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Chapter 65: Get ready, go to the saltpeter mine

He looked at the ten crossbow arrows that were stuck in the buckle and pointed upward.

Even if there was a smell of wrought iron in the shelter at this time, Somo was completely unaware of it.

It is the first time to create something in such detail, which brings me a great sense of accomplishment.

Sumo concentrated his attention, and after seeing the properties of the crossbow arrows, his inner joy jumped from being enough to being overwhelming!

[High-speed crossbow arrows (excellent*3 excellent*7)]

Description: The "special" crossbow arrows made by the semi-entry-level manufacturer "Suma", the manufacturing techniques are average, but due to inexplicable reasons, the quality has been improved.

Special abilities: Excellent: high-speed flight, silent

Excellent: high speed flight

Evaluation: From beginner to entry-level, this is a qualitative leap!


"I can actually be considered an entry-level fabricator. It seems that the bonus brought by the excellent level workbench should not be underestimated!"

The powerful attributes of the crossbow are not worthy of its quality bonus!

When building, the all-round bonus brought by the workbench, although it seems to be only 10%, is very inconspicuous.

But when actually used, it can be extremely helpful to a person's concentration.

Ten crossbow arrows, three of excellent quality and seven of excellent quality.

Although I haven't tried it yet, Soma has a feeling about the powerful attribute bonus.

The crossbow arrows you make yourself are much better than the crossbow arrows produced by the game manufacturing panel!

Stand up and shake your somewhat stiff neck from side to side.

With a wave of his hand, Somo collected all the crossbow arrows and put them neatly into the storage space.

He turned his head and looked at the charging station, looking at the crossbow, spear and combat boots on the ground.

A powerful feeling arose in Soma's heart.

With these kinds of equipment, he would dare to fight even if ten kobolds came!

Even though the kobold camp is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, I still decided to go there!

Waiting patiently for the equipment to charge, time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, by noon, all three equipment batteries were fully charged and the green lights turned on.

Taking out the baguette he had replaced earlier, Somo put all 2kg into the pot and boiled it into bread soup.

Pour one-fifth of the amount into a sparkling food bowl for today's meal.

Scoop out about half of the amount and pour it into the Oreo bowl.

Pick up the remaining bread soup, wait until it cools down a little, then drink it up in one gulp.

After eating, drinking, and resting, my energy returned to its best state.

Coming to the weapons and equipment room, Sumo began to put on the equipment one by one.

The first is the innermost layer of light armor.

The style of the light armor is somewhat similar to the bright silver willow leaf armor worn by the Red Scarf Army during the uprising.

When putting on the entire light armor, start with the chest and back.

Opening the hole in the middle, Soma held the armor in both hands and pulled it on over his head like a sweater.

The chest and back armor is tailor-made from special steel to better fit the curves of human body movements. And because it is advanced technology, it weighs only as much as wearing a down jacket in winter.

The lower body armor is a split skirt armor, which is hooked to the upper body armor and is wrapped around the waist to ensure that it will not fall off during exercise.

After the upper and lower armors have been put on, pick up the last shawl, wear it on your shoulders and upper arms, and secure it (see this chapter for the wearing effect).

The size and shape of the shoes are completely professionally designed according to Somo's feet. Once you put them on lightly, they are even more comfortable than ordinary sports shoes.

Armor-shaped human guts!

Originally, his body was a little thin due to long-term inactivity, but after putting on this layer of armor, Somo felt a strong feeling.

I even wish that a warrior kobold would come over at this time and have a good fight!

He raised his feet and tapped his toes on the ground in turn. There was a snapping sound, and then Somo tried to take a few steps.

"Hey, there doesn't seem to be any bonus to walking?"

The electric shoes didn't seem to sense movement. Out of curiosity, Sumo tried running.

The next second, a powerful force burst out from his back heel.

For a moment, Sumo even felt as if someone had pushed him from behind, and he almost fell down.

"So fast! Who can withstand such speed!"

He tried running a few laps, and the more he took steps, the more intense the joy on Somo's face became.

Oreo, who was still licking the food bowl on the ground, was also startled. He was dumbfounded when he saw Somo running around the base at such a speed.

The assistance brought by electric shoes is not just an ordinary running bonus.

Even after the speed increased, Sumo tried to move around and got a very good bonus.


Knock your toes on the ground again, run two steps, and the acceleration effect disappears.

"Exchanging shotguns for cannons! If I had had this equipment when I was in the ruins, I wouldn't have had time for the kobolds to launch fireballs!"

The light armor has already brought Sumo enough surprises.

Sumo was even more looking forward to the fine iron electric spear.

But before that, Sumo put on the optical combat uniform outside the light armor.

With the armor on the body, the originally well-fitting optical combat suit was suddenly stretched out in a circle. However, the good materials still maintained strong plasticity.

The close-fitting combat uniform once again clings to the armor and plays its role.

Pick up the charged fine iron electric spear and turn on the electric switch.

After a period of buzzing, the electric spear returned to calm.

He tried to thrust forward, but at the same time as he thrust, a force appeared inexplicably, making the thrust faster.

When swiping, another shear force appears, causing the electric spear to move laterally faster.

Turn off the power supply and the additional force disappears.

Sumo looked at this new set of equipment with joy, and his heart was filled with pride.

Throw the fine iron electric spear and electric crossbow into the storage space, go to the corner, and grab the kobold.

The kobold who was still sleeping was suddenly awakened. When he raised his head in panic and found that it was Somo, he became decadent again.

For two consecutive days, Sumo had no intention of recruiting him. The kobold had completely abandoned his previous illusions and started to face reality.

"Woof... woof!"

Oreo on the side screamed excitedly when he saw the kobold being captured by Somo.

"Let's go! Tell him and let him show us the way. If he points us to the wrong way, today will be the day he dies!"

Sumo picked up the thin kobold in his hands and walked to the main entrance of the shelter.

Hearing that they were going out to play, Oreo yelled repeatedly to communicate with the kobold. After getting the latter's confirmation, Oreo barked twice to indicate that the communication was complete.

After everything was ready, he opened the door of the shelter. After taking a look at the facilities inside, Sumo closed the door and walked through the entrance corridor to the outside world.

Without disaster, the daytime in the wasteland would always be filled with scorching sun and yellow sand rising everywhere.

Occasionally, one or two vultures flew across the sky, causing a burst of croaking.

Throwing the kobold to the ground, Somo returned to the shelter door, placed the latch at an oblique angle, turned back to the door, and closed the shelter door with a sharp pull.

There was a dull sound, and when Somo pushed the door open again, the lever on the inner door had already fallen down, firmly blocking external force.

After trying repeatedly and failing to open it from the outside, Sumo nodded and came to the garage door.

After removing the outermost wooden board, Bengbeng parked quietly in the simple garage, accepting Somo's inspection.

Somo stepped inside, sat on the seat, started the bouncer, and skillfully drove the vehicle to the main entrance of the shelter.


The kobold lying on the ground looked in disbelief when he saw the bouncing car moving, as if he didn't understand why the iron box could move.

Oreo on the side saw the kobold's country bumpkin appearance, and his contemptuous look was clearly visible.

"Olio, I feel wronged to have you in my arms today!"

After helping the kobold into the back seat and tying it with a seat belt, Somo bent down, held Oreo in his arms, and returned to the front seat of the bouncy car.

After hearing Sumo's words, how could Oreo not be willing?

He buried his dog's head between Somo's combat uniforms and lay down shyly, motionless.

After double-checking that everything was ready, I shifted the gear lever to forward and looked at the shelter like a giant beast with nostalgia!

"Departure! Destination: Kobold Saltpeter Mine!"

The next moment, Sumo shouted, clearing his heart of nostalgia, and stepped on the accelerator!

The bouncing car rushed forward like an arrow from the string.

In the desolate wasteland, a low roar accompanied by a strong loess storm rushed towards the west.

This chapter has been completed!
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