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Chapter 510 Death fight, attacking dwarf craftsmen!

 The outside of the Demon Soul Clan's city looked extremely desolate. There was not only no fertile farmland for dozens of kilometers around, but also no decent defense facilities.

But once inside, there are two distinct worlds from the outside.

The scorching sun hung in the sky, and in the main city, cars and horses were passing by on the black brick and stone road, and the turbulence was endless.

Houses stand tall on both sides of the street.

From the lowest three-story building to the seven or eight-story high-rise buildings, you can see them everywhere.

Unlike the visual repetition caused by a single form of other races, at first glance, Somo was stunned to find no duplicates of Shan.

The people passing by were either small groups of various foreign races, or adventurers like myself who had just returned from outside the city.

Occasionally, there are a few human exploration teams mixed in with the crowd, talking and laughing in Mandarin.

Ignoring the slightly weird architecture and the various creatures of various shapes, this place looks no different from an ancient Chinese city.

It also has a diverse population and an extremely developed economy!

After giving way to the entrance to the city at the rear, standing on the side of the city gate, and looking at the developed scene inside, Somo was a little dazed for a moment.

Any first-tier city on earth would be ten or a hundred times more grand than this main city.

But in this wasteland, we can achieve this level.

It has fully explained how terrifying the enemy we will face in the new continent this time is!

"Hey, isn't this our Hal? He's back!?"

"Yesterday, I heard that you loaned nearly 50,000 contribution points. What's wrong? Does this look on your face mean that all the money you loaned was wasted?"

While looking around, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

Fifth-level cards, as long as the restrictions on the imprint are in place, represent fifth-level combat power.

And in this main city of the Demon Soul Clan, there are only a handful of fifth-level ones.

Previously, Hal mortgaged his fifth-level card, which was a sensation and attracted the attention of others.

Sumo didn't know about this.

But in the eyes of others, his dull look looked like a gambler who took out a huge loan and lost it all.

However, I turned around to see the source of the sound.

Sumo couldn't control it and burst into laughter.

It's true that you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it.

In the memory conveyed by the mark, Hal had deep resentment as to why he purchased the third-level dwarf craftsman template.

Hal didn't even share this resentment and grievance with Turner.

Being able to spend a lot of money to buy two dwarf panels engaged in production does not mean that Hal is crazy and insane.

In Hal's own opinion, the seller described a falsely prosperous dwarf territory to him, which caused him to excitedly run over and find that the real thing did not match the picture.

But in fact, in Sumo's eyes.

This is a game!

One teamed up with all the dwarves in the city to set up a trap.

Its purpose is precisely the fifth-level card in Hal's hand!

"Russell, what does our loss have to do with you, you shameless reseller?"

"One day, I, Turner, will twist off your head and show everyone how dark your heart is!"

Before Somo could say anything, Turner stood up with eyes full of fire.

The Russell in his mouth is not a dwarf in his current form, but a kobold with flames oozing out of his body from time to time.

Judging from the power, the grade should start at least level three.

"Oh, our dwarf craftsman is angry. Oops, I'm so scared. How about we leave the city now, or simply go to the Death Arena to practice?"

Turner was so angry that he was shaking all over: "You"

"Okay, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful. Let's go. I just want to go to the Death Arena with you to exchange feelings!"

A relaxed voice suddenly sounded from behind Hal.

After seeing the owner of the voice.


The scene became tense instantly!

One of them is a top level three expert who is over 1.7 meters tall and loaded with the pyromancer kobold template.

One side is only 80 centimeters tall, and he is a third-level ordinary dwarf who assists the dwarf craftsman in the forging profession.

The crowd that was still moving forward at the gate of the city wall suddenly slowed down a few times when the sound fell.

Then, he watched both sides draw their crossbows and draw their swords.

The scene became lively for a while.

Picking his ears, with a hint of disbelief, Russell said in surprise: "Dwarf Hal, wait, let me confirm, what you want to say is... Go to the Death Arena with me?"

"You, the third-level dwarf craftsman, want to fight to the death with my third-level flaming kobold warlock?"

"Hahaha, you old dog seems to have bad ears. I suggest you stop calling Russell from now on. It's more like calling Russell a dog."

"Don't argue with me. I'm sorry. We're not familiar with each other. Either fight to the death or get out now."

Standing on the axle, staring into the other person's eyes, the smile on Somo's face did not dim at all.

At the same time, in the ears of others, his arrogant words were like a strong big mouth slapped directly on Russell's face.

Show no mercy!

Level 3 ordinary reverse attack, level 3 peak.

The auxiliary professions challenge the main combat professions head-on.

From joking, to anger, to fear, and finally to calmness.

Russell's expression flickered again and again.

Finally, he glanced at the crowd beside him who had already begun to boo, and then looked at the monstrous confidence in Somo's eyes.

"I don't know what kind of bad luck you got out there, and you are so swollen now."

"But your opponent now is not me. I wish you good luck!"

After saying that, Russell left without looking back, not caring at all about the boos from the people next to him.

For a few seconds, he waited until the sound and shadow of the pyromancer kobold disappeared around the corner.

The eighteen mercenaries who had been confused before finally realized what they were doing, raised their crude weapons to the sky, and cheered.

When the people nearby saw this, they realized that this fight to the death was not going to happen at all, so they found it quite boring and quickly left.

After a while, the city gate became quiet again.

But at the same time, one of the so-called protagonists, the dwarf Turner, seemed to have lost his soul and sat in a daze in the car.

He signaled the mercenaries to drive the caravan to the homestead that Hal had mortgaged. After returning to the car, Somo sat down cross-legged opposite Turner.

"What's the matter, Turner?"

When the latter was called, he slowly twitched his lips and was unable to speak.

Overnight, or less than half an hour.

My brother has undergone earth-shaking changes, from his personality to his work style to how he conducts himself in the world.

Turner was almost certain that this man was definitely not the Hal from before.

But strangely enough, the mark didn't lie.

Turner understood very well that if the mark could be tampered with and inherited by them, then what would be the fate that the Demon Soul Clan would face.

Therefore, he is extremely conflicted now.

"Turner, what are you worried about?"

Turner trembled when he heard this: "I, I."

"Hal, you have changed. You have changed too much. You are a bit strange to me now."

"Even though my feelings tell me it's not a bad thing,"

Su Mo coughed and interrupted: "That's fine!"

"If I were still the same person I was yesterday, and you were still the same person you were yesterday, we would still have to face this damn situation, where our house would still be occupied by others with shameless means, and our fifth-level Thorn Treeman card would still be deceived by others.


"Russell used shameless methods to defraud us of our trust. If I don't stand up, he will still bully us."

"It's time to change. Indulging in the past will only make us keep retreating. Only by looking ahead can we see the future!"

In the 20% of memories left by Hal.

Almost all of them feel guilty about Turner, the younger brother, accounting for a full 9%!

Back then, their parents were both fifth-level strongmen of the Demon Soul Clan. After the accident, he promised to take good care of his younger brother in the future.

I want to support my younger brother in the Demon Soul Clan.

However, ideas are ideas and strength is strength.

His brain limited his performance.

Now, in Soma's hands, he is affected by memories.

Unknowingly, he also had some thoughts of hating iron for not being able to become steel.

"You're right, you're right."

"It's time for us to change. We are wallowing in the past. Just like human beings say, we are sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat."


Once again interrupting Turner, who was a bit regretful, Sumo said loudly: "There is nothing to worry about. What you need to do is not fighting."

"Whether it is now or in the future, our two tasks will never overlap."

"Just watch and see how I let the people in this city who have bullied us know that strength is the most important thing!"

With overwhelming confidence in his eyes, Somo walked to the back of the carriage and picked up the weapon belonging to the dwarf craftsman for the first time.

No, it should be said more like a tool.

A hammer about 30cm in size, in human hands, is roughly the size of a hammer.

But considering the height of a dwarf, it is almost half the height of a human being, and it looks very majestic.

After shaking the hammer and feeling the crackling joints all over his body, Somo returned to the car and sat down, with murderous intent surging in his eyes.

In terms of strength, before there is no disguise.

The physical quality that has been baptized by semi-liberated authority is converted into combat power, which should be between 5-7, a standard fifth-level strong man.

Nowadays, even if it is limited by the blue mark and cannot exert a strength above level 5, it is still a standard quasi-level five.

And this is not counting the other melee strength bonuses brought by the Su family gun accumulated over time.

Sumo is confident that as long as the opponent is not a fifth-level person with strange abilities, he will definitely not be his enemy in a head-on battle.

With such an invincible heart, I looked at the tinkling wind chimes in front of the caravan.

Sumo's eyes were dark, suppressing all thoughts for the time being, and his eyes kept scanning the various shops passing along the street.

Qiankun Template Exchange.

Qingfeng Material Exchange.

Meta Resource Exchange.

New World Population Exchange.

According to different categories, various trading shops with the suffix "exchange" on the road are crowded with people.

There are constantly people pushing cars or carrying backpacks in, exchanging their desired items, and walking out satisfied.

Rather than saying that the main city of the Demon Soul Clan is a heavily guarded alien city.

Rather, it is a "port-type" city that occupies a huge area and is used to transfer goods.

Various demon souls disguised as other races bring products that only belong there, and eventually gather them in the town for trade to achieve mutual benefit.

"I have no background. Compared with a race like the Demon Soul Clan, which is born with a material city and a complete social structure, the gap is still too big."

"My previous reform of personal privatization was only the first step in establishing such a system."

"Now it seems that we can learn from the achievements of the Demon Soul Clan. If we can build the depression into such a port city, I can make a lot of money even through taxation."

The success of the Demon Soul Clan is not accidental, but inevitable.

The convenience of disguise brought by imprints can naturally operate such a social model structure, and there is no need to worry about outsiders coming in to do things.

In addition, they also use marks, contribution points, and high levels to seduce and restrict the tribesmen below, making it even less likely for accidents to occur.

I walked all the way and saw all the way.

His own plan was realized by others in advance. After having a reference template, Sumo also benefited a lot and had more and more ideas in his mind.

"Hal, we're almost at our house, how about you?"

"We can keep the green hills without worrying about running out of firewood. When we find a way to upgrade to a third-level collector, we can repay the loan and buy a better fourth-level template."

"Sooner or later, we will kill this beast that has taken over our home!"

Looking at the still prosperous areas around him, and looking at where Turner was looking, Sumo's eyes narrowed slightly, with a touch of amusement.

Things suddenly became interesting.

In Hal's memory, the house he mortgaged did not leave any impression.

Naturally, based on how poor the two of them were, Sumo thought that the house was either in a slum or somewhere in a corner and not worth much money.

Now I never expected that the house left by Hal's parents would be located in the main city.

Although it is not a top-notch location, it is still good enough to rank among the second-rate and mid-range.

Here, if you can open a shop that only needs goods, you will have a good supply of goods.

You never have to worry about who to sell to.

"Looking at it this way, Hal and Turner are solidly rich second generations."

"But there is also a big problem with the death of Hal's parents. Such a location, coupled with good strength, it is gone without saying it. No one will believe it."

Take a look at the seven words hanging on the shop, Fierce Poison Resource Exchange.

After looking at the few female aliens standing at the door shouting and asking for customers, Sumo smiled slightly, reached out and picked up the hammer beside him and stood up.

"Hal, don't be impulsive."

"It's okay, I'll take care of everything, just watch it!"

He wiped the hammer on his body, turned around and patted Turner on the shoulder. As the caravan drove leisurely to the door of the exchange, Somo jumped out skillfully.



I don't know if my feet slipped or if I went down too fast.

As soon as he reached the ground, Somo's legs and feet were unsteady, he rushed forward crookedly and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the hammer in Somo's hand followed this area of ​​his body and just hit the door frame, causing a large gap in half of the wooden door.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. After switching to the dwarf craftsman template, the threshold was too high and I couldn't control it for a while."

As he spoke, Somo calmly took out his hammer and enlarged the big hole in the door a little further.

"Hal, are you tired of living?"

Hearing the loud noise, the person in charge of security in the front hall of the exchange rushed over after hearing the news. When he saw Somo standing in front of the door, he cried out in horror.

"Oh, it's true what you said. It's too boring outside. Can't I just go back to my house and have a rest?"

Sit on the threshold and put the hammer on the ground.

He looked at Sumo with a bad look.

The few foreigners who were still trading in the lobby also smelled a hint of the coming storm, and hurriedly walked out of the door with their backpacks in hand.

It only took less than half a minute for the Poison Resource Exchange, which was slightly crowded just now, to be completely empty.

On the street outside the house, as before, there were more and more people watching the excitement, pointing inside from time to time.

"Oh, this Hal is in a terrible situation. A third-level dwarf craftsman of his dares to come back and seize the inheritance rights of the house. That uncle of his"

"What a bullshit uncle, Alec only came forward after Hal's parents died and said that he and Hal's father were sworn friends and had a life-long friendship. It's hard for him to think of this."

"Be careful, be careful, Alec's template is a mid-level mountain giant of the fourth level. It has a powerful sound. If it targets us."

"The Mountain Giant is just a ball. He is just a bastard who takes over other people's inheritance. This kind of person is nothing to worry about."

"Hai, Yang Ning, you are a fourth-level rare transformer, so naturally you are not afraid of him, but this Hal is an ordinary third-level craftsman, how can you do this?"

"If he can afford 30,000 contribution points, I can consider becoming sworn friends with him and help him take care of this little species, but it's a pity."

"Hey, people are coming, people are coming!"

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Especially under the loose management of the main city of the Demon Soul Clan and the almost completely free port trading model, the Jianghu habit is even more serious.

Those who can stand here are basically the demon souls who are in their early second level and mainly in the third level.

As he spoke, he was not worried about retaliation from those inside.

Seeing Alec coming menacingly from a distance, nearly three meters tall, everyone spontaneously moved out of the way and continued to watch the show.

"Hal, you prodigal son, this is our family's property. If you continue like this, I really want to discipline you for your dead father!"

With a loud voice, before he even reached the door, Alec's booming voice rippled straight inward.

But it's different than expected.

After hearing this voice, Yu Anbao looked surprised, shocked, and confused. Somo, who had been waiting with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes.

On his face, there was a confident smile that no one had ever seen before.

At the same time, in his right hand, the hammer placed on the ground was also lifted up.

"Old dog, I say you are really shameless."

"I'll give you a choice, either give up my shop now and pay a rent of 50,000 contribution points."

"Either come with me in a duel to the death, where you and I risk all our possessions and lives in a duel!"

The extra 600 words are given to everyone~~Thank you for the recommendation votes and monthly votes~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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