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Chapter 771 Sir, it turns out this is also part of your plan!

The gongs and drums outside were noisy, and the shouts resounded through the sky.

Zizai Group resident laboratory.

However, Sumo was not affected at all. He still stared at the tiny parts in front of him and carefully polished them with a hammer.

Not long after, with a burst of white air pouring out from the cooling pool next to it, the last part embedded in the helmet was finally completed!

"Phew, this is the sixth time, and it finally meets the requirements!"

Pick up the molded part brought to you by the robotic arm and put it into the nearby instrument for inspection.

Looking at 99.31% displayed on the screen, Sumo couldn't help but let out a long sigh and relaxed.

Facts have proved that the reason why war armor has not become popular in modern warfare is definitely due to the difficulty of craftsmanship.

Its high-precision requirements must be matched by a corresponding industrial system. Otherwise, the difficulty of manufacturing a single part will be sky-high, and there will be no talk of mass production.

For example, Sumo spent three days working on the central control buffer, which requires the highest precision in the helmet, and failed five times in a row.

Until this time, it was not considered a success.

There are also many such parts among the remaining parts, which is enough to predict that it will be difficult to build the armor quickly.

"We can only grind it slowly and make the most important ones first."

Putting this part into the helmet for final fusion, Sumo felt a little emotional and wanted to continue building the part.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the laboratory door.

"Enter." He pressed a button on the table, and the robotic arm holding the parts automatically brought the mask on the table, and the material stretched and retracted toward the bottom of the table.

The door opens.

Zhang Min, Zhang Da and special operations captain Bao Lei walked in together.

It was slightly different from before. Although the three of them had not spoken yet, there was a special energy in their eyes.

It's like the clear sky after the rain, releasing a bright and dazzling light.

Especially Zhang Min, it was as if he had suddenly changed into a different person, with an indescribable firmness in his eyes.

"Has it been dealt with?"

"The most greedy group of bugs have been killed as a warning, and the remaining bugs have also obeyed our new standards!" Zhang Min nodded without hesitation: "Now we have recovered 2,700 bugs from them.

million transaction points, and it is expected that at least 30 million transaction points will enter our financial account in the next three days."

In just one night's action, more than 50 million trading points were scraped from these people, which is enough to show how much damage these people have brought to Baoyu County over the past few years.

And if she had seen this huge amount of money before, Zhang Min might have been complacent and felt like she was getting rich.

But now, she feels that the money is too little.

Baoyu County occupies such an excellent geographical location, as long as it can enter normal development from the beginning, the income it can create will definitely be more than ten times this number.

A group of short-sighted people only sacrificed the 60,000 to 70,000 people in Baoyu County for their immediate interests, but also sacrificed the great advantages of Tianyuan Territory in the early years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a crime deserves death.

"You did a good job. It seems that it was right to entrust you with this job. How is the material department handling it?" At this number, Sumo nodded with satisfaction and felt reassured.

The 45 million points supported by neighboring counties and cities, plus the more than 50 million points confiscated this time, already amount to nearly 100 million points.

Although this huge amount of money is spread equally among everyone, it is only enough to buy the identity of 60,000 to 70,000 people.

But for Baoyu County, which is in urgent need of cash flow for development, it is definitely a real life-saving money.

Soon, as long as there is an injection of funds, all the unfinished infrastructure will be completely started and the idle manpower will be put into operation.

With the matching policy support in the future, it is estimated that it will not take long for the entire county to regain its second spring.

"After our friendly discussion, Hu Yuanyong felt that his abilities were indeed not qualified for the current position of Minister of Materials." Speaking of this, Zhang Da couldn't help but have an unusual blush on his face: "He accepted our transfer order and chose to go

I work in the tax department, and now the director of the material department has been vacant. I only need to pay the identity tax to join the job."

"Then I can rest assured. No matter what, you have to keep the money bag for me."

"Whoever dares to take a piece is our enemy."

"No, boss, county magistrate, don't worry, as long as I, Zhang Da, am still alive, no one can take away a penny!" Zhang Da nodded repeatedly, with an indescribable sense of sanctity on his face.

Obviously, what happened last night and today not only changed Zhang Min a lot, but even Zhang Da, an older man, was greatly touched.

"Okay, let's follow our previous plan and push forward the first phase of my arrangements as soon as possible."

"You two can leave." As Su Mo stared at Bao Lei, Zhang Min and Zhang Da bowed slightly, then opened the door and left.

As a special operations captain, Bao Lei is not as easy to identify as an ordinary soldier, but is born with a set of "disguise".

He is tall and thin, and his exposed skin is also very delicate. One look at him tells people that he has not suffered much.

Coupled with his elegant gold-rimmed glasses and tall, delicate facial features, he looks like a young man from a large territory.

"Hello, County Magistrate Su, I am Bao Lei, the sword-wielding officer of the Northern Military Region's Sky Sword Special Regiment. This is the transfer order from Commander Feng!" He took out an envelope with paint on it from his arms, and Bao Lei respectfully handed it over.


"In the next one year, I will lead three hundred Heavenly Sword warriors to obey your command and be responsible for your personal safety. Please give me your guidance."

"Sky Sword Special Forces?" Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, opened the envelope and took out the transfer order from Feng Tianmin and read it.

This is a handwritten order, with eight or nine lines of rough cursive script on it.

The content is generally that the Tianjian Special Forces Corps is the top three corps in the Northern Military Region and is capable of all dangerous combat missions.

These people were sent here to protect the safety of the county magistrate, hoping not to betray the trust of the Northern Military Region.

"County Magistrate Su, don't think that we only have 300 people. We are actually on the battlefield. We are capable of reconnaissance, assault, ambush, siege, blasting, sniping and a series of conventional combat methods. We can also complete targeted assassinations, disguised lurking, intelligence

Stealing and other special operations methods"

"This time, we encountered a total of 519 enemies in the Dragon Phoenix Territory. With a record of 23 minor injuries and 0 deaths, we annihilated 377 Wuya Mansion lurkers who were ambushing in Longyin Town on the spot, captured 130 people, and executed 12 of the leading perpetrators.


"So fierce?" Su Mo couldn't help but be a little surprised. With the information advantage, it is not surprising that he defeated the many with less.

But in the current situation of the wasteland with full firepower, it is amazing to guarantee a zero-death record.

"Speaking of this matter, it is thanks to the assistance of Ge Jian'an, who was assigned by County Magistrate Su before. Without him, we would really have thrown ourselves into a trap this time and jumped into the encirclement prepared by others." Su Mo praised

, Bao Lei showed a silly smile on his face.

"Wuya Mansion secretly ambushed a medium-sized team of 500 people in the Dragon Phoenix territory, and also carried many heavy weapons with mass destruction, in order to snipe Commander Feng Long. But they didn't expect Ge

Jian'an is so courageous that the bait they ambush for us was stolen by them first, causing the disguise to be exposed."

"Where is he? Now he has become the new lord of the Dragon Phoenix Territory?" Sumo said with some joy.

When arranging the task for Ge Jian'an, he did not expect that his accidental arrangement could expose the well-planned ambush of Wuya Mansion.

Now, killing two birds with one stone can be said to be a win.

"The original Dragon Lord has been executed by him in front of all the civilians in the Dragon Phoenix Territory. Now with his prestige, he is not a lord, but is better than a lord." Bao Lei scratched the back of his head: "It's just that the number of people in the Dragon Phoenix Territory has dropped sharply, and the ecological environment is now

It has gotten worse and worse, and I probably won’t be able to survive for many more days.”

"Ge Jian'an asked me to tell you that he will organize his team and start the first wave of migration in about half a month."

"Half a month? This time is just in time for Baoyu County to complete the first wave of reforms." Su Mo nodded, and then he asked some other questions about Ge Jian'an's performance.

Bao Lei was very honest and said it without any modification.

Including Ge Jianan, when he learned their identities, he stayed awake all night and walked around the cave, fearing that he would be killed if he knew the secret.

And after conquering Longyin Town, he came to Feng Long twice and asked Sumo what he liked, whether he wanted to bring some gifts, and other interesting things.

"Haha, this Ge Jian'an is really a wonderful person."

After listening to Bao Lei's talk for more than ten minutes, Sumo couldn't help but feel happy, and his mood improved accordingly.

The situation outside is indeed getting worse day by day, and the speed of deterioration is becoming more frequent.

But with his intervention, the entire Tianyuan territory finally no longer has to be like a headless fly.

No longer do you have to live a life where you have money but dare not spend it, and you have power that you dare not use. It is obviously a large territory that ranks among the top thirty, but its life is worse than that of the bottom seventy!

"In this case, I have a task for you."

"Mr. Su, please tell me." When he heard the word "mission", Bao Lei subconsciously walked to the window to survey the surroundings. After confirming that there were no eavesdroppers, he drew the curtains and walked over carefully.

"At least five people have lurked in the construction site now. I won't take any action, but you can send some people to me to keep an eye on them. If there are any abnormal changes, report them to me in time, especially if they want to leave.

Never act rashly”

"Huh? County Magistrate Su knows?" Seeing Su Mo's confident eyes, Bao Lei was startled. Then he thought of Su Mo's magical arrangements before and suddenly realized, "So this was all part of your plan?"

"Of course, real construction workers can't be imitated in three or two days. You can tell at a glance whether they have done any work." Sumo shook his head slightly: "Let them all come to ambush, these workers who don't need money,

I welcome it very much.”

"Besides, they are one of the keys that open the door to my territory and the outside world."

"Bao Lei understands!"

Knowing what Somo meant behind his words, Bao Lei nodded quickly and opened the door to leave.

No matter how high their lurking level is, these outside adventurers are not qualified to touch these special warriors who have been strictly trained in counter-reconnaissance.

As early as the night he arrived, he led people to find out the identities of everyone around him.

You can tell who has problems and who doesn't at a glance.

But what he didn't expect was that just like Ge Jianan's previous plan to destroy Wuya Mansion, even these were actually included in Sumo's plan.

This ability to take one step and see three steps, or even five steps, even in the Northern Military Region.

They are definitely considered to be top-notch ace commanders!

It's night.

Just after 11:30, with the sound of gongs clanging, the construction team began to take turns.

In the three-story steel frame that had been built, Jiang Yong swung back and forth flexibly, and soon got down to the first floor.

This is the fifteenth day he has been lurking at this construction site.

Baoyu County is close to the dividing line between Tianyuan territory and surrounding territories, and the sunlight is obviously more vicious than that in Sangtian Town.

After only nine days of working the day shift, his previously fair and tender skin color had completely faded away and turned into the same bronze-black color as the others around him.

But more importantly, it gradually transformed him from a bloodthirsty adventurer into a skilled construction worker.

When he first came here, he still remembered that he didn't even know how to tie steel bars or lay foundations.

But now, he works even faster than those old workers, and he is always the first to finish the tasks at hand every day.

"Jiang Yong, your boy has gotten started faster and faster these days!"

Huang Bingdao, who saw Jiang Yong running down first with an iron bowl, picked up the mung bean porridge in the bucket and drank it while smoking a dry cigarette, couldn't help but have a smile in his eyes.

"Foreman Huang, if you say this, you are flattering me. If these seniors hadn't taught me, Jiang Yong wouldn't be as skilled as he is today."

The mung bean porridge with crushed ice cubes enters the throat, and there is a refreshing feeling that makes people fly.

After drinking half the bowl in one breath, Jiang Yong was humble and acted as a spoon master and began to serve the porridge for those who came after him.

For a time, even the elderly workers couldn't help but praise this young man.

"Xiao Yong has a good body. If you work hard, you might be able to buy a place in our Baoyu County and marry a wife."

"My friend, if you save some money for materials and learn this craft, you can build your own house!"

"I remember Xiaoyong has only been here for half a month. Time flies so fast. The handsome guy before has become just like us."


Talking gossip.

A group of workers after get off work were sitting on the ground drinking delicious mung bean porridge, not in a hurry to go home.

The treatment at Zizi Group is much better than elsewhere, and the salary alone is more than 50% higher.

Even if they have more hours to work every day, they will still be happy.

"That's right. Xiaoyong has been here for half a month today. It's time to pay him some wages."

"In this case, I will pay you tonight first, and I will go and report to the financial department tomorrow."

The wages at the construction site were supposed to be paid every seven days, but Jiang Yong refused last time because he was not skilled.

But this time another week has passed. If we don't get married again, thinking of the various rules and consequences of Sun Quan's repeated orders, Huang Bingdao shrank his head and said quickly.

It's just, it's the same as last time.

Jiang Yong, who was still smiling at first, immediately changed his face slightly when he heard that his wages were paid, and his smile also faded.

"Foreman Huang, didn't I say that last time?"

"Last time you said you were unskilled, but now your speed is at the top of our construction team. This is no good reason." Huang Bingdao shook his head quickly: "If you tell outsiders, you will think that I, Old Huang, will deduct your wages!"

"Uh." Jiang Yong was slightly silent. It wasn't that he didn't like the trading point, but that he simply couldn't take it.

As long as you open the game panel to connect, the abnormal identity will immediately make the other party discover that he is a gangster who sneaked in.

When the time comes, even for the sake of mercy, these people will let him go and not report to the escort team.

The hidden plan he originally planned could no longer be carried out, and he had to run away quickly at the risk of being exposed.

"Foreman, let's do this. You can file the financial report with me tomorrow and then pay it to me. Otherwise, I will feel uneasy if you break the rules."

"That's okay, I'll just pay you two weeks' salary tomorrow, and I'll give you another two days of pressure." After receiving a definite answer, Huang Bingdao nodded and finally stopped pressing.

After a while, the people leaving work dispersed, and Jiang Yong followed him out with a gloomy face.

Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation.

He had no idea that the Zizi Group's construction site would be so stupid.

Other people's construction sites always delay the payment of wages as long as they can, and they wish they could go three to five months without payment.

When it comes to the Zi Zi Group, good guy, it’s as if he’s violated the law of heaven after not posting for half a month. The formation is so huge that it’s scary.

Among such a group of fools, the only ones like Su Youzong, who are stupid and have a lot of money, only know that

"Huh? His laboratory is actually dark tonight!!?"

As he was about to reach the door, Jiang Yong glanced subconsciously, and his originally calm heart suddenly started beating violently.

That night, he saw with his own eyes Somo wearing a helmet.

As long as this magical helmet can be stolen and put on the black market, it can be exchanged for tens of thousands of trading points.

It's just that for several days, the lights in this laboratory have never been turned off.

It's finally closed now

"It's impossible to work part-time."

"As long as I can steal this helmet, I can fly away tonight!"

This chapter has been completed!
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