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Chapter 502 Goodbye Epic! The first root crop in the depression!


"Allies of Chuan, please remember to invite more people to visit when you go back. We Chinese people are very hospitable. You will definitely receive the highest standard when you come."

"By the way, if the weather is good these two days, I may send some people to visit your place."

"If possible, I hope to open up the transaction chain between our two parties as soon as possible, exchange what we need, and jointly fight against these ambitious enemies around us!"

Standing at the border of territory.

After finishing speaking, Sumo stretched out his hand and patted Shuren Zhuchuan on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

It wasn't very strong, but this time it frightened the tree man Zhu Chuan, and he quickly recovered from his dazed state.

"No problem, Lord Soma, don't worry, I will definitely bring your message."

"I also hope to open up the transaction chain between us as soon as possible, let me station, ah no, let our goods circulate!"

"The cunning dwarves won't be able to be arrogant for long. With our sincere cooperation, we will soon make them suffer the bitter consequences of their rapid expansion."

Waving his branches excitedly, the 1.7-meter tall tree man Zhu Chuan looked like a funny actor in a suit.

After a few hours of visiting, all the "stocks" of the tree people were drained.

But the emotion in Zhu Chuan's words was no longer the cold politeness before, but instead was full of unparalleled enthusiasm.

Who would have thought that after just staying in this mysterious heaven for such a short time, I could taste some so-called "fairy peaches" and "fairy wine".

The strength will soar rapidly and improve enough.


Don't underestimate this 5%, the tree man's lifespan is extremely long, and his strength increases very slowly.

According to the normal process, with his current strength, he would have to absorb nutrients on the ground for at least half a year before he could make so much progress.

As for other ordinary tree people, due to their low strength, they have improved even more at this time.

For example, Zhu He, who was relatively weak, not only recovered from the injuries caused by being whipped before, but also improved by a full 15%, which can be said to be a great improvement.

Standing behind Zhu Chuan, they also waved their branches, with a satisfied and happy smile on the tree's face.

"Send you a thousand miles, but we must say goodbye in the end!"

"Then it's settled. It's getting late, so I'll send you here. Return to the territory as soon as possible. Safety comes first."

Zhu Chuan nodded obediently: "Thank you Lord Somo for your gift. The ancient tree people will be the loyal allies of Heaven. I hope you can taste and see the power of Heaven next time you visit!"

Sumo laughed heartily: "Next time, definitely next time!"

Ignore the slight dissonance from before.

The scene happening on the edge of this territory was quite friendly.

Seeing Sumo making a sign to see off the guests, Zhu Chuan took the lead and walked back.

After leaving the depression, within three to five seconds, all the trees returned to their normal mode and became taller.

But unlike before, even if they become taller, their faces are still full of respect and humility.

Zhu Chuan waved his hand "nostalgically" and turned back three times with each step. He left with a lot of reluctance, as if Sumo would leave immediately after saying a word.

But it was a pity that until the figures of Somo and his group gradually disappeared from his sight, what remained in his mind was still.

Somo’s smiling face!

"The King of Humans, Soma, is really a generous lord. Not only is he broad-minded, but he is also powerful. No wonder he stands out among so many people."

Sweeping away his previous arrogance, Zhu He's muttering instantly resonated with all the ordinary tree people.

"That is, although the internal development of this heaven has not yet started, it is normal. They have only arrived for a day or two. If it can develop quickly, there will be trouble."

"Their Thunder God and Lightning Girl are really talented. They can actually control the weather in the territory to a certain extent. If we have people like this, we don't have to worry about not having enough sunshine."

"In my opinion, their Immortal Peach is the strongest. I think its effect is comparable to that of Wanyu from the upper clan!"

"Elder Zhu Chuan had the foresight to prepare gifts in advance, otherwise according to the greedy character of the monsters in their territory, we would not be able to see the generous Lord Somo!"

"Elder Zhu Chuan is great."


At first, all the tree people just sighed at Somo's generosity and the power of Heaven.

But as he talked, the topic changed, and gradually it came to Zhu Chuan again.

This kind of transformation and flattery would have been scolded by Zhu Chuan as a flatterer in normal times, but at this moment.

But he laughed and accepted it all.

"You guys are just too young, but the old guys in the clan have lived for so many years in vain."

"There is an old saying in human beings. If you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. If we want to recreate the glory of the tree god on this continent, we must have a sufficient understanding of the enemy."

"Look, what is this?"

Instructing the team to stop and glance at the disappearing territory boundary behind him, Zhu Chuan took a long dig at his body and pulled out something like a magic trick.

Compared to his size, this thing is insignificant.

But this way

"Hiss, is this the fairy peach stone we eat?"

"It seems true. The waiters took it away after I finished eating it. I even said I would take it back."

"I remember that Elder Zhu Chuan's property was also taken away, right?"

"It couldn't have been stolen. If Lord Soma discovered this."

A small fruit core.

Attracted the attention of all tree people.

Their eyes focused on this ordinary fruit core. Even though there was no pulp, everyone could still feel the energy fluctuations filling the core.

Although this kind of energy fluctuation cannot be used directly.

But it represents how huge the potential it contains.

If you get the deal and see the finished product, Shuren will definitely pay any price for such a meaningful "seed".

But now.

"I've said it before, you are still too young. All day long, your brains are full of what the old guys in the clan say about fighting, killing, plotting this, plotting that."

"Times have changed, we must learn to accept new knowledge and new rules"

"Have you forgotten how we met Lord Soma?"

While stroking his "beard", Zhu Chuan did not get angry at everyone's speculation.

A natural sense of superiority lingered in his heart, and the information gap brought by knowledge crushed him, making him extremely proud.

"Why did you see us relying on gifts and so on? Could it be that Elder Zhu Chuan."

Hearing Zhu He's guess, Zhu Chuan nodded happily:

"Not bad, he is a malleable talent"

"Many times, to achieve our goals, we don't need to use violent means."

"I only paid a small price to get this core from the hands of the greedy among them."

"It's really stupid. He doesn't understand how valuable this fruit core would be in the trade. He only used it for a small amount and was exchanged for it by me!"

He took the core back again, and when he talked about the price, Zhu Chuan's face showed a hint of pain.

Then, seeing the tree man's surprised look, his vanity was well satisfied, he shook his head slightly and continued on his way.

"This old guy Zhu Ling knows how to favor nepotism and let conservatives dominate the discourse every day."

"When I, Zhu Chuan, go back this time, I will use this harvest to let them know what ability is!"

With a sneer, Zhu Chuan seemed to have thought of the old guy in the territory who was stunned but helpless.

But he didn't know that it was in the depression he just left.

At this time, it also turned into a sea of ​​joy!

"Haha, Fuzi, you didn't catch a good show when you went out. Let me tell you, the group of stupid tree people who came to visit our territory simply grew taller in vain. Under the director's tricks, I

Just a missed glance scared them half to death."

"Hey, what are you talking about? I cheated out eight rice leaves from this tree man, and this idiot was stunned for a moment after I fooled him."

"The director is still awesome. In our simulated reality, they are so stupid that it makes people feel bad."

"What a great harvest. These rice leaves are enough for us to eat for a week!"

A large area of ​​land around the underground shelter has been leveled urgently by the villagers, but it is still a bit soft and waterlogged at this time.

But compared to before, it is quite smooth and pleasing to the eye.

At the door of the underground shelter, there was a bumper harvest of crimson rice leaves that were previously scarce.

At a glance, the number is no less than three thousand!

Calculating that one card can supply one person with energy for two days, this is enough to last for more than four days!

In addition to rice leaves, there are also leaves of three other colors, which exude a pleasant light.

Although compared to the number of rice leaves, these leaves are much less.

But judging from the quantity, it goes without saying that it is definitely much more precious than rice leaves.

There is no doubt that this time the depression has made a lot of money.

On the other side, after sending off the tree people, the group of seven people who were sitting on the earth tiger and walking back did the same.

"Su Yuan, this time you have merit and performed well. Go back and get ten rice leaves."

"Pei Shao, ten, Zhang Long, Liu Neng, Li Hu, Chen Shen, five!"


Discuss merit and reward.

Sitting in the passenger seat, every time Sumo mentioned someone's name, the others would tut in envy.

But no matter how big the reward is, looking at everyone's face, you can see the unquenchable joy.

Even Sumo himself was smiling cheerfully.

Just like Zhu Chuan who was holding the energy core, Sumo also had a palm-sized dark red ball in his hand that he was playing with.

The surface of the ball is covered with crooked lines, and as Soma rubs it up and down, it emits an intoxicating glare.

After concentrating his eyes, under the systematic identification, the attributes of the ball emerged naturally again.

[Original Rice Leaf Seed (Epic Level/Plant/High Potential)]

[Description]: In the vast starry sky, there is a tree-shaped planet that is different from other round planets. On this tree-shaped planet, there are hundreds of millions of plant creatures living. Their food sources are not each other, but

It is a special food called "rice leaves". Relying on this food, they can obtain sufficient energy and nutrients without being exposed to sunlight and taking root in the soil, thereby achieving the ability to move.

[Grade]: Primitive grade (This is a primitive grade seed. There is no external intervention. It still maintains high internal activity and gene sequence stability. It is the best choice for planting and mutation breeding)

[Planting conditions]: High-nutrient land, sufficient sunlight, high-quality water source, separate area

[Yield]: 20-45 per plant

[Production unit]: pieces

[Growth time]: 25-120 days (fluctuates to a certain extent depending on planting conditions)

【special power】:

Crimson grade rice leaves (single leaf/two days/slightly active humans, poor quality ration equipment, due to limitations of planting conditions, the rice leaves cannot continue to grow and absorb nutrients; Note: This grade of rice leaves only contains pure energy and does not contain any

Trace elements and other requirements required by living things, long-term consumption will greatly reduce the physical fitness of living things)

Light red rice leaves (single leaf/two days/moderate physical labor for humans, entry-level ration equipment, because the planting conditions cannot be satisfied for a long time, resulting in unstable energy accumulation in the rice leaves, and the phenomenon of absorbing nutrients but being unable to increase the grade

; Note: This grade of rice leaves contains a small amount of trace elements, which can meet the basic survival needs of organisms, but long-term use will still cause food monotony and genetic disorders)

Dark yellow rice leaves (single leaf/two days/heavy manual labor for humans, advanced ration equipment, due to single problems with the planting conditions, resulting in errors in the energy ratio in the rice leaves, resulting in elemental imbalance, causing the rice leaves to stop growing; Note

: This grade of rice leaves has a balanced nutritional profile. Long-term consumption can meet the needs of daily activities of organisms without causing any side effects. It can replace conventional food.)

Light yellow rice leaves (single leaf/three days/heavy manual labor for humans, sub-top rations, sufficient planting conditions, but because they are not eaten immediately, the storage time causes the grade to decline, causing element loss and degradation; Note: This

High-grade rice leaves contain all the trace elements needed by organisms, and they contain chlorophyll that improves the organism's physical condition. Long-term consumption can slightly improve the organism's physical condition)

Dark green rice leaves (single leaf/seven days/heavy labor for humans, equipped with top-grade rations, all planting conditions are met, and the element content explodes; Note: Long-term consumption of this type of top-grade rice leaves will greatly improve the biological constitution, and has a chance to help

Biologically improved gene chain composition produces many incredible effects)

Light green rice leaves (single leaf/30 days/any living thing, top food). In theory, top-level rice leaves can replace the energy needed by any living thing, including plants without independent thinking. If you eat this kind of rice leaves, the plants will

100% awakening of special abilities, creatures will 100% gain buffs; note: light green rice leaves have many effects, please identify the specific effects after obtaining them)

[Evaluation]: Grass! (a kind of food)

A primitive rice leaf seed represents infinite possibilities.

Plant it and provide it with top-notch planting conditions. The first growth will determine the subsequent grade of rice leaves.

As for the top-notch light green, Somo didn't have much extravagant expectations after looking at it.

But for the dark green grade, after thinking about the psionic water in the base, Sumo was more than 80% sure!

Once successfully planted and cultivated, the depression will not only have a reserve of seeds as good as those of the original rice leaves, but will also be able to obtain a large amount of high-end grain through iteration.

It even became large-scale in the future, and it was even possible to sell it to other races and earn terrifying profits.

Compared to the source energy fruit trees that can only grow when watered with nether energy water.

This rice leaf seed is undoubtedly a different kind of "money tree"!

“Before, I was still struggling with what crops to plant in the depressions, but now it seems that it is quite simple.”

"As long as I can create a sufficient growing environment, in another month, the depression will greatly alleviate the anxiety of food rations!"

Thinking about it later.

I thought that with less than a hundred milliliters of psionic water and a leftover fruit tree seed from an Oreo, I could actually get such a good thing.

No matter how calm Somo was, he couldn't help but clenched the ball in his hand, feeling extremely excited!

Extracting the treant genes from the leaf letters only costs 5,000 survival points.

However, it only cost 21,000 survival points to modify the virtual reality equipment to match the tree people.

At a cost of 26,000 points, and under the machinist's arrangement, the tree man had basically no resistance and was pulled into the simulated environment.

Relying on the improvement brought by the psionic water to the creatures, the depression simulates the illusion of increased strength.

By the way, it also completely penetrated the last psychological defense line of the tree people.

"What we need to worry about now is that there are creatures coming over the territory to explore and find the depressions under construction."

"But fortunately, this wave of deception can at least buy me a month or two until the depression develops basic combat capabilities."

"Even if the tree people find out, I'm not afraid of their revenge. After all, I have something in my hands."

After the weather factors are eliminated, the construction of the territory can basically be on the right track, and it will be managed by subordinate talents and managers.

Even if Soma joins it, it can only improve the progress a little bit.

On the contrary, after testing the effect of the nether energy water on the tree people, Sumo already had an idea of ​​the upcoming transaction.

But the specific implementation depends on how the Shuren's territory develops and the chips in the opponent's hands.

Considering this wave of external output, it will be an important step for the depression to open up channels with the outside world.

A bold idea has been brewing in Somo's heart like a storm!

This chapter has been completed!
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