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Chapter 763 Alien doomsday, war of interests!

Tianyuan Territory, Hope City.

"Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit."

"It's true that the storm is about to come."

Chen Shen stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the few black rain clouds that had drifted in the distance.

"The last desperate struggle of the alien race will definitely have no chance of success. The joint dispatch of troops from the three major territories this time is bound to suppress them all at once, completely change the situation between the enemy and ourselves in the wasteland, and give mankind a space to develop with peace of mind."

"We only have this last six months as a buffer. We will wait until the last living force of the alien race dies before taking the next step."

"The cruel fight between the big fish and the small fish will really begin!"

This is the highest point in the entire Hope City, on top of the Kuanfeng Energy Building, one of the four major companies.

Standing at the top of this sixteen-story building, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Hope City from a distance.

"Nearly two million troops from the three major territories have surrounded the last remnants of the Celestial Clan. The outcome is indeed destined."

A man wearing ordinary sportswear, a peaked cap, and large sunglasses slowly walked out from behind.

"But you should understand that when we put all our chips on Su Youzong, all the disguises and back-ups we prepared before will soon lose their effectiveness, completely exposing our weaknesses to the enemy."

"This move is too risky!"

As he spoke, the man slowly took off his hat and sunglasses.

Under these disguises, a face that looked slightly weathered, as if it had been carved by a knife, appeared.

If Feng Long were here at this time, he would definitely not be a stranger to the man.

Because this person is exactly

"Uncle Feng, I understand everything you said, but you should also know that economic development is qualitatively different from marching to war. It must follow the laws of the human market in the entire New World, and it must also follow the rules set by the game.

"How to play, once we forcefully intervene and interfere too much, we will immediately encounter immediate backlash." Looking at Feng Tianmin's face lines that were much older than before, Chen Shen pressed one hand on the railing and shook his head slightly.

At the same time, a projection emitting faint blue light shot out from his wrist and projected into the air.

The picture in the projection is a ranking list.

If you look carefully, you can find that what is recorded in it is the gross production value brought by all the industries in Tianyuan Territory.


The column chart of the wide-peak energy machine deserves to be the highest, accounting for 80% of the territory's gross product, providing a terrifying resource income.

Later, two leading companies, microcrystalline batteries and regenerative medicine, successively occupied 6%.

The remaining industries, including Chloroplast, another leading company, add up to only .8%!

"Since Mr. Lu and Mr. Ai left, thanks to the favor left by the director, the technology of Nengji has been kept secret for three years under the protection of Longqi Territory, but after the alien race was wiped out this time," Chen

The judge's expression was solemn: "The core of the energy machine lies entirely in the energy stone mine. Even if they get the technology, they can't just sit back and watch us continue to choke the most critical neck. They will definitely take action."

"At that time, once our energy stone mines are plundered, the broad-peak energy machine will become an orphan industry, and it will no longer be able to maintain such high-speed income generation. And the territory has lost 80% of its income, and all research projects of the Academy of Sciences must be stopped immediately.

Down the road, including our other military operations, we must think twice before taking action, which is equivalent to slow death."

"So you want to see if Su Youzong can create a pillar of income that can replace Kuanfeng Energy Machinery?" Feng Tianmin denied in a deep voice: "You should know that the reason why Kuanfeng Energy Machinery can get to where it is today is because of the right time, place and people.

and are indispensable. The income from this item alone is enough to equal the annual GDP of dozens of Wuya Prefectures. And it is absolutely impossible for other territories in this new continent to sit back and watch us do it again.

A monopoly business is coming”

Industrial upgrading requires spending money.

Scientific research is equivalent to burning money.

In this huge new continent, that’s why survivors from all over the world are willing to travel all the way to Hope City and take their children to take the pre-selection exam.

The most important thing is that the Tianyuan Territory Academy of Sciences' annual scientific research budget is not lower than, and sometimes even higher than, the three major territories' scientific research budgets.

"Of course I know that in order to find a position of strength over the years, we have invested 90% of our annual income in targeted scientific research, even at the expense of territorial development. Moreover, every income will be signed by me.

How could I not be clear about the dial?" Chen Shen said with a helpless smile.

"But we can't just watch and wait for death, right? With the current situation in the territory, except for Su Youzong, do we really have the courage to place our hopes on anyone else? And who else would dare to act like a stupid young man like him?

Are you going to take over this mess?"

"Isn't it because you are trying to shift the blame?" Feng Tianmin paused and also showed a helpless expression.

Everyone in the outside world knows that the Tianyuan Territory is technologically advanced and the people are prosperous. There is no telling how much food is accumulated in the warehouse and how many rice bugs are fed.

But in fact, when it comes to the wealth accumulated now, even Wuya Mansion may surpass the territory.

This can be vaguely seen from the fact that the equipment in the entire northern military region has not been replaced for three years.

Too much funding has been invested in scientific research, and once more and more bottomless pits are opened, it means that a steady stream of follow-up investment is needed.

Otherwise, the technology cannot be innovated, and the initial investment will be wasted.

"Of course I'm blaming~" After being "exploded" by Feng Tianmin, Chen Shen felt relaxed: "The fishman has used the collider to test it for many rounds, and the results of each test have shown that Su has

The correlation between Director Zong and Director Zong is the highest. If this doesn’t explain the relationship between him and the Director, the money we invested in scientific research may have been burned to ghosts.”

"The Tianyuan Territory has been developing for eight years, and the director has been the hands-off shopkeeper for eight years. Since Su Youzong will come at this juncture, it doesn't matter whether he came by himself, or received instructions from the director, or even other things we have not guessed.

Whenever possible, I am willing to believe in him unconditionally, support him, and fully give him the right to change, as for the result."

"The director has created so many miracles, and now I am more and more confident!"

"You, you are always so optimistic." Feng Tianmin sighed: "Then shall we continue our previous disguise? I'm worried that the few jackals next to us will be tempted to come up and have a try when they see our decline.


"Well, don't worry about it now. Now that we have handed over the rhythm point to Su Youzong, we will follow his ideas to make corresponding cooperation. Once he really reaches the point where we need to join forces, then we will

If we attack, the effect will definitely be much better than what it is now."

"We don't even need us. Just like the previous crisis at the Academy of Sciences, maybe he can solve it himself?"

After the words fell, the two looked at each other and could see the hope in each other's eyes.

So far, no one has been able to explain a reasonable reason for the many miracles created by the human being Su Shen eight years ago.

Back then, he was able to single-handedly solve the crisis encountered by the entire human group.

Now, Chen Shen and Feng Tianmin also believe that even the backup force he left behind can solve the life-and-death crisis coming from the Tianyuan Territory Seal!

And this is the trust and tacit understanding that cannot be erased across time and space!

Wuya Mansion, Wuji City.

In the steel jungle lined with high-rise buildings, a small wooden building with only two floors sits quietly in a park covering an area of ​​about five acres.

Inside the park, there are birds singing, flowers blooming, green grass, warm stone trails, and rockery fountains.

Compared with the dilapidated and desolate Dragon and Phoenix territory, this place is more like two completely parallel worlds, beautiful and peaceful.

At the central wooden building, an artificially dug stream happened to pass by. From time to time, swimming fish jumped out of it, which was so happy.

"Brother Lin is so leisurely and elegant. He actually set up such a happy forest in his territory. It's really eye-opening for rough guys like me."

"Yes, who would have thought that there is such a paradise in this steel city?"

"Sitting here, my restless mood feels calmer. It's really magical."


On the second floor of the small building, four figures were sitting by the window, admiring the beautiful scenery outside and chatting.

Hearing the compliments from these people, Lin Wuya, who was faintly at the center of the crowd, smiled and put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Everyone, how can this small park in my Wuya Mansion be worthy of such praise? It is far behind compared with the Tianyuan Territory that has brought in countless wealth."

"As long as our plan is successful and we take over this Tianyuan territory, let alone this park, it will increase ten times or a hundred times, and we will have enough resources to build and maintain it."

"Brother Lin is right, and I, Lion King Qi, think so too." As soon as Lin Wuya finished speaking, the blond figure next to him smiled and answered: "According to the news from above, we can only wait until tomorrow

After all the gods are defeated and the alien race is gone, the agreement that binds us will be officially cancelled, and at that time, it will be a great opportunity for us to take action!"

"Anderson, can you ensure the fidelity of the information you receive?" The middle-aged man in half-armor on the other side of the window frowned.

"Fidelity, absolute fidelity, brothers Liu Jing can rest assured that non-attack against each other was originally an agreement jointly formulated by the three major territories. Now, the Golden Eagle has decided to withdraw from the agreement, and the Northland is also hesitating. Only

The next Dragon Flag Territory simply cannot maintain the agreement. It will only break down and be canceled sooner or later!"

"Yes, I also got the exact news. The agreement will be terminated soon." Lin Wuya took over: "There is not much time left for us to prepare for war. Once the agreement is released, the Tianyuan territory will be a piece of delicious fat. Who can

Whoever runs fast will get the first bite!"

"First bite? Aren't you afraid that Feng Tianmin will break your teeth?" Mentioning this, Liu Jing couldn't help but sneered: "Among us, only Sifang Dao and Tian Yuan Territory have fought head-on. Their strength is far from what they seem.

It's so simple, as long as Feng Tianmin survives for a day, and as long as Feng Long is still on the front line, whoever dares to attack Tianyuan territory first will definitely suffer their mad dog-like revenge, can you bear it?"

"Yes, the Tianyuan Territory has been fighting with the dwarves of all nations over the years. I don't know how many batches of troops have been rotated and trained. Everyone has a fighting force. With an order, the armored warriors are not just the ones we have now. Even our Haninuo Federation

Even if they come out in full force, they are not even 10% sure that they can win.”

At the mention of strength, the small building instantly became quiet.

Yes, when facing each other directly, let alone Wuya Mansion, Lion King Banner, Sifang Road, and Hanino Federation, they are fighting on their own.

Even if everyone adds up, they may not be able to win a beautiful battle and eat this fat meal.

Given the Tianyuan Territory's record of fighting against foreign enemies with practicality and artillery fire over the years, unless the three major territories take action personally, absolutely no one of them would dare to make such big claims.


"Haha, Hubbard, Mr. Lin never said that we should be the first to confront the Feng family brothers, and face the Tianyuan territory head-on. There is an old Chinese saying, avoid the sharp edge and attack the lazy return, and be the first to fight.

, some people fight for us, and some are greedy people who want to plunder.

Moreover, our goal from beginning to end is not energy machines, regenerative medicine, or even the technical information in the Academy of Sciences. Even if we get these things, we have absolutely no strength to hold on to them, let alone realize them in a short period of time." Pick up the teacup and drink.

After taking a sip, Lin Wuya smiled easily and said: "What we want are resources, what we want are the basic resources that others look down upon!"

"The Tianyuan Territory has definitely accumulated a lot of resources over the years. These things are difficult to take away from other territories further away. We only need to pay a small price to get them smoothly."

"Brother Lin is right, I think so too!" Anderson continued to add: "Tianyuan territory has had the profits of four major companies in recent years, and there is no need to exchange resources with the outside world, so it is extremely difficult for us to penetrate


"But now the agreement is about to be terminated. They have already thrown themselves into disarray. We only need to immediately start deploying in the Tianyuan territory and open up channels to transport resources to the outside world. When the time is right, we will be able to reap a large amount of unimaginable gains.


"I see, you want to secretly assassinate Chencang?" After hearing the explanation, Liu Jing, who had previously strongly opposed it, hesitated: "If it is just to open a hole to the outside of the sealed Tianyuan territory, that would be good, the chance is great."

There is no head-on conflict with the Tianyuan territory, and only when someone steps forward to attract attention, they secretly transfer internal resources.

Take away those finished functional machines, technological products, and even food, materials and other inconspicuous things that can be sold at a high price.

Even if he is discovered by Tianyuan Territory on the way, there is no big risk.

After all, active attack and passive defense are two different things. Previously, the madman-like Gaganal Divine Cult had attacked Tianyuan Territory so many times, but Tianyuan Territory did not see any counterattack.

The small number of people means that the battle line cannot be extended, otherwise there is a risk of being robbed at any time.

"In addition, I have also set up several traps to deal with Feng Long and Feng Tianmin. Although there is little hope of success, the losses can be accepted."

Making the final conclusion, Lin Wuya drank the remaining tea in the cup and looked at the three of them.

As a loyal ally of Wuya Mansion, Anderson naturally nodded immediately: "Leader Lin's plan is very good, and our Lion King Banner thinks so too."

The other two people looked at each other and had no choice but to nod and make a promise: "In this case, when the time comes, we will take action!"

There are not many ways to tear open the opening, but it is not difficult either.

It is nothing more than a simple trick based on the shortcomings of human nature, such as giving bribes to those who like money, beauties to those who like beauty, and merits to those who like power.

As long as you really find the right breakthrough point.

Regardless of fundamental interests, this amount of expenditure is completely within the acceptable range for a territory with four million people.

This chapter has been completed!
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