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Chapter 644: Face to face, invisible confrontation!

After leaving the exchange gate, Sumo left all the trivial matters behind.

With Huang Ya's current status, there will definitely not be any position changes in the next month.

As long as no major changes occur in the origin territory, people are still here. If you want to take them away, you can recruit them at any time.

Furthermore, if we really want to take people away, the number of people will definitely not be one or two.

From now on, we will slowly collect and compile a list of potential people, and it will not be too late to discuss them when the time is ripe.

"Mr. Yang, my cousin is stupid, please don't take it to heart. She probably saw someone who looks like you somewhere, and that's why she said such nonsense."

"It doesn't matter, just lead the way and go eat quickly!"


In a few words, the "misunderstanding" just now was revealed.

Following Huang Bing on the way to the so-called main peak guest house, Sumo looked at the nearby buildings, put his right hand into his pocket, and kept stroking the seemingly ordinary small iron piece.

It's very smooth, with no raised burrs or roughness as expected.

On eight larger iron pieces, Sumo touched a large Chinese character "十".

On the remaining two smaller iron pieces, Somo touched the familiar Arabic numeral "1".

It is really strange that two different representation methods appear on currencies with the same attribute source.

But after continuing to explore for a while, I even took out a few and put them in front of my eyes to look at them.

Sumo suddenly became silent. He put all the Origin Coins into his pocket and stopped groping for them.

Although he is very reluctant to admit that the level of precision processing in the origin territory has greatly surpassed his own Tianyuan territory, Hope Village.

But when the iron-clad facts are placed in front of us, people still find no reason to refute.

The origin coins are made from very simple materials. They are just ordinary iron blocks that are cut, polished, and burned. They do not contain many advanced processing technologies.

But it is precisely in this way that people can understand the meaning behind it.

Just like the advanced lithography machines that controlled chip burning in the civilized era, they do not require fancy operations. Only an easy 5 nanometers can let people know how much gold content they have.

The same is true for the current Origin Coin.

Before that, Sumo had also thought about whether others would imitate this currency and use it to produce and sell it on their own, defrauding the public resources of the territory of origin.

But after getting started, Sumo gave up this thought.

Just by touching it, Sumo could feel that there were no less than ten ridges and depressions on the entire iron piece. Without thinking too much, he knew that it must be the result of special precision machine processing.

If you want to imitate such precision, let alone the superb technology and effort required.

In this process alone, whether the so-called efforts and gains can be equal is a matter of two opinions.

"Is this the new lord of the origin territory flexing his muscles?"

Following Huang Bing into the main peak guest house, Sumo thought carefully and felt that something was still wrong.

No matter how well-made the currency is, with this template in front of you, you will always find other ways to copy it.

It won't take long.

It may only take a month or two for a large amount of counterfeit currency to flow into the market.

Coupled with the corruption committed by insiders and the collusion between the top and bottom, this fragile market is really going to collapse and is completely vulnerable.

As the lord of the territory, this mysterious man would not have thought of this.

But he still persisted in this method.

"What's your intention?"

Based on these current clues, Somo felt that he had no way to start and was in a dilemma.

Likewise as a lord.

He had never thought about these actions before, but now he suddenly saw someone else doing them, and he was completely unprepared.

But with this information at the moment, the only thing that can be done is to continue to look for new clues.

Put everything back into your mind and clear away unnecessary thoughts.

Sumo decided not to think too much about it now, and it would not be too late to have a serious discussion after he returned to his residence and called Feng Tianmin and a few others.

We walked all the way and passed three streets.

Huang Bing, who was leading the way, finally slowed down his pace.

"Master Yang, are we going to the private room or are we here?"

It is worthy of being the highest-quality guest house on the main peak in the entire territory. From a distance, there is a clear gap between its construction and the surrounding stone houses.

At first glance, not only is the appearance more sophisticated, it is three floors tall, and there are even more decorations.

From left to right, from south to north, four buildings in a row are connected together.

On the door rail of the stone house in the middle, there is a wooden signboard with four large Chinese characters written on it:

Zhongfeng Restaurant.

Under the sign, six waiters stood in a row, constantly recruiting travelers who were coming and going.

It can be seen that the business here is quite good, at least there are more people than other places I saw along the way.

"Oh, just in the lobby, we're just having a casual meal."

Looking at the wooden sign held by one of the waiters, Somo chuckled and made his decision.

There are four restaurants in the main peak restaurant.

The first three of them are all open to the public. As long as you spend money, you can go in, sit down and order food no matter how much you want.

But the last room belongs to the private room, which is divided into eight separate spaces.

If you want to sit down and have a meal here, the minimum requirement is fifty Origin Coins.

It’s not that I can’t afford it, but it’s not necessary.

In terms of precision machining, he was beaten by this mysterious man.

Soma did not believe that in terms of food, the origin territory could be more generous and wealthy than the current depression.

"Four guests, sir, please come this way!"

Seeing that Somo was well dressed and had a pistol on his waist, the waiter had a very good attitude.

He went up the stairs in the stone house all the way until he reached the window seat on the third floor, and then he motioned to sit down with a smile on his face.

Sitting here, you can see the "prosperous" origin territory at a glance, and you can also see the "envious" looks cast by people outside from time to time.

Obviously, this waiter is also very sensible.

I know what most people are thinking of when they come here to eat.

"Sir, this is the menu. Our minimum purchase is ten origin coins, which comes with two pots of tea."

Just like a restaurant in a civilized era.

They are all people from modern times, so there is not much difference in their habits.

Take the menu and turn to the first page.

Just by looking at it, Somo couldn't help but feel happy.

"Haha, the first page is full of steamed buns, rice, and white noodles. This is so real!"

Modern restaurant.

Most of the first pages are signature dishes, regardless of the price, the purpose is to attract consumption.

It can be found in a restaurant in the apocalyptic wasteland.

But there are three items of food clearly hanging on the first page.

Dabai steamed buns, one source coin/piece.

Nutritious glutinous rice, one source coin/big bowl.

White noodles, one source coin/large bowl.

Apart from these three, there are not many, which makes people feel quite magical.

"One hundred expired bread can be exchanged for 82 large white steamed buns. This consumption power is not much different, and it is still affordable."

After scanning the steamed buns served at other tables, Sumo felt confident.

The steamed buns are quite big, so for most people, if they come with side dishes, two at most will be enough to fill them up.

Eat a smaller portion, even one and a half can satisfy you.

In a sense, the relatively developed commercial system and fast-moving caravans have indeed brought many benefits to the origin territory.

If it were his own Hope Village, Somo would definitely not be able to satisfy external consumption at such a low price.

"So, the food should be more expensive?"

Turning to the second page, Sumo confirmed his thoughts.

It's just an extremely ordinary mapo tofu, but it actually costs a terrifying 4 Origin Coins per plate.

You know, these 4 coins can buy a whole pound of flour. Now you can only use it to eat a plate of food, so you know how expensive it is.

And a more simple plate of stir-fried vegetables is not cheap either, priced as high as 3.5 Origin Coins.

Wait for someone to come over and order three or five vegetarian dishes. After one meal, I'm afraid you will have to eat up several days of savings.

As for the meat and vegetables at the back, after flipping through it, Sumo gave up all thoughts.

A dish of braised snow bear meat, the Zhongfeng Restaurant actually sells it for 45 Origin Coins, and the weight is only half a catty, which is no less than a direct money grab.

Stir-fried snow rat is also not cheap, starting at 40 Origin Coins.

Judging from the 82 Origin Coins I just exchanged, I can't even afford a more luxurious meal.

"Sir, please don't think that our accommodation is cheap. It only costs 0.5 Origin Coins for one person to stay for a week. Even if we stay longer, the price can continue to be negotiated."

"This is the case because the land prices in the mountains are not valuable at all. Once the house is built, you don't have to pay anything. There are no modern property management fees or taxes, so you can just sit back and collect the money."

After seeing the "sky-high price" dishes on the menu next to him, Huang Bing also showed a slightly bitter smile.

"But this food."

"Now that the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, there is less and less land for planting, and the time for plants to grow is also a big problem. Now these foods are basically from the previous inventory, and they are also available from lucky bags, so they are definitely not cheap. "

"I can even guarantee that in another month, when the next disaster vote is completed, if it is still so cruel, food prices will definitely rise!"

"In this new continent, if there is no three to five months of stable development, or another feat like Su Shen's, food prices will always rise!"

After hearing Huang Bing tell the truth, the smiling waiter standing beside him also became stiff.

Compared to Huang Bing's position, his waiter-like position has worse pay.

In the future, after the ordinary refugees are eliminated, the next batch will definitely be them without much thought.

But standing here, in order to attract customers, he could only laugh a few times:

"Huang Bing, please don't scare the adults. No one can tell what will happen in the future."

"What if God Su takes action again and gives us the power to accelerate plant growth? With such a good situation now, we can save enough food for three to five years in one wave, okay?"

"Su Shen. Hehe, Su Shen is not your father. Do you really think you can have this kind of opportunity a second time?"

Mentioning this, Huang Bing seemed a little angry.

But after seeing the two soldiers with strange faces, he immediately reacted and laughed repeatedly.

"Okay, just order eight steamed buns, a plate of fried eggplant, a plate of fried shredded potatoes, and fried eggs with tomatoes."

Seeing that many people were looking at him, Sumo coughed lightly and read out the name of the dish.

Three home-cooked dishes and eight steamed buns, whether they are expensive or not, they are not cheap at all.

Total cost.

"Okay, eggplant and scrambled eggs are both six coins per plate, and shredded potatoes are three coins per plate, totaling twenty-three coins."

He took the three coins with a face value of ten from Soma's hand.

The waiter first left with a smile on his face, and after a while he brought back seven coins with a face value of one and gently put them down.

"Master Yang, this breakfast is really luxurious!"

When I saw a plate of tomato-fried eggs with delicious color and aroma placed in front of me, exuding an irresistible aroma.

Huang Bing swallowed his saliva repeatedly, and for a while, there was only endless sighs and desire for delicious food in his mind.

Before coming, he had already thought that Somo would order one or two vegetarian dishes.

There is a high probability that it will be a dish of stir-fried vegetables that will be eaten in one bite and will be unforgettable for a long time, or a dish of shredded sour potatoes worth two origin coins to try.

But now.

"Eat, two steamed buns per person, if not enough, add more!"

He was used to the smell in the village cafeteria, and as soon as he came into contact with it, Sumo could clearly feel that the taste of the main peak restaurant was much different.

This may not be due to the chef's poor skills, but the lack of sufficient condiments and raw materials provided by the village canteen.

Under several factors, the slight differences are superimposed, and naturally there is no big temptation.

As for the two ordinary soldiers sitting at the same table, they can eat a meal of meat in almost two days during normal training.

At this time, although the journey here was difficult and simple in the mountains.

But when he got to the table, he didn't show much enthusiasm. He just followed Soma's order, picked up the steamed buns very calmly, and started to eat with vegetables.

This scene and this performance were not noticed by the diners sitting around.

But Huang Bing, who was at the same table, was really shocked to the point of numbness.

"Oh my god, who is this Mr. Yang? Why do the people under him seem to be living a good life?"

"The scrambled eggs are so delicious, and they are so picky. I am really impressed by this guy!"

Seeing a fried piece of broken bird egg that was slightly burnt and black, being picked up by a soldier and put into the trash can under the table, Huang Bing could not wait to rush to the trash can immediately, pick it out and eat it again.

But seeing that Somo didn't say anything, he could only hold back his impulse and carefully picked up the broken pieces on the plate while biting into the steamed buns in his mouth.

"Wow, wow, it smells so good!"

Ever since he traveled to the wasteland, he has been a refugee running on the line of extreme poverty.

It has been more than three months since Huang Bing's mouth tasted oily, and he never had the solid and firm feeling of steamed buns.

When the food entered his mouth, it tasted so delicious that it almost made him feel dizzy.

But helplessly, none of the three Sumo people expressed anything.

Naturally, he did not dare to act in any exaggerated manner, so he could only pretend to look out the window and silently wipe the "happy tears" that came out of nowhere with the corner of his clothes.

It was okay once, but after many times, not only was Somo a little unable to hold back, but even the two soldiers were silent and suppressing the laughter in their hearts.


Just when Huang Bing turned his head to wipe his tears for the seventh time, Su Mo was about to speak out to stop Huang Bing's funny behavior.

However, Huang Bing's movements suddenly stopped, and his tears turned into laughter:

"Master Yang, you are so lucky. Our new lord is also here for dinner today."

"Our fees will be directly reduced by two coins later. This is a rare and good opportunity!"

"New lord?"

In the first half of the sentence, Sumo was still in a daze and did not react immediately.

But in the next second, after realizing the meaning of Huang Bing's words, Su Mo's whole body was so strong that he could hardly keep up his disguise.

Even though they are here, sooner or later the two of them will meet and have a confrontation.

But Sumo didn't expect that it would be so early and now!

Following Huang Bing's finger, Su Mo took a few deep breaths and recovered all his leaked momentum and edge, then glanced over.

At the end of the line of sight, at the end of the street.

The formation of more than twenty people was quite large and extremely conspicuous.

With just one glance, Sumo saw a middle-aged man standing in the middle of the team, looking like he was being admired by the stars.

He was very tall, about just over 1.9 meters tall, and he looked out of place in the crowd.

His figure is extremely strong, with bulging muscles all over his body. He is not as thin as a wasteland refugee at all, and he looks extraordinary.

His face is also very domineering, with a pair of embarrassingly shining eagle eyes on his slightly scorched complexion. Ordinary people would tremble inside just by being stared at.

Even his temperament is so powerful that it radiates dozens of meters away, making people unable to take their eyes away.

"Is this the mysterious lord who came out of the ruins?"

At a certain moment, more than thirty meters apart, the two people's eyes suddenly met.

Unable to see the specific look in the other person's eyes, Sumo could only vaguely see his face, which still had that domineering look that disdained everything.

That is a kind of strong self-confidence that regards everything as a cloud!

But the strange thing is that after looking at it for a few seconds, Somo sighed softly, completely retracted his gaze, and stopped looking at it.

It's obvious.

He is not the person Sumo is looking for.

This chapter has been completed!
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