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Chapter 680 A new mission, the beginning of eight years in the wasteland!

[Record]: It was detected that the player "Suma" intervened in the disaster timeline during the execution of the mission. The mission will be changed to a certain extent following the intervention results.

[Record]: Player "Suma", this ruins mission has been reset. Please enter the mission panel to check again.

[Record]: Player "Suma", the rewards for this ruins mission have been reset. Please enter the mission panel to check again.

[Record]: Player "Suma", this ruins mission has been finalized, codenamed 'The zombie tide is coming'

[Record]: Friendly reminder, any task intervention that occurs by players in the ruins will be protected by the game, that is, the player's task time increases or decreases and will not affect the time flow rate of the outside world. Please feel free to play.

[Record]: Friendly reminder, any behavior of the player in the ruins may interfere with the mission and cause the mission to change. Please do not worry.

Six records in a row suddenly popped up on the game panel, indicating that Sumo had just killed more than twenty lunatics on the ground and had a huge impact on this mission.

As the task panel pops up, more detailed prompts also pop up.

[Task Name]: Yes, I am the strongest refugee in the wasteland! (Disaster level)

[Task Code]: The zombie tide is coming

[Task Difficulty]: Extremely High (Reward: 200%)

[Task execution duration]: one year (half a year + half a year (intervention impact))

[Remaining duration of current task]: 363 days

[Mission Description]: The player needs to be a refugee, obtain an identity to go to the Tianyuan Territory, and lead the Tianyuan Territory's subordinates to survive the designated "zombie attack" disaster within the duration of the mission.

[Current task progress]:

The first stage: get rid of the refugee status and obtain the status of going to Tianyuan territory. (Completed; do you want to receive the first stage reward?)

The second stage: officially enter the Tianyuan territory and obtain a resident credit score of more than 40 points (not completed)

Phase 3: Open after completing Phase 2

[Task Rewards]: Rewards within the ruins are distributed in stages; time currency (a large amount); information on three future disasters in the wasteland*1; the right to take out an item (no consumption); the right to retain a small amount of memory (selection); three mature technologies

Bring Out the Right (Rated B- and below)

"Good guy, my half-year mission has been extended to one year?"

Sumo calmed down, suppressed the surprise and confusion in his heart, and ran quickly to the carriage he was riding in.

Because of the privileges awarded in previous games for defeating the Five Ancestor Gods.

In the first year, humans have the right to vote on the next three disasters.

As for the end of the first year, all living things will return to the same starting line. Everyone can only know the specific situation of the next disaster between 15 and 25 days before the disaster strikes.

So, that is to say.

Now the game prompts that the zombie wave will strike in a year's time. Only Sumo knows, and only he knows how terrifying the power of this disaster is.

"How could it be possible? According to my previous estimates, this disaster should fully erupt in the last three years of the calendar at the latest."

"It took eight years until the end of the calendar for this to happen. It's totally unreasonable!"

After carefully considering the experimental data obtained previously, Sumo twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and for a moment he was quite glad that he had entered this future ruins.

Empiricism really kills people.

It is unclear why this disaster was suppressed from three years to five years, and did not break out until the eighth year of the last calendar year.

However, the previous experimental data was only tested on alien races, and no more detailed data analysis was actually conducted on any human being.

This is the biggest loophole.

"Fortunately, now I can not only find out the real cause of this zombie outbreak, but also see how powerful this disaster is."

"If it works well, I might even be able to get the zombie's antidote. This is the ultimate goal of this ruins!"

The time you can stay in the ruins has been increased by half a year, which means that Soma has more time at his disposal.

From half a year to a year, it will give him more time to familiarize himself with the environment and research and study.

Of course, in the Baisha ruins, these hours may still make people feel a little tortured.

But in this future world that is more advanced than the real wasteland, Sumo can only shout in his heart that he has made a lot of money!

Using his legs, he followed a carriage with an open window, and with a sudden force from the carriage, Somo easily returned to the train.

In the surprised eyes of the passengers, he didn't waste any time and walked straight through several carriages back to the carriage heading for Tianyuan territory.

"Hey, Mr. Su, where have you been? We are still looking for you."

"There was a commotion ahead. Fortunately, the people in charge of our train today are soldiers from our Tianyuan Territory. You don't have to worry."

Seeing Somo approaching, Wang Zhuyu, who was standing at the door of the carriage, patted her chest repeatedly and took a breath of relief.

The death of a passenger on a train is definitely a scandal that will directly affect ticket sales for a long time to come.

And, if it's a person of ordinary status, that's fine.

For someone like Sumo, who has a status of "ten thousand yuan" or more, as long as something happens to him, the entire train crew will be punished.

The first person to bear the brunt is her, the person directly related to him, who will be suspended and transferred.

"It's okay. I'm just very curious. Let's go and take a look."

Hahaha, Su Mo smiled apologetically, walked sideways past Wang Zhuyu, and entered the carriage.

Just the moment the two of them came into contact, Wang Zhuyu's expression obviously changed when he smelled the strong smell of blood on Sumo's body.

But in the end, she wisely chose to shut up and let Somo return to the table and sit down.

"Brother Su, are you okay in front of me?" Chen Yongkang, who had been cowering under the table before, had climbed out at this time.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem. The people who rioted were all killed." He shook his head. Regarding the more specific situation, if Chen Shen was sitting across from him, Sumo might have discussed it in detail.

But Su Mo couldn't arouse the slightest interest in Chen Yongkang's coward who only cared about himself.

This time.

Because a lot of people had just died in the front, the trip was delayed, and it was getting dark.

Seeing that Su Mo lost interest in talking, Huang Qing and his wife also returned to their seats and began to take out blankets to keep out the cold and self-heating food to prepare for the night.


In the back half of the carriage, only Sumo and Huang Xiaojuan were left, as well as Oreo, who was lying comfortably on a stool and looking at the dark night.

"Brother Zong, if something like this happens again next time, let's not go there. The gunfire was so dense just now, it's really dangerous."

"I thought our Qingguo territory was in chaos, but I didn't expect it to be so chaotic outside, and there were people robbing people on the train!"

With dinner in hand, Huang Xiaojuan had a look of lingering fear on her face.

According to the news that was passed back just now, everyone in the entire train knew the cause of the riot just now.

Of course, the excuse of 'robbery' is enough to fool people who didn't see it.

After all, it was the soldiers from the Tianyuan territory who spoke, and almost no one in the entire carriage would choose to question it.

For those who witnessed it with their own eyes, apart from Sumo who knew the real situation, the others did not see clearly the appearance of the madman on the ground.

Naturally, the atmosphere in the entire train did not become too commotion, and peace returned again.

"It's okay, emergencies like this happen everywhere."

"With the protection of warriors from Tianyuan Territory, don't worry, we can get there smoothly!"

After taking the fragrant beef pie, Somo chewed it with a big mouth, his expression not too heavy.

Now that things have come to this point, being able to know in advance what the disaster will be a year from now is already a huge advantage.

When the time comes, as long as we can gain a firm foothold in the Tianyuan territory and speak a few words, maybe we can think of a way to deal with it due to the territory's current solid foundation.

As a newcomer who has been in the wasteland for a year, Sumo is very self-aware and knows exactly what he needs at this stage.

"I have to accumulate a lot of points quickly to ensure that my identity can continue to grow, to come into contact with more people, and to see more things on different levels."

"At the same time, this time is just enough for me to calm down, integrate the knowledge I have learned before, and see if I can create a powerful individual weapon that can meet my requirements."

After finishing one, Somo picked up the second one and started chewing and swallowing it.

People are like rice and steel. Although the development of the current wasteland is not as good as imagined, compared with the real wasteland, at least food is guaranteed.

As for the first-stage reward obtained previously, Somo plans to bring this thing to the territory to settle down before opening it.

After all, there are many people on the train. If the reward is a big reward, he can't hide his desire to keep a low profile, which is not in line with expectations.

Gradually, the night outside the window began to darken.

After taking care of Huang Xiaojuan, covering her with a blanket and falling asleep, and calling Oreo to keep watch, Somo also felt sleepy and couldn't help but lie down on the bench and fall asleep with his clothes on.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, due to the habit of his biological clock, Somo opened his eyes at seven o'clock on time.

"Hey, my waist is so sore!"

After lying on a stiff bench all night without the help of the psionic water, Somo once again felt the pain of ordinary people.

"Haha, it seems like my brother-in-law doesn't take the train very often. We are all used to it!"

Gong Liang, who was sitting not far away and had just washed his face with water, turned his head with a smile on his face.

"It's still a full two and a half days' drive from our Tianyuan territory, and the distance is not that close."

Huang Qing also sat up and interjected, with an unconcealable tiredness on his face.

Anyone who often rides trains knows that on the train, people can lie down, sit, or even do whatever they want to make themselves comfortable.

But as time goes by, it is inevitable that there will still be mental fatigue that cannot be eliminated.

"When I return to the territory this time, I want to sleep well for two days."

Taking the breakfast handed out in the train, Chen Yongkang got in from the front of the carriage and took back extra portions for everyone.


After taking the portion that belonged to himself and Huang Xiaojuan, Sumo looked through it casually, with a slight surprise on his face.

Being able to get free meals on the train was something he expected. After all, most people traveling long distances still need a hot breakfast to soothe their souls.

But right now, the quality of the food seems to be too good.

Each person can have a steamed bun, a fresh meat bun, a plate of pickles, and a cooked egg.

"This is a compensation meal. Whenever an accident occurs on the train, the meal standard will be upgraded during the rest of the train's journey."

Chen Yongkang on the side saw Su Mo's confusion and explained in a low voice.

Train tickets in the wasteland are not cheap. In terms of purchasing power, they are like the current ticket to Tianyuan Territory.

Just one ticket requires an ordinary family of three in the Qingguo territory to work hard for about five years to afford it.

Therefore, in order to generate enough sales to ensure railway maintenance, once a scandal occurs on the train, the person in charge will try to find ways to eliminate the impact as much as possible.

"This is quite thoughtful!"

After waking up Huang Xiaojuan who was still sleeping soundly, Sumo picked up the washbasin and went to the water room to get hot water as the Romans do.

After freshening up, I returned to my seat and had breakfast. This was the beginning of a new day in the wasteland.

"Brother Gong, do you have any records of the disasters that happened in our wasteland before?"

With yesterday's familiarity, when Su Mo stood up and sat next to Gong Liang, he was not restrained and asked directly.

But unfortunately, eight years have passed in the wasteland.

For ordinary people, they may still be able to recall clearly the disasters that occurred in the past two years, but most of the memories going forward are fuzzy and it is difficult to think of specific details.

On the contrary, Gong Liang remembered the disaster at the beginning of the New World very clearly because of Sumo's disappearance.

"When the New World first opened, it was a winter disaster, consisting of blizzards, heavy rains, and ultra-low temperatures of minus 40 degrees. It was also the latter ultra-low temperature that caused Su Shen to completely disappear in the wasteland."

"After the winter disaster, because there was too much snow, the game started a summer disaster again. I remember that the disaster was much simpler at the beginning. It was just a continuous high temperature, and the maximum temperature was only about 50 degrees."

"But because the snow began to melt in large quantities, terrifying flash floods eventually formed. Coupled with the expansion of the mountains at that time, the raging impact of floods could be seen everywhere in the New World."

"You see, the big rivers we see along the way now were formed by the melting of snow and earthquakes at that time."

Pointing to a long river looming in the distance, Gong Liang spoke at a leisurely pace.

Even though he was not in the New World at the time, but in the deep sea, it was as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

"As for the summer disasters, there will be many more disasters coming. One is a large-scale plague, and the other is a hurricane sweeping the mainland."

Thinking of this, Gong Liang turned his head and checked with Huang Qing before continuing:

"Of course, these are not the most terrifying disasters in the first year. The most terrifying thing is the catastrophe of changes in physical properties."

"When this disaster first came out, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. They just regarded it as an ordinary minor disaster that could be easily overcome."

"But then, after research became clear that this disaster could significantly reduce the rigidity of ordinary iron and copper, the alien race, which had always been ambitious, actually took the lead in attacking."

"They take advantage of the fact that our human guns, weapons, cannons and other things cannot shoot due to changes in the physical properties of iron and copper, and the threat is greatly reduced."

"Led by the super-large alien Celestial Clan, which was the number one at the time, an ethnic war was launched in the New World that could sweep through any corner, affecting almost all human territories."

"Including our Tianyuan territory, it was also the center of their attack. It was surrounded and attacked by nearly 100,000 aliens."

"What a pity."

Seeing Chen Yongkang coming over curiously, Gong Liang showed a hint of pride and deliberately whetted his appetite before saying proudly:

"This war is not only a test for our Tianyuan territory, but also an opportunity for us to take off."

"No one could have imagined that after only one year of development, we already had a large number of high-performance weapons for external warfare. Although the territory only had about 5,000 people at the time, 100,000 aliens besieged it for three days and failed to lay down the outermost defense.

,lost heavily"

"And in this battle alone, we took advantage of the situation and usurped a lot of surrounding resources, harvesting unimaginable material reserves in one fell swoop. It can be said that the enemy sent us to take off!"

Gong Liang's face was filled with regret as he was unable to witness the battle with his own eyes.

Even through other people's oral accounts, I can vaguely sense the brutality and grandeur of that battle.

It cannot make up for everyone’s regret of wanting to witness the legendary history with their own eyes.

"Since this war, no alien race has dared to challenge us. And with the demise of the Celestial Clan, the alien race and humans have also entered a very long period of friction."

"It wasn't until we, the large human forces living in the deep sea, began to land in the New World that the balance of victory gradually tipped over, leading to the current situation."

This chapter has been completed!
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