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Chapter 731 The law of disaster, terrifying fog!

It is June 16, the eighth year of the last calendar year, at five o'clock in the evening.

Several large clouds floated in the afterglow of the setting sun, reflecting like fire.

Many migrant workers who had rested throughout the day began to go out to prepare for food and work at night.

But, after last night's explosion.

Although everyone could still maintain a smile on their faces, they were at least a little scared inside.

This is the top super large territory in the New World!

In the past, if anyone dared to come to Tianyuan territory to carry out an attack, they would probably be dealt with by the Inspectorate before they even started planning.

But this time, not only did the Supervision Department make no announcement to the outside world, but all the escort teams also kept silent.

It feels like the explosion last night never happened.

"No matter what, we will leave after the summer harvest anyway. If others want to take over the Tianyuan territory, it has nothing to do with us."

"It's just that the explosion last night looked fierce, but in fact it didn't hurt anything at all. I just heard that the higher-ups need to deal with it coldly."

"Cold treatment, no, isn't this a slap in the face of the territory? Can you still treat it coldly?"

A few idle men carrying rice bowls were squatting at the door of the restaurant, chatting while slurping the full noodles in the bowls.

The weather was hot, and the heat in the bowl steamed out, making them covered in stinky sweat.

But the restaurants on the roadside here are full of rich men, and no one cares.

Instead, a few more people gathered around and started talking.

After a while, as there were more and more people, the topics of conversation began to become more and more unrestrained.

The restaurant owner was also afraid that these "key political kings" would cause trouble, so he had to stand up and walk into the crowd.


After he had taken a few steps, two more people stepped in from the flanks of the crowd.

One person looks strong and muscular, with lumps all over his body, while the other person has a sinister look on his face and opens his mouth:

"Hey, have you seen the new contract at Zizai Liangfang?"

We were just talking about why the lord of Tianyuan Territory disappeared for so long. After being interrupted, some people in the crowd immediately expressed their displeasure.

But when they heard the words "Zizai Liangfang" and the new contract, everyone's attention was attracted again.

"What new contract?!!"

"As for the new contract that does not require harvesting, but only requires picking wheat in the fields, the workload is not a little less, but we can still get half of it?"

"Half? Just need to pick it up? Are you kidding me?"

"That is, if you really need to pick it up, you are not giving us money. You can get the money just by bending down."

"You kid, please don't spread rumors and let others know about it, otherwise you won't even recognize me."

Several lazy men put down their bowls with expressions of disbelief.

But what he didn't expect was that the man with the sinister eyebrows still patted his chest and promised:

"Who is teasing you? If you don't believe me, let's go and see!"

Now, I saw his vow.

Everyone couldn't help but stop talking, stood up one after another, and left quickly under the surprised look in the shop owner's eyes.

If this news is false, then their trip is at most in vain and should be considered a walk after dinner.

But if this news is true, then there is nothing to say.

In this kind of money-picking job, whoever runs faster will definitely get it!

Slow people can't even drink soup.

"There are a lot of people coming to sign up. It is initially estimated to be upwards of 3,000 people. There are also many people who have defaulted on the contract from Qiankun Grain Store."

"If we don't impose restrictions, we can admit at least 5,000 more people tonight!"

Standing in front of the store, looking at the endless queue, Sun Quan reported hurriedly.

This scene really surprised him.

Previously, the best estimate of the number was only 5,000 people.

However, with the impact of this "explosion" that can be called a stroke of genius, many people are panicked and can't think of working hard.

In this way, the work that only requires picking wheat becomes the meat and potatoes.

Not only can you make money easily, but you can also detect dangers in advance and avoid them.

Even if the Qiankun Food Store across the street bites the bullet and increases the previous treatment by one point and continues to offer profits, it can't stop the surging flow of people from flowing to Zizai Liangfang.

"Don't worry, there will be more people after tonight."

"Prepare the emergency plan. I need to wait until all our Liangfang employees can receive the news in time."

"Also, tonight's harvest must start on time. Even if we can't organize everyone to go, we still have to get started!"

After listening to Sun Quan's report, Sumo nodded frequently and slowly relaxed his frown.

After taking back the two harvesters that had been manufactured by Baoyu Heavy Industry, I personally went to the field to supervise and review the harvest results.

He already has a 100% certainty about this summer harvest.

At full power, small and medium-sized harvesters on Earth can only harvest at an efficiency of ten acres per hour, and they need to stop every four hours to cool down the engine.

But these two wasteland version harvesters.

Just the Type 2 agricultural energy stone engine it is equipped with is incomprehensible.

This engine not only does not need to rest, but also reduces the energy consumption burden of the engine during continuous operation, continuously providing sufficient energy to all parts of the harvester.

And the effect of using the buffer alloy is amazing.

Even the fragile Xinghuo No. 3 wheat will not be shattered into pieces by the sharp blade, and the main body will still be intact when it falls to the ground.

Judging from the results of the first use, this harvester can harvest at least hundreds of acres of land per hour, which is about the size of six or seven football fields.

For three days, on duty 24 hours a day, each machine can take away the burden of at least 7,000 acres of land.

Plus those ordinary people who still choose to harvest with energy stone sickles.

Not to mention the 15,000 acres contracted by Zizai Liangfang, even including the 13,000 acres contracted by Qiankun Grain Company, it is not a big problem.

"It's a pity that the big head was taken away by the territory, otherwise I would build more than a dozen of them."

"Wouldn't it be very comfortable for me to harvest all these hundreds of thousands of acres of fields?" After sighing for a while, Sumo put away his thoughts.

In the past, when there were many private farms, the most contracted fields could reach 60,000 to 70,000 acres.

However, due to vicious competition in the past two years, less and less farmland has been released, and most of it has returned to the hands of the territory.

Like this time, Sangtian Town's own harvesting factory is the main employer of foreign workers.

It is estimated that there are no less than 100,000 people working for them alone. They are not only engaged in harvesting wheat and rice. They are also responsible for cultivating and picking some vegetables. The work is so busy that even an iron man would be scared.

"Okay, don't watch them sign up here. Go back and have a rest."

"In the next three days, forget it, you will know after tonight." Sumo waved his hand.

"Okay, I'll go in and take a nap too." The two of them entered the inner hall together and then separated.

Leaving Somo alone, he returned to the laboratory and sat in front of the clean and tidy micro operating platform.

He suddenly thought of those people who were willing to earn a meager income in official plantations, but were still unwilling to quit and join private farms.

Maybe they are truly awake.

Ordinary people are unable to resist in the face of disasters. All they can rely on is a strong territory.

Working in private shops, they can at most get some seemingly generous income in a short period of time to satisfy the rest of their lives.

But if you look at it over time.

Although wages in official plantations are low, status is often used as a temptation to reward those who work hard.

And as long as you participate in the summer harvest for five consecutive years and achieve good results, you can directly join the territory as a plantation worker.

Now, it is already the fourth year of the summer harvest in the territory.

If you hold on until next year, maybe someone can join the territory in this way, no longer be a wandering prodigal, and completely own a home.

"Identity is indeed a double-edged sword in the wasteland. Sometimes it does more harm than good, and sometimes it does more good than harm."

"We can't say they made the right or wrong choice. Time will prove it."

Clearing away these messy thoughts, Somo raised his hand and took out several neatly printed books from his desk pocket.

This was collected temporarily after he returned to Liangfang after listening to Zhang Min's account of the hail disaster.

What is recorded on it is the specific situation and evolution of each disaster since humans traveled to the wasteland.

Some people collected these disasters, made their own regular analysis, and attached corresponding response methods to each disaster, so as to sell and make money.

Some people have combined the earth-shattering deeds in these disasters and written heroic stories one after another to satisfy mankind's pursuit of hope.

There are also people who have selected those territories or individuals that performed well in each disaster, summarized their disaster relief measures, and disseminated them in order to get more people to join the plan and perfect the information that every human being should know.

survival knowledge.

The original intention is different and the purpose is also different.

Making money is the result of these best-selling books, but what they preach has really helped many people over the years.

After opening the first book "History of the Wasteland Disaster", Sumo's mind slowly calmed down and he began to read from the preface word by word.

The person who wrote this book, named Zheng Shiguang, started his career on earth as a geographer.

When he came to the wasteland, he was lucky enough to use the knowledge he had learned to survive the early stages.

Then by chance, he joined the Dragon Banner Sanctuary, which is currently the most valuable shelter in mankind.

Now, there is not much pressure on survival, and materials are not so scarce.

Zheng Shiguang devoted his attention to the study of disasters from the beginning, trying to find the rules.

Starting from the first year, during the next eight years, he personally visited many places in the wasteland, and he also measured the New World with his feet several times.

What is recorded in this historical record is what he saw and heard in the past eight years, as well as various analyzes of the disaster.

Scroll down, Sumo did not skip the previous disasters he had experienced, and still wanted to read Zheng Shiguang's analysis of the previous disasters.

But after looking at it for a few times, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hey, this Zheng Shiguang turns out to be a Su Chui. No wonder so many people are willing to buy his books and listen to his stories."

The entire page should clearly record the difficult conditions of mankind during the previous disasters.

But Zheng Shiguang is different. He writes about the impact of human Su Shen on disasters throughout the article, and brags about the great deeds of human Su Shen.

Just looking at this page, even though there is no audience analysis, Su Mo can still imagine that it can attract most Su Chui, and they will definitely pay for it and collect it without thinking.

He continued to watch patiently for a while, and finally saw that when the winter disaster of the first year came, Somo became energetic again.

The winter disasters described in the book are the same as those in the real wasteland.

They are blizzard, storm and severe cooling.

These three disasters were not very lethal, and the large human forces were in the deep sea at the time and did not have much awareness.

Zheng Shiguang only described a few words and then passed them by.

But for the next series of disasters, he devoted a full page to describing them in detail.


After scanning these two words, Sumo frowned.

According to Zheng Shiguang, when the last storm ended, the game immediately informed the theme of the next series of disasters.

Unlike this time in winter, humans can understand its meaning at a glance.

The word "fog" seems very unfamiliar, and the specific description of the disaster is enough to make people confused.

‘The Mist is the first long-lasting disaster in the wasteland’

‘The disaster has three cycles in total, lasting 36 days, 72 days and 144 days respectively’

‘The fog visibility corresponding to 36 days in the New World is two meters, 72 days is three meters, and 144 days is the most, but it is only five meters’

‘Due to the disaster reduction in the deep sea, all values ​​are magnified ten times, but they still affect normal human actions’

Zheng Shiguang's concluding paragraph at the beginning gave a general description of the disaster in the second half of the first year.

Then in the next paragraph, he analyzed from specific aspects:

‘The mist disaster is not a direct disaster of destruction, but a deliberate provocation of disputes between humans and alien races’

'According to later reports and various information collections, due to the existence of fog, wars between territories in the New World have increased dozens of times out of thin air. More and more frictions have also intensified with the impact of fog on life.

, every day, those established "territories" that are difficult to move have to worry about whether a group of crazy predators will rush out of the fog, and lone wolves have to worry about whether they will hit a group of crazy predators while walking in the fog.


'The thick fog has caused most humans to suffer from severe rheumatic bone disease. It will cause unbearable severe pain every time it is cloudy, greatly affecting work efficiency, and the continuous high humidity also makes

Human buildings and previously preserved food have been corroded, greatly increasing the difficulty of survival.'

'According to accurate statistics, respiratory diseases caused by fog have killed nearly a quarter of the human population, up to 500 million people. In addition, because humans have difficulty accessing sunlight for up to half a year, there is insufficient ultraviolet exposure, and the body's

Insufficient production of vitamin D greatly reduces the absorption of calcium, making most people's bodies more fragile and more difficult to adapt to the changing rhythm of the wasteland.'

'The shroud of fog is undoubtedly a fatal threat to the growth of crops. Although there is a one-year repair period that Su Shen has fought for, the game has lowered the fog in order to limit the speed of human farming, which still leads to people in the deep sea.

They can accumulate sufficient food rations, but when they leave the deep sea for the New World, they only have 200 days of reserves per person.'

'In terms of transportation, the fog completely isolated the medium and long-distance communication between humans and human territories in the New World, leaving all human gathering places to fight and develop independently; and in the deep sea, the fog also greatly affected the operation of ships going out to sea.

The risk is that almost every day, ships get lost on the route and disappear into the vast sea with supplies.'


Dozens of hazards take up most of the article.

Although Zheng Shiguang did not intend to intimidate or create anxiety, Su Mo felt a chill down his back just by reading the words he wrote.

In terms of direct harm, this half-year-long foggy weather is simply not as good as the upcoming hail disaster that will last for three full days.

But in terms of indirect damage, hail is even less harmful than a horse!

"Grass, no wonder I didn't see those magical plants I planted before in the territory."

"It turns out! It's because of the influence of this damn fog!"

"Half a year of heavy fog, no sunlight, even if it's watered with psionic water, I can't handle it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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