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Chapter 725: The present is riddled with holes, and the future is full of hope!

It’s five o’clock in the morning on June 14, the eighth year of the last calendar year.

In the pitch-black night, a dark blue car with an Academy of Sciences license plate slid out of the back door silently.

Opening the side window and enjoying the cool night breeze, Somo held the steering wheel with one hand and looked towards the end of the light.

Ai Jianqiang's energy car, although he said it was average, was actually a top-level energy car that applied fifth-level energy machines.

It has powerful performance and solid body.

Even if it hits a solid wall directly, the high-grade alloy and energy-absorbing structure of the car body can perfectly ensure the safety of the driver and passengers inside, enough to deserve the reputation of a "little tank".

But at this time, Sumo was not thinking about the car at all.

Looking into the distance that was already turning white, he felt an indescribable sense of sadness in his heart.

Who would have thought that if he wanted to overclock his mind, he would have to use energy stones worth 60,000 survival points and a mysterious alchemy furnace upgraded with 20,000 points to heat the territory.

Over the years, the alchemy furnace has been used to burn all kinds of strange disaster products. By chance, someone discovered this magical effect.

Then, in the next few years, successive researchers in the Academy of Sciences continued to test the real usage methods and effects with their lives.

To use it, the user needs to calmly walk into the furnace, start the incineration device with his own hands, and watch the fire engulf his body, thereby gaining the expansion of his mind after suffering immense pain.

Faced with this method of use, after Ji Yang said it calmly, Somo could only respond with silence.

The time it takes for an alchemy furnace to be upgraded in the real world is too short.

Not to mention that he didn't figure out the true usage and function of this thing. Even Ai Jianfeng, who studies it every day, probably doesn't study it as deeply as everyone else in the Academy of Sciences in this world.

If you want to save Ji Yang, even if you use all the remaining points in the system, the probability of success is only a chance.

At that time, after realizing his identity, Ji Yang's infinitely faster thinking speed also figured everything out in an instant.

He cleverly thought of Soma's difficulties in hiding his identity, so he suppressed the surging emotions without showing any weirdness.

Under the surveillance of the game, in the end, he could only use this time to hurriedly hand over some important research tasks, and then left without doing anything out of the ordinary.

But it was this performance that made Sumo feel more and more the constraints brought by the game and the contradictions in this world.

Because of the game, even until death, even until the last moment.

Ji Yang couldn't really stand in front of him and ask him, where have you been in the past eight years?

Precisely because of the game, this world is like The Truman World, where everyone lives in chaos and has no way forward at all.

With this trace of regret, Ji Yang was the first person in the world to know his identity.

Likewise, he is also the first to die.

However, Sumo could barely tell from the shining look in his eyes before he left.

Compared to others, he should be "happy".

At least others left in boundless despair, but he saw a glimmer of light in the darkness.

"It's too real. The replica world is really too real."

"It's really hard to imagine them as simulated characters, it's really hard!"

I kept hypnotizing myself, thinking that this world was simulated by the game through permissions, not the real wasteland world.

But when he thought of Ji Yang's last look and the last information he provided, Sumo still found it difficult to accept the result.

According to what Ji Yang said.

The current Tianyuan Territory looks full of flowers, the lives of its residents are prosperous, and the future is promising.

But in fact, the potential of the entire territory has been overdrawn in advance, and the contradiction has become increasingly prominent!


In the territory's energy stone mine, all the large mines were mined half a year ago, and only the last inventory is left to barely maintain the operation of energy stone research. Some are used less.

The territory's food production has basically reached its peak, and the inventory is only enough to feed one million people for about three years.

The development of weapons has hit a technological barrier. The game directly limits the generation of nuclear fission, and humans are unable to find new materials to replace gunpowder and produce stronger kinetic energy.

Exploration in other areas of the wasteland is restricted by disasters. The exploration team has only ventured into the deep sea, and has not even been able to reach the second piece of land besides the New World.

The entire New World only has such resources and is only so big.

Only by constant invasion and continuous raids can the pace of continuous expansion be maintained.

But in recent years, natural disasters have become more frequent, as well as conflicts within the territory.

After stopping the pace of expansion, these contradictions became more and more obvious.

In a sense, Soma himself was just the trigger for the sudden outbreak of fish-men.

The real reason is that some people in the territory are extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, but they cannot change it by themselves. They can only continue to intensify the contradictions and cannot establish them until they are broken.

Some thought.

Somo was not surprised by the first point. After all, after entering the survival version, the cards used to restore mineral reserves were used one less.

Eight years have passed, and the territory has been able to acquire a huge number of cards, continue to maintain production, promote and iterate several versions of the energy stone engine, and popularize energy stone vehicles to all humans in the New World. It can be called a miracle.

By now, all the cards in human hands are estimated to have been exhausted, which makes it impossible for the Neng Stone Mine to recover.

"It will be extremely difficult for the Neng Stone Mine to restore its reserves in the wasteland eight years later, but I still have the card to restore the reserves in my storage space, so it is not a problem."

After opening the storage space and searching the remaining cards, Sumo felt relieved.

Fortunately, although the game limits his identity as a refugee, he cannot tell other people in the territory his true identity.

But there are no restrictions on things like storage space.

Except for the Mountain and Sea Scroll card, which is disabled and cannot be taken out because it is too buggy, other low-level cards, including the high-level card that needs to change terrain, can be used.

Moreover, these cards are the same as last time. Even if they are used in the ruins, they will be automatically restored after leaving the ruins.

"One level one reserve improvement card, two level one 10% reserve recovery cards, and one level three 50% reserve recovery card."

"That's enough!"

He stepped on the accelerator and passed the slow truck ahead.

Feeling the speed of the car instantly increase to 130, Su Mo relaxed his brows and his tense mood relaxed.

Food, weapons, external exploration.

These are not things that he cares about. As long as he can unify the territory again, he doesn't have to worry about how it will develop in the future.

On the contrary, it is those who want reform and those who resist reform.

"These people must be caught and beaten when necessary, and killed when necessary."

"Especially this damn identity system, which must be abolished as soon as possible. I don't have so much time to do ink."

As his strength and experience increased, Soma was no longer as peaceful and indifferent as before.

He began to find that he could no longer see the things that made him unhappy.

I spend my days and nights thinking about how to live longer in this world.

Thinking hard about how to get more permissions.

We must also put the future of mankind on our own shoulders.

Life is already depressing and tiring enough, why should we continue to depress ourselves in the copy?

Only by being relaxed and orderly can you maintain a peaceful mental state.

After figuring out what to do next, I noticed that the road sign ahead indicated that there were only thirty kilometers left before Sangtian Town.

Suddenly, Sumo's mood improved again.

Although this day was extremely long, it was so long that he ran around exhausted from morning to night, and fought a life-or-death battle with hundreds of murlocs.

But this harvest also made him extremely happy.

The buffer alloy used to make harvesters will be produced directly from the Academy of Sciences to Baoyu Heavy Industry after dawn.

Some auxiliary material alloys for making the Sun Chaser Armor, as well as some special alloys below level four, were also applied for by him in the name of "experiments" and were brought to them by a dedicated person in the afternoon.

The morning of the day after tomorrow, that is, the morning of the 16th, is the time when the summer harvest officially begins.

Everything is on track, and we only need to wait a month or two for the real reshuffle to begin.

At six twenty, the sun rises.

The curfew in Sangtian Town had just ended, and Sumo drove his car all the way back to the familiar and safe Gutian Third Street.

Take a look inside from the street.

Sure enough, Huang Xiaojuan had not slept all night and was waiting in front of the courtyard door, yawning and looking around.

Oreo was lazily lying next to him, enjoying the cool breeze.

Seeing the Noh car drive in, Oreo stood up and sniffed.

"Woof woof!"

"Hey, Brother Zong is back?"

Huang Xiaojuan was overjoyed when she saw Su Mo waving his hand to open the courtyard door and drive the car in.

But then, I noticed that Sumo’s raised arms were covered with injuries of various sizes.

She couldn't help being startled again, and rushed forward quickly.

"I'm fine. It's from the Academy of Sciences. Alas, I can't solve this matter in just a few words. You only know that your brother Zong and I can come back with my life. This is all because of my great luck."

"Don't worry, I have obtained the status of researcher, no one will bully us anymore!"

After getting familiar with Huang Xiaojuan, Su Mo naturally knew how to deal with her.

Only then did he scare him, saying that it was a secret of the Academy of Sciences, and then revealed that he had obtained the status of a researcher.

Huang Xiaojuan was really surprised, she changed her words and stopped asking further questions, and timidly returned to the big room to get the medicine box.

"Hey, these are just flesh wounds, it's okay. Hiss."

He was still talking, but when Somo took off his underwear that had been stained with blood.

That's when I discovered it.

Although the psionic water healed all internal injuries, it was guaranteed to leave no sequelae.

But almost no part of his body was intact, there were bruises and small cracks everywhere.

"If I had known earlier, I would have contacted the Academy of Sciences and applied for some psionic water."

"It's a loss, it's a loss"

With a grin on her face, she was wrapped into a rice dumpling by Huang Xiaojuan, and then watched her bring sweet rice porridge, soft and chewy white steamed buns, and several plates of delicious side dishes.

Su Mo complained, but he felt an inexplicable sense of peace in his heart.

At the same time, another reason was added on the road to returning to the master of the territory.

Become a lord again.

He wants to give it to all the ordinary people living here, all the people he cares about living here, and his sisters and parents in this world.

Reshape a new territory with hope!

Reshape a future where you can see tomorrow and live a stable life.

Even if.

Only one year left!

Inside the Ziliangfang.

After several days of deliberation, there was still an endless stream of harvest workers coming to sign up, and they were blocked from the end of the street to the front of the shop.

Higher dividend multiples, more advanced energy stone tools, and long-term reputation.

These are all the reasons why the grain store overwhelms the Qiankun Grain Store opposite.

Standing in front of the store, I watched the paperwork being filled out and put into the collection box next to it, and then being transported to Hope City for reporting.

Zhang Bowen, who was also the acting shopkeeper, was in an unusually good mood.

These days, with his efforts, the number of workers contracted by Liangfang has exceeded 6,000, which has exceeded the number in previous years.

If this rate continues, it is not impossible for the number of people to exceed 8,000 by the time the summer harvest begins the day after tomorrow.

And with so many people, the success of Summer Harvest and Zizai Liangfang is almost certain.

As for the Qiankun Food Store opposite?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bowen became even happier.

Two days ago, he nervously proposed that after the summer harvest, there would be no more malicious competition and everyone would jointly manage the environment.

I thought I would be ruthlessly rejected by my father Zhang Da and my sister Zhang Min.

But in fact, he just finished speaking and the two of them nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Da even had a vague intention of quitting, as if he would no longer be involved in the grain industry after this summer harvest.

Zhang Bowen was surprised at this performance for half the night at first, thinking about why his father and sister had changed like this.

But in the morning, as soon as he got busy, he forgot everything again.

Of course, as the new shopkeeper, Zhang Bowen is not without worries.

What made him a little worried was that his master Su Youzong had taken two consecutive days off after helping to develop the Nengshi Sickle, and he didn't know where he went.

Last night, at Zhang Min's urging, he personally visited the house with a large number of gifts, but he didn't see anyone.

And this morning, when Sun Quan came over again, he didn't even say anything to him, saying that he wanted to continue asking for leave.

This caused Zhang Bowen to have palpitations from time to time, worrying about Somo's whereabouts.

"Hey, Bowen, why are you still here supervising onboarding instead of studying?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from beside him.

Zhang Bowen's face was startled, and then he felt happy in disbelief.

Turn your head and look to the right.

Sure enough, Somo was wrapped in white bandages all over his body, like a rice dumpling, and slowly walked in from a short distance away.

"What the hell, teacher, what's going on?"

With a cry, Zhang Bowen hurriedly came over and helped Somo up.

But after realizing that his hand was too strong, Sumo grinned when he squeezed, and the "horrible injuries" revealed in the gap.

A trace of anger suddenly appeared on his face.

After five years of complete development in the wasteland, Sangtian Town has guards patrolling around the clock, and there have been very few vicious incidents.

And the rules here only protect territorial citizens with status.

There are usually only two punishments for those who cause trouble from outside.

First, drive them out and you will never be able to enter Tianyuan territory.

Second, blood debts must be repaid with blood. Whatever losses are caused, the consequences will be borne accordingly.

"Damn, what blind thing beat you like this? If you tell Bowen, I will immediately lead people to destroy his whole family!"

"Don't, you are just a kid, killing people and whole families every day."

"Teacher, I accidentally had a conflict with someone else. It's not a problem, just some flesh wounds!"

Realizing that many people were already looking towards him, Sumo quickly turned his head and motioned to go in before talking.

Zhang Bowen, on the other hand, is quite powerful now.

He just waved his hand to the side, and a smarter store employee immediately took out a stretcher.

"Teacher, you'd better lie down on it"

"I've already sent someone to call a doctor. Don't worry, our Liangfang will be responsible for all the treatment expenses!"

"Okay." Seeing that his cheap apprentice cared so much about him, Sumo had no choice but to go up.

He walked past for a few steps until he was out of sight of the door.

He raised his head when a familiar voice sounded.

"Mr. Su, what's going on? Oh, please be gentle!"

From the inner hall, Zhang Min hurried out with a face full of flattery.

Compared with her cold face a few days ago, her current attitude was obviously dozens of times better.

Just, in her eyes.

But Sumo noticed a trace of well-hidden emotion.

Is that a feeling of looking at expensive goods?

This chapter has been completed!
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