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Chapter 791 The fish-man wizard, the authority of the sea god!

Zila Zila.


A burst of harsh high-frequency vibration suddenly came. Sumo, who was still lying on the shore looking at the distance, was startled. He quickly reached down and pressed the mute button of the pager.

Fortunately, the distance was quite far, so the patrolling Tianyuan navy in front could not hear the sound. They were all covered up by the sound of water in the Tianhe River next to it.

"Who else is looking for me at this time?"

Picking up the pager used for short-distance communication, Sumo first looked at the time.

It was almost three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Look at the person who just sent the message

"Huh? Why is it Zhang Min? What does she want to see me for at this time?"

It is not a gentleman not to retaliate against someone.

He didn't believe that an ordinary fishman captain would have the courage to confront the local manager and the commander of the fleet.

After that, the fish-men must be planning something again.

If this trouble cannot be completely solved before the fleet leaves port, it will inevitably cost more to drag it out on the water.

But he frowned and glanced at the many ships moored at the harbor. After hesitating for a while, Sumo finally decided to retreat and leave the harbor.

There are still three days until departure, so don't be in a hurry.

If you want to clean up this group of fishmen and force them to find out the true purpose of their trip, you still have plenty of time.

After quietly retreating from Tianyuan Port, Somo strode into a darkness shrouded in shadows.

The nights during the non-rainy season have become increasingly drier, and there is a faint smell of scorched earth in the night wind.

He took out his pager, found Zhang Min's contact frequency band, and dialed it.

After a long communication beep, a voice sounded on the pager: "Mr. Su, I'm disturbing your rest at night. The Government Affairs Office is encountering a difficult case that requires your presence to handle it in person."

"Case?" There was a hint of doubt on Sumo's dull face.

"Yes, this case was sent by Mayor Chen's cronies. You need to open it and check it in person." Zhang Min emphasized the word "in person" and warned.

"Is that so, should you send it to me, or should I go to the Government Affairs Office to find you?"

"I'm not in the government office right now, and I'm having supper here in Juhuo District. If County Magistrate Su comes to the most popular Sanlong BBQ stall in Juhuo District, he can see me. By the way, I will send you a specific coordinate. !”

"Well, okay."

The brief communication was hung up, and the pager fell into a long period of silence.

In the darkness, a smile flashed across Somo's face.

He had never heard Zhang Min call him "County Magistrate Su" before, let alone Zhang Min's attitude being so sincere and humble.

As for the so-called most lively place in the fire gathering area.

Sumo thought that maybe the people on the other side wanted to lower his vigilance so that he would not be wary.

"Are they foreign adventurers, fishmen, or spies from several surrounding territories?"

After thinking about the enemies who might take action, Somo took a look at the coordinates on the pager and stepped out of the darkness.

Tonight, he originally wanted to sneak into Tianyuan Port and use these blind fishmen to verify the true combat effectiveness of the Daily Armor.

It's just right when we encounter this problem now.

It's better to try the terrifying increase brought by the armor without alerting the enemy!

Juhuo District, in the alley of unfinished buildings a few streets behind Sanlong BBQ stall.

Dozens of strong fishmen are hiding around the darkness, patiently waiting for further instructions.

Deep in the alley, Zhang Min had been tied to a concrete pillar of an unfinished building with a hemp rope, and a ball of white cloth found from nowhere was stuffed in his mouth, making a whining sound.

Sun Quan next to him was even more miserable, with several obvious whip marks on his body. He was also tied to a pillar.

Around them, there were obviously more than a dozen fishmen with higher status, who were tinkering around two fishman wizards holding scepters.

Not long after, the beep of the pager finally sounded.

The fishman wizard in the center raised his head, showing a proud expression.

"Huh, he is indeed the most powerful priest of our fish-men tribe. Lord Xing Shi is indeed very powerful."

"With this disguise, Su Youzong would have never imagined that we imitated Zhang Min's voice. He was too naive."

"If we had known that his vigilance was so low, we shouldn't have taken action at the Academy of Sciences. We would have been worried in vain."

"Great, as long as we can capture this Su Youzong, it will be a great achievement!"

The admiration of several murloc commanders around him made Xing Shi's head straighter even more.

Xing Yue, another fishman wizard next to him, felt a little unhappy when he saw it, but at this time he could only suppress his voice and said coldly: "Luring Su Youzong to come is just the first step. Next, I will let you take a closer look. What?"

It’s called the supreme witchcraft given to us by the Sea God!”

He stood up and shook his black robe, bringing with him a mysterious feeling.

Behind him, other fishmen reacted and quickly praised:

"In the entire deep sea world, we, the fish-man wizards, are the only ones qualified to inherit Lord Poseidon's surname. Lord Xing Yue will definitely be unstoppable if he takes action."

"Capture Su Youzong and let him know the true strength of our fish-men tribe!"

"Take him away. I'm going to eat this bitch's legs. She just kicked me hard!"

"Let them watch and watch Su Youzong being trampled under our feet."

The ferocious speeches of the fishmen frightened Zhang Min even more, causing him to twist involuntarily.

Sun Quan next to him said nothing, only stared at the two wizards with eyes full of hatred.

Time passed again.

Although the fishman sounds arrogant, he is extremely cautious in his actual actions and is always ready to run away.

Finally, when the three or five fishmen who had gone out to gather information came back, they became excited.

"Master Wizard, this Su Youzong did not come from the headquarters of Zizai Group. We found him on the main road of Longgong District next to it."

"According to the investigation, there is no Heavenly Sword Group following him. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"No one? How brave!"

Without the Heavenly Sword Regiment following him, Xing Yue couldn't care less about why Somo suddenly appeared in the Dragon Palace District in the middle of the night.

He immediately walked out with the eight murlocs, and when they were almost near the Sanlong BBQ stall, he hid in the shadows.

"That's Su Youzong!"

Pointing at Somo who was walking carelessly from afar, a fishman quickly reported the situation.

"Very good. When he enters within thirty meters of us, I will start to hypnotize him. When he enters our alley, you can quickly go up and tie him up for me!"


The eight murlocs agreed in a low voice, their bodies crawling on the ground like cheetahs.

They are the most skilled warriors among the several brigades of the Murloc Navy. Against ordinary humans, it is not a problem to fight one against ten.

But I heard that Su Youzong single-handedly defeated a large group of fishmen at the Academy of Sciences.

Even they didn't dare to relax at all, and they were completely tense.

Staring at the outside world from the darkness, when the distance was only about fifty meters away, Xing Yue suddenly tightened her hold on the scepter in her hand.

He suddenly discovered.

Su Youzong seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly stopped where he was and stopped moving forward. Instead, he took out the pager from his waist.

"Oops, he seems to have discovered that Zhang Min is not here."

"It seems that we must use the remaining divine power of the high priest!"

Xing Yue gritted her teeth, stretched out her left hand, put it in her mouth, bit it, and smeared the overflowing fish blood on the scepter in her right hand.

The blue-red blood came into contact with the scepter, and a faint blue light began to erupt, reflecting into his eyes.



In the void, there seemed to be waves sounding, making bursts of slapping sounds on the shore.

At the same time, the blue in Xing Yue's eyes became deeper and deeper, and a strange light began to ooze out.

"Honoring the great sea god above, your servant Xing Yue devoutly summons the power from the ocean."


A strange accent sounded from Xing Yue's mouth, causing the air to vibrate.

As he chanted, an illusory sky-blue chain slowly flew out of the darkness and went straight to Somo, who was standing not far from the barbecue stall.

The chain flies very fast, roughly the same speed as a sparrow rushing forward.

But unfortunately, at the moment when he was about to hit, Soma in the fish-man's field of vision suddenly turned around as if he heard someone calling, narrowly escaping from the chains.

"Wow, I'm so angry!"

Xing Yue looked up and found that someone at the barbecue stall actually recognized Somo. With an excited call, Somo turned around and suddenly trembled with anger.

"I don't believe it!"


Gritting his teeth, he bit his left hand again, smeared some blood on it again, and activated the second chain.

This time, the chain did not return in vain and successfully hit.

But the person who was hit was an unrelated person who rushed to Somo's side in excitement.

Tangled in the illusory chain and without any follow-up instructions, he fell to the ground with a crash, causing chaos around him.

"No, retreat quickly." She noticed that Su Mo was looking around cautiously, and the only hope in Xing Yue's heart to make up for the losses was completely gone.

At this time, if he takes action rashly, if he messes up, the chance of getting out is very small.

According to the previous plan, he must give up now and wait for the second chance.

Without looking back, he rushed back to the alley and met Xing Shi's eyes, who was sitting on the ground taking some time to relax.

"This Su Youzong is really unlucky. He failed to succeed in two opportunities, and he almost discovered it. It's a big loss!"

"What, you used it twice!"

Seeing the scepter in Xing Yue's hand that was obviously more worn than before, Xing Shi was startled and his expression changed drastically.

Of the scepters left behind by the fish-man high priest, only a dozen or so are left today.

Based on the fact that each root only has a maximum of ten opportunities for increase, two times is not a small number.

"I've used it twice already. How about we try it together?"

"What if it still doesn't work?"

The scepter left behind has become the personal belongings of every fishman wizard, and the chance of using it is less than once.

Hearing Xing Yue's words, Xing Shi hesitated.

Xing Yue's scepter was used eight times before, but after using it twice, there are still six times left.

His scepter only has five left. If he uses it once, he will have four left.

Compared with the reward for capturing Su Youzong,

"Lord Xing Shi, why should you worry? We already know that Su Youzong did not bring the Heavenly Sword Regiment, so there is still a chance!"

The spectacled fishman who had made the plan suddenly came over.


"Yes, Mr. Xing Shi forgot, they are still in our hands!" He pointed to Zhang Min and Sun Quan who were still tied to the pillars.

The spectacled fishman smiled gloomily: "As long as we ask for help in their tone again, the distance is so close, Su Youzong will definitely rush over impatiently."

"Besides, if he doesn't come, we won't lose anything. We can just silence these two people and run away."

"Threat? Not bad!" Xing Shi's glasses lit up: "Since Su Youzong can't come, then we will force him to come."

"Yu Ruijing, I didn't expect you to have such a brain. It's really a waste of time for you to become a fish-man warrior."

"Sir Xing Shi, Liao Zang, both of you have never been in contact with humans for a long time and don't know these strange moral standards of humans. I deal with these despicable humans every day and know their hypocrisy." Yu Ruijing pushed up his glasses.


"In addition, these two people are close and trusted people to Su Youzong. Even if we can't catch him tonight, killing these two people will make him fall into rage and expose more flaws."

"Good idea! Just do as you say, I will communicate with him now."

Xing Shi couldn't help but be overjoyed after having someone nearby to make suggestions and save a lot of brainpower.

He quickly stood up and came to Zhang Min's side, taking off the white cloth from Zhang Min's mouth.

"Let me go. If you dare to cause trouble in Tianyuan's territory, the guards will not let you go!" Zhang Min struggled and shouted while taking advantage of the breather.

"Guard team?"

"You don't understand him. If he comes, you will definitely die. I guarantee you will regret it!"


"Honoring the great sea god above, your servant Xing Shi piously summons the power from the ocean."


The spell sounded, and dozens or hundreds of illusory small bubbles appeared in the void, rushing into Zhang Min's mouth arrogantly.

Three to five seconds later, the bubbles slowly flew out and entered Xing Shi's body.

"Ahem, I'm Zhang Min."

After saying something decently and feeling the sound of the other person's voice, Xing Shi picked up the white cloth and stuffed it into Zhang Min's mouth, who was coughing one after another with satisfaction.

"Next, I'm going to contact Su Youzong. Yu Ruijing, please cooperate with me and threaten me. Others will be on alert. Remember not to make any noise to alert him."


The surrounding murlocs began to hide their vigilance in the surrounding area, leaving only a few murlocs in place.

After coughing again, Xing Shi picked up the pager and sent out a communication request.



A burst of harsh high-frequency vibrations came from the side, and it didn't stop after a few seconds. Xing Shi could only frown and look to the side: "Didn't I tell you to be quiet?"


Before he finished speaking, Xing Shi realized that the source of the sound was actually above the alley where people were lurking, and Xing Shi felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Yu Ruijing, who was standing next to him, realized something, his face changed slightly, he quickly took a few steps back, and quickly disappeared into the darkness opposite the source of the sound.

The murloc warriors hiding on the side came out, drew out their weapons vigilantly, and looked at where Xing Shi was looking.

in the dark.

A figure actually jumped down from a high place and accurately landed next to the pillar where Sun Quan and Zhang Min were bound.

A cold light flashed through them, and they didn't see clearly what happened. Then they saw that the hemp ropes on the two people's bodies had fallen off and they had lost their restraints.

"What are you pretending to be? Give it to me!"

A big fishman leader roared angrily, pulled out the machete in his hand and was the first to rush forward.

But before he could take two steps, he saw the figure suddenly turned around and threw something.


There was a shattering sound, with countless fragments splashing out. The sharp gap had suddenly penetrated into the skin of the fish-man commander, causing a burst of screams.

At the same time, all the fishmen officially saw clearly the true face of the man standing in front of them.

"What! Su Youzong!" Only then did Xing Yue see Su Mo's face clearly.

"Hehehe, aren't you looking for me?"

He moved his neck and threw out the other wine bottle left in his hand, blocking the fishman's route to capture Sun Quan and Zhang Min.

When the two of them quickly ran to the end of the alley and disappeared, Somo's face relaxed and he revealed a smile.

"You come alone?" Xing Shi said in disbelief.

"Is there a second person beside me?" Sumo shrugged.

He never expected that tonight he would be the one to find trouble with the fish-men.

Now, instead, the murlocs came to trouble him, and he lost the time to infiltrate the Tianyuan fleet.

Moreover, these two skinny fishmen, who looked completely different from ordinary fishmen, had just erupted with a power that he was very familiar with and close to.

It was this feeling of closeness that made Somo feel the chain twice, and he was able to avoid it in his heart.

At the same time, a kind of intuition kept telling him that as long as he could figure out this mysterious power, it would most likely bring him some big surprises that he had never experienced before!

This chapter has been completed!
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