Chapter 642: Transferring conflicts, the mysterious lords method

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The sound of ticking sheep bells continued to be heard from the streets as the first shop in the origin territory opened its doors.

The sky is bright.

The two gates at the front and back of the Origin Territory were opened by guards, announcing that the overnight curfew was over.

In the apocalyptic wasteland, there is no night.

Everything should be completed as early as possible and set out as early as possible.

Those caravans that have stayed in the origin territory and have finished selling their stolen goods will rush to this time to get back on the road with their goods early and head towards the outside world.

Travelers who arrived outside the territory last night would also enter the territory as early as possible, find a place to eat, rest, and go out to do business.

It was already a week after the heavy snowfall ended.

Countless caravans that had been suspended due to disasters finally returned to normal and began to get used to continuing to do business in such a harsh environment.

And as an indispensable part.

The origin territory has gradually returned to some of its former prosperity.

In the Sanyuan Hotel near the small market on the right side of the Origin Territory, Somo opened the window half-open and curiously looked at the various stalls that had been set up below.

Although this location is not as good as the terrain of the official guest house in the Origin Territory, you can see many larger shops when you go downstairs.

It's not as good as Kaiyun Hotel being located in the center of the territory, with guards nearby for safety.

But the reason why I chose it here is because it is better than the two words introduced by Huang Bing before.


"Sure enough, just like modern cities, in the big market in the origin territory, there are some outsiders trading things. Except for the greater variety of goods, there is no advantage at all in terms of price."

“But here, they are all locals, so the variety of products may be a little different, but the prices are definitely cheaper!”

Most of the people who can set up stalls here are aboriginal people near the origin territory.

They will bring the rewards from the lucky bags and the wild goods found in the mountains and fields here for sale.

Occasionally, you can pick up a few loopholes in these things.

And if you are lucky, you may run into some nearby refugees bringing items looted from the ruins for sale.

As for why no "outsiders" come here to pick up leaks.

According to Huang Bing, there are only two words:


Boom, boom, boom.

While thinking, there were sudden knocks on the door of the house.

Before entering the Origin Territory, Sumo had told him that any warrior who wanted to enter would only need to tap twice.

And now.

"Please come in." Sumo looked away and turned his gaze to the door.

With a crash, the door opened, and the person standing outside was none other than the short guard Huang Bing who left last night.

It's different from last night's attire.

After one night, Huang Bing had taken off his decent guard uniform and put on a coarse cotton coat similar to that of local refugees.

It can be seen that Huang Bing still put some thought into being a good guide in the future and getting only one day's food payment.

"Mr. Yang, the morning market has opened. If you have dining needs or want to buy some precious goods, it is best to leave now."

“If it’s any later, the stalls run by locals will be closed down.”

"Oh? Collect it so early?" The time now is only half past six in the morning. Counting three or four hours have passed, it's only ten o'clock.

Closing the stall so early?

Sumo couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"It's like this. Although everyone is a local, they are also divided into territories, and they also have tasks every day."

"We come here to set up stalls and trade. Most people come here as early as possible, and then return to the territory at eight or nine o'clock to continue completing the tasks assigned by the lord." Huang Bing explained patiently, and then said with a wry smile:

"Sir, you can actually understand it this way. Completing the daily tasks assigned by the lord is our full-time job when we are on earth. We must complete it with quality and quantity every day in order to receive the issued rations and avoid being fired and unemployed."

"Coming here to set up a stall is just like going to the night market to make extra money after get off work in the evening. It's a part-time job. No matter how much it is, we can only do whatever it takes. If we rely on this to make a living, I'm afraid I'll starve to death."

"What about you?" Sumo raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Me?" Huang Bing was stunned, then shook his head with a smile: "The guard job is seven days a week, and I need to work for three days and provide food for five days, so I have four days a week to work part-time to make up for the lack of food.

those two days”

During the conversation, it was vague.

Huang Bing felt that the bearded man in front of him, who looked like a bandit, seemed different from the ordinary people he usually received.

It's like a lion suddenly dropped into a wild cat-infested wasteland.

Although they both belong to the cat family, there is a world of difference between them in terms of demeanor and strength.

And, in the eyes of Master Yang, who has the same name as Erlang God in Chinese mythology.

Huang Bing hadn't been able to see that contempt for a long time.

And this was what surprised him the most.

"Let's go. Since they will leave soon, we really need to move faster."

He stood up and picked up the fur-collared coat that was placed on the bedside. Somo put some of it on himself.

Suddenly, the disappeared feeling of the Mountain King returned to me like a miracle.

"Mr. Yang, who are your men?" Huang Bing scratched his head in confusion as Su Mo was about to go out alone.

"Don't worry about them, they may be too tired from the long journey here, so just let them sleep a little longer!"

When Huang Bing mentioned it, Su Mo laughed loudly, but after thinking about it, he pointed at two soldiers who were sitting in the hotel lobby and chatting with other passers-by.

In your own territory, you naturally don’t need to carry anyone with you when traveling.

But in this origin territory, there are some problems.

Whether you have trouble when going out, or you are responsible for transporting something and paying for it, you must have someone to help you.

As for Feng Tianmin, Feng Long, and Guan Yuan.

Sumo didn't lie. The three of them had indeed returned to their rooms to catch up on their sleep.

After a night of operation and exploration, while familiar with the operation methods of adventurous mechanics, the three of them almost turned the entire public part of the origin territory upside down.

At present, a simple but not simple map has been initially drawn.

From the arrangement of each room, to the height of the building, to its general purpose, everything is basically clearly marked.

And the group of bounty hunters who had their sights set on themselves and others could not escape the pursuit.

With great ease, Feng Long followed the clues and found the gathering base camp.

According to this progress, everyone can start the first wave of actions tonight at the latest, trying to preemptively strike.

And now during the day, it is also the time to catch up on sleep and accumulate energy for the night.

"Mr. Yang, let's go have breakfast first, or go to the market first."

After leaving the hotel gate and standing on the dilapidated gravel road, Huang Bing looked around and calmly touched his belly, which was already protesting.

The reason why he agreed to work for three days in exchange for one day's food.

the reason is simple.

Free food!

In the past, if I met good customers, even if I couldn't get a full meal in three days, I could still manage to eat about half full, thus saving the food for the day.

In the case of poor customers who are hungry twice a day and need to order more food at night to fall asleep, two days of food can be saved in three days.

If things accumulate over time and over time, only by saving like this can we save enough supplies to survive the disaster.

It was the first time he met such a "different" mountain king like Su Mo. Huang Bing was a little unsure whether he could survive more than half full today.

"Well, let's eat first. Just find a similar breakfast shop!"

Standing in the alleyway lined with stone houses, it didn't take long for Somo to become the focus of the crowd's attention.

Regarding his outfit, most people initially thought it was a joke, wondering where such a weirdo came from, so high-profile and tight.

But when Somo turned around and looked at the shiny black standard pistol on his waist, these people quickly put away all their expressions, for fear of offending the brow of this plague god.

In the wasteland, right now.

They are all people who came from the civilized era. Naturally, everyone knows what kind of terrible end will happen if the gun is pointed at them and the trigger is pulled.


It is still a treasure that is hard to find and a weapon that everyone wants in the true sense.

To be able to possess it, let alone other things, there is no doubt about the strength alone!

"A similar breakfast shop?" After hearing Somo's request, Huang Bing's eyes lit up and he felt happy. He quickly identified the direction and set off with Somo and the others.

There are many places to eat in the origin territory.

Some of the refugees who come here part-time to set up stalls are one of them. They bring the wild vegetables they dug out to make soup and make cakes for sale. They are the worst class.

Further up, there are stores in each major branch territory that are specially set up to sell revenue in the central gathering place.

This kind of shop is of medium grade and the food is of good quality, so it is very popular among foreign travelers.

Huang Bing was excited to have a meal here, and his steps were brisk. During the chatting and introductions along the way, his mouth became more flexible.

"Master Yang, the current origin territory has a permanent population of about 37,000 people, and there are 21 branch territories."

"The territory with the largest number of people is called the main peak, and it occupies that mountain top!" Pointing to a towering mountain peak that can be seen from the gathering place, Huang Bing continued with a proud face:

"There are a total of 7,900 people in the main peak. The lord is naturally the lord of our entire origin territory, and I am a member of the main peak. I am currently a second-class citizen."

"Second class?"

This information inside the origin territory is exactly what Sumo wants to know most when he comes here.

Relying on the soldiers to slowly go out to investigate is not impossible, but the speed is a bit slow.

Now that Huang Bing had started talking about this, Su Mo's mind moved and he asked more questions.

"Yes, new rules have been set up in our main peak since the new lord came."

"Among them, all the people living on the main peak will be divided into several different levels. According to the first level is the lowest and the ninth level is the highest, the positions, jobs and salaries in the territory are negotiated."

"Of course, most people are still first class, and only those who have contributed to the territory can reach second class."

"Let me think about it, it seems that the total number of second-class people and above is only in their early 300s?"

Huang Bing puffed out his chest and did not explain clearly how he became the second-class citizen, but it could be seen from his expression that the second-class status was obviously not due to his strength.

Mostly, it's luck.

"Are these hierarchical divisions also found in other territories?"

Huang Bing nodded: "Almost, there are twenty-one territories. The top ten territories have basically followed this system, but there are some differences in the names. For example, the Marshal Wang you wanted to find before, his Jiuqu Peak Territory, the current level

They are also divided into grades one to nine, but in terms of their names, they are grade one, grade two and grade nine. Privately, we all laughed at whether this lord had read too many martial arts novels and turned out to be a master of grade nine!"

"By the way, there's that one. That's the eighth-ranked Sichuan Peak. There are some foreigners living there, blond and blue-eyed. Their names are even weirder. Those who farm are called first-level planters.

, calling those who guard the territory first-order knight guards, it makes you think this is a magical world!"

Complain a few words about this, and a few words about that.

It can be heard from Huang Bing's words that within the entire origin territory, the twenty-one branch territories are not monolithic at present.

Here, there is also a chain of contempt, as well as superiority and inferiority.

The second-class citizens on the main peak look down on the citizens of other peaks, and the reserve refugees on the main peak look down on the ordinary refugees on other peaks.

Including those who come out to do business on the main peak and hold office positions, most of them look down on people from other peaks.

This weird institutional atmosphere.

After listening, Sumo didn't give any opinions, he just said casually and continued to talk about the topic.

But in my heart, I nodded silently and gave my evaluation to this so-called promotion system.

Four words, transfer conflicts!

This may be the mysterious Lord who came out of the ruins. He is indeed not a good person.

He knew that the territory of origin had a large population and complicated conflicts among them, making it extremely difficult to integrate and manage them.

But if we want to develop, we cannot let these people do whatever they want and do whatever they want.

So we put together such a rising system, and everyone was included in it.

When refugees from outside join, the selection will bring the better people to the higher peaks, giving them a sufficient sense of superiority and the ability to move upward.

And these outstanding people happen to be the ones most prone to problems in the territory.

Without them, even if the people behind you want to do something, they won’t have the IQ and sufficient resources.

After being incorporated into the mountains at the back and given some insignificant benefits, these slow-moving people will slowly form the bottom layer of the entire group, constantly supplying fresh blood to the upper layers.

In this cycle, all the conflicts of the residents of the back mountain are transferred to the residents of the front mountain.

The conflicts of first-class citizens will be transferred to second-class or even higher-level citizens.

As a lord, the ruler of the origin territory only needs to be responsible for the top few people not to have any problems and pass the blame on themselves.

The entire territory can operate spontaneously and continuously provide resources.

It's very vicious, but it also fits the rules of the apocalypse.

The weak eat the strong!

"Ahead is the kitchen of our main peak. Sir, why don't you go there first to exchange some currency for payment and use it later?"

We walked through several alleys and came to the main street.

Pointing to a stone house guarded by armed guards and with many people queuing up, Huang Bing showed longing and envious eyes.

He was not envious of the tens of thousands of resources that were processed here every day, but he was envious of the guard standing at the door.

He has a gun and is admired by everyone.

Compared with when I was at the gate of the village with only a worn-out steel knife in my hand, if I could be promoted to here, it would be considered the pinnacle of my life!

With such excitement in his heart, Huang Bing forgot about Somo's reaction behind him for a moment.

A few moments later, he suddenly realized why Somo hadn't replied for so long.

Huang Bing turned his head suddenly, but was stunned on the spot.

Behind him, the face with the screw-beard still exudes dominance and calmness.

But for the first time, he saw a strange emotion in Somo's eyes.

That is an emotion that ordinary people rarely or almost never experience when seeing this trading house.

A bit surprised, a bit sighing, and a bit more.


This chapter has been completed!
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