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Chapter 844 Divine Power Seed, Victorious Stance!

In the virtual auditorium.

One after another, illusory figures floated in the air, staring at the changes in the surrounding environment.

The seawater overflowing from the ground and the light mist-like water vapor that enveloped the entire auditorium were particularly eye-catching at this time.

They can see the real-time display next to the virtual classroom and know clearly that these things are not simulated, but are happening in reality.

But they couldn't believe their eyes, why would such a thing appear in such a nice auditorium?

Time passed very slowly at this moment, as if it had stopped.

Everyone held their breath for fear of interrupting the speed of the seawater gushing under their feet.

Gradually, until the water covered the insteps of everyone, everyone felt a bit of coolness.

The water finally stopped!

But the next second, something even more magical happened.

The sea water that had appeared seemed to be inspired, and began to vibrate uniformly, as if boiling.

They slowly floated up from the ground and rushed high into the sky.

And being wrapped under the sea water, the feet of thousands of people in the auditorium also left the ground and went into the air.

"Oh my god, what is this!" The seawater turned into a cushion and was lifted half a meter away from the seat.

Looking at the tables and chairs gradually leaving below, Liu Xuan exclaimed.

He stretched out his hand to touch the sea water under his butt. When his fingers entered, it felt like they were inserted into flour, and he could only feel a soft repulsive force.

Continue to rub, and it will feel like jelly.

"Wait a minute, isn't this substance the flexible resistance substance we have been looking for? If it can be added to our cold-resistant clothing?"

Liu Xuan was shocked, suddenly came back to his senses, and looked around with burning eyes.

Sure enough, the people present were not mediocre, and many people had already begun to discover the mystery of the sea water under their butts.

They exclaimed and asked different questions one after another. The source pointed directly at the nature and possible effects of this seawater-like substance.

Of course, there are discussions about divine power, but the proportion can only be said to be pitiful.

After all, almost all the geniuses present are staunch materialist fighters, and they have received modern education since childhood.

Even after experiencing collective time travel and meeting alien races, more than 90% of people are convinced that only technology can change mankind.

But what they don't know is.


The man standing on the stage.

And the emergence of sea water on the ground is the first step to shatter their firm ideas.



The sound of lapping sea water echoed through the auditorium, completely covering up the sound of rain outside.

"Is this the power of the ocean!?" Zhang Chong, who was standing at the front, was also lifted up.

He looked curious and wanted to break free and jump down.

"Don't worry, Dean, this is just the beginning." Sumo smiled slightly and tapped the front.

A small cloud of mist flew from the surroundings, automatically forming a faint smoke ring-like ring.

"Hello, classmates."

The sound passes through the ring without any amplification.

But the strange thing is that everyone here, whether they are in the front row or the back row, whether they are around or in the corner.

Amidst the sound of the waves, they heard Soma's voice clearly.

"I guess you must have a lot of questions in your mind, don't worry, it's only three o'clock now, we still have a long time today."

Soma tapped lightly in the void, and the mist flew in again, forming a clock shape.

First the external numbers of the clock, then the hour, minute, and second hands.

When the clock was completely formed and started to rotate, Sumo continued with a smile:

"As you can see."

"Many times in this courtyard, every professor is thinking about standing here to face your first lesson. What should be left behind and what should be brought to you, so that you can remember it forever."

"And I, of course, am not exempt from vulgarity."

"Now, please each student take out his/her ticket, open it, and put it into the water ball under him/herself."


Most of the people in the venue were already curious about the sea water under their bodies, when they heard Sumo say this.

Immediately, many people took out the tickets in their pockets and stuffed them into the water balls according to the instructions.

A magical scene happened. The originally blue water mass turned into light green after entering the ticket.

And the properties of the water mass have also completely changed.

The traces of seawater seeped through the clothes to the surface of the human body, and eventually penetrated into the skin.

As the height dropped, I finally returned to my seat.

At this time, the venue finally couldn't help but explode!

"Oh my God, what is this? I had a stomachache at noon and didn't want to eat. Now I just want to go to the cafeteria and eat three bowls in a row!"

"My cervical vertebra no longer hurts, and my head doesn't hurt anymore. Haha, it really doesn't hurt anymore!"

"It's so amazing. I feel as if my body is several years younger and I have endless strength all over my body."

"This water can actually be integrated into the human body and achieve similar therapeutic effects?"

"How is it possible? Even if it can be integrated into the blood, it has to go through circulation before it can be effective? How can it be so fast?"

"It's incredible, it simply violates the laws of matter!"

More and more people are throwing their tickets into the water ball, and their bodies are being healed as they fall.

And now, they finally knew why there was such a thing as tickets for such a simple open class.

Make a lot of money!

Many people looked up at the top of the auditorium, with a hint of joy on their lips. The researcher who was so angry that he failed to get the ticket slapped his thigh.

"This is a meeting gift from me to my classmates."

"I hope this power of the ocean can open up your ideas and lead more people to see a more wonderful new world."

Somo bowed slightly, his face calm, but there was a faint pain in his heart.

There are three thousand people in the venue, even if only one unit of ocean power is integrated into each person.

After all, it cost a total of 1,500 survival points.

In the absence of supplementary means, these points can be regarded as a "huge sum of money".

"Teacher, what exactly is the power of the ocean?" Finally, a researcher in the front row couldn't help but stand up and voiced the question of most people present.

"This is a good question, and it is also the main content of the first lesson I bring to you."

"Today, the substance we mainly study is this magical substance that is colorless, invisible, and even stateless."

"The power of the ocean."

Gently rub it on the fingertips, and a light blue water ball appears in Somo's hand.

"This is a unit of ocean power. With it, we can accomplish some incredible things driven by spells."


Sing the mantra.

The water mass began to deform, and almost instantly condensed into a sharp water sword.

Soma held the hilt of the sword and picked up a small piece of wood that had been prepared on the podium.

The two touched, and the water sword passed through the wood without any hindrance, splitting it into two halves.

"This is a water sword that is completely condensed by the power of the ocean. Its hardness is ten times that of diamond. There is basically no substance in nature that can completely destroy it."

"Of course, it also has natural enemies, such as..."

Su Mo clapped his hands, in the eyes of most people who didn't know why.

The door on the right side of the auditorium was suddenly opened, and a divine evolver covered in black scales was escorted in.

"This is a human infected with the crystal dragon gene. You can see that his body is covered with scales."

Picking up the hammer, Soma tapped the scales lightly, making a crisp sound of gold and iron.

It was much better than the panic they imagined. When most of the researchers present saw this divine guard, their eyes only panicked slightly and then returned to calm.

It can be seen that even in the safest hinterland of Tianyuan Territory, under Zhang Chong's deliberate guidance, even intern researchers are not flowers in the greenhouse.

"Our water sword is invincible when encountering normal matter. As long as the energy inside can be maintained without escaping, it will last for a very long time."

"But when you encounter alien races and the abilities derived from them, the energy of the water sword will be consumed quickly, in exchange for"


In front of everyone, Soma swung his water sword and slashed hard on the scales of the divine guard.


A sharp sound came out.

The moment the water sword touched the scales, it seemed to be absorbed into it, becoming shorter and shorter.

But at the same time, the scales on the divine guard's body were also disappearing rapidly.

By the time the water sword was completely gone, the scales on his lower body had completely disappeared and he had returned to his thin human form.

"My power. My power"

"Damn devil, you stole my power and the Lord will not let you go."

Under the unimaginable pain, Shenwei woke up from his coma.

He roared in pain and struggled, trying to escape from the chains.

But unfortunately, he couldn't break free from the thigh-thick metal chain before being struck by the water sword, let alone being struck by a sword just now.

"Okay, let's carry it away."

I saw a trace of doubt in most people's eyes.

Sumo waved his hand with satisfaction and signaled the four guards to carry away the roaring evolver on the ground.

"Okay, now it's still you and the same question as before."

"What is the power of the ocean? You must already have the answer in your mind, right?"

Pointing at the researcher who just asked the question, Sumo made a gesture of invitation.

The other party stood up and said thoughtfully: "Teacher Su, you don't mean to say that this power of the ocean is the power in the alien race, and is it the source of their strange abilities?"

"The answer is correct, but not all of it." Instructing the other party to sit down, Sumo smiled slightly and continued:

"As long as it is a living thing, its activities require energy consumption. Whether it is us, aliens, or those tireless zombies, all living things cannot avoid this process."

"But the difference is that there is a kind of power that we humans cannot possess, but aliens can possess it, and erupt it in different ways, creating effects that we see that look like magic."

"This kind of power, I call it divine power."

Turning around, Somo wrote two large characters "divine power" on the blank blackboard, indicating the theme of the first lesson.

"I know what everyone thinks of when they see these two words, but what I want to say is that this is a very wonderful power, and it is not as mysterious as we think."

Pick up and put down the Buddhist beads, yellow talismans, and objects symbolizing the power of original faith on the table in turn.

"The power of the ocean is just one type of divine power, and everyone must have guessed its origin."

"That's right, it was my research on fish-men that I discovered, and finally summarized them into what you see today."

Regarding the real reason for the origin of divine power, as well as matters such as authority, Soma had no intention of telling him.

Anyway, no one knows the truth now. No matter how he makes up the story, as long as he can justify it.

Once again twisting thirty units of ocean power, Somo muttered silently.

Tiny water balls flew out one after another, gently touching the eyes of everyone in the auditorium.

"Now, you should be able to see the power of the ocean floating in the sky!"

"Can you see it?!" Zhang Bowen, who was sitting in the middle, was startled and quickly looked around. Only then did he notice with shock.

Unexpectedly, from unknown time on, there were blue light clusters like swimming fish floating in the air.

As Soma waved on the podium, these water masses either lined up or dispersed.

He is like a general, directing the power of the ocean to make any response.

"The discovery of a new substance represents another step forward for our human's technological upper limit."

"In the past, we couldn't see or touch it, so naturally we couldn't pursue it."

"Now, I can tell you for sure that the power of the ocean is the easiest to approach among the special powers we can come into contact with."

"Of course, what we want is not worship, nor belief, nor is it obsessed with it like a divine court."

"In the final analysis, it is just a substance, a substance that can be manipulated by us humans!"

Every sentence, every word rings.

The power of the ocean at Soma's fingertips will change and bloom into countless graceful shapes.

"In the next hour, I will try my best to show you my research on the power of the ocean."

"I don't know if this is the last time, but I hope you can gain something."

Facing pairs of eyes full of curiosity, after the last words fell, no one refuted.

Sumo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It is undoubtedly a risky act to directly bring this kind of power that is completely contrary to normal matter to the table.

There is no time verification, no complete experimental data, and no practical supervision.

Sumo could not guarantee that someone would go astray during the exploration process, resulting in a series of absurd changes.

But it is a pity that his time to stay is really short.

There is no more time for him to study the power of the ocean and further improve the theoretical knowledge and guidance about divine power.

Everything must ultimately be completed by the Academy of Sciences, which now has more than 10,000 members.

As for what kind of result can be achieved in the end, whether it can be the same as he imagined, a perfect combination of scientific theory and divine power, thus finding a third way to balance both.

This is an unknown quantity. Even if Sumo studies it himself, there is no guarantee of the result.

Time passed by in a hurry. First, all the spells of the fishmen were displayed, and then the ideas for improving the spells were roughly explained.

By the time all this was done, the one-hour explanation time had long passed.

Then, when it came to the question and answer time, we continued to discuss and answer hundreds of students’ questions in different directions, as well as the guesses and attempts of different deans.

Even Sumo himself felt that he had gained a lot after class.

And this is the biggest reason why human beings can rapidly advance technology and leap to the level of life.

Free thoughts.

It is an existence that foreigners cannot understand at all.

There is no bondage of belief in gods, and there is no need to be full of strange symbolic reverence for matter.

Moreover, to put it bluntly, divine power is just a new kind of power, and it is not fundamentally different from the previously discovered forces such as electricity, elasticity, gravity, friction, etc.

This has resulted in humans being able to accept divine power at an extremely high level and at an extremely fast speed, which is far beyond the process of an ordinary alien knowing power, acquiring power, and using power.

"Okay, it's getting late. I can still answer the last three questions."

Pointing to seven o'clock in the evening shown on the clock next to him, Sumo smiled and patted the table, interrupting the lively discussion in the audience.

"Come on, you are the first one."

Pointing at the researcher who was active before, Sumo shook his neck: "I still don't know your name?"

"Teacher Su, my surname is Fang, and my given name is Fang Shuci."

The young man who was called out looked excited. After saying his name first, he quickly seized the opportunity and asked: "You just told us the nature and use of this substance today. How did you obtain this power? What else do you want?"

Didn’t you say anything?”

"This is a simple question. I think Dean Zhang can answer it."

Being stared at by Su Mo, Zhang Chong stood up from his meditation: "If you want to obtain the power of the ocean, you must first inject the ocean cell evolution agent. From today on, anyone who is willing to study this aspect can come to me to apply for injection.


"Of course, not everyone can pass. The hospital will fully evaluate your qualifications and physical conditions, and the quota will be gradually opened according to the progress of the research."

"Dean Su, how about you ask me the second question?"

"Okay." Sumo nodded.

"If you were asked to give a proportion of research, what proportion do you think technology should account for, and what proportion should research on divine power account for?"

As soon as the expert opens his mouth, he will know whether it is there or not.

Zhang Chong's question made everyone focus again in an instant.

Unlike the stable modern society, time in the wasteland is very precious, and every minute and every second has a mission.

Taking the ten-year period as an example, if the disaster cannot be stopped, humans must make certain trade-offs between technology and divine power.

"Technology and divine power. The proportion between them."

"I think it should be June 4th, or even a little more, July 3rd."

"It is not a force that allows us to see results quickly. More often, its meaning is to loosen our previous bottlenecks and create a chain reaction." In meditation, Sumo gave his thoughts.


Every breakthrough in technology can immediately bring about qualitative changes in life.

But divine power is not good. It requires a long period of accumulation to be effective.

Perhaps in one year in the wasteland, humans can adjust the research ratio to 28, or even 19.

But in the current nine-year wasteland, before human survival can be solved, technology will still be the main focus for the time being.

"The third question is for you, Zhang Bowen, to ask."

Seeing Zhang Bowen in the center of the crowd with sharp eyes, Su Mo chuckled and pointed.

The latter stood up honestly: "Teacher Su, I would like to ask if we have the means to counter the alien gods once we have a large amount of ocean power?"

"Huh? That's the question."

He didn't expect Zhang Bowen to ask such a pointed question. Su Mo was stunned for a moment.

After a long while, he sighed and said leisurely:

"I thought about the original intention of power offset a long time ago. Later I figured out that it is not actually for offense, but a defensive method, a defensive method that will hurt both the gods and the gods. The biggest significance is to make them fear us.

, let them know the price they need to pay for war with us."

"So I deduced the countermeasures. Divine power alone is not enough. We not only need to develop better ways to use it, but also ways to use other attributes of divine power."

"So, I hand over this crucial task to you."

Somo gently grasped his left hand, and the power of the ocean in the air exploded, scattering like fireworks and flying high into the sky above the auditorium.

The wind and rain outside have gradually stopped, leaving only the sound of the waves.

"You carry the future on your shoulders."

Soma opened his arms.

"As long as we can go to their world and use the offensive methods we have developed, we will completely threaten their existence."

"At that time, we will finally return to our homeland as winners!"

This chapter has been completed!
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