghost movie house.

"Go and bring our generator and spotlights over here!"

After greeting Qi Qin and leaving quickly, Sumo walked around the entire courtyard with a flashlight and more than ten people.

Although it is said to be a center, there really is only one center.

Ignoring the surrounding walls and the overhead ceiling, the interior of the house is just a large square.

In addition to marking a distance on the ground, three hundred large grids were divided into five square meters.

The game is so stingy that it doesn’t even give away tools.

But such an empty courtyard has become a "life-saving straw" for many villagers in this weather.

After lifting the generator, install spotlights to illuminate the interior without any blind spots.

The villagers who had finished their work also held umbrellas and followed the instructions and rushed over curiously.

As soon as they entered, they felt the warmth and dryness inside. Without exception, everyone's eyes became moist.

Then, it was like there was a tacit understanding of the soul.

Everyone did not go in directly to grab a seat, but stood silently in front of the door, put on a new set of dry clothes and shoes, and then walked in carefully.

Looking at Somo and a kind of management standing in the middle, the villagers spontaneously formed circles.

In addition to leaving an aisle in the middle, in less than half an hour, there were more than a thousand villagers in the courtyard.

"It's great, the days to come will only get better and better!"

From the faces of every villager, Sumo saw simple "happiness".

Although they did not have a roof over their heads, they did not have access to meat, and they did not have access to a hot bath.

But in this weather, there is such a dry courtyard to rest in, and warm walls to keep warm, so there is no need to live in a wet tent.

It is the greatest happiness!

"Let's go, let everyone rest, and our management will go over and bring the fish soup!"

Putting on the raincoat next to him, Sumo took the lead and walked out under the quiet gaze of everyone.

Then, after he walked less than ten meters.

In the courtyard where there was originally only the sound of breathing, as expected, the sounds became denser.

"Thank you to the director. It's so refreshing to hide here in such weather!"

"I slept in a tent last night and my body was covered with prickly heat. I can finally sleep well tonight."

"It's so cool. It's not humid at all. Lying on the ground is more comfortable than having a bedding."

"It would be great if we could have hot pot. In this weather, hot pot is a must."

"Yeah, don't dream about it. In this weather, if I have a bowl of broth, I'll take off right where I am!"

"I seemed to smell something at that moment. It was a bit like fish soup. It was so fragrant that I almost lost my mind."

"Really? Fish soup?"


The words in their words are all the villagers' beautiful imagination for tomorrow.

Listening to these voices, Sumo kept walking with a smile on his lips.

After a while, as the first bucket of fish soup was carried to the open space in the courtyard, it exuded an incomparable aroma.

Amidst the excited cheers of the crowd.

For the first time, Sumo felt the heavy responsibility and the excitement that could overflow his heart!

Different from the cold numbers of residents in the simulation game, Sumo felt another emotion in the courtyard.

Collective sense of honor!

An emotion rooted in human genes.

"Perhaps this is the true transformation from lone wolf to lord"

"But this feeling is really inexplicably exciting!"

Following the order, it was announced that the meal could be served, and he looked at the smiles on everyone's faces and the trembling hands holding the bowls.

Somo sat on the high platform and his thoughts flew away.

Before this, he had not yet planned what route the depression would take and what products he would use to open up trade with surrounding races.

But at this moment, I watched all the villagers drinking the fish soup with faces full of happiness.

Sumo suddenly decided.

If low-lying areas want to develop, they cannot stick to the rules and must follow a unique development route.

Take the path that Chinese people are best at!

"gourmet food!"

"I will use the strongest food to conquer all the alien races on this continent."

"Attributes, taste, efficacy, selling points, since no one has ever tried this method, I will be the first to try it!"

"With the help of authority, I don't believe that there are situations in this new continent that I can't open!"

After drinking the fish soup handed over by Shen Ke, I thought of the scene where all the foreign races in the New World began to pursue the delicacies of the depression.

Sumo laughed "viciously"!

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