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Chapter 67: Rape, the beginning of the collapse of credit

There is only one gate on the front of the castle.

Because it is a bi-fold city gate, it looks unusually thick. There is also a simple entrance and exit door next to the gate.

The small door was pushed open, and a small group of kobolds walked out.

Different from the exploration team, this team consists of 12 kobolds, including 6 warriors in the front, 3 warlocks in the middle, and 3 warriors in the back.

Through the observation of the telescope, Sumo saw the purpose in the eyes of the kobold team.

They are coming in this direction!

However, the kobold team was not marching very fast. It did not look like they were chasing something, but rather like they were going somewhere to do something.

"Is this group of people going to the saltpeter mine?"

A little guesswork shows that the distance between the two sides is still less than one thousand meters.

Turning his head, Summoned a fine iron electric spear from the storage space, facing the captive kobold next to him, without saying a word, he stabbed it with a sharp spear.

Although this spear did not have the bonus of electric assistance, under Somo's terrifying power, it was still able to kill the kobold prisoner.

Seeing that the red and white body was about to be pulled out with the tip of the spear and left on the ground, Sumo thought and put the body into the burial bucket made in the storage space.

When people are wandering in the world, they should be ruthless when they should be ruthless.

Since the mission of capturing the kobolds has been completed, there is no need to talk nonsense. It would be the greatest kindness to him to simply send him back to the embrace of the kobold ancestors.

"You can't kill this group of people yet. Follow them to see what they are doing."

A team of twelve kobolds might still be a difficult problem if they were hiding in a kobold saltpeter mine camp or guarding a kobold castle.

But when he came to the wild, Somo was 100% sure that he could annihilate all the kobolds in one fell swoop.

After a few more observations, I saw that the kobold team still hadn't changed direction when it was about 500 meters away.

After thinking about it, Sumo hunched over and quickly retreated along the flank.

Oreo beside him also immediately understood Somo's meaning and followed Somo running in the wilderness.

One person and one dog have no worries, they come and go without a trace.

Lying with Oreo on the grass not far away, Sumo watched coldly as the kobold team passed by, not noticing that he was lying here at all.

The kobold team's formation was extremely loose during the march.

There were even two kobold warlocks walking in the middle of the team at the back, whispering to each other, not knowing what they were talking about. They laughed for a while, then raised their heads to the sky and howled, they were so happy.

"Olio, wait a minute, go around to the front and see if there are any kobolds in front of you. If they come back in time, let me know and I will follow them."

Somo stretched out his hands, touched Oreo's round dog head through the combat uniform, and gave instructions in a low voice.

Oreo, who could understand human language, nodded, let out a low whimper, and rushed forward.

Compared to the slow-moving kobolds, Oreo, who was on all fours, was frighteningly fast.

In just five or six breaths, he had caught up with the kobold team and moved around from the flank to the front of the kobolds.


Standing up, Somo quickly walked to the high slope. After confirming again and again that there was no second team in the kobold castle, he followed at a trot.

From the saltpeter mine camp to the kobold castle.

The distance between the two places was measured using a trampoline, and it was not that far.

However, it took more than an hour of walking relying on human foot strength before Sumo followed the kobold team back to the saltpeter mine camp.

Far in the distance, less than five hundred meters away, is the kobold's temporary defensive camp.

Several huge wooden thorns were sharpened and placed horizontally in front of the camp gate.

On the fence around the camp, there are also wooden barbs stuck in the fence that will make the trypophobes dizzy just by looking at them.

There are two reconnaissance towers about ten meters high, erected on both sides of the camp, responsible for investigating the surrounding terrain.

This kind of decoration not only did not make Su Mo feel confused, but also gave him a familiar feeling.

"If I couldn't see these kobolds, I would really think that this is a shelter camp established by humans."

Smiling to himself, Sumo took out his telescope and looked into the saltpeter mine.

From the first time I observed these miners to the time they came and went, about two hours passed.

But the people in the mines are still being squeezed, working hard to mine under the scorching sun.

This time the distance was closer, and Sumo could clearly see the pain and numbness on the miner's face through the telescope.

Standing on the hillside, you can see the entire mine. At that time, you could see more than fifty miners.

At this time, lying around the camp, you can only see one side of the mine.

"What I can clearly see in my field of vision...are twelve yellow people, seventeen black people, and six white people."

"Huh? Why don't these two people mine?"

Under the telescope, Sumo had a look of surprise on his face.

In the field of vision, other people were working hard to dig, and the sweat on their faces fell down one by one, diluting the black soil and forming clearly visible marks.

But around these miners, there were two people walking around holding wooden spears. They didn't look like they were mining.

He took off his telescope and rubbed his eyes, which were a little sore due to long-term focus and observation. After a while of relief, Somo looked again.

This time, he could clearly see the skin colors of the two people.

"One yellow, one white..."

"Is this the overseer?"

Wherever there are people, there is class. Even if they become slaves of kobolds, it is normal for these two so-called overseers to be born.

However, the next second after moving the telescope, Somo's anger suddenly emerged.

In the big house in the center of the camp, you can clearly see a man who looks a bit like an island country, sitting in front of the kobold, talking and laughing.

The three warlock kobolds who had come from the castle earlier were sitting in front of the man, making gestures without knowing what they were saying.

"Damn it, this guy eats better than me and lives more comfortably than me. I don't know how much blood and sweat he squeezed out of me!"

Others are mining and sweating.

The man in the house was sitting in front of a grill, flipping the grill wantonly and sprinkling a handful of what should be seasoning on it from time to time.

Even if you can't smell the flavor of the seasonings sprinkled on the meat.

Somo can also make up some ideas from the memory of the earth.

Time passes minute by minute.

Somo kept watching the man roast the meat, and then he separated the meat with a knife and distributed it into the kobold bowls. After everyone ate together, they walked out of the wooden house and talked in the center of the camp.

During this process, even Oreo was a little anxious, but Sumo was not at all disturbed.

"Damn... I'm just wondering why this person is so familiar."

Through the telescope, one can see the ugly face of the man in the center of the camp who betrayed humanity and became a "traitor".

At the same time, it also brought back a small fragment in Sumo's memory.

"If I remember correctly, this dog's name should be... Maeda Kento"

"After the first version update, I seem to have seen this person's speech in the world chat panel..."

Bit by bit, memories began to emerge as Sumo worked hard to dig out.

"This person seemed to be talking about looking for people with good character to hug together for warmth. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a wave of standard fishing law enforcement!"

In the inherently dangerous wasteland world.

At this time, the profession of "rape" suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, Sumo felt all the malice exposed by the malicious use of the game chat panel.

Perhaps in the early days, the chat panel was a tool for everyone to communicate.

But the further you go, the harder it becomes to figure out the character of each person who speaks on the chat panel, and whether there is any malice in or out of their sentences.

By that time, personal credibility has collapsed, and no one will trust someone they are unfamiliar with.

In addition to officially established shelters, privately built shelters will be full of intrigues.

The remaining lone wolves will be left alone in the apocalypse.

"I'm afraid that Magu has gone through 19 disasters alone and is unwilling to find a companion. This is also a true portrayal of the collapse of trust between people."

The more he thought about it, the more he looked at Taketo Maeda who didn't even wipe the oil from the corner of his mouth, and Sumo felt murderous intent in his heart.

This child must not be kept!

This chapter has been completed!
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