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Chapter 736 Identity reward, disaster strikes!


The familiar laboratory appeared in front of him again, and Somo's expression was just dazed for a moment before returning to normal.

I have to say that the game did manipulate his thoughts to some extent.

The so-called world intelligence reward just gave him what he wanted to know most.


"If only I could stay five more minutes."

"Let's see how they react when they suddenly find out I'm on the standings."

After thinking greedily, Sumo stood up and opened the door of the laboratory, looking out at the night sky illuminated by spotlights.

In the same world, under the same starry sky, the fate of individual human beings turns out to be different.

In that Fenghuo City.

The social environment is stable, and the residents are wealthy. Even at early two o'clock at night, there are speeding cars passing by on the road, as if we have returned to modern society.

But in the previous Qingguo territory, it was just the opposite.

In Prickly Pear Town, there are managers who oppress the common people below, and there are impatient aliens above who are ready to attack at any time.

Obviously everyone is a human being who came from the earth, but their identity divides the people in this world into countless tiny parts.

"In Fenghuo City, even the cheapest status starts at 8,000 trading points."

"Not to mention the cost of living there, renting a house, working, and eating. Without points, it is completely difficult."

"This is not the future that humans originally wanted to see!"

Soma never thought of establishing a truly harmonious society, but he would not completely cut off the path to advancement.

in previous conception.

All human beings should be dispersed and evenly distributed throughout the New World to evenly share the threats posed by disasters.

But there should never be such a serious gap between territories and between humans.

To put it nicely, identity is the only way forward in this ruined world, and everyone is fair.

To put it bluntly, this is obviously a kind of screening, a means of retaining only the elite.

"It seems that there is definitely a secret about identity that I don't know about, otherwise Director Long would definitely not agree to this matter."

"When the summer harvest is over, I will have to investigate this matter carefully."

Suddenly thinking that identity was actually for sale on the game panel, Sumo had a slight idea in his mind.

But in the end, he chose to put it aside for the time being and continue to explore the second lottery reward given by the game.

[Record]: Player "Suma", the point identity reward has been successfully drawn and is being distributed.

[Record]: Congratulations, you have successfully won: Tianyuan Territory Baoyu County Manager Identity (Value: 3,980,000 points)

[Record]: The status reward has been issued to your account. You can click on the panel to redeem it at any time.

"What, I actually won the lottery"

"The identity of the county magistrate of Baoyu County?"

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the panel in shock, Sumo quickly switched the page and entered the identity transaction to query.


Baoyu County did have a vacant managerial position before, and it was being put up for sale through bidding.

It's just that the price is too scary.

Not only does it require a starting price of four million trading points, but it also requires renewal fees of two million trading points per year, resulting in no one paying attention to it for a long time.

But just half a minute ago, this identity was bought by an anonymous person and is currently pending redemption.

Not surprisingly, this anonymous person is the one taking action on behalf of the game!

"Baoyu County, the previous manager did not renew the term because the time was up and it was difficult to pay the follow-up fees. Instead, he chose to resign half a year ago and returned the position to the free market."

"The reason is that under his management, Baoyu County has been unable to complete the various indicators for territorial demarcation, resulting in a huge fine being paid here every year. In the long run, even if this manager was previously wealthy, he would not be able to sustain it.

If you are punished like this, you can only hold your nose and feel miserable, and leave the game sadly."

"And because of the mess he made previously, no one outside is willing to spend four million contribution points to take over."

"Going round and round, is it in my hands?"

I checked the game panel to receive the identity of Baoyu County Manager, and found that I had to pay an expensive tax of one million transaction points.

Sumo turned off the panel without thinking.

Now that the points of the Daily War Armor have not been collected, how can he find an extra million points to inherit this mess.

Although the identity of a county manager sounds quite tempting.

But at least he had to wait until the battle armor was finished and he had a good understanding of the current situation in the territory before Sumo would take the next step.

"Hibernating, what I need is not to be in the limelight, but to be as low-key as possible."

"It won't take long. When everything is ready, it will be the day for my high-profile return!"

Go back to the laboratory and take out the helmet and drawings again.

Sumo's mind settled down again and he focused all his attention on the manufacturing details of subsequent components.

In the outside world, the harvest time flies by quickly in one night.

At the moment, the entire Tianyuan territory still looks calm, but anyone with a discerning eye can notice that the number of people patrolling the streets has increased several times.

The news that Su Shen suddenly appeared on the standings spread throughout the wasteland instantly after the sun rose.

Tianyuan Territory has once again come to the forefront.

Some forces that had known about the relationship between Somo and Tianyuan Territory for a long time were fine, but they only sent nervous inquiries, anxiously asking if Somo had returned.

But those rising stars finally understood that behind the Tianyuan Territory was actually the once-famous human Su Shen.

I was afraid that I would be targeted by these outsiders looking for Su Shen, which would only cause unnecessary trouble.

Early in the morning, Sumo immediately decided to live directly in Liangfang's laboratory for the next few days, trying to avoid the sight of outsiders.

Wait until the hail disaster has passed and the sudden commotion has subsided a bit before making any plans.


What surprised him a little bit was.

Just after noon, the boss of Qiankun Food Store came to visit in person and cried for a long time with runny noses and tears.

Sumo was not polite about this, and purchased a full 70% of Qiankun Grain Company's wheat field share at a price of only 70% of the market price.

This move also directly brought unimaginable income to Liangfang.

Even if the price of food does not increase after the hailstorm, Zi Liangfang's income from this summer harvest will definitely be around 5 million, which is terrifying.

After everything was settled and Liangfang's next plan schedule was explained clearly to Zhang Da.

Somo devoted himself wholeheartedly to the preparation of the armor.

Study the drawings every day, chat with Pei Shao, exercise in the yard, and drink the good tea sent by Zhang Da.

Under such a peaceful life, apart from being "confined" in the courtyard, Somo's life was not disturbed by any external chaos.

Time also seems to be like clouds and smoke, passing by in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, it was three days later.

Zizailiangfang, a shelter on the second underground floor.

This is a luxurious refuge that the Zhang family previously spent millions of dollars to build, integrating safety, life, and living.

There are not only more than thirty rooms inside, but also public areas such as a gym, living room, dining room, entertainment room, etc.

Sitting on the sofa on the second floor.

Sumo continued to look at the design drawing in his hand carefully under the light. He waited until Sun Quan came over before he put it down and raised his head.

"Are you all ready?"

"It's done. I'll bring people to check the vents and shielding positions above. I'll also make sure there are no problems in the cellar where we store the grain. I'll send people over to check every hour to try to find any omissions in time!"

"That's good!"

He patted Sun Quan on the shoulder and motioned for him to sit opposite him.

Somo picked up the teapot on the coffee table and poured out two large cups of yellow-orange slightly cool liquid.

"This is?"

Smelling the strange fragrance, Sun Quan's eyes immediately lit up, and he hurriedly picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.


When it enters the throat, a light mint flavor mixed with the slightly acidic taste of passion fruit rushes into the nasal cavity, instantly taking away the fatigue of the past few days.

The next moment, after the liquid flowed down the throat into the stomach, a warm feeling arose, as if the whole person was soaking in a hot spring.

"Drink slowly. This stuff is very valuable. I managed to get some with great difficulty."

Seeing Sun Quan's still salivating expression, Sumo smiled and continued to pick up the teapot and refill it.

"I'll bring this cup to Xiaojuan later!" Resisting the desire in his heart, Sun Quan quickly looked away from the tea and got down to business: "Brother Su, the information you asked me to investigate in the past two days,

I’ve basically summarized it.”

"I have sorted out some information and uploaded it to the tablet. You can see it by clicking on the summary. We have also set up the camera outside. When you click on the eye icon, you can also see the outside."

"Thank you!" Sumo took the tablet that Sun Quan took out from his arms and clicked it twice, with a trace of satisfaction on his face.

"Okay, I don't have to worry about it anymore, you can go and do your work."

Waving his hands, Somo lay down on the sofa and lazily put the tablet on his chest and flipped it: "By the way, take away the pot of tea. There should be three or four cups in it, so save some."

"Damn it, Brother Su, you really understand me!"

Almost instantly, Sun Quan snatched the teapot and held it in his hand, letting out a silly smile.

The next second, after realizing that Somo had focused on the information on the tablet, he quickly poured the cup back into the teapot and trotted away.

Not long after, the small living room on the second floor became quiet again.

"Baoyu County, the territory division index is so much higher than other territories?"

Scrolling down the information collected by Sun Quan, Su Mo only read the beginning and couldn't help but frown.

Three days ago, he only regarded the status of manager of Baoyu County as dispensable.

But after three days, and after realizing that no matter what he did in Sangtian Town, he had to do anything, Sumo couldn't help but become more active.

Baoyu County is 290 kilometers away from Hope City in a straight line, which is not a close distance.

Following this county seat, about a hundred kilometers to the west, you will exit the territory and reach the Lanzhi territory next door.

There are three small towns and six villages around the county seat, with a combined permanent population of about 60,000.

Among them, Baoyu County accounts for 40,000 people, and the other 20,000 people are equally divided among three towns and six villages.

According to the geographical conditions, if this area wants to develop, it will soon be able to connect with surrounding territories, which will greatly stimulate the economy and labor force.

But the actual situation is that all industries in Baoyu County are extremely backward.

In industry, there is only one medium-sized canning factory and some auto parts factories that are not commercially available, and tax revenue can barely support municipal construction.

For agriculture, although there is a large river running through it and there is no shortage of water resources, the undulating mountainous landscape makes it difficult to carry out large-scale planting.

Regarding commerce, there is no foreign company that has taken root in the county. Only Kuanfeng Energy Machinery has put into operation a downstream business department here, and the business volume is basically negligible.

These three points are like a butcher's knife placed on the neck, firmly restricting the development of Baoyu County, resulting in the failure to achieve the so-called targets at all.

"The only thing that can be used is the agricultural and sideline products processing industry."

"Farming this meat fish, and then relying on exporting canned food and providing meat to obtain profits to meet the construction and development of the city."

Every month, one of the most basic indicators given by the territory to Baoyu County is to produce at least 300,000 cans for foreign trade.

Based on the calculation of 350g per can, it would be necessary to catch 100,000 to 200,000 jins to meet the target.

"No wonder it can't be completed. There have been frequent disasters in the past two years, and most of them are not friendly to meat and fish."

“It’s a wonder that we can complete production cuts after frequent cuts.”

Without looking at the remaining complicated indicators, Sumo only looked at the first item and had a complete understanding of the situation.

The previous manager of Nabaoyu County, when he purchased the status, the production of meat and fish was estimated to be very healthy, so it was not too easy to achieve the target.

But when the situation worsened, he was not familiar with meat and fish farming, so naturally he could not withstand the pressure of reducing production and had no choice but to run away.

Therefore, as long as the problem of reduced meat and fish production can be solved, Baoyu County’s current biggest dilemma can be resolved.

"When the disaster is over, buy two meat fish and come back to study."

"Don't worry yet"

Having become a legal person of Zizailiangfang, of course, the ownership of this shelter also became his legal person.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left before the disaster, Sumo turned back to the desktop and clicked on the camera to observe the outside world.

Since traveling to the wasteland, this disaster is undoubtedly the one he has least worried about.

From the announcement to the present, with the control of the territory, he only needs to hide in this shelter step by step throughout the process and wait for the disaster to pass.

Sun Quan and others who are currently busy in Liangfang do not need his guidance at all.

I spent eight years in the apocalyptic wasteland and successfully survived nearly two hundred disasters.

The experience between life and death has made it difficult for them to have any psychological fluctuations when they see disasters, just like eating and drinking.

Even now, after confirming that it is safe to hide here, everyone can still talk and laugh, and there is no sign of nervousness at all.

"Well, that mysterious translucent force field protective cover has indeed been penetrated by humans and has been used on a large scale."

"I originally thought that Tianyuan Territory didn't have this cover, but now it seems that it consumes too much energy and I don't want to leave it on all the time."

In the camera, the exteriors of several important official buildings in Sangtian Town are glowing faintly in the blood-red night.

Looking at its shape and style, Sumo concluded at a glance that it should be the same thing as what he saw in Fenghuo City before.

Of course, apart from these few, other residential buildings do not receive such treatment.

Being exposed, it doesn't take much thought to know that after the hailstorm, Sangtian Town will probably need to be rebuilt on a large scale.

“If it breaks down, build it. When it’s built, it just promotes labor and consumption.”

"As long as people are fine, repeated reconstruction like this can really promote economic development."

The blood in the sky is about to drip as the clock approaches.

But after the bell turned, when the first hailstone fell, it suddenly returned to normal and became dark and mysterious again.


Bang bang bang!

An accident.

Hail doomsday is coming!

This chapter has been completed!
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