Turn off the lights
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Chapter 62 This is my small step across the wilderness, but...

 (It is strongly recommended to listen to the vocal part of Hotel California while reading this chapter)

Under the dim moonlight, Somo raised his head.

It was as if he could see the gray clouds on the horizon outlining the smiling face of Ma Gu, a true man who never became a deserter in the end.

The dead are gone and so are the living.

With Magu's notebook in his arms, Sumo felt that the responsibility on him was getting heavier.

But now is not the time to be compassionate.

Oreo was already howling down below, obviously curious about this bouncing car.

After slightly sorting out the traces on the ground, Somo quickly arrived at the foot of the hill with a brisk pace.

The jumping seat is a single-engine cockpit, but Magu also installed a small cockpit behind the engine, which is probably used to pull small amounts of cargo.

At this time, this position is just right for Oreo to sit.

He picked up the Oreo and put it in the back seat, then pulled out the seat belt that was used to secure the Oreo and tied it up.

"Don't move around later, be careful if you fall and become a disabled dog."

After scaring Oreo, seeing Oreo sitting in a row like a big spark, Somo returned to the front with a smile.

He leaned into the cockpit, fastened his seat belt, and pressed the ignition button.

The car was started again and began to buzz.

Oreo in the back seat was obviously frightened, but due to Sumo's reminder, he did not take any rash action.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, Sumo pushed the gear lever to forward gear and released the brake.

Bengbeng started to move slowly!

"Woof? Woohoo? Ouch!"

Oreo looked at his feet curiously, as if he didn't understand why he didn't move, so he started to move forward.

However, the next second, as Somo stepped on the accelerator, Oreo's just-opened dog mouth was suddenly filled with a large mouthful of air, making a whining sound.


"Oh haha!"

Feeling the roaring wind again, Somo shouted in excitement.

The powerful pumping of the engine delivers a sound that is no less than that of a V8 luxury sports car on earth!

The passing birds in the sky were frightened and fled in all directions.

Excitedly, he clicked on the radio and pressed the music. A sound comparable to a subwoofer began to resound in the wasteland:

On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair~

(Driving on a dark desert road, the cool breeze blew my hair)

Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air~

(The strong smell of marijuana permeates the air)

Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light~

(Looking up into the distance, I see lights flashing)

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim~

(My head is getting heavier and heavier, and my vision is becoming blurry)

I had to stop for the night~

(I had to stop and look for a place to spend the night)

There she stood in the doorway~

(She stood at the door and greeted me)

I heard the mission bell~

(I hear church bells in the distance)

And I was thinking to myself~

(I said to myself in my heart)

This could be Heaven or this could be Hell~

(This may be heaven or hell)


A classic song that Magu collected from somewhere - "Hotel California", accompanied by Oreo's whine, echoed melodiously across the land.

At a speed of nearly 40 yards, by the time a song finished playing, we had already returned to the shelter.

"With this speed, we can go to the saltpeter mine where the kobolds are tomorrow to explore!"

He unloaded the Oreos, who were frightened and still had an unfinished look on his face, hinting at Somo doing another round, and placed them on the ground.

Sumo began to prepare a garage for the Bengbeng car.

The location... is surprisingly the gap that was dug by Huang Biao and his group before.

"These people have helped me a lot. As long as I build a slope and put a wooden board on it, it will be a temporary garage."

Sumo smiled and took out the shovel and started working on the previous project.

With the blessing of excellent quality, the construction speed is very fast.

In less than ten minutes, Somo dug out a simple slope, and the end of the slope was the surface of the stone wall.

Although such a temporary garage is crude, it is enough to protect against mutant beasts!

As for humans, in this kind of night, Soma would not think that there is another person who has the courage to run rampant in the wasteland.

What's more, even if there is one, under Oreo's vigilance and today's powerful force, it is just a courier.

Back at the base, Sumo quickly took out a few long wooden boards and laid them on the slope to complete the construction of a simple garage.

After looking around to confirm that there was no problem, Sumo returned to the tram.

After restarting the car and reversing into the garage, the car was put down and the wooden board in front was just like a wooden box, covering the car.

"very good!"

After patting the dust on his body and nodding his head, Sumo returned to the base with satisfaction.

"My progress is too fast. When my sister is put in, I'm afraid she won't think that her brother is so powerful!"

After drinking a large gulp of psionic water and checking that the doors of the shelter were closed, Somo came to the place where the kobold was lying with satisfaction.

"Hey, it seems like it's dinner without him~"

Patting his head, Sumo suddenly remembered what he had forgotten while eating dinner.

However, after being treated with psionic water biscuit paste in the morning, the wounds on the kobold warlock's body did not worsen. At this time, he looked like he was about to die, just because of hunger.

After searching for it, Somo took out a small amount of biscuits, mixed it with some psionic water, and placed it in front of the kobold.

The kobold warlock cannot die until he finds the address of the saltpeter mine and the location of the kobold camp.

Seeing the kobold devouring his food, Somo nodded and returned to the center of the base.

There is no concept of time in the wasteland at night. Everyone can only judge the time by looking at the position of the moon in the most primitive way.

"It should be between eleven and twelve o'clock in the evening. Unfortunately, in the wasteland world, who can still have nightlife?"

After adjusting his clothes that were starting to turn yellow, and changing them with a hint of disgust, Somo took out a small glass of water, shirtless, and came to the culture medium to rinse his mouth.

Big and small sparks had already entered a state of sleep. When they saw Somo coming, they just raised their chicken heads symbolically and then collapsed to the ground with relief again.

"Life is getting better and better. There are desk lamps and electric blankets. My Somo refuge is getting better!"

After rinsing his mouth, he returned to the material warehouse and picked up the desk lamp and electric blanket that were traded during the day.

When he came to the master bedroom, he laid out the electric blanket and connected the lamp to the power supply, and then lay down comfortably on the small bed.

"If I follow this progress, I'm afraid I will be able to make complete gunpowder and even an upgraded version of the explosive pack in just a few days."

"By the time..."

Somo thought happily.

As long as you can prepare a good explosive pack, you can blow up the kobold camp without any effort.

When the time comes, the treasure chest exploded by the kobolds will definitely be an unimaginable and terrifying harvest of materials!!!

I even thought that if a silver or gold level treasure chest could be opened, items such as psionic energy could be released!

Sumo couldn't help but feel excited and wanted to yell.

"This kobold smells too good. No, let's chat and relax. Otherwise, I will be too excited to sleep tonight."

The soft light of the variable frequency table lamp makes the bedroom full of warmth. If you ignore the fact of the wasteland, this place is more like a B&B full of "original features".

After changing to a comfortable position and lying down, Somo became slightly more focused.

The unreal game panel popped up with a flash.

After concentrating his thoughts and clicking on the channel for chatting in the world, messages began to slowly flood the screen.

By this point in the evening, most people have used up their speakers' speaking times during the day, and the rest are filtered by the system, and the speed of swiping is not very fast.

After looking at it and seeing that someone was already mentioning the news about half-human creatures, Sumo nodded and switched to the regional channel.

Half-human creatures came to this world together with humans. According to the progress, many people should encounter such strange creatures.

However, in the world news, no one described the characteristics of these creatures in detail, but only said to be careful.

After surviving the first disaster, the number of people in the regional channel was not much reduced at this time. In two days, the number of people only dropped from 1,000 to 982.

It's just that 18 unlucky guys probably got into trouble because they encountered danger or other reasons.

Because there are no speech restrictions, dozens of people in the regional channel are like a QQ group chat, chatting with each other.

[Fei Zhi: I’m so hungry, brothers. I’m lying on the floor of the drafty wooden house. I feel so cold from top to bottom. When will this day end!]

[Liang Jian: Brother upstairs, you're okay. I ate a pack of crispy noodles today and I had diarrhea at night. I almost lost my bowels.]

[Liang Jian: Does anyone know if you know... whether you can eat someone with diarrhea? We don’t have much food reserves...]

[Na Wenxing: Liang Jian, didn’t you say that your refuge camp is quite good, but it’s so desolate? It’s to the point of eating shit? 】

[Liang Jian: What a ball. I’ve seen in a few days that this shelter is about to be destroyed. In the past, mutant beasts were chasing people, but now people are chasing mutant beasts. This is outrageous! 】

[Liang Jian: I am just holding on until the trading secret realm is opened, and I will ask Su Shen to go in and exchange for something]

[Cai Junfeng: What’s up, do you have something good? 】

[Liang Jian: Hehe, this is a secret. Anyway, if you can support it, just support it. Fortunately, we still have Su Shen on our channel. I heard that on other garbage channels, almost half of the people are dead, and there is no one who is awesome.

Everyone’s confidence]

[Du Fu: Let me give you a tip. The bark on the shrubs and trees is actually edible. I ate some today and it tasted pretty good. If you are really hungry, just eat it. It is much better than eating dirt]

[Emma Dewen: By the way, Mr. Sumo should be able to ensure that he is full now, right? Woohoo, I’m so envious!]

[Lelly Harlan: After two days of running out of food, I will also seek refuge in the World Chat refuge, ugh~]

[Ji Dong: Those two fools upstairs, please don’t be “fished for law enforcement”! 】

[Lilly Harlan: Ah? What is fishing law enforcement? 】

Looking at the regional channel where his name was used in several sentences, as well as the miscommunication caused by the cultural differences between China and the West, Sumo smiled helplessly and closed the chat panel.

If only these people knew that he ate fried meatloaf, fried biscuits and drank nether energy water at night.

At night, I sleep on a big, soft bed, with gentle variable-frequency soft light on the bedside. Even the captive kobolds eat psionic water biscuit paste. I'm afraid these people will go crazy with envy.

"No, let's go to sleep! We have to go explore the campground early tomorrow!"

Thinking of a lot of things tomorrow, Sumo gradually felt sleepy.

He raised his hand to turn off the soft frequency converter lamp on the bedside, and the refuge fell into calm.

This chapter has been completed!
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