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Chapter 825 The prelude to the zombie tide, the blood sacrifice array!

If faced with the vicious Shenting thugs, Jared still had the slightest chance of escaping.

Facing the mysterious Chinese man in front of him, all he could feel was a sense of fear and fear.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that the wooden darts easily took away the lives of several people with just a flick of the opponent's hand.

Such a simple method is stronger than the strength of the third-level evolvers of Shenting!

"My lord, I don't know what you need."

"I am, I am Jared, the lord of the Nakowai territory. I can satisfy any needs you have." Resisting the dizziness in his head, Jared quickly stood up and blocked the entrance to the tunnel at the back.

But what he didn't expect was that the man opposite had a surprised look on his face: "What? Are you the lord here?"

"Yes, the territory was suddenly attacked by the ability users of the Divine Court. They released the divine power barrier. We had no way to resist, so we had to come up with this strategy."

"Very good, then I won't have to continue to understand the situation!"

"Come here and drink this." Sumo waved his hand gently, pulling Jared directly to his side without caring, and took out a small bottle containing light blue blood from the storage space.

"Sir, what is this?" Jared took it, opened the plug and smelled it.

The liquid inside has an indescribable strange smell, just like the jellyfish fished out of the sea just now.

"This is a medicine to treat blood plague gene infection. Drink it and you will know."

"Cure the blood plague?" Jared felt happy, no longer hesitated, and quickly raised his head and drank the liquid in the bottle.

Suddenly, a strong burning sensation rose up his throat, as if he had swallowed a bottle of sulfuric acid.

He endured the pain, trembling all over and trying not to make a sound.

After a while, the dizzy feeling in my head became less and less.

Jared raised his head and was about to say thank you, but for some reason his words got stuck in his throat after seeing Somo's face.

It was obviously the first time they met, but at this time, he only felt that the man in front of him was extremely familiar and kind.

And a feeling like seeing his father suddenly appeared in his heart.

"What do I do?"

"Maybe it's because your constitution is different and it's the sequelae caused by the blood epidemic. Don't worry." Sumo comforted softly.

"Come out with me, I have many questions to ask you."

"Okay, sir, my wife and daughter are still here." Pointing to the end of the tunnel, Jared instinctively gave up all vigilance.

Although he himself was a little strange, facing the man in front of him and hearing every word he said.

Jared could only feel a sense of relief from the bottom of his heart, and could not think of harming the other party or even deceiving the other party.

"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes. You can find them and I'll wait for you up there."

"Remember, move quickly!"

After saying that, Somo jumped lightly and jumped out of the tunnel.

Looking at the dark rear, Jared was shocked and couldn't help but speed up and run back.

After receiving the injection of evolution potion and drinking the strange liquid, he now only felt that his physical fitness was much stronger.

It was a bumpy road when I arrived, but now I feel like God is helping me.

In just a few minutes, he easily found his family huddled in a corner of the tunnel.

"Hurry, my children, an adult is here to save us!"

Jared exclaimed and wanted to pick up his youngest son and return in a hurry.

But just as he took action, he was caught by his wife Jenny: "Your Majesty, this is an attack by the Divine Court. Where can anyone save us? Could it be the Divine Court?"

"How is it possible? That gentleman is much stronger than the Divine Guard of the Divine Court!" Jared shook his head stubbornly and scolded his wife.

"Go quickly, if you make the adults unhappy, we will all die!"

Maybe at this time, he himself failed to realize that the importance of that adult was much higher than that of his family members.

However, just like those who received the evolution potion before, they suddenly lost their minds and attacked friendly forces.

A magical power has completely affected his mind.

Outside the tunnel door is an abandoned three-story building on the edge of Bryce City, full of dilapidation and deathly silence.

Soma stood alone on the third floor terrace, looking at the bloody battles taking place throughout the city.

"Actually, we should have thought of it a long time ago. The five royal families will have some control over their own genes. Even if the proportion in the human body is only 20%, they will not be able to escape." He sighed softly.

"Since they can stimulate genetically infected people through specific bands and frequencies, causing the infected people to lose their minds and turn into lunatics who only attack humans. Can we correspondingly develop a restrained frequency to prevent them from doing this?" Bao Lei also said

Standing aside, he was playing with a box device in front of him that was about the same size as a laptop.

It was a coincidence that a group of people had just entered the city to check out the situation, and happened to encounter an advanced evolver who could release long-range electric ball attacks at the edge of the city's buildings.

After dealing with this man and the thugs around him, unexpectedly, by accident, not only did they gain the means to control ordinary infected people, but they also saved the lord of the Nakowai territory.

According to the results of the device just tested, as long as the red button above is pressed, the evolvers within one kilometer around will be affected, and their desire to kill will suddenly increase.

They will start attacking humans indiscriminately, just like aliens who have lost their minds.

There is no doubt that this is not a means to control evolvers, but a small means to detonate bombs.

"It's useless. You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days." Sumo sighed longly: "It's hard to imagine if all these evolvers lost control and started wandering around the New World purposefully to attack those who were not affected.

Territory, what kind of horrific scene will it be.”

The prelude to out-of-control, attack, bloodthirsty, and corpse tide has already begun.

Having done tests on Huang Ding, he knows very well how powerful the control at the genetic level is.

Looking at the people who had just been injected with the evolutionary medicine, they had completely lost their minds and were unable to extricate themselves.

"Sir, would you please stop worrying too much? As long as the divine barrier cannot completely cover the entire New World, even if these evolvers form a team, they can be solved with just one cannonball." Zhou Xun, who was holding a wooden knife on the other side, was eager to give it a try.

Although the third-level evolver just now was strong, he was still chopped to death by his knife.

Having seen real big scenes with Somo, he knew exactly how much his strength compared to those weapons.

If you want to fight against cannonballs, why don't you have a divine barrier?

"Oh, forming a team, you underestimate the dangers of forming a team." Sumo smiled and did not continue to explain.

The transition of the citizens of the Northland and the Golden Eagle is about to be completed, once these people also join the team.

Will the two major territories sit back and watch the fireworks and artillery shells from other territories hit their own people?

Will mankind really resort to ruthless measures and carry out a bloody purge just because most people are infected?

The situation has changed and the beginning has begun.

Sumo opened his mouth to say something else, but suddenly his eyes moved and he saw Jared finally emerging from the tunnel entrance.

He first settled down the family members who were following him, and then cautiously came to Somo's side.

"Sir, I wonder what you need to know?"

"Before the invasion of the territory, Shenting should have given you the opportunity to join. Didn't you choose to join at that time?"

"I chose to join." Speaking of this, Jared was a little aggrieved, but more importantly, he was helpless: "They asked us to gather all the people in the territory, and some of the strong and qualified ones were left to undergo evolution.

All the remaining ones will be injected with medicine and sent to the designated location in the Divine Court."

"I promised them to inject everyone with evolutionary medicine, but they want to take people away because they don't want these people to live. As a lord, how can I just watch them die?"

"Sent to a designated location? Are you sure they were sent to die?" Sumo thought with his eyes.

"I don't know, but the location I want to send to is three days' drive from here. If someone is sent there, there is a 100% chance of being picked up." Jared shook his head: "The Divine Court can control the thinking of evolved people. They are

Creating slaves is completely inconsistent with their original intention of creating a new world, they are naked liars!"

"Aren't you affiliated with a super-large territory?" Bao Lei from the other side suddenly asked.

"Yes, we are affiliated with Lion King Banner, but they have too much to take care of themselves now."

"The alliance's troops have given up their jurisdiction one after another. The territory to the north along the Changlong Immortal River is now theirs, and the territory to the south along the Changlong Immortal River is Shenting's territory, except for the Tianyuan territory."

As soon as Jared finished speaking, there were sudden bursts of explosions in the sky.

The sound was weak at first, but after a while, it suddenly hit the buildings in the city and made a rumble.

At the same time, the divine barrier that shrouded everyone's heads was like a bubble, bursting open and disappearing without a trace.

"No, the divine barrier was broken. It was the special team sent by the alliance that discovered the strange phenomenon here."

"Sir, we have to leave quickly, or the missiles are coming!"

"What? There are so many innocent people in the city, how could the missiles?" Zhou Xun's expression changed wildly as he watched the evolvers below suddenly begin to flee.

"The Alliance doesn't care about this. Now any territory invaded by the Divine Court will be the target of their attack." Jared explained hurriedly and looked at Somo hurriedly.

"Let's go, listen to him, no matter whether the missiles will come or not, we will go out first." Sumo continued to look at the chaos in the city and said calmly.

Although he still doesn't believe that the alliance's methods will be as cruel as Jared described.

But just like he didn't go directly through the control area before, now, he won't choose to gamble on luck.

The group of people quickly went down to the small courtyard.

When Jared was building the tunnel, he had already prepared a bulletproof van for escape in the courtyard.

Following the carefully prepared escape route, three capable vehicles rushed out of the courtyard one after another.

On the way, dozens of evolutionists were seen running and wanted to come over and steal the car.

But at this time, without the divine power, the fire weapons installed on the vehicle can already be used.

Jared roared angrily, and as if venting his resentment, he fired the machine gun, and there was a burst of random shots.

Like cutting wheat, the vehicles quickly ran over the corpses and rushed out of the city gate as fast as possible.

When they arrived outside the city, the three capable vehicles did not choose to retreat from the road.

"Fifteen kilometers northeast, there is a secret shelter I built. We can hide there."

Before he finished speaking, the rest of his words suddenly got stuck in his neck.

Looking forward with his astonished eyes, Sumo was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face instantly turned cold.

At this time, from the horizon, two missiles trailing long tail flames were flying towards them at great speed.

Because there is no reference object, the missile's flight speed appears to be very slow.

But there is no doubt that their destination is the city behind them.


Bao Lei instantly stepped on the accelerator, and the Neng car roared, cocked the front of the car and rushed forward.

The two capable cars following behind were not slow either, and both drove straight to the northeast at maximum speed.

At this moment, time passed very slowly, so slowly that everyone could feel the passing of every minute and second.

About three minutes later, two strong explosions suddenly came from behind, causing the three vehicles to shake left and right.

At this time, everyone looked back and were shocked to find that Bryce City, which stood on the ground, had turned into ruins and a sea of ​​flames.

"They're crazy, they actually exploded!"

The vehicle stopped and Bao Lei got out of the car, looking into the distance with extremely strange eyes.

He wanted to open his mouth to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak.

Should we scold the Alliance for launching ruthless and wanton attacks, or should we mourn the unpredictable fate of the survivors in the city?

In order to deal with these evolvers who attack the city, innocent people have become an unacceptable price.

"Every time Shenting attacks a place, it will quickly assimilate the people there. In a sense, the alliance's approach is not wrong."

"If they don't choose to bomb now, within a few days, the captured people in the city will choose to join the Divine Court and become new invaders and go to other territories. This kind of virus-like assimilation method is too terrifying!" Jared

I got out of the car with my head shrunken, my eyes full of happiness for the rest of my life.

Bao Lei was stunned and speechless for a moment.

"Indeed, there is no right or wrong in terms of different positions." Sumo also got out of the car, his eyes filled with the sea of ​​fire burning in the distance.

"Let's go, Jared, I need to go to where they gather survivors as soon as possible. Do you know the specific location?"

"Don't worry, sir. They have already sent me the coordinates before. There are so many people there that they cannot leave easily even if they want to move."

Worried, everyone got in the car again and rested all the way to the shelter built by Jared.

Sumo could clearly see that the members of the Heavenly Sword Regiment present, including Bao Lei, were completely shocked by their ideas.

But at this time, there was nothing he could do to comfort her.

This scene is bound to happen countless times in the next month, and countless innocent people will fall under the fire of their own people.

But what can be done?


When the nest is covered, there are no eggs left.

Just like when the Yan Kingdom suddenly fell from its peak to total destruction, no one could stay out of the situation.

And this is exactly the case, under such worry.

In the past three days, on the way to the concentration camp where survivors were concentrated in Shenting, everyone saw four fireworks explosions in succession.

No matter it is a city or a small town, as long as there is a divine barrier appearing.

After the barrier is destroyed, missiles will definitely follow and blast the divine evolvers inside to smithereens.

From the initial outcry, to the difficulty in accepting it, and then to the gradual numbness.

Gradually, Bao Lei and Zhou Xun also became taciturn and lost their former liveliness.

"Sir, the coordinates are right ahead of you, should we walk there?"

The terrain at the location of the coordinates is not complicated, it is just a simple basin covered with a divine power barrier that is much larger than usual.

The capable car entered the barrier and began to sound various alarm sounds, and the electronic devices inside began to have problems.

They persisted until there were only more than 20 kilometers left from the concentration camp, when Jared suddenly spoke up to break the silence.

"Okay, then get out of the car and touch it."

One after another, the two vehicles were parked in a hidden low-lying area, and everyone began to get out of the car and walk to their destination.

It seems that they are very relieved about the divine power barrier here, and Shenting did not send many guards to patrol here.

After only dodging a few guards on the gravel road, everyone successfully reached the edge of the basin.

In the distance, you can hear the sound of ding-ding-dong-dong, obviously something is being built.

After walking to a position where he could overlook the place below, Sumo stretched out his head and took a look. He was stunned on the spot for a moment, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Jared came over and looked down.

The area of ​​the basin, which houses nearly 100,000 people, is indeed quite large. Simple tents of various colors are intricately erected inside, making it dazzling.

It was daytime at this time, and countless human beings with their heads lowered were busy beating on the ground with hammer heads.

Pieces of blood-red stones were embedded into the ground, forming a strange-looking pattern.

"It seems like I've seen this pattern somewhere before?" Bao Lei stood by the pit and wondered aloud.

The few people who stuck their heads out behind them all blinked and added: "Although it looks a little strange, I am not unfamiliar either. He should be here."

Suddenly, a member of the Heavenly Sword Regiment reacted and his whole body started to tremble violently.

He took a deep dive from his pocket and took out a promotional brochure known as a must-have for Su Chuan.

"Su Shen's Notes".

He quickly flipped through the notebook a few times and settled on the eighth page.

It was someone who later drew the famous scene of Somo standing on the kobold castle on the live broadcast interface based on his memory.

And underneath the castle, there is a crooked red mark.

Accurately match the pattern being built by the humans below!

This chapter has been completed!
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