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Chapter 838 The secret of the divine realm is completely lost!

An ownerless statue can, at best, be very tempting to a remnant god like Lance.

But with the special upgrade of the system, his meaning has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I can't see what the question mark represents, but based on the intelligence previously detected

Soma's breathing became heavy again.

"If the question mark represents this ruin, and the subsequent mark is to allow me to control this ownerless divine domain, then the benefits this will bring are too unimaginable!"

He didn't dare to think about the next inference.

Because if all this can really succeed, it will bring into its hands a divine domain that is no less than the size of the New World.

Even just extracting the resources inside can give people countless wealth that cannot be used up.

To put it even further, the so-called mark only gives him a chance to come back here.

As long as you can plant a seed before leaving, the harvest will be absolutely terrifying when you come back here again!

With difficulty, Sumo turned his attention away and carefully put the fourth-level statue into the box again and wrapped it up.

After all this was done, he gently stretched out his hand to touch Lance's statue of divine power.

The familiar feeling of spinning around came over me, and when I could see things in front of me, I was suddenly in the small courtyard again.

It's just that compared to the past few days, the objects in the small courtyard are now newer, and the area has also expanded a lot.

Looking to the side, the withered and yellow leaves in the forest are gradually turning green, seeming to be rejuvenated.

"Lord Poseidon, you are here again." Lance walked out of the wooden house, showing a flattering smile.

"How's it going? It seems that you took away the light before. Are you living a good life these days?" Looking around, Sumo said with a smile.

"It's slightly beneficial, it's slightly beneficial." Lance laughed, still looking the same as before.

But this time Sumo had already made up his mind and would not be fooled so easily.

Sitting on the stone chair, he straightened up and said, "Tell me about the God's Domain."

"I want to know what the Divine Realm is, how to possess it, why the physical properties of the Divine Realm's projection will change, and the statues I obtained have no response at all except you, and cannot pull me into the Divine Realm, but

But it can put ordinary people into coma?"

Lance was already used to being bombarded with several questions in a row.

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then sat down and began to answer seriously:

"The Divine Realm. The Divine Realm is the space that we use our original divine power to forcibly divide on the basis of the original world after we become gods. According to the size of the world where each god is located, the larger the world, the smaller the area of ​​the Divine Realm, but the attributes are more

Strong. The smaller the world, the larger the area of ​​the divine realm, but the attributes tend to be average. However, there are exceptions for the divine realms of some gods. They inherited the divine realms of their ancestors, so they are not within the scope of discussion."

"The reason why the projection of the divine realm can make metal fragile and wood strong is not our ability. At best, we can only cast divine power on designated creatures in the area to enhance their combat power. To achieve this effect, it is the world's influence on the divine realm.

This can only be achieved by the rules and restrictions. Sir, you can understand this, as long as there is a divine domain covering it, the stronger the divine power, the stronger the world's restrictions on the area will be."

"The origin statue can be understood as the key to entering the divine realm, and it is also the projection of the core of power. By communicating with it, as long as the owner of the statue obtains permission, foreign consciousness can cross space and enter the divine realm."

"The divine realm will not fall into collapse and destruction after the death of the owner, so even if the gods are dead, the remaining divine realms can continue to function. For example, sir, you have obtained several statues of gods, and there are protective spells set by the gods on them. Ordinary people can touch nature

It will be counterattacked by the spell, and only gods can hold it without restriction."

"But if you expose the core of the divine domain to the outside world, aren't you afraid of being discovered and destroyed?" Sumo asked.

"Of course I am afraid. The divine realm is the foundation of a god, storing the original power of each god. If the divine realm is destroyed or loses connection, the gods will lose all power." Lance nodded and replied:

"But there is no way. We are enslaved gods and have no right to resist. When they occupied other worlds in the past, we would be sent out to perform similar tasks, so we often encountered resistance and fell."

"Do you think the world you came to before was the realm of gods?"

"of course not."


"Lord Poseidon, the world is the world, and the divine realm is the divine realm. The world can give birth to the divine realm, but the divine realm cannot evolve into the world. To give a very simple example, in a world, even the smallest world can naturally give birth to various attributes.

There is no owner of divine power, and in a divine domain, even a divine domain that is comparable to a super world cannot produce its own divine power. The owner of the divine domain needs to go to the outside world and exchange it for a price in order to replace it with the divine power marked by the owner."

"You have also used the divine power of the ocean in this world. Do you think there are signs of other gods on it?" Lance asked.

"It doesn't seem like there?" Sumo thought for a while, and indeed he didn't see any marked divine power.

There are millions of water masses of ocean power dissipating in the air, all floating without owners, waiting for someone to take them.

"So, is there any way to make my own divine realm produce this kind of ownerless divine power?" He asked again.

Lance didn't know the truth about the world beneath his feet, and 90% of the ancestors like the Cursed Tiger were also kept in the dark, not knowing that this place was a ruin.

So, now he is the only one in the outside world who knows that this is just a divine domain?

"There is a way. As long as the master of the gods can conquer the external world and replace the original world consciousness, he can successfully integrate the divine domain and the world to produce similar abilities. But Lord Poseidon, the world you are in now is

Super world, which god can turn the super world into his own divine domain? This is simply impossible!"

"So that's it." Sumo nodded with satisfaction, finally getting the answer he wanted.

Sure enough, if you want to understand the enemy, you still have to start from inside the enemy.

In Lance's case, he only knew that it was the master of the God's Domain who conquered the outside world, thus allowing the God's Domain to gain ownerless divine power.

But what if it were reversed, what if the game acquired the divine realm and actively poured divine power into the divine realm to disguise it as a super world?

This is entirely possible.

And there is another key point that supports his judgment.

Making wood strong and metal weak was once a disaster that occurred in the wasteland every year.

In this divine realm, the game is very likely to be lazy and only set the projection range of the divine realm's power, and this situation will occur.

After the disaster, he only turned off the projection of divine power, but did not cancel this rule.

Only then did the five royal families seize this flaw, and gradually evolved into the current divine power barrier, used to restrain human technological weapons.

"Next question, I can't sense the divine realm now. Is it because my divine realm was destroyed?"

"How is that possible?" Lance quickly lowered his body and expressed his sincerity: "Great ocean god, the noble leader of nature gods, as long as your divine power exists for one day, it means that your divine domain will be immortal."

"To sense the lost realm of gods, you only need a simple universal spell and consume some weak divine power."

Lance began to chant a spell that was difficult to understand.

Fortunately, with his previous experience of studying with Xing Yue, Somo quickly recited it and chose to leave the divine realm with satisfaction.

As the light and shadow changed, the tent reappeared, and the sound of rain outside reached my ears.

"Now it is basically certain that this is an unclaimed land occupied by games." In a daze, Sumo thought of the dozens of strange planets he once saw while riding a rocket in the sky.

If it can be determined, it is basically certain that the true body of the Divine Realm is there.

But the most important thing now is to try out where your own divine realm is.

If we can contact the Baisha ruins and have another chance to return there, there will be a lot of things that can be done.

According to the spell taught by Lance, Soma sat cross-legged on the bed and began to chant softly. At the same time, he slowly mobilized a unit of ocean power to turn into a water mirror in the air.

Just stare at the mirror made of water vapor with both eyes.

After a few seconds, the mirror began to tremble slightly, as if something was about to jump out of it.

"The distance is too far, one unit is not enough?"

Somo thought for a while, and could only take out another unit of divine power and throw it into the water mirror.

Immediately, the water mirror gained strength, its trembling frequency increased, and a very familiar picture gradually appeared from it.

"Wait. This is my territory?"

"How is it possible? Shouldn't it be the Baisha ruins?"

Sumo opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the details emerging in the water mirror.

First, the familiar Tieshi Mountain and Huaguo Mountain appeared, both covered with a thick layer of white snow.

Then in the white snow, suddenly there was a sunken place, which was square and just made a square.

Inside the square is the familiar Hope Village and the strange extra black building.

It should be noon at this time, and most people are busy working in the village, which looks peaceful and peaceful.

There was only a murloc tribe dozens of kilometers away from the village, and hundreds of murlocs suddenly walked out of the building.

As if they sensed something, they began to kneel on the ground spontaneously, kneeling towards the sky and praying.

"It's strange. My Poseidon authority comes from the Baisha Ruins and Jiang Chu. It has nothing to do with the main world. Could it be because of that?" Sumo thought of the tortoise shell that created the sanctuary and the territory that subsequently evolved.

But this thing did not bring him any ocean power at all, and it was impossible for him to obtain ocean authority.

Lance pointed this out when he was teaching spells just now.

Most of the divine realms of gods are related to when they first obtained divine power. Only by using this power can the divine realm be opened up.

Unable to figure this out, Somo chose to disperse the water mirror after looking at it for a while.

He told Lance this doubt.

The other party thought for a while and gave the answer.

"It may be that, Lord Poseidon, you were born as a child of a great god, possessing a companion divine realm. Or you inherited the divine realm from your predecessors before you gained power, so it did not change due to the subsequent emergence of power. And the divine realm you initially obtained does not change as long as

Destroyed, it will stay with you forever.

This is a good thing, neither the accompanying divine realm nor the inherited divine realm have unique divine attributes. In other words."

"Can I plunder the divine power of other attributes and add it to my divine domain?" Sumo asked directly.

"Yes, if it is a divine realm created by you, the main body must be composed of the divine power of the ocean. But if it is these two kinds of divine realms, the main body can accommodate countless other attributes. The more it can accommodate, the stronger your power will be.


"So what about the idol you wanted to eat before? Is he also a god without an owner?"

"Uh" suddenly let it slip. Lance was a little embarrassed, but he still managed to explain: "This divine realm is not ownerless, but the five great ancestor gods forcibly sent the divine realms of their subordinates to conquer this world.

The tribesmen in this world have already established connections. In this way, this divine realm has some connections with this world, and can exert a stronger power than us."

"But you have also seen the disadvantages. If the divine domain is inherited by others, it cannot fully exert its power. The crystal dragon clan hiding inside has been devoured by me. Now the idol has become a dead thing and must be granted permission by the other party again.

, can be used.”

"Do you want to replace your own divine domain to get rid of the control of the cursed tiger ancestor?"

"." Lance didn't reply. He pointed at the mark on his head and remained silent.

Soma got the answers to many questions from his reaction.

Now it seems that the reason why the Sanctuary can receive blessings from alien races with different attributes is probably because the essence of the Sanctuary is an inherited divine domain that can accommodate various attributes of divine power.

At that time, if there are humans who have accumulated authority in their own divine domain, the way the game wants to obtain it will not be too simple.

By lifting the sickle, the leek can easily take away the tortoise shell and gain the power inside.

The game almost discovered it before. The golden light kept checking the shelter, probably also checking whether there was any permission to attach to the core of the divine domain.

"It's too dangerous. No wonder the system charges such expensive fees to cover up the use of force in the territory."

"Looking at it now, it's like doing it right under the opponent's nose!"

Back in the tent, Sumo couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Whether it is modifying the weather of the territory, modifying the area of ​​the territory, digesting the snow with an alchemy furnace, forcibly changing the resource level with upgrades, and a series of other operations.

They are all equivalent to using alternative means to make God's Domain become more and more powerful within the sight of the game.

Especially the reason for the skyrocketing threat level before, it seems that the snow in the territory disappeared too quickly, which caused the game to be alert.

It’s not a systematic cover-up, it will be completely exposed in a day or two!

Thinking on the bright side, when humans come to this wasteland, they are born with a divine domain, a treatment that many gods would envy.

But thinking about the worst, under the supervision of the game, humans will not be able to possess divine power and obtain this magical power throughout their lives.

After thinking for a while, Somo sighed softly.

If he could really defeat Yugi and free this damn natural disaster and supervision.

All human beings have inherited the divine domain. As long as they are cultivated a little, what terrifying fighting power they will be.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of gods can be mobilized, each with a huge number of followers.

What a cursed tiger, what a crystal dragon.

No matter how powerful a race is, as long as it faces the human race, it can only kneel down and sing about conquest.

"Master Su, there is new news coming from the territory, red is urgent."

Suddenly, the voice of the guards from the Heavenly Sword Regiment came from outside the tent.

He opened the tarp, walked in and put down a translated message, interrupting Somo's meditation.

"About what?"

"The Dragon Banner Territory is in full-scale war with Shenting. Currently, only the two provinces of Water and Fire are still supporting the Five Elements Province. The other three provinces have fallen under the control of Shenting."

"So fast?" Sumo looked surprised and quickly picked up the message and started reading it.

The Long Banner Territory fell faster than the Tianyuan Territory, which was within his expectation.

It's not because Longqi's territory is weak, but because Longqi's previous stalls were too large, and it was impossible for the existing personnel to defend all areas.

As long as Shenting continues to engage in assault wars, defeat is only a matter of time.

"They decided to use the Water Province as a line of defense to defend the last peace of the Fire Province?"

After reading this decision, Sumo nodded slightly.

But before he could say anything, another guard walked in at the door.

"Master Su, the latest news has been sent from the territory. The two provinces of Long Banner, Water and Fire, have been completely lost just now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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