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Chapter 635 Lord of the Deep Sea, we will return at your pace!

Above the wilderness, the fog is deep.

As time continues to pass until two o'clock at night, the night darkness shrouding the earth becomes heavier and heavier, completely covering up the traces of biological activities during the day.

But, in Hope Village.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

As the news about Chen Shen and Li Hu came back one after another.

Six huge spotlight lamps instantly rose up to the sky, and all street lights entered full power load mode.

A series of piercing sirens began to sound from the loudspeaker at the entrance of the village that had never been used before.

This shocked all the villagers who were still sleeping and subconsciously got up from their beds.

"Oops, it's a level one alarm!"

Three long beeps and two short beeps.

Previous drills are enough for most people to identify the rating of this alert.

At the same time, if you can hear such a sound in daily life, it has only one meaning.

From now on, the village has entered a critical moment of life and death.

Understand the meaning behind this alarm.

Immediately, a small number of villagers turned pale and froze on the spot for a moment at a loss.

But at the same time, there was also a large group of villagers who got dressed excitedly and almost ran towards the location of the village's armed forces.

War, in peaceful times, is everyone's nightmare and the darkest moment that civilians are unwilling to face.

But in the last days, in the wasteland.

For everyone living in Hope Village, this is an opportunity, a moment to decide your own destiny with your hands!

Level 1 alert, all people are on the alert.

Regardless of your previous status or job, you can go to the Armed Forces Department to pick up weapons when the alarm sounds.

Once a battle does occur, all villagers holding weapons will be regarded as warriors in the village.

You only need to kill the invading enemies, and you can obtain three times the previous military merits!

This military exploit can not only be exchanged for a large amount of living materials, but also for the land, materials, infused knowledge and other resources previously proposed by Soma.

Even if you can kill the opponent's leader or change the situation of the battle, as long as you pass the test of Soma's strength, you will have a chance to enter the underground shelter!

With such a huge reward, how can you not drive people crazy!

Reflecting the reality, in less than ten minutes, no less than 500 villagers had gathered in front of the Armed Forces Ministry's bungalow.

Su Deben, who was standing in front of the bungalow, sighed in his heart: People's hearts can be used!

"Are you sure they are not hostile to us humans?"

"But I saw them binding Chen Shen with ropes. If there was no hostility, why would they use such behavior to show force?"

Return to the high slope where everyone used telescopes to observe the mysterious building complex.

After hearing the three people's reports, Li Hu's brows had already furrowed into a big "Sichuan" sign.

Earlier, when the fishman took out the hemp rope and prepared to tie up the four people.

Li Hu, who was lying behind, couldn't help but want to take action.

If Chen Shen hadn't raised his hand and shook it later to signal everyone not to be anxious, otherwise the battle would have broken out in the wilderness, and there would be no peace like now.

"Brother Hu, you have to believe me. Although those fishmen are ugly, when they saw us, they didn't show the bloodthirsty and hateful eyes of ordinary aliens when they saw us."

"It feels like, how should I put it, their eyes are just like us humans, there is not much difference!"

"And when the village chief said to let the three of us go, this group of aliens obviously understood, which shows that there is definitely talk among us!"

Knowing what Chen Shen meant by letting the three of them come back, Chen Shen's cousin Chen Yu kept explaining, trying his best to dispel Li Hu's intention of storming in to save people.

However, compared to Chen Shen's tact, Li Hu was obviously not satisfied with Chen Yu's answer.

But helplessly, Li Hu did not dare to act rashly as the hostages were in the opponent's hands.

He could only keep his eyes on the telescope and observe the movements in the mysterious building complex.

Mysterious building complex.

Five-story high-rise building.

Before entering the interior of the building, Chen Shen was fully mentally prepared.

He thought that the interior of this building might be like something seen in modern science fiction movies, with holographic projections and white metal instruments full of science fiction everywhere.

Countless murlocs shuttled through it, all wearing standard white coats and glasses. Their chats were full of professional vocabulary, and they looked like scientific research experts.

He also thought that there might be hundreds of humans imprisoned here, being monitored by murlocs and working day and night to develop higher and more terrifying technologies for them to deal with other races in the wasteland.

He even thought about the commission mentioned by the cloaked fish people, which was probably for him to help the fish people find various scientific research experts in exchange for benefits.

However, this is all imaginary.

When he actually entered the building, Chen Shen was disappointed.

The technology he wanted to see was not reflected anywhere here.

The picture he imagined in his mind only stayed in his mind a minute ago.

There is no mystery at all inside the entire five-story building.

No matter which direction you look at it, this place is as old as a government building in the 1990s in civilized times!

In the slightly dark corridor, only the dim overhead lights emitted a dim light.

The floor beneath my feet was oily and exuded a disgusting fishy smell.

On the peeling walls, you can still see a lot of black handprints, as well as some sticky secretions from unknown sources.

Walking inside, Chen Shen could only hold his breath and try to isolate the impact of this smell on his mentality as much as possible.

"How about it? Our building is pretty good, isn't it?"

Seeing Chen Shen's face red and out of breath, the cloaked fishman turned his head and showed a faint smile for the first time.

This smile contains a bit of pride and a bit of relaxation after getting the answer.

It seems to be in his mind.

Every "outsider" who enters here should be so shocked and panicked.

Even though Chen Shen's performance was more exaggerated than others.

"No, not bad!"

When responding to the cloaked fishman, Chen Shen inevitably breathed in the smelly air again.

This time, he almost choked and even vomited out the soup he drank in the afternoon.

But the good thing is.

Going up the spiral staircase, the cloaked fishman is in front and Chen Shen is behind.

As the two of them moved up to the second floor, the smell finally became much lighter. It was basically the same as a fishing boat that fished all year round, except that it smelled unpleasant and lacked a lot of the pungent smell.

Now, Chen Shen was finally able to let go of his breathing control and began to look around.

Compared with the first floor, the second floor is much newer.

Although there are still large areas of mold on the walls due to moisture.

But those black handprints and traces of wear and tear on the floor were finally reduced a lot.

When passing through the corridor, Chen Shen cast his eyes on the small rooms that were separated.

Here, he saw many ordinary fishmen who were resting.

Unlike humans who still need to lie down on the bed, these fishmen just lie down straight on the floor, uninhibited and unrestrained.

Seeing him coming, many fishmen woke up from their sleep and looked at him with curiosity and surprise.

Keep going.

I saw fishmen lying on the ground in four or five rooms in a row.

Then I saw the familiar desk, office chair, documents piled high on the table, and file cabinets placed in the corner of the room.

Chen Shen was shocked in his heart and couldn't help but quicken his pace and caught up with the cloaked fish man to ask.

"After they finish their work, don't they have to go back to their own place to sleep?"

After the words fell, the cloaked fishman walking in front was stunned and shook his head in astonishment:

"What a waste of time. We fishmen only have a life span of twenty-five years. How can we waste time like this!"

"You humans can waste your lives on insignificant enjoyment, but we can't!"

The unexpected answer made Chen Shen suddenly startled when he got the answer.

A feeling that seemed to have caught some clue, but was difficult to figure out, lingered in Chen Shen's mind.

But in the end, as the two stepped onto the third floor, all the fishmen staying in the room behind them disappeared from sight.

Chen Shen still suppressed all the doubts in his heart very well, and only left his mind to continue to observe.

On the third floor, the environment takes on a completely new look again.

The fishy smell from before is almost gone now, and it's so fresh that it's hard to believe that this is a building.

The floor on the ground gradually showed its original traces.

A wooden board with a gradient pattern.

As for the walls, although the mold caused by moisture is still there, it does not affect the appearance as there are many shell decorations blocking it.

Here, the separated rooms are still there, but the area of ​​the room is much larger, and there is also more furniture inside.

Many murlocs living on the third floor finally no longer have to sleep on the floor.

What they have is a bib similar to the one worn by babies on Earth.

This bib is filled with light blue water.

The fish people just lay in their bibs, their bodies sank together, and they seemed to be sleeping comfortably and comfortably.

Sensing the cloaked fishmen and Chen Shen approaching, many fishmen opened their eyes and cast their gaze over.

Different from the curiosity of the second-level murloc, the eyes of the third-level murloc are much less curious, but much more friendly.

As they looked at him, Chen Shen felt as if he was in a nursing home for the elderly, surrounded by a group of elderly men and ladies, and felt extremely at ease.

"It's so strange, they look so human!"

In the wasteland, even though many alien races are becoming stronger.

But in their eyes, they will always lack the wise feeling of gaining knowledge.

But these murlocs were different. Just looking at their eyes, Chen Shen couldn't associate them with aliens.

With new questions, the two of them went up the stairs again one after the other.

This time, because the fourth and fifth floors are connected by stairs.

Chen Shen did not have another chance to look at the room on the fourth floor and the state of the fishmen inside.

As the cloaked fishman stopped, the top floor of the building gradually began to appear in Chen Chen's field of vision.

Here, there are only three rooms.

The doors of two of them are closed, and there are symbols and language on them that are incomprehensible.

The only one that was lit was the room directly opposite at the end, which was emitting a dim yellow light.

"This room is where I work."

"And I am also the deputy leader of this fish-man tribe."

"You can call me Fish City!"

Arriving in front of the door of the room, the cloaked fishman turned his head, pointed to the closed room next door, and gave his final explanation.

Through the blurred frosted glass.

Chen Sheneng could roughly see a fishman sitting inside the room.

Judging by the height of the fishmen I saw along the way.

Ordinary fish-men are very small, most of them are around 1.6 meters tall, and some are even just over 1.4 meters tall.

The gun-wielding warriors among the fishmen are slightly stronger, and are about 1.75 meters tall.

As the deputy leader, Yudu is bigger, about 1.9 meters tall.

As for the fish-man inside, at first glance, he looks like an ordinary fish-man.

But it is strange that such a physique can sit in such an important position.

"All our murloc tribes will not have a formal leader, but they will have a murloc priest."

"The priest will answer all our questions and guide us forward."

"As long as you can complete the priest's commission, we will give this building and this fishman tribe to you."

Bending slightly, Yu Du didn't waste any more words and pushed the door of the room open a crack, indicating that Chen Shen could enter.

This performance.

Full of questions, Chen Shen didn't hesitate to ask any more questions, so he had to push open the crack in the door and put his body inside.

Suddenly from a dark place to a lighted room.

For the first time, everything in front of him was a bit dazzling, making it difficult for Chen Shen to clearly see all the displays and the fish-man sitting directly opposite him.

But as he entered, a gentle female voice sounded at the right time:

"Guest, don't worry, we still have a long time to communicate and understand."

"Please sit down~"

Following the words, Chen Shen subconsciously raised his right hand, blocking the source of the light, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Where it enters the eye.

It was a clean wooden table with tea sets that only humans could use, and it was filled with steaming heat.

Behind the wooden table is a wooden chair with a square plank and a large begonia pattern printed on it.

But on the wooden chair, I don’t know if I look at it, but I will be shocked when I look at it.

The first time he took a good look at the other party, Chen Shen finally couldn't help the surprise in his heart and suddenly exclaimed: "Are you a human being?"

Completely different from the murlocs outside.

The fishman priest that Yudu calls him, the fishman sitting on the chair, can't even see any trace of the alien race.

She has greenish-grey hair, which hangs down her slightly dry shoulders, giving her a hint of softness.

On her face, there were no traces of scales at all, just wrinkles left by the years.

Her clothes are thick clothes with unknown blue flowers.

Including her feet under the table, she was also wearing a pair of blue-black cloth boots.

This appearance and this dress say she is a fish-man.

How could Chen Shen dare to believe it!


"Haha, in a sense, I am half human!"

Pointing to the chair opposite the wooden table, the female fishman priest's face was full of peace.

Being stared at by her like this, Chen Shen looked thoughtful.

But in the end, they still sat at the table, and the two of them looked at each other.

"I don't know what happened, but at night, your tribe landed in our territory with a meteor."

"Your current location is in the Wasteland New Continent, under the rule of Tianyuan Territory"

"I am the only village in Tianyuan territory, Hope Village, the village chief, Chen Shen!"

After getting the negotiation opportunity he wanted, Chen Shen chose to take the initiative.

In fact.

By now, Chen Shen has a high probability of confirming that this murloc tribe is not like ordinary alien tribes that are difficult to communicate with.

From their architectural style, to their language, and finally to the postures displayed by all the murlocs.

Ignoring their strange appearance, there is no problem in saying that they are a gathering place for humans!

"Wasteland? New World?"

Hearing these two terms, the fishman priest was startled, and a touch of joy instantly appeared on Gujing Wubo's face.

"Where in the deep sea world is this?"

"Deep Sea World?" Chen Shen frowned at first, and then suddenly realized: "You are talking about the deep sea where the disaster has been reduced, right? Our location is not there, we are in the New World."

"If you came from the deep sea before, then you are in the wrong place!"

"Disaster magnitude reduced? New World?"

After listening to Chen Shen's explanation, this time it was the fishman priest's turn to be confused.

However, the fishman priest was not slow to respond.

After she jumped off the table and worked hard for a while, a quaint map was unfolded on the wooden table.

"Look, where is the New World?"

Chen Shen stretched out his head and took a quick look, then he was confused.

"Good guy, your map is wrong. There are six continents on it."

"As far as I know, the wasteland seems to be just a deep sea and a new continent now. Are you using a map from before the ocean came?"

"Impossible, my map is absolutely correct. It was revised only seven years ago, so there will be no problems!"

Subconsciously refuting Chen Shen's words, the fishman priest shook his head repeatedly.

By the way, he also pointed to the sign in the upper right corner of the map and motioned Chen Shen to look over to prove that what he said was true.

"Let me see"

The poor communication made Chen Shen realize that the two of them were most likely communicating across channels.

This probe further proved his idea.

At the location pointed by the fishman priest, one can see the so-called sign that reads:

Deep sea calendar, 9th year of the Yuan calendar, XX.XX.XX edited and revised, etc.

It is obvious that this fishman territory is probably from another world like other alien races, but what is a little strange is that they themselves do not know that they have traveled here.

"I can tell you very clearly that this is not the deep sea world where you live. It is very likely that it happened to you. Let's put it this way, there are many other races in the New World, and you may also be like them, and you are trapped by the gods behind you.

It was put here.”

"This is another world. We call it the wasteland. Disasters occur here periodically. For example, the last disaster and heavy snowfall only occurred four days ago."


"In short, this is definitely not your deep sea world!"

Chen Shen talked a lot eloquently, and Chen Shen even gave a complete introduction to the Wasteland Continent to prove that what he said was true.

But sitting opposite.

I don't know when, but this fishman priest became dazed and his eyes lost focus.

"Are you okay?"

"If you can't go back, I can make the decision and let you stay in the territory first until our director comes back. Maybe he can send you back?"

Stretching out his hand, Chen Shen shook it worriedly in front of him.

He wasn't worried that this fish man couldn't accept this reality, or didn't believe what he said.

But compared to other alien races, this group of fishmen were really miserable. Without knowing it, they were thrown over by the gods behind them.

Putting himself in his shoes, Chen Shen could also understand the feeling.

In order to fear that they would self-destruct, Chen Shen did not even dare to say anything, and at the end he left a sentence of possible comfort.

However, it is a pity.

Regarding his comfort, the fishman priest sitting on the wooden chair still turned a deaf ear.

Her eyes were still blank, as if she had traveled through time and space, completely losing focus.

Her fists were still clenched and trembling slightly, as if she was using all her strength.


As time passed, a drop of light blue tears began to well up from the corner of her eyes, slowly crossing her wrinkled face.

But this time, the fishman priest seemed to have come to his senses and quickly wiped it away.

"Yudu, take the guests and wait outside first, I need some time!"

The voice fell, the door opened, and the tall deputy leader Yu walked in.

He bowed slightly first, then faced Chen Shen: "Guest, please!"

Faced with such an unclear farewell, Chen Shen, who was holding back his words, could only stand up temporarily and follow Yudu out the door.


The door closed slightly and began to make a sound.

Taking advantage of the last moment of closing, Chen Shen seemed to remember something and was about to turn his head and say another sentence.

But before he could say anything, through the crack in the door, he was extremely surprised to see the fishman priest, who actually jumped off the stool and rushed into the room.

The vigorous movements are comparable to those of an adult man, and there is no trace of weakness at all!

At the same time, a faint voice reached Chen Shen's ears as the door closed.

"Lord of the Deep Sea, are we following your footsteps?"

"What kind of strange prayer is this?"

5700 words, give away 1000 words to everyone, free of charge~~~

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