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Chapter 814: Showing weakness to the enemy, the beginning of chaos!

The night of January 16th.

In the southern part of the New World, in a deep mountain chain with few human traces.

The snow and rain are dim, and the clouds and mountains are covered with fog.

There is a moss-covered metal gate on a raised spot in the mountain.

The door is six meters high and five meters wide, and looks as stunning as a prehistoric relic.

The night is getting darker, the snowflakes falling in the sky are getting denser, and ice particles are constantly beating on the door.

Suddenly, a group of people wearing thick black leather robes came from nowhere on the path in the distance.

They lowered their heads and soon came to the door and started knocking rhythmically.

Not long after, with a rumbling sound, the metal door cracked a gap, just enough for a figure to pass through.

Entering through the gap, the space inside suddenly opens up.

Countless steel and concrete woven structures are dotted overhead, with hundreds of spotlights pointing vertically downwards.

Here, the entire mountain was hollowed out, leaving only the sand outside as a cover!

"Is the mission accomplished?"

The team members were still walking forward along the passage, but several people were greeted directly inside.

The leader also had his head lowered. He was also wearing a thick black leather robe, and his body was obviously a bit wider than ordinary people.

But as he walked over, he raised his head.

Under the black robe, a frightening face appeared.

The black tiger whiskers fluttered with the airflow, thick hair covered the skin, and there was a huge king character in the center of the forehead.

He clearly has a human appearance and a human body, but his face is completely alien.

And if Soma were here at this time, he would definitely recognize him.

This man was one of the five royal families who disappeared after the sea battle.

The leader of the Cursed Tiger Clan, Clark!

"Reporting to the clan leader, the delivery mission in the North Fourth District has been completed, and everything is being executed according to plan." The leading captain raised his head, revealing a tiger face similar to Clark's.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work, go down and have a rest."

After getting the result he was satisfied with, Clark nodded slightly and left along the passage he came from.

Soon, he returned to a large room, opened the door and walked in.

At this time, sitting inside, there were surprisingly several familiar figures of Somo.

"You came just in time today. My tribe has completed all the tasks. The Northland has been successfully infiltrated by us!" Clark sat down directly and looked at the leader of the Thunder Monkey Clan, Riley, beside him.

"The Tianyuan territory of Su Laomo has been dormant for so many years, and it suddenly appeared again recently. If we delay the plan, there is no chance that something unexpected will happen."

"Ha, do you need to remind me? Of course I know." Realizing the vague question in Clark's tone, Rayleigh sneered: "The Tianyuan territory has been closed to itself for a long time, and my people want to go in and spread the news of the blood epidemic.

It’s much more difficult than the three major territories.”

"It was the recent opening of Yuan Port that gave us a chance."

"The infiltration of Longqi's southern district has been mostly completed, but the area they control is too large, so we still need some time."

"My people have sent back the news that the golden giant eagle has been completed, and they are on their way back."

"We have also completed the spread of Longqi North District, and we only need the last ray of east wind to escape."

The remaining leaders of the Jinglong Clan, Xulong, the Chugou Clan, Teng Tian, ​​and the Yuanzhu Clan, Fulu, were not to be outdone, and each spoke out about their own progress.

"Your Curse Tiger Clan is good at casting curses and spreading plagues. Naturally, we can't compare with you, but when it comes to a head-on battle."

"You guys, let's forget it." Rayleigh, the thunder monkey who spoke first, added again. The hair on his face was filled with electricity and made a crackling sound.

"What, do you want to touch me?" Clark the Cursed Tiger sneered disdainfully, his hair also growing.

Over the years, the alien races that came to the New World have died and been injured, and are now on the verge of extinction.

However, the alliance formed by the five major royal families has well preserved the vitality of the ethnic group during these years of hiding in the East.

They chose to give up their strong alien bodies and adopt transformation technology, retaining only the last trace of characteristics to accommodate the alien power, and the rest were modified based on the human body.

They no longer adhere to the previous ideas of the alien race and scorn technology. Instead, they spend a lot of time and a lot of money to collect a large amount of information.

Almost all the rare treasures they collected were used to contact the gods and send down the power to allow the tribesmen to quickly learn human technological knowledge.

Even their residence, daily life, and various behavioral habits began to imitate humans, completely abandoning their previous alien habits.

They have paid so much for this that if you don't look at their faces, it's almost impossible to tell their true identities.

And all this is for

"That's enough. You two have been arguing for so many years, but there has never been any result. The five of us finally got together again after two years. We are not here to listen to you two scolding the streets." Jinglong Clan Leader

Xu Long suddenly interrupted the argument with a cold voice. His voice was majestic and deep, immediately suppressing the voices of the two of them.

"Lao Mo Su has disappeared for so many years, but there has never been any real news of his death." Xulong looked around and looked at the map with countless red dots hanging in the room: "I have summoned you here today.

I have something very important to announce to you."

"Now, it's finally come to a head. Whoever dares to stand up and deliberately sabotage in an attempt to enjoy the final results personally."

"Our ancestors will not stand idly by!"

Hearing this, the other four people were immediately shocked and looked at Xulong.

"Have you contacted your ancestor gods?" Clark frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Over the years, every time they used the carrier to pray for divine power, it went smoothly without any setbacks.

But the key aspect of contact was that he had lost contact with the ancestor god for eight years.

For eight years, the entire wasteland seemed to be sealed off. Things from the outside could come in, but their information could not get out.

Now Xulong summoned them in such a hurry before the task was completed.

Is it possible?

"Yes, one afternoon about half a month ago, our Crystal Dragon clan planned to sacrifice tributes as usual in exchange for the power of the ancestor gods." Xulong's eyes became hot: "But when I was sacrificing, I suddenly felt that this world

There was a crack."

"It was very small and almost undetectable, but I still seized this opportunity and successfully sent the message and passed the message to our ancestors."

"And these days, I have been trying to find the pattern of the appearance of this crack every day. When it appears, I try to receive the message from the ancestor god when the crack opens. Until yesterday, I finally succeeded!"

After Xu Long finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Once the message can be transmitted, it means that the ancestor god has the possibility of coming to this world again.

Just providing enough sacrifices and tributes will be enough to open this crack, allowing the incarnations of the five ancestor gods to come again and rule the world.

And even if the tribute is not enough for the ancestor gods to come, they no longer have to endure the problem of fewer and fewer clan members over a long period of time.

All you need is a steady stream of sacrifices to quickly replenish your vitality!

"So what do you plan to do?" Tuntian, the leader of Chugou Clan who had been silent all this time, asked in a muffled voice: "You don't just want to tell us that you can contact the ancestral gods, do you?"

"Of course not. Our previous plan was to arouse human beings' greed for power, let them take the initiative to come into contact with the blood plague virus, and eventually lead to self-destruction.

But now, don’t they like to hunt down our alien race? Let them chase us as long as they can!” Xu Long laughed ferociously.

He stood up and sketched from the map hanging on the wall, and finally drew a pattern that was familiar to everyone present.

At the same time, if Sumo could see it at this time, he would not be unfamiliar with this pattern.

Because back then, when he stood on the kobold castle, he completely witnessed the outline and formation of the entire pattern.

as well as

The final effect!

"What? Are you going to activate the sacrificial circle and let the ancestral gods come again?" Curse Tiger Clark suddenly stood up, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"It's not enough. How can it be possible? The barrier of the wasteland is not as easy to break through now as it was then."

Clark walked around anxiously on the ground, looking at the other people from time to time.

"And even at that time, the false god Tengu only came with a little power, but it consumed the lives of thousands of people. If our ancestor god wanted to come, he would need at least millions. No, it would take at least tens of millions of people to have a chance!"

"Crazy! You are simply crazy. Our five royal families combined only have tens of thousands of people, which is not enough to fill our teeth!" Rayleigh, the most arrogant thunder monkey in the past, also shook his head repeatedly.

Not to mention that they don't have the numbers to summon the ancestral gods. Even if they do, they won't use them.

It is too stupid to sacrifice the tribesmen and use them as carrier tributes to summon divine power. Only believers of false gods would be so crazy.

Moreover, the meaning of their stay in the wasteland is far greater than the illusory probability of summons.

It would be good if it succeeds. The arrival of the ancestor gods can indeed drain the world dry.

But what if it fails?

The anger of the gods is not something they can bear!


"Who said I would use my own people?" Xu Long shook his head slowly, with a grin on his face, and continued to take out something from his arms.

The slender transparent glass test tube contained a black-red liquid, with many black dots floating up and down.

His slender fingers gently rubbed the glass test tube, shaking the liquid inside repeatedly.

Then, a touch of light blue crystal power was inspired and seeped into it.

In an instant, the black dots were no longer chaotic, but began to be arranged neatly, eventually forming a symbol that was familiar to the other four people present.

"What is this?" Chu Gou Tuntian stood up and took the glass bottle.

The closed eyes in the center of his forehead slowly opened and looked directly at the liquid in the bottle.

Three seconds later, he was so shocked that he almost subconsciously dropped the liquid in his hand as soon as he loosened his grip.

"How did you integrate the crystal dragon's ability into the blood plague virus?"

"What?" Thunder Monkey Ruili suddenly stood up.

He took the glass bottle solemnly and began to explore it with his own methods.

A few seconds later, just like Chu Dog Tuntian, he also shrank his pupils: "As long as you are infected with this blood plague virus, any creature can acquire the abilities of your crystal dragon."

"Crazy, you are really crazy, do you know the consequences of exposing your original power!"

"Crazy?" Xulong shook his head disdainfully, "Of course I'm not crazy."

"The original power is just what we say. If you have studied human technology, you will know that the so-called origin is just genes."

"I integrated the genes of the crystal dragon into the blood plague virus. As long as humans survive the infection, they can have some power of our crystal dragon, but the price is that their human genes will be quickly swallowed up by our genes, and eventually they will completely become ours.


"And then, if I sacrifice and summon again, it will just be a human sacrifice!"

After talking about his ultimate ambition, Xulong stopped talking.

But after a while, seeing the people around him unable to sit still, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Back then, the human Su Laomo just used a few missiles to ruin our plan, making all humans think that our alien race was vulnerable. It's a pity that they didn't know that the power of the ancestor gods we summoned at that time was only tens of millions.

Just one of them”

"Now, as long as we use tens of millions of sacrifices to summon them, let alone missiles, they are human nuclear bombs, which are just scratching objects."

"Unless they humans also have gods coming, and their power is far greater than our ancestors, then they have a chance to win."

"But will they?"

A soul from Xu Long asked back, which made the four hesitant people present suddenly feel refreshed.

Yes, as long as he follows his plan, the summoned ancestor gods will have at least one percent strength.

As long as it succeeds, humans will never have the slightest chance of making a comeback.

Even if it was their nightmare and the disappeared old demon Su appeared again, it was nothing more than a mantis trying to trick him.

"This is a serious matter. I want to go back and contact the ancestor god first."

"I'm going too. I have to report to the ancestral gods before I can make a decision."


The four of them got up and left, hurriedly heading in different directions.

Looking at their backs, the virtual dragon's smile in the room disappeared, replaced by a touch of unparalleled confidence.

"Human beings are nothing more than grasshoppers after autumn"

"Su Laomo, you'd better hide and don't come out. Once you come out, you will bring us pain."

"I will pay you back a hundred times, a thousand times!"

In the School of Medicine Affiliated to the Academy of Sciences.

Somo lay down on the hospital bed and looked quietly at the upper wall of the instrument that was shrouded above his head.

Through a piece of glass, he could see Chen Shen, Feng Tianmin, Feng Long, Bao Lei, Sun Quan, Huang Xiaojuan, Zhang Min, and Ai Jianqiang standing outside.

A series of close people were waiting anxiously outside with worry, waiting for the test results.

Without any hesitation, Yan Xiaqing started the instrument in person and began to conduct re-examination.

Scanning rays shot out from the upper wall and began to cover Somo's body, and the results returned were continuously analyzed.

At the same time, a long tube inserted into Somo's arm also began to draw blood, and light blue blood poured out from it.

"Why is his blood different from those of those infected with the blood plague?" Chen Shen looked at it again and again, and finally asked the question on everyone's mind.

Just now, they examined seven people infected with common blood plague and observed the entire examination process and the final results.

As soon as the blood of those people was extracted, it would be more or less stained with black spots, and the blood of two people even turned completely black.

It's like Somo is like this now, with his blood turning blue and his appearance becoming purer. This is the first time I've seen it.

"This is the difference between Su Youzong and others. His acceptance of fish-man genes is much better than that of ordinary people. It's like"

"His genes are the leaders of evolution?"

After Yan Xiaqing finished speaking, the blood component test comparison jumped out first.

80% of human genes.

20% fishman genes.

"Perfect 28-part division, no growth or loss during the fish-man gene infection, very stable"

She praised sincerely, and at the same time, the new scan was also displayed.

The fish-man genes like a spider web were evenly dispersed throughout Soma's body.

They did not occupy the original space, but grew 20% more space based on the previous genes.

"Why didn't his immune system attack these foreign genes?"

Feng Tianmin learned a lot about the blood epidemic on the way here, and at this time he also mentioned a key point that everyone was concerned about.

Gene fusion is not something that can be accomplished simply.

As everyone knows, even grafted plants may die, let alone organisms with many organs.

What's more, if every human's immune system can absorb foreign genes so perfectly, why does the blood plague virus need a shell to attack the immune system?

The introduction of genes will not cause harm, but will bring benefits. Isn't this clearly the correct direction of biological evolution?

"According to County Magistrate Su, he bred cells that could contain the fish-man gene and then implanted them into his body."

"Because the rejection reaction has been completed in the outside world, it will not be attacked by the immune system when entering the human body."

"That means that as long as any gene can complete this step, it will not cause xenophobia?"

"Theoretically yes, but..." Yan Xiaqing paused in her heart, then shook her head calmly: "We have never succeeded once."

"Follow the steps he said?" Chen Shen asked.

"No, when we discovered that malignant tumors can alleviate the sequelae of the blood epidemic, we tried to use cancer cells to reproduce them, but we didn't succeed once."

"There is no blood plague virus that destroys the immune system. Once it enters the human body, it will immediately produce a xenophobic reaction."

One after another, the inspection results appeared one after another, corroborating Yan Xiaqing's words.

The first few infected people who successfully survived the blood epidemic had more or less problems with their body organs.

Only when their immune systems are destroyed can genetic combination be possible.

As for Sumo's body, all the data are perfect, and he is a completely healthy person.

"Are you done? I want to get up?"

Suddenly, while several people outside were still having a heated discussion, Somo's voice came from the cabin.

Everyone was stunned and could only turn their attention to Yan Xiaqing.

The latter shrugged, pressed the instrument button, and the hatch cover popped up.

"I told you I was healthy, but you didn't believe me."

Shaking his neck, Somo sat up:

"If we want to fight the blood plague virus from the outside world, we must attack first and implant less harmful genes to fight against it."

"Otherwise, once the hole is opened, it will be too late for us to act!"

A crazy idea came out of Somo's mouth again.

But this time, Chen Shen, who had always held firm objections, rarely hesitated.

It was late at night, the north wind was howling outside the window, and snowflakes were falling.

He walked to the window and glanced at the occasional capable cars on the street outside, his eyes drifting far away for a moment.

After a while, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at everyone with a firm look on his face.

"Okay, start with me first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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