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Chapter 573: Batch transformation, turning waste into treasure!

"Hey, why is this interface so similar to the previous creation lottery!"

After a burst of brilliance, the interface derived from the new upgrade method appeared.

Just by looking at it, Sumo felt a sense of familiarity.

Now located in the center of the entire panel.

It is a flower seed with a dense pattern that is still placed on a white cloth.

As the light jumps across the page, the patterns on the seeds of the land flower also flash and flash, looking magical and extraordinary.

On the right side of the interface, it represents the special transformation attribute of Pao Ze.

Trying to tap lightly with the fingers transformed from thoughts, three small white dots suddenly lit up on the seeds, and then a stream of information was transmitted.

I sat on the chair and took in the entire message.

There was a hint of surprise in Sumo's eyes.

"So, this is how it works!"

For the special transformation of seeds, the system did not use mysterious explanations, but used the simplest and most intuitive scientific explanations.

For example the current land flower seeds.

Inside it, there are a total of 1,400 gene points.

Paoze changed three of them, resulting in the special ability of Land Flower to randomly link with other plants and increase fertility.

"The more plant genetic sites are modified, the rarer the extended abilities will be."

"At the same time, the deeper the modification of plant genetic sites, the greater the ability will be."

After pondering the prompts given by the upgrade, Sumo gently clicked on the example again.

This time, the prompts given by the system are more crude and extremely intuitive.

If it is random next time, it will still be these three points, but the degree of transformation will be doubled.

Then the robe's ability will evolve to actively select a plant to link with.

If it can be doubled on this basis.

Then the actively linked plants will become two!

Until these three points are all transformed, the robe will be linked to all the plants in the area affected by the land flower, and on the basis of the ordinary fertility increase, it will be increased by a full 200%!

"Currently, a single plant can only be improved by 15%, but if it is modified to the extreme, all plants can be improved by 200%."

"There's such a huge difference!"

After reading the cases provided by the system, I finally have a thorough understanding of the seed transformation attribute Somo.

However, it’s all talk and no practice.

After seeing that there was a random opportunity displayed below, Sumo clicked on it without hesitation and started the first random chance.


As soon as you click it, the seed in the center of the interface starts to tremble.

First, the three light spots that represented the robe flew out from the inside of the seed, slowly shattered into the air, and turned into dots of spiritual light.

Then, one thousand four hundred gene points inside the seed jumped out of thin air and began to slowly manifest in the void.

"In such a small seed, there is a wonderful and magnificent scene like a star map. It is really magical!"

Start with evolution.

The gene points of the land flower have jumped out of the interface and started jumping around on the first floor of the underground shelter.

At this time, I looked up.

Countless gray-black light spots, at a level that only Soma could see, kept flashing with his breathing, which was extremely shocking.

"I don't know how many gene points can be lit up this first time!"

Looking at the system interface, a dim starlight shot out, hitting directly behind the Earth Flower Gene Star Map.

Sumo looked forward to it and stared at it.

The first is the number of genes that are lit.

The first time it was random, Sumo didn't have much hope as to how many of them could be lit up, or what powerful attributes could be randomly generated.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the explosion of character or because the level of Land Flower is too low, making it too easy to transform.

At the first moment when the starry sky hits, densely packed stars light up.

At first glance, the number is no less than three hundred!

Moreover, the speed of lighting up has not slowed down because the number was too high at the beginning, but on the contrary, it is increasing.

In the end, it actually exceeded 1,000.

A full one thousand one hundred!

"Good guy, the first time I lit it up, 80% of it was activated?"

"It's not a loss for a hundred points!"

Preparing for the worst, we got almost the best result.

Sumo became even more curious, and couldn't help but activate the panel again to project the remaining star power into the star map.



Under the stimulation, the dark gray star belt, like a pair of horses, continuously washes away the many gene points that have been lit up.

There were bursts of loud noises like thunderstorms.

If this movement did not only occur on another level, otherwise people within a radius of ten miles or even a hundred miles would be shaken to the point where it would be difficult to stand still.

"It's done!"

Seeing the last trace of star power disappear from the panel, the genetic star map in the sky gradually stabilized and returned to the inside of the panel.

Sumo felt a burst of joy in his heart and hurriedly turned his attention to the new attributes.

[Reverse Growth-Earth Flower (Rare+)]

[Description]: A seed contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant that can change the fertility of the land.

[Special transformation]: Reverse growth (after planting the land flower, it will directly reach its mature form and start to increase the fertility of the land. However, due to reverse growth, the strength and lifespan of the land flower will begin to decrease rapidly, and will change again after six months.

as seed state)

[Evaluation]: Unexpectedly, I went back to the soil again!


At the first moment, Sumo saw clearly the new transformation attributes.

He first rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

After confirming it again, my head started buzzing.


"My luck is so good now?!"

If the best expectations for land flower transformation can be divided into one level.

So the reverse growth transformation now obtained is undoubtedly the highest level among them!

As long as it is planted, it will grow as quickly as the previous storage flowers, and then begin to release its own effects in improving the fertility of the land.

Even if the ability to transform becomes weaker and weaker due to reverse growth, it doesn't matter.

You only need to wait until six months later when the earth flower turns into seeds, dig it out and plant it again, and you will be able to harvest a new earth flower in its prime!

"No more gambling, this hundred points is worth it!"

After only imagining the powerful effect of reverse growth in his mind, Sumo resolutely quit transforming this seed.

For the current stage, this is indeed the optimal solution.

Instead of wasting survival points on whether you can have better attributes next time, it is better to save the remaining two earth flower seeds.

Rare put the transformed seeds aside.

After searching in the bag, Sumo picked out the remaining two coins at once with tweezers.

After throwing out the appraisal, the attributes of the two seeds flew out at the same time.

Among them, one is exactly the same as the previous seed, and the transformation direction is all the same.

The transformation direction of the other one is the vigorous growth of two mutation points, which can speed up the growth rate of ground flowers by 3%, which is better than nothing.

"I don't know how the tree people can identify the transformation potential of these seeds."

"The ones you picked for me are all rubbish!"

He complained in his mouth, but Su Mo was not slow in his hands.

With ease, the interface flashed again, and the second seed transformation direction upgrade began to proceed quickly.

There are still 1,400 gene points.

This time it was random and the number of lights was not as good as before. Only 900 light points emitted a hazy dark light.

But in terms of the color depth of the black light, it is one point darker than the previous one thousand one hundred.

When the transformation was completed, the new interface suddenly flashed, revealing brand new attributes.

[Clone-Earth Flower (Rare+)]

[Description]: A seed contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant that can change the fertility of the land.

[Special Transformation]: Clone (after the land flower grows into a complete body, it will have the effect of a clone based on the nutrients absorbed during the growth period, and the grower has a probability of getting 2 (lowest) - 99 (highest) mature plants)

[Evaluation]: The energy is enough, I can do more!

"Hey, this clone's attributes are pretty good too!"

"It would be great if we could find a way to ripen it and add more energy to get ninety-nine mature land flowers!"


The principle is not difficult to understand.

Most likely, abundant energy will cause the land to sprout multiple branches, which can be cut and transplanted to other places.

Because of the early growth and the abundance of nutrients inside, they can quickly mature and put into work.

It's a pity that it takes four years for ground flowers to grow, and I still can't afford to wait.

I can only put it aside for the time being and see if there are other transformation attributes later to make up for this shortcoming.

Pick up the third seed and consume another hundred points.

This time, there were even fewer lights on the star map, only about six hundred.

But again, the color is darker than last time, and it is obvious that there has been a more powerful change.

[Midas to gold-Earth flower (rare+)]

[Description]: A seed contains magical energy. After sowing it, you can harvest a magical plant that can change the purity of the ore.

[Special transformation]: Turning stone into gold (Special transformation has caused unexpected changes in the land flower. Now, the land flower no longer provides a fertility bonus to the land. Instead, after planting it on the mineral vein, it will grow after the maturity period.

Continuously improve the purity of the vein ore, the improvement value is 10% (minimum)-50% (maximum))

[Evaluation]: Bah, bah, bah, the ore tastes great!

"It no longer improves the fertility of the land, but it can improve the purity of the ore!"

After reading the complete introduction, Sumo was stunned for a moment, and then clicked Save and Transform in surprise.

One thousand three hundred gene locations.

It does not mean that there are only 1,300 transformation directions, it is likely that the depth of each light point is different.

The direction of transformation will lead to ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even more.

But it is undeniable that only three hundred points were used to transform the three directions.

Sumo is very satisfied!

The pain point of getting rid of the pain point of ground flowers originally taking four years to grow. The value of this third Midas touch is even greater than the first two!

"If I can plant such a plant in Noh Stone Mine, I'm afraid it won't take long."

"I can get energy stones with stronger energy absorption and more stable transmission speed."

"Damn, this is so cool!"

Sumo pumped his fists in excitement and closed the panel without hesitation.

At present, even if it takes four years for the ground flower to grow, it won't be a big problem.

Because there is another plant in the seed bag that can make up for this shortcoming.

Big flower!

A magical plant that Zhu Ling specially used to seduce!

Opening the seed bag, Sumo used tweezers to pick out the seeds of the rhubarb flower.

A little different from the land flower, the seeds of the king flower are a bit like soybeans, about the size of a fingertip.

The skin is wrinkled, and it doesn't look like a plant with magical powers.

But no matter what the appearance is, under the green light of the system identification, the properties of the seeds of the Great Emperor Flower are still unavoidable and manifested.

[Life Link-Emperor Flower Seed (Rare Level)]

[Description]: A seed containing magical energy. After sowing it, it can speed up the growth efficiency of plants within a certain range and shorten the time for plants to mature.

[Special Transformation]: Life Link (within the scope of effect, the Big Flower will randomly find a plant for life link. When the linked plant grows vigorously, the ability of the Big Flower increases by 5%. When the linked plant dies, the Big Flower will

ability is permanently reduced by 80%)

[Growth time]: Germination period (15 days), growth period (7 days), flowering period (15 days)

[Action area]: 1000㎡ (1.5 acres)

[Required for growth]: Sufficient water source; suitable temperature > 0 degrees Celsius; land fertility > 5

[Maturation time reduction speed]: Depending on the grade of the plant, it can be applied to the growth of plants below the rare grade (including), with a maximum increase of 80% in maturity speed and a minimum increase of 10% in maturity speed.

[Evaluation]: On the same land, we live together!


"Can it only increase the maturity speed by 10% at least?"

After clicking on the properties panel and debugging a more detailed introduction, Sumo frowned.

Rhubarb flower is a rare plant and it takes about a month to grow, which is acceptable.

But at the same time, land flowers are also rare plants.

According to the level classification on the attribute panel, the special abilities of the big flower can only be provided by 10% at most when applied to plants of the same level.

Calculated based on the fact that it takes four years for ground flowers to grow, a total of 146 days can be reduced.

Quite a few.

But it’s not enough!

"I can accept that low-level plant bonuses are not so terrible, but I can't accept that high-level ones are only 10%."

"Anyway, this life link is of no use. It's just a burden. Just follow it again!"

Three rhubarb flower seeds.

They are all life links that can no longer be broken.

This kind of pitiful little bonus, and a huge reduction in attributes if it fails, is enough to show how uncomfortable the tree people are in the process of plant transformation.

However, with the survival point in hand, Soma is worth it.

This time, he directly entered the transformation and re-following panel without even looking at the upgrade route of the Great Emperor Flower.

The attributes of Rhubarb Flower are simple, and similarly, there are fewer genetic modification points.

There are only nine hundred.

After seeing that even a rubbish transformation like Life Link could light up more than thirty star points, Somo took a long breath and pressed Resume.

The starlight fell, and the star map swayed and was cast on the wall, as if it was waving its claws.

In just one moment, nine hundred stars were lit up.

The rays of light are connected into one piece, like a mountain.

"All lit up?"

Once again, after experiencing the crushing of ordinary objects by the survival point at close range, I gained a deeper understanding of the levels of the system.

Starting from scratch may consume a lot of money for the system.

But if you modify something that already exists, just put a few touches on it, one hundred survival points will be enough for the seed.

Totally enough!

After a moment, the starlight harmoniously unified and fell into the panel, revealing its new attributes.

[Dedication-Dahuanghua Seed (Rare Level)]

[Description]: A seed containing magical energy. After sowing it, it can speed up the growth efficiency of plants within a certain range and shorten the time for plants to mature.

[Special Transformation]: Dedication (Luohong is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flower. The transformed big flower will have extremely special abilities. Within its envelope, once the big flower matures and receives the ripening instruction

, will actively dedicate their lives to supply other plants; the user can designate a plant (the grade is not higher than the rare level), which will be directly ripened; after the donation, the big flower will die directly and cannot be regenerated)

[Evaluation]: Please cherish the ‘love’ that only comes once!

As expected.

And unexpected.

Dedicating this special transformation is worthy of the fact that it lights up all the stars.

It only takes one month to mature, even if it takes four, five, or even ten years for the same level of plants, the Rhubarb flower can ripen it instantly.

It can’t be said that he is not strong!

But every time it is used, the plant will die. This cannot be blessed within the range, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

It can be said to be perfect, but not perfect.

"Greed is never satisfied."

"The ability to directly ripen plants is too abnormal. It can only ripen one plant. Death after ripening is also being cleaned up."

"And, as long as I develop a clone-like ability in the two remaining seeds of the Great Emperor Flower and only ripen them once, I won't have to worry about the subsequent seeds at all!"

Thinking about it in an instant, Sumo made up his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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