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Chapter 639 Territory changes, finally the origin!

[May 6th on the last calendar day - Sunday]

【Territory】: Tianyuan Territory


[Territory status]: A paradise in the snowy ice field (your territory has been filled with a lot of snow due to natural disasters. In the short term, this snow will greatly nourish the land and will not affect the fertility of the land.

It will cause a big impact, but in the long run, the land under the snow will gradually turn into frozen soil, completely losing all possibilities for farming)

[Territorial area]: 8 square kilometers; available/150 square kilometers; total amount (very small living space, which means it is difficult for you to obtain external resources)

[Resources in the territory]: Iron ore, oil, and high-temperature steam have been planted on the land. (Currently, most of the resources have been buried under the snow, losing the potential for exploitation)

[Territorial potential]: 1.92 (current continental average 0.04, highest value 378.35)

[Weather Forecast]: Tomorrow it will be sunny to cloudy in the territory, with a temperature of -10~-18 degrees, and east wind level 3 (the weather is cold, it is recommended not to engage in a lot of outdoor activities to prevent the occurrence of influenza)

【Nation population】: 2188 people (humans: 1438 people; deep-sea murlocs: 750 people:)

[Loyalty of Territory Citizens]: Humans: 87.45%/Deep Sea Murlocs: 0% (Every introduction of new people into the territory is a huge impact on territory loyalty, because there are too many people coming in in a short period of time.

The loyalty of the current territory has begun to decline sharply)

[Attitude of the citizens]: Humans: Positive/Deep Sea Murlocs: Excited (Every injection of fresh blood means that domestic demand will increase sharply in a short period of time)

[Health of the subjects]: Endangered (81% of the subjects have health <40, 9% of the subjects have health of 50~60, 8% of the subjects have health of 60~70, 2%>70)

[Work efficiency of territorial citizens]: 21% (Under severe weather, most people have lost the opportunity for physical labor and can only survive in the territory as much as possible)

[Needs of citizens]: caravan, work

[Tips for Territory Citizens]: When your territory develops better and better and there are more and more people in your territory, most people will spontaneously want to have resource storage to improve their status in the territory. As a lord, you need to promptly

Pay attention to the situation and make adjustments.

[Economy]: Internal circulation (due to the natural disaster and heavy snowfall, the territory has been isolated from the outside world by the environment and only has simple internal circulation)

[Technology]: Machinery (main), medical (auxiliary), infrastructure (auxiliary)

[Medical]: Basic Internal Medicine and Surgery (Your territory has a field hospital with an extremely simple structure. The hospital has one senior backbone medical expert, one intern, and five intern nurses; the hospital stores a small amount of antibiotics and anesthetics.


[Code]: Extremely poor (no appropriate code and supervisory agencies have been established. When the number of people is small, it will have no impact. When the number of people is large, it will cause huge problems; due to the recent influx of too many new people in the territory, the previous code rules have been almost paralyzed.

status, please deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise there may be serious disaster in the long run)

[Buildings]: Basic village (one); Intermediate and high-level villages (one); Intermediate production buildings (three); Low-level production buildings (fifteen); Wonder buildings (one); Special buildings (four)

[Special attributes of the territory]: Little Blessed Land

[Civilization level]: Primitive era (promotion conditions: met; waiting for promotion)

[The sound brought by the wind]: Locked (return to the territory to unlock)

[Points Acquisition Rating]: Poor (expand +)

[Scan the status of the host territory, the territory point is being evaluated, and 0.2 territory points were obtained today]

[Final settlement]: White survival points + 415; territorial points + 0.2

[Remaining survival points]: White survival points: 16190; Territory points: 31.6

A long daily list unfolds, recording in detail the status of the territory on May 6th of the last calendar month, as well as the fixed harvest every day.

Looking from top to bottom.

Most of the previous entries were mainly green, which represented that the all-round state of the territory was pretty good for the time being.

But now, basically one of them is bright red, reminding Lord Sumo that there is a big problem in the territory.

"Through the daily reports, we can basically confirm that the fishmen who arrived are from the group in the Baisha Ruins."

"But the reason for their arrival has not yet been found. Whether I summoned them in a daze or if some conditions happened to be triggered, all of this requires a lot of testing."

"But one thing is good, at least they are included in my territory!"

Somo's eyes were dark, and while he was sighing in his heart, he was thinking a lot.

It is normal for these deep-sea murlocs to respect him, the leader of the deep sea, in the White Sand Ruins.

One is because the original rules of the ruins forcibly changed their will.

No matter what thoughts they have in mind, once the right of ownership becomes the leader of the players who enter, they will naturally be loyal to the rules of the ruins and will not have second thoughts.

Second, Soma at that time completely defeated the divine power left by Poseidon in less than three months.

Under the power, there is no room for dissatisfaction.

Not to mention the ordinary fishman tribe, even the powerful fishman priest who can communicate with the existence of the sea god can only kneel down and beg for mercy at his feet.

However, to the outside world.

Without the constraints of rules, it would be extremely difficult to subdue these fishmen whose civilization level has greatly increased.

"The warriors who have taken my orders, according to time, should have returned to the territory by now."

"But the loyalty of these fishmen has not changed, which means that it is unrealistic to rely on the title of Poseidon Commander to completely conquer them."

Tapping the armrest of the car with one finger, Su Mo frowned.

Facial brushing fails, which is expected.

After all, the leader in the minds of the fish people is actually just a proxy, the incarnation of a powerful god, the father of technology that the fish people enlightened.

It is not the human Su Shen who is still in the mountains thousands of miles away, measuring the wasteland with his feet.

Because the time was so short, Sumo even suspected that these fishmen had already forgotten his appearance.

"However, the presence of fishmen in the territory is not a bad thing at this stage."

"They have fifteen low-level production buildings and three mid-level production buildings in their hands, plus the resources and technology they have accumulated before."

"As long as we can subdue them or continue to maintain such contact and exchange information, then in the long run, it will be a good opportunity for development for Hope Village!"

Just like described in the territory panel.

Under the current situation where heavy snow has closed off the nearby area, the sudden arrival of the murloc tribe is extremely effective in stimulating domestic demand in the territory.

Due to different races, the needs of both sides are also different.

In a short period of time, there is no need to worry that this delicate balance will be disturbed.

And for a long time, there is no need to worry.

Having already subdued the fishmen once, and having the authority over the ocean as a trump card, Sumo was not worried at all if he wanted to subdue these fishmen again.

"So, what I have to do now is to find out the details of this mysterious person and find Marshal Wang, Guan Shan and others."

"Wait until the big cooling is over and see if we can gather a group of people who don't want to stay in the mountains any longer."

"If you have the chance, you can explore the place where this group of mysterious people came out and the ruins that can lead to the future."

There are too many things to do and too little time.

After sorting it out one by one, Sumo wished he could learn the clone skills, become three or five, and deal with these troublesome things separately.

But unfortunately, as the stalls get bigger and bigger.

There is less and less private time left for Sumo.

Until the territory has completely evolved an independent and sound mechanism and has sufficient talent reserves and resource reserves, all major events still require Sumo to personally take action.

After lunch, we rested until four in the afternoon.

The refreshed team set off again.

This time, everyone's steps were much more brisk, and there was laughter and laughter along the way. They were no longer as tired as before.

Many people are even still shouting that they should find a place to rest and have a rest when they arrive in the origin territory.

Sumo did not express any objection to this.

Instead, he smiled and responded one by one, causing many warriors to clench their fists and roar, wishing they could speed up so that they could enter the origin territory tonight.

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, the whole team arrived at the last hill.

Standing here, the view provided by the majestic snow-capped mountains allows everyone to clearly see the sparks below.

Immediately, according to Sumo's previous instructions, Feng Tianmin stood in front of the team and quickly divided everyone into two parts.

Naturally, some of them stayed on the top of the mountain as backup for everyone, always ready to provide timely support in the event of a battle.

The other part began to disguise themselves, put on the refugee clothes that had been prepared in the territory a long time ago, and followed Somo to disguise themselves as a small team fleeing here.

"If their ambitions are more than that, they will never wait until the winter is over and the mountains are expanded again, and then they will find ways to develop on the plains outside."

"But judging from the current observation, this origin territory is a bit abnormal. Maybe I am thinking too much, but we should be more careful."

Standing next to the cliff, looking at the territory below with a telescope, Somo said cautiously.

"Indeed, it is so peaceful here!"

Staying next to Sumo, Guan Yu'an also looked at the origin territory below and expressed his inner doubts.

On top of the snow-capped mountains, although the specific architectural structures in the origin territory cannot be seen clearly, the terrain can be seen clearly when looking below.

It is very different from what Marshal Wang described before.

After walking through these hills from the periphery to the center.

Surrounded by countless hills, there is indeed a relatively flat open space, which is about half the size of Tianyuan's territory.

The hills are naturally the gathering places for every scattered human being in the Tianyuan territory.

The open space in the middle is called the "commonly owned part" of the origin territory.

On weekdays, most people in the origin territory do not live in this common part, but live separately in gathering places within the mountains.

Only when transactions or resource replacement are needed will they go to the middle.

Although the gathering place of tens of thousands of people is not as large as the Tianyuan territory.

But in terms of specific construction, it went too far.

In the darkness of the night, at a glance, there are small buildings everywhere on the hill, with countless lights on.

And the common part in the middle is even bigger.

Along with the swaying lights and the noise of people, it feels a bit like the Free City of the Demon Soul Tribe.

If it is as described before by Marshal Wang and the Liu brothers.

This area should have been devastated by fighting long ago, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

Where could it be as peaceful and peaceful as it is now?

"Let's go, no matter what ghost is hidden inside him"

"We're all here. If you don't go and see for yourself, you won't be able to tell much from just standing here!"

After making up his mind, Sumo put down his binoculars and began to think about his own disguise as he looked at the team of soldiers at the rear who had completely changed their costumes.

When it came to the need to infiltrate in disguise, Shen Ke had already prepared all the necessary supplies before departure.

Among them, there are many types of clothing, as well as many decorations used to change the appearance.

The soldiers who entered with him had a very simple disguise.

Everyone just changed out of their standard battle uniforms, put away conspicuous weapons like rifles, and put on their own clothes.

Specific details, including training marks, daggers, pistols, etc., do not need to be overly concealed.

After all, you can travel all the way over mountains and ridges in such a harsh environment. If you pretend to be too weak, people will see the problem at a glance.

On the contrary, it can show some combat effectiveness appropriately and avoid most unnecessary troubles.

"It's my disguise"

"It seems...it's not difficult either!"

Looking at the various decorations in the snakeskin bag on the ground, Somo smiled slyly.

The face of the human God Su is indeed very influential. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is engraved in the minds of most people.

But it's the same as before in the cliff territory.

When they suddenly see this face appearing next to them, due to the marginal effect, most people will not subconsciously be sure that this is the human Su Shen, but will think that it just looks a bit similar.

With this preconceived idea, Sumo disguised himself and did not need to change his appearance too much.

He took out a pair of dull-looking black-framed glasses and placed them on his face. He also took out a decent-looking fake beard and pasted it on his chin.

After doing this, Sumo took off his pure black combat uniform and rummaged through the pile of clothes.

Finally, I chose a fur-collared coat that resembled a mountain sculpture!

This jacket is very large, and even with Sumo's current height of over 1.9 meters, it looks a bit bloated.

But that doesn't matter.

With just the addition of two decorations and the change of one piece of clothing, Somo's entire temperament has suddenly changed.

The previous handsomeness, strength, and prowess began to disappear.

Instead, he is brutal, strong, and full of fierceness.

Coupled with the thirty or so murderous warriors at the rear, it really felt like a bandit crossing the river.

"Young boys, I look pretty good!"

Walking up to everyone, looking at the soldiers who wanted to laugh but could only hold back, Somo shook his arms with an "angry" look on his face.

In an instant, the billowing murderous aura naturally surged out, and the surrounding air seemed to be stagnant for a while.

An inexplicable majesty also rose from Somo's body, naturally shooting straight ahead.

If it were an ordinary person coming here, just this one moment would most likely frighten him out of his wits on the spot.

However, for these soldiers who had been living together day and night for many days, Sumo's performance not only did not make them feel any strange in their hearts, but made them even more happy. They said in unison:

"The king is mighty!"

"Pfft." Seeing how everyone was cooperating with him, Sumo couldn't hold it back and started laughing.

Seeing his smile, the soldiers could no longer bear it.

For a time, the air was filled with an atmosphere of joy, which suddenly diluted the slightest fear of going to a strange territory.

"Okay, when you get to the other side's territory, don't call me "Director"

Waving his hand, Somo tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, then looked at the black and white Oreo next to him, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"From now on, I am your lord, call me."

"Yang Jian!"

This chapter has been completed!
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