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Chapter 847 Divine power nourishes, the rice matures!

Along the eastern outskirts of Baoyu County, there is a complex depression with undulating terrain.

Logically speaking, this place should have been repaired the last time the terraforming card was used.

However, due to Wan Jingnian's strong request, Sumo not only did not make any changes to the terrain, but even deliberately raised the complexity to another level.

Today, the depression has become a secret plant cultivation base, where a large number of medicinal materials and the most important sacred blood rice are planted.

When Sumo reached the outskirts far away, he saw four secret sentries hiding in the woods coming out.

"County Magistrate Su, you are here."

"As usual, we still have to verify your identity." The tall man stepped forward and kept a certain distance astutely.

"It doesn't matter." Sumo nodded slightly, took out his exclusive ID card from his pocket and handed it over.

The card machine swipes.


As the identity verification success message popped up, the four secret sentries nodded respectfully and quietly stepped back.

Entering along the crooked path they gave way to, they soon entered the outskirts of the depression.

Finding a slightly higher terrain, Somo stood up with his hands behind his hands and looked down.

Compared with the desolate scene last time, looking around now, the mountains and plains are filled with all kinds of precious medicinal materials that are growing extremely well.

Most of them were unique to the wasteland that he had never seen or heard of before, and they had magical effects.

However, at this time, coupled with the illustrated medicinal materials borrowed from Wan Jingnian, Sumo scanned them one by one, but he couldn't help but feel extremely happy in his heart.

These mature medicinal materials are subject to game restrictions and he cannot take them away directly.

But he has firmly remembered the birthplace and cultivation method of each medicinal plant in his mind.

As long as you return to the wasteland for a year and gather a group of people to collect at the coordinate points, you can quickly collect most of the categories in the illustrated book.

"This time, eight years later, it is also a major gain to be able to discover these talents who will shine in history in advance."

"Wan Jingnian was able to achieve such achievements without my special cultivation. With my help, I believe his achievements will soon surpass his current achievements."

After half a year of traveling, Sumo also realized that he had discovered many talents with potential.

Looking through their past stories, he found that what more than 90% of people lacked was not the so-called luck and hard work, but only opportunities.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist.

Many people encounter various setbacks when they are at their peak, lose the opportunity to forge ahead, and miss the chance to show off their talents.

Sumo fully believed that as long as he could discover these people in advance and give them a perfect performance stage.

Regardless of whether they succeed in the end, the achievements they can achieve will definitely be much higher than they are now.

"County Magistrate Su, you are here!" Wan Jingnian's slightly excited voice came from a distance.

When Sumo came back to his senses, he was shocked to find that Wan Jingnian, who had a hunched body like a little old man, had become much worse than before.

It was obvious that the research on the divine blood rice for more than half a year had consumed too much of his energy.

Coupled with the failure of the previous planting, Wan Jingnian probably suffered a huge blow.

It is only now that there has been a sudden breakthrough that makes him not look so lifeless.

"Lao Wan, it's been a long time since I last saw you. Your medicine garden is growing so well!"


Somo clapped his hands and applauded from the bottom of his heart.

In exchange, Wan Jingnian scratched his head in embarrassment: "Where are you, County Magistrate Su? I have been cultivating the medicine garden for almost ten years. If there are any other problems, I will really be unworthy of trusting the territory for such a long time."

and cultivated.”

"Hey, are you still so humble?" Sumo's face became more appreciative: "Where's Rice? I heard that you have made a breakthrough?"

"Yes, the second crop of divine blood rice is finally making progress!"

Speaking of this, Wan Jingnian was so excited that he pulled everyone inside.

Soon, they passed through the No. 1 depression and came to the second, smaller and more hidden No. 2 depression at the rear.

Here, there is only one kind of plant cultivated.

Astonishingly, it was the super-large "Sacred Blood Rice" that was over two meters tall!

"Previously, the sacred blood rice started to wither when it was just over one meter old at most. At first, I thought there was something wrong with the land. I searched all over the books on plant research, but I couldn't find a suitable solution."

"But I didn't expect that there is still a big problem with the blood used to water the rice. Ordinary blood cannot maintain the nutrients the plants need after they grow. In order to grow, these rice plants often inhale too much at one time, causing a serious increase in circulatory burden."

"Just like too much rain will spoil the rice, we must find a high-quality blood so that it can obtain maximum nutrition in the right range." Wan Jingnian added as he walked.

"Uncle Wan, could it be that you found the right blood this time?" Sun Quan walked to a plant and touched the stem as thick as a forearm and asked curiously.

The last time he came here to visit the Divine Blood Rice, the entire No. 2 Depression was filled with blood.

Under each rice plant, the unabsorbed blood can almost cover the ground, which looks a bit eerie.

But when they walked into this depression just now, everyone could only smell the faint smell of blood.

At this time, go in and out and look under each rice plant. You need to look carefully to see some red and black blood that has not been completely absorbed.

"Yes, the key growth factor of sacred blood rice is the selection of blood. As long as you find the right blood, subsequent planting will be more worry-free than ordinary rice," Wan Jingnian replied.

He glanced at Sumo and said: "We tested a total of 335 types of blood before, and only three met the requirements. However, the quantity was completely unable to meet the supply, and it could only be used as a backup. But this time, we

The category I found is inexhaustible."

"Inexhaustible?" Sumo was slightly curious: "What kind of blood is it that can meet the demand for rice and supply such a large amount?"

"County Magistrate Su, you will find out if you come with me and take a look."

Wan Jingnian did not choose to lie.

He took the lead to walk to the back of Depression No. 2, and led everyone over a hill to a hastily built building complex.

This was Wan Jingnian's temporary residence, with only two brick houses.

But now I don’t know what happened, but it has been expanded several times in size, especially the structure of the three brick buildings on the left, which vaguely look like a place where people live, more like.


"Wait a minute, that's not the blood you're talking about." Sumo's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed the source of the blood.

Putting aside the blood that has been tested before and cannot be used, the blood that can have the attribute of inexhaustible use in the current environment

"County Magistrate Su, you are right, the blood used to water the divine blood rice is taken from those evolvers of the divine court!"

Wan Jingnian stepped forward, opened the door of the house, and revealed the true appearance inside.

The middle of the three brick buildings has been opened, and inside are small rooms separated by transparent glass.

The small rooms are not large in size, only about ten square meters each, and there are twenty-eight in total.

Seeing everyone walking in at this time, the divine evolvers in the first few rooms looked up feebly and did not react violently.

Only the evolvers in the back rooms suddenly became excited.

"Save me, save us, he... he is definitely a devil, imprisoning us to draw blood and suck our blood every day!"

"You are all a group of demons. You will have your retribution. You will all go to hell after death!"

"Whoever saves me, I will tell him a big secret, a secret that can be used to receive sky-high rewards from the higher-ups of the Divine Court!"

"Damn it, you all deserve to die."

Seeing Somo coming over, several evolvers excitedly beat the tempered glass and roared unwillingly.

They used to be low-level executives on the main side of Shenting, with hundreds of slaves under their command. Their lives would be as moist as possible.

Unexpectedly, after being captured by the Tianyuan Territory a few days ago, not only did his treatment plummet, but now he was reduced to the other party's blood slave.

He has enjoyed a luxurious life in the wasteland, held immense power, and controlled the lives and deaths of too many people.

They don't want to die, let alone be squeezed dry to death.

So when they saw a stranger coming in, these people seemed to have grasped hope and struggled violently.

"Do they eat these things every day?" Sumo asked calmly after glancing around the room.

The interior structure of the glass room is very simple, including a commode, a small steel frame bed, and two food and water basins.

The water added to the basin is naturally ordinary water.

But in the food bowl, there was some very strange rotten meat, and the outside seemed to have been eaten away by mold.

According to the speed at which ordinary people's blood volume recovers after donating blood, just such a small number of people can eat this kind of food.

Can it be inexhaustible?

"County Magistrate Su, please don't underestimate this thing. This is not moldy meat, but a tonic that I carefully prepared. The surface of the meat is stained with dragon's blood grass powder and some specially prepared small amounts of it."


"The blood in the bodies of these evolved people is completely different from that of us humans. After losing blood, they do not rely on bone marrow to produce blood."

"How to say"

When it comes to plants, Wan Jingnian is an expert in an absolute sense. Even researchers in the Academy of Sciences are not as professional as him.

But when it comes to biology, he is just a layman.

However, Wan Jingnian was smart and couldn't explain clearly. He simply pressed the anesthesia spray switch on the glass room and quickly anesthetized one of them.

Then he opened the glass room again and took out a large syringe under the horrified and helpless eyes of the other party.

Gulu gulu.

Black-red blood flows out of the blood vessels and slowly enters the thick needle tube.

Having their blood sucked, these evolved people did not feel any physical pain, but instead felt strangely comfortable.

They closed their eyes slightly, as if their entire consciousness had been taken out by the blood and evacuated.

And when Wan Jingnian finished drawing blood from a needle as thick as his arm, he closed the door of the glass room again.


As the effect of the anesthetic spray wore off, the evolver suddenly jumped up from the bed and lay down in front of the food bowl like a wild beast, biting into the rotten meat.

After a while, the rotten meat in the basin bottomed out.

The evolver's pale face began to turn rosy with the intake of food.

But this speed is completely beyond the normal recovery speed of a normal person after losing a lot of blood. The abnormality is very obvious.

"They can directly absorb energy from food and convert it into blood, which is completely different from us normal people."

"And according to my tests, as the dosage of excipients I added increased, they recovered faster!"

"Are they infected with the Yuanzhu gene?" Sumo asked again.

"Yes, only those who evolved the Yuanzhu gene can produce unlimited blood, and other infected people cannot." Wan Jingnian replied respectfully.

As the questions and answers came, the voices of the first few people shouting for help also became weaker.

Especially after they discovered that the person who came in and the person who drew blood every day were not hostile, but rather accomplices.

Fear will spread.

Desperation will naturally follow.

"Let's go out and talk."

When the thoughts are clarified, Soma seems to have some enlightenment.

Now it seems that the divine blood rice needs not the real blood of the gods, but the blood stained with divine power.

The method of directly using human blood to water the divine blood rice is only useful in this ruined world.

Going to the outside world, he would not be so extreme as to take out the blood plague virus containing Yuanzhu genes and forcibly infect a group of people for use.


"Lao Wan, are there any plants that you haven't eaten today?"

After returning to the sacred blood rice field, Sumo thought for a while and finally decided to give it a try.

"Yes, County Magistrate Su, do you want to see the results of the blood watering just now?"

"No, I want to try to see if I can use my blood to water these plants."

"Yours?" Wan Jingnian was stunned, with a strange expression on his face.

"County Magistrate Su, please don't be stupid. The sacred blood rice plants are gone. We can still plant them again. There are still many seeds."

"If you have a problem, I, Wan, can't afford it." Wan Jingnian repeatedly tried to dissuade him.

Sun Quan next to him was also startled: "Brother Su, if you want to try, let me do it. I have a lot of blood and it makes me dizzy every day."

"Yes, County Magistrate Su, I will do the bloodletting as well." The guard from the Heavenly Sword Regiment who drove over also advised him.

No matter how great the impact of the divine blood rice will be.

In their hearts, they can never be compared with the man in front of them.

It is precisely because of his existence that today's Tianyuan Territory can firmly become the last hope for the remaining mankind.

What if Sumo had an accident?

Sun Quan shuddered, as if he had thought of the angry scene of millions of people in the entire territory.

"It's okay, I'm just giving it a try. I'm not going to supply this rice in the future." Sumo waved his hand and walked in the direction he pointed, regardless of the obstruction of these people.

Seeing that he insisted on doing this, several people looked at each other and had no choice but to follow him.

"County Magistrate Su, we have agreed, the maximum is 100cc."

Taking out a syringe that was only one-twentieth the size of the previous one, Wan Jingnian still hesitated before drawing blood.

It was not until Somo urged him repeatedly that he found the blood vessel and began to slowly suck blood.

Compared to those evolvers infected with Yuanzhu genes, the foul-smelling black blood extracted from their bodies.

The blood flowing out of Soma's blood vessels at this time was also somewhat abnormal, but it looked much more comfortable. It was a dreamy dark blue blood.

The blood flows into the needle, and there seems to be light spots flashing inside.

"Pour it and let me see the effect."

Pressing the blood vessel with a cotton swab, Somo stood back and stared at the plant.

He specifically used his authority to add a unit of ocean power to the blood he just drew out.

Judging from the fact that those evolvers with only a meager amount of divine power in their blood can have such obvious stimulation to the divine blood rice.

If the divine power really stimulates the rice, the effect should be more obvious.

"Okay!" Wan Jingnian nodded, gently pushed the needle, and the blood flowed down the stem.

I don't know if it was because the blood volume was too low or if something else happened.

The needle in Wan Jingnian's hand had just been pushed out, but the stem had already perfectly absorbed the dripping blood.

"Hey, you've finished eating?"

"This is the first time I've seen this phenomenon, it seems."

From the outside, the plant has not changed significantly, it is just shaking slightly.

But for some reason, Wan Jingnian felt for the first time that the sacred blood rice in front of him seemed to exude a joyful emotion.

It was as if the fresh blood had made him find the only happiness in his life, and he couldn't help but sing loudly.

Do plants also have emotions?

Wan Jingnian looked even more confused when this strange question came up.

But before he could ask any more questions, the plant in front of him suddenly began to tremble violently.

two meters

Two meters two.

Two and a half meters.

In less than half a minute, everyone looked in shock.

This plant, which was only a little over two meters tall before, actually grew to over three meters tall before slowly stopping.

Moreover, on its head, there were dark red rice ears that had never been seen before, and they were hanging down in curves.

Along with the irresistible fragrance, Wan Jingnian licked his lips and sat down on the ground:

"Oh my god, this is...is it entering the maturity stage early?"

"How is this possible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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