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Chapter 517: Violent sweep, a completely new territory!

 The card was stuck at 8:40 at night, twenty minutes before the gate of Liberty City was about to close.

Somo slowly came to the door where he first entered.

Considering that he had to hike four to five hundred kilometers by himself this time, he had already purchased a second-level Swift Road Lizard template before going out.

Moreover, Sumo did not hide this purchase at all.

In the eyes of outsiders, he obviously looks like he is about to go on a long trip!

"Oh, Mr. Hal is out so late at night. The wilderness is not peaceful lately!"

"That's right, disaster is coming soon, and the bastards outside can't help but start making a commotion."

I saw Somo coming from a distance.

The two guards guarding the door became interested and hurriedly came up to him with smiles on their faces and flattered him.

Wealth may not mean anything to the top-level people in the Guards.

But in the eyes of these people at the bottom, there is still a temptation that is unimaginable compared to ordinary people.

"Ha, I'm going out to do some errands. I'll probably be back in two or three days. Thank you for your hard work!"

As Soma walked by, the black-blue detection stone breathed in and out, communicating with the mark.

At the same time, a permission to pass and a coupon that can be used to enter with privileges before eleven o'clock were also accurately entered into the mark.

Regardless of the shocked expressions of the two guards when they saw the privilege card.

As a gust of cold wind blew past, Sumo quickly walked out of the door after tightening his collar.

It is now twelve days before the big snowstorm arrives, but the weather has changed in advance.

In this free city of the Demon Soul Clan, because of the protection of the city wall and the blessing of some special abilities, it is not very obvious.

But as soon as I walked out of the city gate, the cold wind blew across the shop floor, and a feeling of winter desolation instantly came over me.

"It's not good. The temperature is almost below zero now. I don't know if Chen Shen has asked someone to build the prefabricated house after I leave."

"If we continue to crowd in the Farm Tool Center in this weather, we will probably get a widespread cold and fever again!"

Outside the city wall, there are tents set up by the demon soul clan who are still staying here.

Every time a gust of wind blows, the flames lit by the torches will sway slightly, looking "shaky".

Some demon souls who are physically strong can even wear leather armor and walk around the camp, dealing with things they have not completed during the day.

And some thin demon souls who were loaded with weak templates could only huddle in their tents and wait for the day to come.

Cooling temperatures are a nightmare for living things.

No matter how lively this place is, after more than ten days, it will become a dead place, unsuitable for anyone to continue to live.

Putting on the windproof mask he had prepared earlier, Somo walked straight through the camp without bypassing it, constantly recording what he saw and heard in his mind.

The demon souls in the city live a splendid life. They all have enough to eat and drink, and live in large and luxurious houses. They think about how to make more money every day to make their lives better and stronger.

The demon soul tribe outside the city are all miserable, trying to increase revenue and cut expenses, and spend every day studying how to get rich overnight and live in this city to become masters.

In terms of life, even the technology tree of the entire Demon Soul Clan has been advancing rapidly.

But along the way, Somo couldn't help but be a little surprised after discovering that most of the Demon Soul clan even used ordinary clay pots for cooking.

The camouflage brought by the mark, various high-tech testing equipment, and a large throughput of imported products every day.

These things have basically not brought any changes to the lives of these ordinary demon souls.

With the Demon Soul Clan lord currently in a "disconnected" state, the happiness of these ordinary Demon Soul Clan may be pitifully low.

"No wonder so many demon soul tribesmen are forced to pretend to go to other alien tribes to make a living. Even third-level people like Hal and Turner have to go."

"Now it seems that this move is really terrible."

"I really don't know if someone incites these ordinary people, can this guard team and the top ten exchanges be able to suppress it?"

There are camps on all sides of Liberty City.

The side from which Somo came out happened to be the west side, so it was facing the cold wind.

Because of the number of living people and the size of the camp, it became the smallest of the four camps.

After walking to the end and taking a deep look at the peaceful firelight behind him, Sumo no longer hesitated and directly activated the mark to start changing the template.

Just like the magical feeling when I transformed into a dwarf.

With a crackling sound, the bones of the dwarf began to soften and lift rapidly, and the blood began to rapidly deform, deriving new functional attributes to supply energy for the heart.

From the third-level dwarf craftsman to the second-level swift lizard.

It was obvious that he had dropped a level, but after the template replacement was completed, Sumo was pleasantly surprised to find that the strength he could use increased instead of decreasing.

"Tsk, it seems that this auxiliary profession has been greatly weakened. In terms of combat effectiveness, even a second-level coolie character can rival it."

"I just don't know what the effect of the fourth-level combat attribute template is!"

Suddenly leaving the dwarf's eighty-centimeter body and returning to a world with a standing height of one meter and three meters, the air seemed to become fresher.

Different from the coolie lizard, the body of this swift road lizard looks thin, but its thighs are full of knotted muscles.

Every step he takes can even make small shallow pits in the slightly frozen ground.

After walking around for a while and getting familiar with this new body, Sumo was amazed and began to leave quickly.

A distance of five hundred kilometers.

At a speed of 60 kilometers an hour, it would take nearly ten hours to get back to the territory.

He didn't worry about anyone following him. After identifying the direction, he started having fun and was instantly left behind by Somo in Liberty City.

Like a black streak.

It was his first time in this unfamiliar area. Somo didn't worry about getting lost at all, and it only took an hour.

Then the distance was reduced to within 400 kilometers!

After resting for more than ten minutes, Somo hit the road again. This time, Somo's speed was much slower. Until twelve o'clock at night, he could only run about 120 kilometers.

After all, living things are not machines. The coolie lizard has greater endurance, but is slower.

The Swift Road Lizard is fast, but has slightly weaker endurance.

In response, after finding a low-lying place that could block the wind again, Somo simply sat down on the ground, took out the dry food and water on his back and started gnawing.

A full four hours have passed since we left the city.

It was nearly five hours since Somo made the grand purchase of the Swift Road Lizard.

Looking around the place where he came from, looking at the clearly visible footprints on the ground, after eating dry food and water, Somo was not in a hurry and started on the road, and waited quietly.

At twelve forty, the black land was still peaceful and without any movement.

Apart from the fact that the moisture in the air formed ice crystals and fell to the ground to turn into frost as the temperature dropped, there were no traces of other living things around.

At 12:50, the temperature dropped by about two to three degrees, and it was officially declared to be below zero.

The wind force in the sky also began to increase, like a knife, slashing on the face of every creature exposed to the wilderness.

Ten past one.

More than an hour had passed since Somo stopped and started to rest.

Calculated based on this time and distance, as long as there are pursuers behind you, you can get here no matter how slow your speed is.

And now, there is no response.

There are only two possibilities.

Either the pursuer gave up the pursuit and chose to accept his fate.


With a long sigh, Sumo stood up as if "not caring", shook out the ice crystals on his body, and all the muscles in his body relaxed.

As if looking into the distance to determine the direction, even his mental concentration was somewhat distracted by Somo.

But it was exactly this moment.

A burst of explosions suddenly erupted from inside the frozen land, and four extremely fast creatures jumped out from where Somo had just rested.

Like poisonous snakes, they spotted Soma who was standing on the ground and had put down his guard, and their attack was extremely rapid.

In less than two seconds, he attacked the Swift Road Lizard that Somo transformed into.

At this moment, with the help of instantaneous force dynamic feedback and super high reaction power, Sumo had already clearly seen the appearance of the incoming creature.

But there wasn't much time left for him to react.

However, no one expected that under such an attack, Sumo would be so bold as to activate the template conversion!

The swift lizard with four hooves on the ground and a vertical height of 1.3 meters quickly disappeared, replaced by a third-level dwarf craftsman who reappeared.

This moment's height change, coupled with Sumo's deliberate lowering of his head.

With almost no dodge movements, he easily dodged the attacks of the four incoming creatures.

He jumped back nimbly and escaped from the encirclement of the four people. He took out the hammer behind him and the two parties confronted each other.

The creature that just attacked is also a variant of a lizard in terms of close relatives.

This lizard is only about 40 centimeters in size and looks very mini, but it has a pair of fairly small wings on its back, which is enough to support its flight.

And this is exactly why they were able to reach here quietly.

But when I saw Somo, I was already on guard.

Coupled with the strength shown by Sumo in the sudden glimpse just now, the four people did not have a stalemate, and quickly started the template conversion like Sumo.

In the blink of an eye, the little lizard began to enlarge rapidly.

Several acquaintances quickly appeared.

"Oh, Alec, I thought you really couldn't hold it back. It seems you still don't give up on the more than 10,000 contribution points you lost?"

"I'm telling you, you are so shameless. You have a fourth-level main battle template and a third-level auxiliary template. You don't even have to ask people to do it. You also do sneak attacks. Will you lose your standing?"

Looking jokingly at the mountain giant standing on the ground, shaking in the cold wind.

Sumo's tone was full of undisguised sarcasm.

However, this Alec can reach the fourth level, so naturally he will not accept this simple provoking method. Instead, he said coldly:

"Hey, Hal, I don't know what kind of bad luck you got, to suddenly become so arrogant, but don't show off your tricks."

"To tell you the truth, the death of your parents back then was indeed related to me!"

After saying this, under Somo's subtle observation, Alec shook his eyes and his pupils were slightly focused.

It is clear.

As a combat master who has experienced life-and-death fights, Alec also understands how making the enemy's mentality explode before the battle will help the subsequent battle.

"Oh? You don't seem to care about your parents' life or death?"

After observing for four or five seconds and confirming that the smile on Somo's face was not fake, Alec was stunned and immediately tightened his grip on the sledgehammer in his hand.

"Alec, to tell you the truth, my parents are not dead."

"Do you know why the escort team cooperates with me? It's because"

This time, after throwing out this distracting gimmick, Somo did not wait any longer and ran out like an arrow.

Moreover, the target of this Soma swarm is not the mountain giant standing in the center, but the nearby dogleg that has turned into a human being!

The hammer that comes with the dwarven craftsman template has excellent toughness.

As a magic weapon that can be used to make equipment that can go through fire and water, it also has a certain degree of mysterious attribute bonus when swung.

A faint red light flashed, and after being accelerated, Somo's speed increased to a higher level again.

This time, the Demon Soul Tribe who had modified his own legs for the first time did not check, and was struck firmly and roundly on the waist by the hammer.


This human-modification template is not bad, somewhere between excellent and sophisticated, and the waist also has a certain degree of metalization.

But it is a pity that after this strange force beat it, it could only crack from the middle, instantly losing all its combat effectiveness.

"Ah, my waist, me."

In the midst of howling miserably, Somo did not pursue the victory, but retreated cautiously, temporarily widening the distance between him and the three of them.

A sudden attack caused a slight change in the scene.

Although the opponent's numbers were still superior, under the roar of the Cyborg, morale was no longer as high as before.

However, this Alec was also decisive, after discovering the destructive mentality of the cyborg.

While Somo was retreating, another hammering sound erupted.


Under the power of the mountain giant's hundreds-jin sledgehammer, the modified man's head blossomed on the spot, and for a moment, white and red dripped down the protruding wolf fangs on the hammer.

"That's right, that's right. We haven't started yet. Let's kill one of our own first."

"Alec, it is indeed you!"

The two sides once again opened a safe distance of thirty meters. Somo did not attack again, and Alec did not move rashly to fight.

If Sumo had been lucky enough to avoid everyone's attacks before, then this time it was an obvious burst of strength.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is at least level four!

And this is still limited by the height and body shape of the dwarf craftsman, as well as a series of structures that can exert strength, such as the arm span and bones.

"Hal, your strength is indeed worthy of my respect, but the fact that you can hold back for such a long time without breaking out is beyond my expectation."

"I can settle all grudges with you, as long as you convert the materials I store in the exchange into contribution points, no, just give me 20% off the contribution points."

"From now on, I, Alec, promise not to disturb you, nor to reveal any information about you. I will not interfere in the slightest with the legacy left by your parents, including the reason why your parents disappeared!"

"By the way, some of my mercenaries are among your mercenaries. I know that you went to the territory of Soma, the King of Humanity, and reached some kind of deal with this human being. As long as you are willing to give me your contribution points, I promise not to tell anyone else."

People will not reveal the deal between you and Soma, or even the location of the territory of this king of mankind!"

There was a wave of resignation that was unexpected by everyone, and Alec was very direct.

However, standing opposite him, Sumo couldn't help but reveal a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Before that, before Alec said the last words, Sumo was still a little bit like cat and mouse, trying to find out more secret information.

But now, Alec knows about the depression, and he also knows so much.

Without any hesitation, Sumo launched a charge!

Boom boom!

This time, in order to maintain maximum combat effectiveness during the advance, Soma simply untied the dwarf's template and directly transformed into a human form.

He rushed forward, grabbed the big knife dropped by the cyborg, and with all his strength, in just a few breaths, the remaining two cyborgs were beheaded on the spot.

The strength that belongs to the true top level of the fifth level has also been completely activated!

"Hal. No, you are not Hal at all."

"You are. Human!"

"You are the king of mankind, you are Soma! How is it possible!"

After turning into a mountain giant, his speed would have been slowed down, and now Somo's speed has increased.

Under the theory of relativity, Alec simply couldn't realize what happened.

Only the bachelor was left.

But it was a pity that Sumo did not answer his questions. Instead, he directly pulled out the arm gun tip left by the third reformer and threw it violently.

Just like a steel needle meeting an egg, without any resistance, the gun head passed through Alec's huge skull at a terrifying speed.


Without the support of life, the stones began to separate and collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few seconds, they turned into rubble.

From Alec's last words, to Somo's attack, to the three people being swept away.

This process only took less than fifteen seconds!

The human body is not weak.

It's just limited by being too balanced, and due to the barrel effect, it's difficult to improve as much as other alien races.

But this does not include Sumo, who has now become completely abnormal!

Under the suppression of his rank, strength, and all-round physical fitness, he was like bullying a child, and he won the battle with ease.

"Damn it, I still believe too much in the control of this mark, but revealing the information to others doesn't count as betraying me. It's still too careless!"

"If I guessed correctly, Alec must have revealed the location of the depression. This will cause big trouble!"

After realizing that my idea of ​​making a fortune in silence was shattered and that I might get into trouble.

Looking at the temporarily peaceful land behind him, Sumo had no intention of waiting any longer.

If the depression is really exposed, then the four Alecs are just "vanguards".

What's really waiting behind will be the greedy vampires!

Once these people discover that Hal is not Hal, but the human Soma.


Under the prerequisite that the mark is cracked, a war between the two territories is absolutely inevitable.

The two parties are bound to fight to the death!

"I hope I'm scaring myself."

"After all, Alec doesn't know that the mark has been cracked and Hal has been replaced by someone else!"

In confusion, he hurriedly came to the four people who had died, cut off the flesh and blood with the mark on it with the dagger on his leg, and put it into a special preservation pot.

Changing the template, Somo is on the road again.

This time, for fear of being chased by soldiers from behind, Sumo did not dare to rest all the way, but relied on his strong willpower to hold on.

Early seven in the morning.

After looking at the boundary of the depression that had appeared in his sight, Somo was startled at first, and then suddenly collapsed on the ground.

At the same time, a sense of security of escaping from death and surviving the disaster suddenly came from the bottom of Somo's heart.

It was different from the bare depression border two days and one night ago.

Today, on the edge of the territory, a watchtower about ten meters high has been quietly built, as well as several simple defense facilities!

At this time, it was no one else standing on the watchtower.

It is the strongest single combat power in the depression. He holds a Xuanhua ax in his hand, which makes people feel at ease at the sight of him.

Thunder Bear!


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