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Chapter 627 Mazu No. 3, a gift from the earth!


"That's it?"

Licking his lips, looking at the squirming flesh and blood on the ground in the distance, Feng Long touched the back of his head, his face full of surprise.

Facing the mutant giant rat that rushed out, the soldiers got excited!

I don't know if it was due to the sneak attack by Guan Yu'an and his men the night before, which caused the resentment of being injured to burst out.

Or because it was the first time I faced a monster that might be a ghost, something that only existed in movies and TV shows, my courage burst out.

With just one round of extremely precise shooting, the monster was cut into pieces.

From its appearance to its death, it could not even roar out a decent roar and was already in pieces.

At the rear, the soldiers lying in the simple trenches were also scanning the ground with blank faces. Many of them had not yet recovered from the strong crackling sound just now.

At once.

it's over?

Not to mention whether anyone died, there was not even one injured?

"Is this a ghost? That's it? I saw in the TV series that this thing can pass through walls, can directly possess people, is invulnerable, and bullets are useless, but now it's gone in one go?"

"What kind of ghost? This is obviously a mutated beast. I can see what it looks like. It looks like a giant rat?"

"Nonsense, a mouse can be so big. When he stands up, he is bigger than the cows I raised before. Have you ever seen such a big mouse?"

"Didn't we talk about mutation? Isn't it normal to grow up?"

"Good guy, I'm afraid I haven't been soaked in the jar of nuclear radiation for several months. Otherwise, how could the gene mutate like this? It doesn't make sense!"


The dust dispersed, and the displays inside the door were clearly visible.

After making sure that no second monster would suddenly rush out, the lying warriors became furious and began to discuss what they had just witnessed.

Some people spread the theory of ghosts, saying that an evil spirit possessed an ordinary mouse and infused it with so-called "ghost power" to create the terrifying creature just now.

Some people are convinced of the effects of radiation, and plausibly brought out some civil science reports that they have seen on Earth, preaching that there may be radiation in the house that causes such creatures to appear.

There are also people who don’t believe this or that. They only believe that this is a characteristic creature in the wasteland and is not a mutation of the native creatures on the earth.

Amid the divergent opinions, the scene was no longer as dull as before and suddenly became lively.

"Don't rush in yet. Say hello to Feng Long and ask him to use a Geiger counter to measure the surrounding radiation."

"Others continue to be alert and pay attention to whether a second monster will come out at any time!"

After listening to everyone's discussion for a while, Sumo coughed and gave two instructions to Feng Tianmin, who was also lying next to him with an interested expression.

Based on his previous experience in the ruins of Liangfang Town, Sumo could roughly guess that there would rarely be a second such monster in a building.

But the discussions among the soldiers also made Sumo alert.

From the black dog, to the mad cow, to this mutated giant rat, all three of them basically have some sanity.

Judging from the characteristics, this black monster does not look like a brainless zombie infected with a mutant virus. Instead, it really feels like it has been mutated by radiation.

After receiving the order, Feng Tianmin nodded and quickly walked to the back of the team.

As the Geiger counter was taken out of the supply box, it was delivered to Feng Long's hands by the soldier with a vigilant look on his face.

The relaxed atmosphere became tense again.

Everyone held their breath and only fixed their gazes on Feng Long, always paying attention to the Geiger counter he held in his hand.

Zhi. Zhi. Zhi.

A very rhythmic sound came from the speaker of the counter, clearly hitting everyone's eardrums.

Estimated based on frequency, the current sound is approximately 45 times per minute, which is within the range of normal cosmic ray influence.

But when he got close to the squirming black flesh on the ground, the sound of the counter suddenly started to sound faster.

48 times!

55 times!

The closer it is to flesh and blood, the faster the sound becomes.

At the same time, the numbers on the counter that were not visible began to jump suddenly, indicating that the surrounding radiation exceeded the standard.

"Is there really radiation?"

Seeing Feng Long approaching cautiously and sending data back with gestures at any time, Sumo's eyelids jumped suddenly.

Now five meters away from flesh and blood, the calibrated radiation number on the Geiger counter has jumped to 3.91μSv/h.

Calculated based on the fact that the human body can normally absorb 2.4mSv (2400μSv) per year, this number is scary enough.

It only takes one hour to stay in this environment, and the amount of radiation absorbed exceeds the normal absorption range for ordinary people.

But fortunately, as Fenglong gets closer, this number does not surge much.

Finally, it stopped at 9.7μSv/h and stopped changing.

"Fortunately, as long as you don't stay close to these flesh and blood for a long time, you won't be affected by radiation!"

The human body is very fragile at certain times and extremely tolerant at other times.

Calculated based on the upper limit recommended by workers in the radioactive industry, the upper limit per year is 20mSv, which means that you can hold these black flesh and blood for two hours without being affected.

As long as you don't deliberately approach these radiators, it's okay.

"Let people go down in lead suits, collect all the flesh and blood, and bury them. It would be a disaster to leave them here."

"Also, for the time being, let everyone maintain a vigil outside to prevent anyone from coming to check what's going on here. I will personally take people in to see what's going on inside!"

After ensuring safety, Sumo no longer flinched.

Leading the scattered soldiers, they walked slowly down the high slope in a swaggering manner, and walked straight into the three-story building.


Seeing the crowd, Feng Long, who was still looking furtively inside, suddenly turned around.

After realizing that Su Mo was leading the team, his eyes rolled around for a while, and he came forward with an eager face.

"Director, I'm afraid there's still danger here. How about I go in first and explore it?"

While saying this, Feng Long's face was full of "sincerity".

Anyone who comes over and sees his performance will secretly praise his loyalty and his excellent quality of leading by example.

But for Sumo, who was watching all the way, Feng Long's little thoughts couldn't escape his eyes.

"Hey, our Captain Feng, did he see the danger inside, or did he see the pack of cigarettes on the counter?"

The door is open and the sunlight is scattered.

There are a lot of things piled on the counter and there is a lot of dust.

However, the square cigarette box in the center still cannot cover the reflections at the corners, exuding a unique appeal.

After Su Mo revealed his thoughts, Feng Long laughed awkwardly, causing the soldiers behind him to also laugh.

"Okay, let's go in together. I can't hide this good thing!"

Patting Feng Long on the shoulder, Su Mo felt a little excited.

There is a supermarket with supplies and an empty three-story building.

Even if the former cannot take this small building with them and no one lives in it, just the large amount of supplies inside is probably an unimaginable gain.

The latter is in this deep pit in the wilderness. Even if someone is extremely brave, I am afraid they will not choose this location as their base and live there for a long time.

The two are not the same concept at all!

Taking long strides, Sumo took the lead and entered the small building first.

There is no big difference from the structure speculated by outsiders. Although this Café de Coral supermarket is called a supermarket, it is actually just a family-owned shop.

The specific layout inside is that a counter about six meters long is placed in the front, separating the front and back.

The front is where customers pick up items after they arrive, and the back is where the boss picks up the goods.

The shelves that are tall enough to reach the ceiling are basically full of all kinds of items.

Although it is covered with a thick layer of dust, for the soldiers who have been crawling around in the apocalyptic wasteland for four months.

It really is.

What does this dirt mean? As long as the stuff down there is fine, it won’t be a problem if I lick it clean, okay?

Wandering back and forth, looking at the almost full floor, the soldiers were all jealous, and Somo was also a little dizzy.

This is so cool!

If there were more small supermarkets in this kind of wilderness, let alone those mysterious people in the center of the thousands of miles of mountains.

Sumo even wanted to go back home now and bring everyone over to search the entire mountain.

It's just that now

"Move, move everything outside for me. Don't let go of anything on the first floor or even a piece of paper!"

With a wave of his hand, after receiving Soma's order, the soldiers immediately stopped following their patient desires and ran out like hungry wolves and began to get supplies.

At first, everyone just used their hands to carry the materials covered with soil out of the counter.

In the end, a few people just worked together, not even missing the counter, and just picked it up and rushed outside.

For a moment, the dust that had dissipated began to float in the air again, making it difficult to see anything on the entire floor.

After choking and coughing several times, Somo covered his mouth and nose and hurriedly ran to the second floor.

Behind him, Guan Yu'an, who had been standing at the door and looking around, also jumped in and followed Sumo to the second floor.

"Sure enough, no one has lived here for a long time!"

From the first floor to the end of the second floor, there is a closed carved iron door blocking the way.

Like the one below, the iron door is also covered with thick dust, and there is also a thick and large lock hanging on the door lock.

Judging from the dust on the lock, it would take at least half a year to a year to accumulate dust with the window open until it accumulates to this level.

"Hey, Brother Su, look inside there!"

Going up the stairs, I saw Sumo standing in front of the door looking around, and Guan Yu'an also looked inside.

However, at this glance, she discovered that there was an obvious large pit in the middle of the second floor corridor at the back.

The area around the pit is not neat, with jagged edges everywhere, and a drag mark is clearly visible.

"It seems that the mutated rat came down from here?"

Sumo looked slightly surprised.

Not to mention that this rat moves so slowly, and its flexibility when facing guns is basically zero.

It turns out that this guy was not squatting on the first floor, but was locked up on the second floor.

In order to get down and rush out, he actually drilled through the floor and fell to the first floor before rushing out from the door to attack strangers.

"Sure enough, he has no IQ"

"It can break through the floor, but it won't be easier to drill through this door!"

While joking, Somo leaned down and started playing with it.

The big lock hanging on the door looks intimidating, but in fact the structure inside is not even as safe as a Class C lock.

Not to mention a craftsman who knows how to pick locks, even a reckless man can spend some time and knock the lock open.

Taking out a piece of thin wire that he carried with him, Sumo opened the lock easily.


The padlock was opened by Somo and thrown aside, and the door was no longer restrained. It was slowly opened by inertia, revealing the true face of Lushan inside.

"There are five rooms on the first, second, and third floors!"

As he muttered this, Somo entered the first house on the right.

Just like outside, there was also thick dust in the room, covering every possible place to stay.

The furnishings inside are even simpler, with only two tables, a bedside table, and a large Simmons bed without bedding.

He glanced back and forth, extracting as much information as possible from the room that could prove where this place was.

As Somo's eyes rested on the edge of the bed, a piece of light yellow paper sandwiched between the seams of the bed attracted his attention.

"This is."

The exposed part of the paper is a little familiar, but also a little strange.

With a premonition in his mind, Somo strode forward, came to the bed, pushed the mattress aside, and then carefully picked up the paper.

Paper that has been processed by humans can be preserved for several years in the natural environment where it is exposed to the sun and rain.

There is no problem if placed in such a sealed house.

After sweeping away the dust on it, the writing and patterns began to gradually appear.

"We are: Mazu Shelter No. 3. Our shelter covers an area of ​​​​5 million people. Our shelter can accommodate a cumulative population of five million people. It is the sixth largest human shelter in the entire Eastern Province."

"We have an alloy nuclear-resistant exterior wall with a thickness of up to 180 meters, which is enough to withstand a magnitude 12 earthquake. We have a complete set of solar photovoltaic systems to ensure that the shelter has 24-hour lighting and air essence capabilities. At the same time, our indoor planting area

It has reached 100,000 acres, which is enough to provide long-term living needs for all residents after a disaster strikes."

"If you have not found a suitable evacuation location when you get our leaflet, please quickly contact the nearby pick-up station and go there with the leaflet as a token. We will arrange a special person to pick you up and help you reach the evacuation location.

But please pay attention to the following points:”

"First: Please do not bring too many personal belongings. The specific specifications are: single person/5kg, family/20kg. If you bring too much, we will have the right to confiscate it."

"Second: Please do not bring too many living supplies. The shelter has a complete material reserve system. According to current statistics, it is enough to provide five million people with a worry-free life for twenty years. Please don't worry about the famine scenes in the movie happening.

around us"

"Third: Please do not bring personal pets into the shelter without permission. Please leave them at home and inform the pick-up person. We will have dedicated personnel to screen and process them. If conditions permit in the future, you may have a chance to see us again."

"Fourth: If you have advanced or above abilities, please tell the pick-up person when you come. We will have special job opportunities and additional rewards will be distributed periodically to thank you for your efforts."

"Fifth: The earth is our common home. Please also believe that one day, we humans will come out of the shelter again and rebuild our new earth!"


The dense handwriting printed on a leaflet only the size of A4 paper makes the eyes of those who read it numb.

But the meaning it represents is not as simple as words.

"Yeah, it's Mazu Shelter No. 3. I know that this shelter is close to the coast, and there are a lot of supplies stored in it. Back then"

After rushing behind Su Mo and taking a clear look at the title at the top of the flyer, Guan Yu'an was still a little excited and kept mumbling.

But the next second, after seeing Su Mo's slightly solemn expression, she reacted suddenly.

Since a flyer belonging to my hometown was found in this house, the original location of this house

"It comes from our earth!"

This chapter has been completed!
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