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Chapter 707 The life of ordinary people, Liangfang shares are obtained!

It is June 10th, the eighth year of the last calendar year, at 6:40 in the morning.

As a drop of white dew on the eaves rolled down gently from the corner, it hit the ground and splashed with white flowers.

Soma, who was lying on the bed, also opened his eyes in time.

He raised his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. He turned over comfortably and did not become anxious.

Today is the time for the summer harvest warm-up meeting.

If it were before, perhaps Zizai Liangfang would have to close the entire door to ensure that he would not be ridiculed as a son by Qiankun Liangfang.

But now that we have the Nengshi sickle tool, we not only have to go to Zizailiangfang for the warm-up meeting, we also have to get everything up and down, and give Qiankun Liangxing a slap in the face.

Therefore, acting shopkeeper Zhang Bowen announced a one-day paid holiday amidst everyone's cheers during lunch yesterday.

Among them, everyone can have a good sleep in the first half of the day to recharge their spirits.

Those who haven’t eaten at twelve o’clock come to Liangfang and have lunch.

At one o'clock, everyone will be gathered together and go to the venue of the summer harvest warm-up meeting to have a good fight with Qiankun Liangfang.

"After this period, if everything works well, Liangfang will be able to make a lot of money."

"It shouldn't be difficult to apply for some research funds from the Zhang family then."

"The funds are in place, and Pei Shao has promised me that he will not let me go because of his character. The materials are guaranteed!"

I plan in my mind the requirements for every material of the Daily War Armor.

When Somo thought about it carefully, he became as uncontrollably excited as before.

After a lot of research, sorting, analysis, and learning during this period.

He has thoroughly understood the Daily War Armor 1.0 blueprint, which he spent more than 20,000 survival points to upgrade.

The "Pillars of Creation" structure it adopted, how on earth did it obtain such exaggerated data on paper!

On Earth, the mecha structures developed by humans all adopt a chain energy return method. The emphasis is on where the energy comes out, and where it comes back.

The end point of this circular chain is the starting point.

After the two are connected, a complete current loop will be formed to complete the power output.

There are several obvious benefits to using this energy return method.

First, it is extremely easy to repair.

Once any part is damaged.

You only need to use corresponding instruments to quickly detect which part has energy interruption, and you can accurately locate the point where the problem occurs and perform corresponding maintenance work.

Second, the heat dissipation performance is strong to ensure that there is no overload during energy transmission.

The main circuit is single-stranded and forward-distributed from head to toe. Coupled with the outer alloy shell, it can conduct heat well to the outside world and obtain a longer combat load.

Third, the cost is low.

Following the basic circuit design can make users more accepting, and it can also copy mature manufacturing processes on the earth without having to go through great troubles to build new production lines, and significantly reduce costs to achieve mass production.

Correspondingly, these three advantages also bring several fatal shortcomings.

It is extremely simple to repair, which means that the durability will be greatly reduced.

Once there is a problem in one part of the energy chain, other parts will be paralyzed.

In order to deal with this shortcoming, humans have no choice but to continue to arrange various lines on the mecha body to distract the normal use of other parts after the main line is damaged.

But as a result, the mecha, which was originally a simple war machine, lost its greatest advantage and became a precision instrument that is difficult for ordinary people to learn.

Once something is damaged, it will take an unknown amount of time just to detect the problem and make subsequent repairs.

This is also the reason why individual mechas have not been popularized for a long time.

And now, the "Pillars of Creation" design method after the system upgrade is also strong in this.

It directly modifies the extremely difficult-to-repair parts into replaceable components.

If something is broken, you only need to take out the spare one and install it, and the self-moving platform inside the mecha will complete the replacement of the damaged part by itself.

What's even more brutal is that the energy circuit of the entire mecha has been increased from one to twelve because of the excellent thermal conductivity of the energy stone engine.

There are four arms, four legs, two on the chest and back, and two on the feet.

Each bar represents an unparalleled power input. The more energy bars added, the greater the power that can be exploded instantly.

Of course, this increase cannot be added arbitrarily without an upper limit.

Based on the physical fitness of normal humans, the maximum clockwise G force they can withstand is around 2G. Only after training can this value be increased to 4 or 5.

Moving forward, wanting to maintain a clear fighting consciousness under this kind of G-force is no longer the category of ordinary people.

For example, Soma's current body can only withstand a maximum of 6G. When converted into the number of energy bars, there is a maximum of one on one side and a maximum of four at the same time.

The reason why the arms and legs are equipped with four extra legs is to make it easier to give it a try in critical moments.

In daily use, the most comfortable situation is to use only four of the entire machine to provide energy evenly.

In addition, "Pillars of Creation" also brings an unparalleled new feature.

He can perfectly combine the precision of energy control with the characteristics of alloy manufacturing.

For example, the flexible alloy Soma used on the mask before can extend various abilities under the specific induction of energy.

Including self-wearing ability is also one of the characteristics stimulated by this Pillar of Creation.

"It's a pity that I can't use virtual reality now. Otherwise, I can simulate a set of armor and test its real strength."

After all, the human brain is not as powerful as a server with huge computing power. It is already a miracle that those data can build a basic model in his mind.

I want to further assemble, check and try it out.

Unless a chip is installed in the brain and bioelectricity is used for calculations.

But in this way, it will embark on the road of mechanical god-making, which is not worth the gain.

After sighing and lying down until seven o'clock, Somo shook his head and got up from the bed.

After washing up, while Huang Xiaojuan was cooking, she picked up the broom to sweep the yard, and found a rag to wipe away the dust.

With no materials in hand, Soma was not in a hurry and patiently enjoyed the luxurious "ordinary days" in the apocalypse.

Here, he is not worried about how the territory will develop, nor is he worried about how to take everyone through the next natural disaster.

As time goes by, he becomes more integrated into the identity of an ordinary citizen.

Only then did Sumo find out.

Time is indeed the best teacher.

The various changes in the past eight years have allowed him to see too many things that he would have never seen at all.

When looking at those "proud works" of his time as a lord, from an ordinary person's perspective, one would be shocked to find that these have actually become tools for people to oppress the lower classes.

And those risky decisions that were not very promising before were reversely verified a few years later and became great successes.

the other side.

The past four years before the end of the calendar has also been covered up and turned into a different picture.

Limited by his identity, even if Sumo tried his best to inquire, he could only find out some specious "truths".


Not to mention other things, let’s talk about alien races such as the Demon Soul Clan, the Tree People Clan, and the Empire of Light. They all disappeared inexplicably, without causing any splash at all.

And the only fish-men tribe left in the territory, according to their fertility level, will definitely not be able to reach the current scale.

Even if you don't think about it carefully, you know there must be something fishy in it.

"When the armor is finished, I will go and explore the secrets of the territory's past."

"Look at what else is hidden in these deliberately buried past times."

The source of everything lies in strength.

After realizing that without the armor, he could only live a low-key life in Sangtian Town and was not qualified to interfere with the secrets in the territory.

Sumo didn't worry too much.

There is still one year left for this mission. No matter how slow his progress is, he can still make the armor within three months.

By then, there will still be nine months left, which is completely enough!

After a while, the aroma of rice wafted out of the kitchen.

The first person to knock on the courtyard door was not Wang Qian and others who lived nearby, but Sun Quan who had spent the night away.

"Hey, you're here, and you're bringing a gift?"

Seeing the two large bottles of 2.5L milk and a bag of expensive bananas that Sun Quan was holding in his hands, Sumo smiled and joked a few times, stepped forward and opened the courtyard door.

"Brother Su, judging from what you said, I have eaten so much for free, why should I thank our Xiaojuan, right?"

After saying that, Sun Quan first glanced warily at Oreo in the corner, who was combing his hair with his head held high, and then realized that Oreo had no intention of pounce.

Then he happily carried the bag and walked to the kitchen.

It is different from the original Su Youzong.

Sun Quan is about the same age as Huang Xiaojuan. They are both the same age, so naturally they have more topics to talk about.

In this regard, Su Mo could guess some of Sun Quan's thoughts and did not stop him. He just continued to clean the courtyard slowly and listened to the two arguing in the kitchen.

About ten minutes passed.

In the nearby courtyard, Wang Qian and others, who had become familiar with each other, walked out.

They were talking and laughing at first. Then, with an inadvertent turn of their heads, Wang Qian seemed to have just seen this place. First he touched his head in surprise, and then said:

"Brother Su, didn't you go to work today?"

"No, I have a day off today. I have to go with Liangfang to attend the summer harvest warm-up meeting at noon." Su Mo raised his head and responded with a smile.

"The warm-up meeting, coincidentally, we are going too!"

With a slap on his arm, Wang Qian seemed a little happy.

"How about we go together?"

"Okay, this is a lively conference in our Sangtian Town, but we have to go to Liangfang later."

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, we just like the excitement."

Unexpectedly, Su Mo would be so cooperative. After Wang Qian finished speaking, several people looked at each other and were a little surprised.

However, they did not think that their identities had been exposed long ago, but they just thought that they were familiar with Somo and no longer wary.

At this time, after hearing Sumo's promise, the few of them stopped talking and happily walked into the courtyard and began to help clean the yard.

Soon, as more and more people entered the courtyard, the originally deserted Gutian 3rd Road became lively.

It was like a party, with more than a dozen people sitting in the yard and setting up small tables.

As the steaming hot home-cooked food was served, Sun Quan, a big talker, even though Sumo was just eating quietly, the place became more and more lively with talk.

It just makes passers-by who pass by here from time to time think that they are in the wrong place.

A dozen people ate this meal from nine o'clock to ten o'clock.

After eating, no one left, and they continued to chat about some of their experiences in the territory.

Sitting aside, although Sumo did not speak, listening made him more and more aware of the development direction and major turmoil of the Tianyuan Territory in the past eight years.

We chatted until about twelve o'clock, when someone reminded me of the time.

Only then did a dozen people stand up, unconsciously focusing their attention on Somo.

"Okay, let's go. We don't need to go for lunch. We can just go over and follow Liangfang's team later."

She turned around and whispered a few words to Huang Xiaojuan, and then ordered Oreo to protect her closely.

With a dozen people in tow, the group began to march straight to the grain store.

Not long after, after crossing a few streets, Zizailiangfang, where many people had gathered, came into view.

"Everyone, be quiet, change your clothes, and pick up the tools distributed to you."

"Be careful, don't press the red switch, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

There were still more than a hundred meters away, and Zhang Bowen's voice came intermittently.

I saw him holding a loudspeaker and wearing a bright red scholar's robe, standing on the high platform at the entrance of Liangfang, as if he was performing in a drama.

However, it is obvious that after receiving the brand-new Nengshi Sickle from the factory, many workers did not buy it.

After discovering that their own grain shop actually had magical stone-enhancing tools, they were extremely curious, and all of them were secretly making gestures, feeling the difference from the Qiankun Food Shop's tools.

It wasn't until Sumo and others walked about ten meters from the back that anyone noticed.

"Hey, teacher, you're finally here!"

Standing on the stage, Zhang Bowen waved excitedly when he saw Somo behind him.

But this time, as the shopkeeper's teacher, the workers did not dare to neglect and gave way to Somo's way.

"Hey, who is this?"

Walking forward, next to Zhang Bowen was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe.

After Su Mo looked around for a moment, he could see that this man's temperament was obviously different from that of ordinary people. There was a sharp look in his eyes as he looked him up and down.

"This is my dad. He accidentally hit his head before and was recovering in bed for a long time. When he heard that we were going to the summer harvest warm-up meeting, he couldn't sit still and insisted on going with us!"

"Oh? Is it Mr. Zhang?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Before coming, he found out that the old shopkeeper of Zizai Liangfang was named Zhang Da, and he had been in charge of Liangfang since its establishment.

It was only the day before he came back that Mr. Zhang Da accidentally fell and hit his head, and it was Zhang Da's daughter Zhang Min who was responsible.

Considering that he may use technology to dominate Liangfang in the future, Sumo has always wanted to find an opportunity to get in touch with this Da in advance.

But due to the fact that the other party was recuperating from his injuries, he never found an opportunity.

Now, we meet each other for the first time in such an environment.

"Teacher Su, right? I've always heard Bowen mention you in the evening. Now that I see it, I'm really a talented person!"

"I am really useless as an old man. Seeing young people like you, I should have retired long ago~"

Having been a veteran of the world for decades, Zhang Da couldn't help but relax a little after discovering Su Mo's friendly attitude.

He first made a humorous gesture that he could not use his old legs, and then let Zhang Bowen push him, and the three of them entered the inner hall together.

"Teacher Su is here." Zhang's mother, Ju Yunxiang, had been waiting here for a long time. When she saw the three people coming in, she greeted them cordially.

At the same time, after everyone sat down, she carefully closed the door and turned on the overhead light.

Surrounded by three people, this was the first time Sumo saw this solemn posture.

However, before Sumo could say anything, Yugi, who had been pretending to be dead, suddenly jumped out and brought some new news that stunned Sumo.

[Record]: It has been detected that Zhang Da, the legal person of "Zizai Liangfang" in Tianyuan territory, has transferred 10% of Liangfang shares to you as a gift. Do you want to accept it?

[Record]: According to the wishes of the legal person Zhang Da, by holding this share, you will receive the following rights and interests:

15% fixed income from Liangfang; decision-making advice on the development of Liangfang; usage rights below 500,000 trading points;

[Record]: Receiving this share will not affect your current identity, but please note that when you hold more than 51% of the shares, your original identity will be automatically converted to the "Zizailiangfang" legal person

"Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

Suddenly getting what he wanted, Sumo was still a little confused and did not react immediately.

Zhang Da, on the other hand, saw his stunned look and touched his chin with great satisfaction:

"Teacher Su, your contribution to Zizai Liangfang has been witnessed by all of us. It is no exaggeration to say that you saved Liangfang."

"Bo Wen and I have inquired. You have just entered our territory, right? Don't worry, as long as you are willing, Zizailiangfang will be your new home. We will share the blessings and share the hardships!"

"Although these 10% shares are not much, it is a token of my gratitude. Please be sure to accept it!"

After hearing Zhang Da's explanation, Su Mo came back to his senses.

In the past, he always thought about making tools, and only after making money did he ask to become the owner.

But now, with the tools, this summer harvest business is almost certain, and we have the capital to compete with Qiankun Grain Store.

Zhang Bowen doesn't have a sense of crisis, but Zhang Da, a veteran, doesn't understand.

He is afraid.

"Are you afraid that I will turn around and go to the good place of Qiankun?"

Realizing that he had become a piece of cake, Sumo chuckled in his heart and his expression softened.

"Okay, then I won't be polite!"

This chapter has been completed!
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