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Chapter 841 Tens of millions of divine powers, the biggest trump card!

The structure of the Divine Court is contrary to normal forces. Status is not determined by assignment, but by pure personal strength.

As long as the strength is advanced, status and treatment will be improved immediately.

A boss who may have been groveling one second may become a respectful subordinate the next second after his strength improves.

Or you may be bossy one second, but after your strength declines, you may have to grovel the next second.

Judging from the long-term development curve of the system, this way of dividing status is very abnormal, and it can easily cause the divine court to collapse from the inside out.

But in the short term, this system seems to have magic power, gathering people's hearts very quickly.

Under his influence, strength is like a business card.

With it, even strangers who don't know each other can quickly establish interpersonal connections with it.

And relying on this viral spread, Shenting easily captured most of the Long Banner territory, and also moved its headquarters here.

They couldn't wait to enjoy the fruits of victory and establish their prestige at the head of the three former territories.

But after twelve o'clock in the evening, with the release of the disaster mission, everything changed.

In the base a hundred meters underground in Fenghuo City, I watched the call request floating on the screen and the screen surveillance floating on the other side.

A smile appeared on Long Anguo's long-lost serious face.

He didn't answer the call right away, but hung up.

When the call came again, he did the same thing and continued to hang up.

After doing this three times, he slowly pressed the connect button.

"Hello? Bi Weiquan, didn't I say that no matter what means you use, we will not surrender."

"Bi Weiquan?" A sharp male voice came from the opposite side: "Bi Weiquan is dead. Now I am Qu Lishan. I am now the leader of Shenting."

"Oh? Could it be that you have launched a rebellion?" Long Anguo's smile became even brighter, and he suppressed his heart and said happily in a low voice.

"Long Anguo, no matter how much you ridicule, the past sins of Shenting should be borne by Bi Weiquan alone and have nothing to do with us." Qu Lishan's voice was slightly trembling.

"Now I want to have peace talks with you. We are willing to give up all the land and retreat to the original place. I just ask that you can organize the strength to fight the coming zombie tide and don't let the plan of the five royal families succeed."

"Have you figured it out now?"

"Most of us knew it all along, but no one wanted to be the first to speak out."

"I know you have this ability, so I can agree to your conditions as long as they are within my control." Qu Lishan lowered his posture, almost using a pleading tone.

But unfortunately, before Long Anguo could say anything, there was a sudden rush of murderous shouts from the other side of the microphone.

Amid Qu Lishan's unwilling screams, Long Anguo waited quietly.

Four or five minutes later, a strange male voice sounded again: "Long Anguo, Qu Lishan is dead. I am Adama Gutierrez, the new leader of the Divine Court. We are willing to cooperate with you, as long as you."

A dramatic scene happened again, and before the words were spoken, the shouts of killing continued one after another.

On the other side of the microphone, there was complete chaos.

Especially on the surveillance screen, more and more senior officials of Shenting have rioted and rushed into the "Imperial Palace" that symbolizes the position of the leader with their cronies.

"Long Anguo, I am."

"I am willing to surrender, me"

"Peace talks, I want to have peace talks with you."

Different voices sounded one after another and then stopped suddenly.

Those who have attained the right will receive much help, while those who have lost the right will receive little help.

Many times, games always play the role of the villain, acting as the last straw for mankind.

But this time, this straw weighed heavily on Shenting's heart.

With the recognition of the hostile relationship, the balance of victory and defeat finally shifted slightly from this moment on!

With the sudden change in the war situation in the outside world, there was an influx of refugees that were dozens of times the number of people in the previous territory.

The original separation of counties and cities in the Tianyuan territory was temporarily abolished and turned into three parts: outer territory, inner territory, and buffer zone.

Take the part two hundred kilometers close to the Sky-supporting Wall as an example. This area is uniformly divided into the Outer Territory, and nearly one million Tianyuan troops are stationed there.

Some refugees who have just arrived in the territory will also be examined here. After passing, they will enter a buffer zone about fifty kilometers long to continue to be isolated and observed whether they have been infected by the five royal family genes.

Going inward is the inner domain of Tianyuan territory, which is also the only pure land in the New World that has not yet been ravaged by the flames of war.

Nowadays, even Sangtian Town, which used to be a bit desolate except for the summer and autumn harvests, is crowded with people.

Inside and outside the town, there are temporary tents set up everywhere, in which survivors and refugees who have come from afar live.

Zizailiangfang is located in the center of the town.

"Brother Su, the latest news is that the Divine Court is in complete chaos. They were abandoned by the five royal families and have now become abandoned sons."

"Sure enough, if you want to destroy it, you have to make it crazy first. The Long Banner Territory's forbearance is really cruel!"

"Since six o'clock in the morning, Houtu City has organized a counterattack and is ready to fight against the tide of millions of corpses."

Somo was hidden in the inner hall of the shop, using the gap between the screens to look at the front door of Liangfang.

Sun Quan excitedly told the news from the side, but it didn't surprise him at all.

On the contrary, as early as half a month ago, Sun Quan sent people to set up a disaster relief porridge shop here in his name, specially distributing thin meat porridge to those poor people who had used up all their supplies on the migration journey, which attracted Somo's attention.


At the beginning, the porridge shop distributed only a small quantity every day, and could only satisfy about 500 people.

However, as more and more people come in, the quota can only be gradually increased. As of yesterday, the number issued has reached more than 3,000 people.

According to the calculated data, plus the arrival of the peak migration period.

Sun Quan originally planned to add some restrictions to prevent this number from continuing to expand unnecessarily.

However, just one night passed, and the situation changed drastically.

Today, there is still an endless stream of people in front of the porridge shop.

But most people come here not for the bowl of gruel in the pot, but for

"Auntie, I'm so sorry. I lied to you these days. In fact, I still have some food on hand." A shy young man with a slightly thin body walked to the front of the team and opened the bag in his hand.

In that bag, there was also about four or five kilograms of brown rice, shining with an orange-yellow luster.

He showed a shy smile and placed the bag gently on the ground:

"I'm going to join the army today. I'll provide food there. Let's leave the rice to our porridge shop and continue the disaster relief."

"Baby, you." The porridge lady shook the spoon in her hand and wanted to refuse.

But before she could finish speaking, the young man dropped the bag, covered his head and ran away.

"Auntie, I'm also here to deliver food."

"This is a piece of bacon I saved. Please find some time to give them some extra food." Another person walked up. He put down the dark piece of meat in his hand and left quietly without waiting for the aunt's reply.

One by one, bag by bag.

More and more people came in, and more and more food was piled on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Sun Quan, who was also sitting in the inner hall, had a hint of helplessness on his face.

"After the announcement of yesterday's disaster mission, the number of soldiers joining the army surged tenfold. The number of soldiers is now estimated to have exceeded four million, and it is expected to eventually reach about six million."

"It's so unimaginable. After seeing the tide of corpses outside as a steady stream of treasures, the fear in people's hearts completely disappears!"

The Tianyuan Army is currently divided into two types: the original legion and the volunteer army.

Needless to say, they are originally from the legion. They are warriors who have been trained step by step in the Tianyuan territory. They have extremely high tactical literacy and combat effectiveness, and enjoy various subsidies, pensions, and preferential treatment.

The treatment for the volunteers is somewhat worse, with only food and accommodation included, without any other allowances.

Before the change, only those who had a deep hatred against Shenting or those who wanted to make contributions would participate.

Most of the refugees would rather beg for food than dare to step onto the battlefield and face the enemy zombies.

But just last night, the disaster mission was released, and the disaster store and civilized war store were opened at the same time.

The situation has changed dramatically.

"Actually, it's normal if you think about it carefully. There must be brave men under heavy rewards. In the past, achievements in meritorious service could only be paid lip service to, but now they are real rewards. If I didn't have other tasks, I couldn't help but want to join the army.

"Continuing to look at it for a while, Sumo looked away and smiled lightly.

The rewards in the disaster store were supplies that ordinary people needed, but he wasn't too greedy.

But what is displayed in the Civilized War Store exudes huge temptation.

"Brother Su, you said that the permanent reward for disaster, can we get it?" When the reward was mentioned, Sun Quan licked his lips, and he was a little greedy.

And after he finished speaking, he deliberately opened the game panel, just like most people did today, and once again clicked on the Civilization War store to look inside.

Unlike the Disaster Store next door, there aren't many items on the shelves in the Civilization War Store, only about a dozen items.

From high to low they are:

[Golden Legend Level: Completely kill an enemy civilization god and cause it to fall. (Reward: Disaster Permanent: Choose one of three random disasters and fix it in the new continent. Subsequent disasters will no longer change)]

[Golden Legend Level: Accumulatively destroy ten clones of hostile civilization gods. (Reward: Disaster Eradicator: Can be used in designated territories to avoid the impact of the disaster)]

[Golden Legend Level: Cumulatively kill one billion hostile civilized creatures. (Reward: Rebirth: After death, you can use this reward to be reborn once within 24 hours, and your physical fitness will automatically double after rebirth)]

[Red Epic Level: Re-occupy more than 95% of the land in the New World. (Reward: Resource Duplicator, which can designate a resource for perfect duplication, and the copied resource will be upgraded by one level and restored to its full glory)]

[Red Epic Level: Cumulatively kill 100 million hostile civilization creatures. (Reward: Life extension: The fixed life span of creatures is increased by 100.)]


There are no useless rewards, almost all are luxurious grand prizes that make people greedy and unable to sleep.

But at the same time, the conditions for completing the mission are also extremely harsh and perverted, making people unable to even think about chasing after them.

If Su Shen was still here, maybe someone would pray that the fantasy could completely fix the disaster, and human beings would no longer have to live in fear, and could turn this place into a second home.


"Don't think about it, Sun Quan, the more you force yourself to get some things, the less likely you are to get them."

"Look at those people outside. Sometimes it is not a right choice to narrow our goals." Sumo sighed with emotion and stood up straight: "Let's go, the train to Fishman City is arriving soon."

"Perhaps we can find the answer we want there."

"Answer?" Sun Quan repeated, somewhat confused.

But for no reason, when he saw Somo getting up and leaving, a hint of expectation rose in his heart.

It's not that far away from Fishman City by train.

It wasn't until 6 p.m. that the two arrived at the city's train station.

After getting out of the car, the fishy smell next to me didn't stop the survivors coming all the way.

They lined up excitedly to exit the station and were directed to rest in the completed refugee camp.

Going out along another route, Sumo also saw the new fish-man king who had been waiting here for a long time.

Yu Wenjun.

In appearance, there are obvious differences between Yu Wenjun and ordinary fishmen. The most intuitive thing is that the hair on his head is not scattered and hanging like fishmen, but has clear roots like humans.

Moreover, the details of his face should be clearer and more intuitive. If you don’t look closely at the folds below the nose, he really looks like a human being.

"County Magistrate Su, thank you for your hard work after a long journey."

Yu Wenjun stepped forward, bowed his body respectfully, picked up Somo's right hand and placed it on his forehead.

After feeling the power of the ocean that had the same origin as his own and was dozens of times more powerful, his eyes lit up slightly, and then his face became more humble.

"The power in your body is really rare in the world. Even if our high priest is still alive in the world, I am afraid he will have no choice but to be inferior."

"Oh? Can you sense the power of the ocean?" A touch of novelty appeared on Sumo's face.

Ordinary fishmen want to sense power on land, they must use spell blessing, but he didn't see the new king of fishmen using the sea eye ability just now.

"Master Su, I am not a real native fish man. You may not know that my father is a high priest, but my mother is a human being." Yu Wenjun smiled and said, "I have an innate curse in my body.

The spell is solidified, and the power of the ocean can still be continuously sensed without releasing the spell."

"So that's it." Sumo nodded lightly: "I have two purposes for this trip. The first is to visit the alchemy furnace, and the second is to pay homage to the high priest. I don't know if it's convenient."

"Of course it's convenient. Mr. Su, please come with me." Yu Wenjun had received the notice early and kept his attitude low.

He waved his hand, and the murloc convoy from behind immediately came up to them and loaded the three of them into the car.

"Master Su, I know your purpose of coming, but before I tell you the reason, please ask me to offer my highest apology to the two reckless sons of the old Fish King." Yu Wenjun's eyes sparkled and he bowed slightly.

"It doesn't matter, I've forgotten about this a long time ago. What I'm curious about is that they said they wanted to collide with me before. I don't know."

"It's like this. Probably before my father passed away, he used all his power to perform a prophecy. The prophecy told him that a human with the power of the ocean would appear and lead us fish-men to create a new era."

"Of course, when the prophecy first appeared, they all thought it was a shame. Even the old fish king ordered the news to be banned and no one was allowed to know."

"But since the old Fish King became worse and worse day by day, the two princes also learned about the news one after another and had their own evil thoughts."

"At that time, they thought Mr. Su was that person, so they wanted to put you into the machine to find Mr. Poseidon." Yu Wenjun explained clearly and then smiled:

"Of course, Mr. Su, you don't need to pay attention to this prophecy. We believe that man will conquer nature."

"One person can conquer the sky!" Su Mo praised casually, but there was a faint smile on his lips unconsciously.

"I heard that you grew up in the Longqi territory?"

"Yes, Mayor Chen secretly sent me to the Longqi territory and allowed me to receive a complete education in human society. I am very grateful to him." Speaking of this, Yu Wenjun sighed: "Unfortunately, the more I understand this, the more I

The more I worry about the future of the fishmen."


"Haha, it's a long story, and we have to start with the arrival of the Wasteland Year."

Yu Wenjun's character is very talkative, and he doesn't look like a fish man at all.

On the way to the alchemy furnace, he slowly told the story of the development of the fishman tribe over the years.

Since the fishmen came to this world, they have experienced development after development.

And from the cultural integration between tribes and humans, there are differences and integration.

Looking at it from a diversified perspective, Yu Wenjun raised dozens of concerns and seemed not to regard Somo as an outsider at all.

But only Soma himself knows.

In Yu Wenjun's heart, he probably regarded himself as the person in the prophecy, that's why he was so close.

"In front is the location of the alchemy furnace. Mr. Su, in principle, I cannot enter."

"It's okay. I'll go in and take a look. Just wait for me for a while."

The place where the alchemy furnace is placed is a brightly lit factory building.

Outside the factory, there were the Iron-Blooded Dragon Army, the Guards Corps of Feng Tian Min, guarding with guns.

When Sumo got out of the car and walked in, the team leader had already received the notice and hurriedly came to greet him.

"Master Su, please come this way."

Under the leadership of the captain, the two passed through heavy protection and entered the underground through a mechanism in the factory.

It wasn't until after a long shuttle that we arrived at the disaster relief base fifty meters underground.

At this time, countless light green seawater was being pumped in from six huge transparent water pipes, making a rumbling sound along the walls.

At the end of the water pipe, placed was the alchemy furnace that was used for heating before.

All the sea water gathers in it and burns, bursting out bursts of white gas along the pipe and spraying high into the outside world.

It seemed that nothing could be left behind, but after Sumo opened the system panel and conducted identification.

The attribute panel that popped up, the bottom one, made him clenched his fists and wanted to roar.

‘Temporary ocean power: 11685564 units (maximum storage limit: 99999999)’

This chapter has been completed!
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