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Chapter 649: Tracking at night, going straight to Huanglong!

"Huang Bing, it's me, please be careful and don't let others notice anything unusual!"

Looking at Huang Bing on the screen, stunned on the spot with an expression as if he had seen a ghost, Su Mo quickly went to the microphone and whispered a reminder.

"You are...Yang Jian, Lord Yang???"

Standing in the light, Huang Bing could hardly see clearly the adventurous mechanic hiding in the darkness.

In his eyes, he could only vaguely see blue light spots flashing in the dark shadows, but he could not clearly see where Soma was standing.

But that’s fine too.

At least for now, he thought that Sumo was hiding there, and did not expect that there were other means to achieve his current ability to transmit sounds through the air.

"Don't come over here, you'll be exposed easily."

"Just stand there and pretend to read the booklet in your hand and listen to what I say."

Ordinarily, Huang Bing would never be able to do whatever he said to a stranger he had known for less than three days.

But right now, it is the time when he has no master, and heaven and man are at war.

In this entanglement, the sudden appearance of "Mr. Yang" became the life-saving straw.

You have to listen even if you don’t want to!

"Master Yang Yang, tell me!"

Shivering, he held the order in his hand and pretended to examine it. Huang Bing couldn't help but glance at the blue light spots, but his mind suddenly calmed down.

"The two captains of the transportation team of the Second Exchange and the Third Exchange that just passed by were suspected of smuggling supplies out of the city. The scene they showed you before was all staged. We were far away.

Start monitoring discovery"

"You just need to know that most of the supplies in the city have been secretly transported by them, and all this is hidden from Lord Sun Bahu."

"We have already started investigating these people. Tonight is a good opportunity to find out where their materials are hidden. Don't alert them, otherwise 30,000 people in this city will die in the upcoming heavy snowfall disaster!"

Three sentences, a brief description of the current situation.

After hearing this, Huang Bing was not stupid and asked quickly: "Mr. Yang, do you mean that I will pretend not to know anything and let them out now?"

"Exactly, you don't need to do anything, including the bribe you just collected, you can also take it."

"Our goal is to find the lair of this group of people. Don't worry, we will trace this matter to you later!"

When it came to bribery, Sumo was a little more serious and made it very clear.

On the opposite side, after hearing that Sumo knew that he had accepted bribes, Huang Bing was also extremely single and nodded with a firm expression.

"I understand, Mr. Yang!"

That's it.

Huang Bing also knew that he might be involved in a struggle between the top or secretly.

Although he has never encountered such a struggle in reality, it is not uncommon in TV dramas.

If a small person like him had the idea of ​​staying out of the situation or simply running away.

The fate was almost more miserable than the last. They were either hanged from a tree with crooked necks, or were strangled to death by someone entering the house at night.

If you want to live, you can only have a chance by hugging one of the thighs and standing in line.

"Captain Liu, there is nothing wrong with the things. Maybe I was blind just now, which really delayed your transportation time!"

Think everything through.

He walked to the front of the team apologetically and handed back the semi-joint order in his hand to Liu Kai. Huang Bing laughed with him again and again.

"In other words, Captain Huang is so responsible for our origin territory, how can we say it was a delay?"

"If this is okay, we can leave?"


He also showed a smile. For some reason, Huang Bing felt an inexplicable feeling well up in his heart when he looked at Liu Kai, who was smiling but not smiling.

Before, he only knew that the other party was stealing supplies, but he didn't know who was standing behind him or how capable he was.

But now, with the support of Master Yang, after knowing that these two people are just pawns.

The sense of fear in Huang Bing's heart became less and less, and instead there was a surge of blood.

Life is a rare fight.

When the time comes, seize it, and it may be your chance to take off!

About ten minutes later, the convoy that had been watching the Second Exchange had all left the city.

Then he glanced at the third trading team standing not far away waiting to leave the city. Huang Bing, who had already figured out everything, sneered at the corner of his mouth and simply walked up and stopped the team again:

"Captain, when I checked Captain Liu's team just now, I found that our team also seems to have some problems."

"The quantity of goods and the number of fleets, I have to deal with them well."

"Look, I am responsible for the safety of the resources entering and exiting the entire gathering place. I will check more for the sake of our territory. Is it okay?"

From passive to active.

From cautious to bold.

Already knowing that he could not leave the vortex, Huang Bing became bolder when faced with the material captain in linen clothes, and started extorting money without any concealment.

And what happened next was indeed not beyond his expectation.

After being stopped by him, the material captain of the third exchange really had something in his mind. After confirming that he was "blackmailing", he actually took out the "filial piety" and handed it over without any hesitation.

Compared with Liu Kai who gave a whole box of cigarettes before, Captain Mai gave only half a pack of ten cigarettes, which was a lot less.

However, the types and prices of cigarettes are not much better than Liu Kai's before. In total, the value of the two boxes is not much different.

"Captain Huang, I didn't realize that you are really brave."

Seeing Huang Bing checking the cigarettes in the cigarette box without any scruples in front of him, Captain Mai still had a cold face, and his words came out of the corner of his mouth with hatred.

But the funny thing is, seeing Huang Bing's face turn cold, his voice slowly dropped again until it disappeared.

"Very good, I've checked and found no problems."

"It's a dark and windy night, please captain, please take people out of the city quickly!"

Huang Bing smiled secretly, and regardless of Captain Mai's cannibalistic expression, Huang Bing bared his big white teeth and stepped aside happily.

If it hadn't been for the bad things I discovered tonight.

The supplies he exchanged for these two packs of cigarettes alone allowed him to accumulate supplies in this gathering place for twenty days.

Coupled with the eight days accumulated before, it means that he can persevere even if he has no income in the next month!

But being involved in the turmoil, all he could do was serve "Master Yang" as well as possible and strive to become a chess piece that the other party valued.

In this way, even if you die sooner or later, you can still catch up and leave enough reaction time.

More than ten minutes passed, and as the last trolley drove outside the territory, Huang Bing waved to the city wall, and the gate fell.

I didn't go directly to the place where I talked to Soma before.

Although Huang Bing doesn't have any hard skills, he has a lot of cleverness.

He first pretended to be nonchalant and took his three colleagues with him, and continued to chat at their posts.

On the way, Huang Bing's eyes kept looking around until he confirmed that no one else was watching nearby.

Then he excused himself as having a stomachache, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to the three of them.

"You guys smoke, I'll touch your forehead and go to the toilet for half an hour. If you need anything, remember to call me!"

"I understand, I understand, brother Bing, don't worry, the three of us are here, it will be fine!"

With the cigarettes available, the three of them couldn't care less about Huang Bing secretly catching fish. They all waved their hands happily, indicating that all the problems would be taken care of by themselves.

Huang Bing, on the other hand, didn't waste any time. He almost took three steps and turned into two steps before heading towards the shadow.

"Huh? There's no one left?"

We have almost reached our previous location, but there is no trace of that blue light spot in the darkness.

However, with the help of a ray of light, Huang Bing saw that the ground where he stayed before seemed to have some patterns carved on it.

As we walked further, until we were submerged in darkness, the patterns began to become clearer in our sight.

"Stay as you are, don't make any noise, and come find me tomorrow morning!"

The twelve Chinese characters on the ground are easy to identify.

Huang Bing was startled when he saw the words "Look for me tomorrow morning" and quickly stepped forward to erase all traces with his feet.

From now on, he himself knows, now that so many secrets have been known.

That means that he either becomes a dead man who knows nothing, or there is no way for him to escape from Boss Yang and give him the reins.

Huang Bing was still slightly worried when he thought that the freedom he didn't care about yesterday disappeared into nothing in one day.

But the next second, after thinking of something else, he clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could look up to the sky and roar:

"Boss Yang, I will be Boss Yang's from now on!"

"Director, this group of people is really too cautious. They didn't go somewhere immediately after leaving the city, but kept walking in circles here."

Pointing to the motion trajectory chart, Feng Long looked cautious and did not dare to let go of the picture on the screen for a moment.

It's been over an hour since it was time to leave the city.

But after the two teams left the city one after another, they still cautiously circled back and forth about a kilometer away from the territory.

"Don't worry, there are still six hours until the sun rises and the curfew is lifted. No matter how they circle now, they will always return to their territory before dawn."

Sumo didn't say anything. Feng Tianmin, who was watching from another angle, was calm and didn't feel any irritation at all.

No matter how these people go around, as long as the sensor is still in the dough bag and the opponent's convoy is still in sight, there will be no tracking failure.

As for time.

For people in the apocalypse, the most precious thing may be time, and the least valuable thing is also time.

The night is long and I am in a hurry.

Some waiting.

Finally, after a full sixteen rounds, when most of the ordinary people pulling the carts in the team felt tired, the boring circle was finally over.

At this time, seeing six large trucks with unique shapes approaching from the darkness in the distance, not only the three of them exclaimed, but even Sumo narrowed his eyes.

Before that, Sumo was still thinking that there were four to five hundred people in this transport team.

If you want to shut everyone's mouth, what method can be used to achieve it?

But now, the truth has been revealed.

"Come on, it looks like we won't be able to sleep tonight!"

If a truck is dispatched, then based on the size of the basin in the origin territory, the opponent's destination is very likely to be outside the range that the adventure mechanics can sense.

In order to prevent him from getting lost, Somo immediately stood up with his heart sinking.

"Chang'an, you keep the No. 1 Exchange team here to continue to monitor it. Feng Long, Tian Min, and I will go and chase this team."

"Remember, no matter what happens, you must ensure your own safety and try not to have a head-on conflict with these people!"

The curfew in the origin territory has not yet ended, and there are patrolling guards everywhere on the streets.

If you want to go outside the territory under such circumstances.

Either you have a strong body and anti-reconnaissance awareness, or you have extraordinary force and are not afraid of anything.

In these two aspects, as a woman, Guan Yu'an believes that she does not have an advantage.

Although he also wanted to follow him to see what the other party's lair was like, in this case, she had no choice but to nod.

"I'm going to go outside to check the situation first. When I finish confirming, you two will come out!"

After opening the window on the second floor of Sanyuan Hotel and confirming that there were no guards nearby, Somo raised his body slightly and jumped out.


The sound of landing, which was not very light, was quite conspicuous in this quiet moment of night.

But no one expected that anyone would go outside during the curfew, so other people in the hotel didn't pay attention.

After checking the surrounding area and remembering the points where several guards would pass by, Somo straightened his clothes, returned to the window, and made an OK gesture.

Boom. Boom.

Two buzzing sounds were heard in succession, and compared to the movement caused by Soma, these two sounds were obviously much louder.

However, when someone poked his head out of the hotel, the figures of Somo and the others had already jumped hundreds of meters away, and no one could be seen anywhere.

Many onlookers shook their heads and closed the windows again.

Run all the way, dodge all the way.

I walked around the terrain of the origin territory during the day, and I had a rough map and defense situation in hand.

Compared with the heavily guarded Free City of the Demon Soul Clan with numerous secret sentinels, this origin territory is like a leaky sieve, with gaps and loopholes everywhere.

Since there is no city wall in the conventional sense, if Soma and the other three want to leave, they naturally don't have to go to the city gate where they left before.

After finding a place where they could cross at the edge of the territory, the three of them walked out effortlessly and stood on the wilderness.

"They've already started leaving!"

Taking out his tablet, Feng Long exclaimed when he saw the red dot moving at a greatly increased speed and the prompt that it was a little over a kilometer away from the location of the three of them.

Compared with before, in such a slightly flat terrain, even if the truck's speed is slower, it will still be about 30 yards.

According to the detection range of three kilometers, it only takes about five or six minutes of driving in a straight line before the other party will go out of the picture transmission range.

And as long as you go five kilometers away, even this position tracking may be lost.

"Give me a tablet. I'm fast. If you two are chasing me, I'll get there first!"

The situation is urgent.

He took the machinist's operating tablet from Feng Tianmin's hand. After identifying the direction, Sumo took a deep breath and flew out like a roc.

This speed is quite fast, and it is covered by the darkness of night.

In just a minute or so, he completely disappeared from the eyes of the two of them and completely distanced themselves.

After watching Somo's back completely disappear, Feng Long and Feng Tianmin, who were still holding back their breath and wanted to catch up, had to slowly slow down their pace.

In a short period of time, there is no problem in using human power to catch up with mechanical power.

But over time, after a person loses a lot of physical strength, the gap between the two will only become wider and wider.

With the idea of ​​conserving energy to deal with the possible battle, I kept my speed at about four minutes per kilometer.

While Feng Long was running, he didn't forget to take out the tablet from his arms and look at the direction.

However, just looking at it like this, he couldn't help but spit out the essence of the country.

"Damn it, the director's speed is too abnormal!"

Adventure mechanics have the ability to sense each other.

The two control tablets also have position transmitters that continuously emit electromagnetic waves for communication.

For example, right now, the opponent's truck shows up as red dots on the flatbed, the two adventure mechanics show up as green dots, and the two flatbeds show up as blue dots.

At this time, next to the blue dot representing Soma, there was a rough speed indication, far exceeding the previous red dot.

Curiously, Feng Tianmin leaned over and took a look. He was startled and wiped his eyes.

The speed of the red dot truck is no problem and remains at 31km/h.

But Soma's speed at this time has reached a terrifying and inhuman speed.

A full 46km/h!

This chapter has been completed!
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